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6th Central Pay Commission (CPC) – Orders/Circulars

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Anomaly Committee * Leave Rules-Related Circulars/Orders * LTC Rules-Related Circulars/Orders * Pay Rules-Related Circulars/Orders * Pension-Related Circulars/Orders * Recruitment/Appointment-Related Circulars/Orders (New) * Retention of telephone facility at the last station of posting * TA Rules-Related Circulars/Orders * Other Circulars/Orders/Notifications and 6th CPC Report

Anomaly Committee

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.10.2015 - Record Note of the 5th Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee (NAC) held on 29th May, 2015 and 9th June, .2015 (420.0 KiB, 2,185 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012 (802.0 KiB, 2,034 hits)

Leave Rules-Related Circulars/Orders

More: Leave Rules and Circulars/Orders/Notifications 

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.01.2016 - Child Care Leave (CCL) in respect of Central Govt. employees as a result of 6th Pay Commission recommendations-Clarification-regarding (51.1 KiB, 3,170 hits)

  Letter dated 21.02.2011 - Acceptance of recommendations of the 6th CPC relating to introduction of Child Care Leave (189.7 KiB, 1,727 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.09.2010 - Child Care Leave in respect of Central Govt. employees as a result of 6th Pay Commission recommendations - Clarification regarding (53.0 KiB, 1,495 hits)

  O.M. dated 3.3.2010 - Sixth Pay Commission - Child Care Leave Waiving of age restriction of 18 years for Govt. servant having mentally challenged, disabled children (149.5 KiB, 1,944 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.11.2009-Recommendations of 6th Pay Commission-Encashment of Leave (76.9 KiB, 1,720 hits)

  Letter dated 20.8.2009-Enhancement to Child Adoption Leave to 180 days and extension of Paternity Leave (175.6 KiB, 1,543 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.7.2009-Enhancement of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers (78.6 KiB, 1,265 hits)

  O.M. dated 2.12.2008 - Child Care Leave-Clarification regarding (82.3 KiB, 1,598 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.11.2008 - Special Casual Leave to Central Govt. employees with disabilities (63.8 KiB, 2,380 hits)

  O.M. dated 18.11.2008-Child Care Leave in respect of Central Government employees as a result of 6th CPC-Clarification regarding (91.8 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.11.2008-Implementation of the recommendations of 6th CPC regarding half-pay lave facilities to Teachers, Principals, HMs, Librarians, Lab Asstts. & Watermen in Schools (73.9 KiB, 1,349 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.09.2008-Grant of Child Care Leave ito women Government employees - Clarification regarding (90.5 KiB, 1,467 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.09.2008-Recommnendations of 6th CPC relating to encashment of leave in respect of Central Govt. civilian employees (87.1 KiB, 1,729 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.09.2008-Recommnendations of 6th CPC relating to eligibility for encashment of leave (76.8 KiB, 1,231 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.9.2008 - Enhancement of maternity leave and Child Care Leave (270.0 KiB, 2,011 hits)

LTC Rules-Related Circulars/Orders

More: LTC – Orders/Circulars 

  DOPT O.M. dated 23.9.2008 - LTC Rules - Regarding (1.4 MiB, 4,268 hits)

Pay Rules-Related Circulars/Orders More: Pay/Allowances – Circulars/Orders/Instructions 

  O.M. dated 02.04.2013 - Allowances and special facilities to Central Govt. employees serving in NER and UTs of A&N, Lakshadweep-Extension of benefits of TA in Ladakh region (59.7 KiB, 3,072 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.06.2010 - Extension of Risk Allowance up to 30.9.2010 (51.4 KiB, 1,049 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.06.2010 - Non-Functional Upgradation for officers of organised Group A Services in PB-3 and PB-4 (42.3 KiB, 1,387 hits)

  Notification dated 16.7.2009 - Amendment to CCS (Revised Pay) Rules (1.4 MiB, 1,484 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2009 -Grant of Variable Increment to high performers in the Pay Band 3-recommendation of the 6th CPC (38.2 KiB, 910 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.12.2008 - IAS Pay 2nd Admendment Rules-Clarifications (172.1 KiB, 914 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.10.2008 - Pay Revision of employees of Quasi-Govt., Auto. Organizations & Statutory Bodies, etc. set up by funded or control by Central Govt. (74.6 KiB, 1,094 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.10.2008 - Fixation of pay in pay bands where posts have been upgraded as a result of Pay Commission-Clarification regarding (83.4 KiB, 2,090 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.10.2008 - Pay Revision of employees of Quasi-Govt., Auto. Organizations & Statutory Bodies, etc. set up by funded or control by Central Govt. (97.0 KiB, 910 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.09.2008 - Pay Revision of employees of Quasi-Govt., Auto. Organizations & Statutory Bodies, etc. set up by and funded or control by Central Govt.-Guidelines regarding (641.3 KiB, 1,174 hits)

  DOPT Notification dated 27.9.2008 - IFS (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2008 (1.0 MiB, 960 hits)

  DOPT Notification dated 27.9.2008 - IPS (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2008 (1.0 MiB, 930 hits)

  DOPT letter dated 20.9.2008 - Amendment to IAS (Pay) Rules (1.1 MiB, 953 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.9.2008 - Applicability of Revised Group D pay scales to Casual Labourers with temporary status (232.4 KiB, 1,011 hits)

  Notification dated 4.9.2008 - Railways Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 (2.6 MiB, 1,133 hits)

  O.M. dated 3.9.2008 - Allowance and Spl. Pay on appointment as US, DS and Director under CS Scheme (312.1 KiB, 1,144 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.8.2008 - Fixation of pay and payment of arrears (1.4 MiB, 1,963 hits)

  Notification dated 29.8.2008-CCS (Revised Pay), Rules, 2008 (3.5 MiB, 1,583 hits)

Pension-Related Circulars/Orders

More: Pension Rules – Circulars/Orders/Instructions 

  O.M. dated 27.5.2009 - Revision of one-third commuted portion of pension-absorption in PSUs or autonomous bodies - 6th Pay Commission (56.1 KiB, 952 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.5.2009 - Pre-2006 pensioner or family pensioners-Clarification regarding (107.3 KiB, 985 hits)

  O.M. dated 18.5.2009 - 6th Pay Commission-Revision of pension for pensioners and family pensioners (52.2 KiB, 981 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.10.2008 - Pre-2006 pensioners-family pensioners-disbursement of pension by the public sector Bank within a week (243.8 KiB, 1,045 hits)

  O.M. dated 3.10.2008 - Clarifications on the O.M. dated 2.9.2008 (114.6 KiB, 991 hits)

  Letter dated 26.9.2008 - Revision of pension-gratuity-commutation of pension and ex-gratia lumpsum compensation-AIS Officers (689.1 KiB, 980 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.9.2008 - Revision of one-third portion of pension for those who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in CPSUs-Autonomous Bodies (67.2 KiB, 803 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.9.2008 - Pay Commission-Dearness Relief to pensioners or family pensioners-revised rates from 1.1.2006.. ..1.7.2008 (89.1 KiB, 854 hits)

  Letter dated 8.9.2008 - Pre - 2006 pensioners-family pensioners etc (58.2 KiB, 968 hits)

  Post - 2006 Pensioners (442.6 KiB, 904 hits)

Recruitment/Appointment-Related Circulars/Orders (New)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.06.2014-Recommendations of 6th CPC in para 6.1.13 regarding lateral entry against identified SAG/HAG posts requiring tech./specialized knowledge (715.3 KiB, 2,511 hits)

Retention of telephone facility at the last station of posting

  O.M. dated 24.04.2014 - Extension of the benefit related to retention of telephone facility at the last station of posting to civil employees posted in Ladakh region of J&K - 6th CPC (747.3 KiB, 2,854 hits)

TA Rules-Related Circulars/Orders

More: TA Rules/Domestic Travel – Circulars/Orders/Instructions 

  O.M. dated 11.06.2010 - TA Rules - Implementation of the recommendations of the 6th CPC (50.9 KiB, 1,768 hits)

  MOF O.M. dated 08.06.2010 - Travelling Allowance Rules - Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth CPC (53.2 KiB, 1,952 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.1.2009 - TA Rules-6th Pay Commission (38.9 KiB, 1,671 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.10.2008 - Admissibility for reimbursement for travel within the city (71.9 KiB, 1,585 hits)

  MOF O.M. dated 23.9.2008 - Revision of Conveyance Allowance (252.1 KiB, 1,437 hits)

  MOF O.M. dated 23.9.2008 - TA Rules (629.5 KiB, 1,925 hits)

Other Circulars/Orders/Notifications and 6th CPC Report 

  O.M. dated 08.07.2011 - Sixth Central Pay Commission's recommendations - amendment of Service Rules - Regarding (41.4 KiB, 1,565 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2011 - Amendment to RRs for scientific posts as per Modified FCS based on 6th CPC recommendations (135.4 KiB, 2,063 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.03.2011 - Decision on the recommendations of 6th CPC relating to re-classification of cities or towns for grant of HRA (60.5 KiB, 2,187 hits)

  O.M. dated 01.07.2010 - Extension in the tenure of National Anomaly Committee (18.6 KiB, 700 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.3.2010 - 6th Central Pay Commission's recommendations - revision of pay scales - amendment of Service Rules and Recruitment Rules (42.0 KiB, 1,145 hits)

  O.M. dated 18.11.2009 - Revised pay structure of the common category postss of Pharmacists Cadre (660.6 KiB, 1,004 hits)

  O.M. dated 18.11.2009 - Revision of pay of Chairpersons and Members of Regulatory Bodies-6th Pay Commission recommendations (82.7 KiB, 820 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.11.2009 - Recommendations of 6th Pay Commission-Encashment of Leave (459.0 KiB, 986 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.11.2009 - Revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4600 in pay band-2-Clarification (884.7 KiB, 1,435 hits)

  O.M. dated 27.8.2009 - Payment of 2nd install. of arrears to employees of autonomous, statutory bodies, etc.-6th Pay Commission (372.3 KiB, 863 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.8.2009 - Payment of 2nd install. of arrears-6th Pay Commission (27.9 KiB, 849 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.7.2009 - Sixth Pay Commission-Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners (57.9 KiB, 967 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.5.2009 - Pay revision of employees of Quasi-Government, Autonomous and Statutory Bodies-Clarification regarding (638.2 KiB, 1,139 hits)

  O.M. dated 8.5.2009 - Delegation for hiring residential accommodation for Chief Executives of Autonomous Bodies (103.1 KiB, 969 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.3.2009 - HRA for serving in NER including A&N and Lakshadweep islands (905.0 KiB, 1,063 hits)

  O.M. dated 3.3.2009 - Honorarium for guest faculty (92.9 KiB, 5,353 hits)

  O.M. dated 9.2.2009 - Fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure of Medical Officer in pay band PB-4 (107.5 KiB, 940 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.1.2009 - Anomaly Committee-6th Pay Commission (109.9 KiB, 1,048 hits)

  Letter dated 10.1.2009 - Pay Commision-HRA and CCA to AIS Officers (249.6 KiB, 927 hits)

  O.M. dated 7.1.2009 - Reclassification of cities, towns for grant of HRA (24.1 KiB, 880 hits)

  O.M. dated 2.1.2009 - HRA for serving in NER including A&N and Lakshadweep (35.8 KiB, 1,151 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.12.2008 - Pay fixation of existing Gr. D employees-Clarifications (100.9 KiB, 1,999 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.11.2008 - Revision of pay of the Chairpersons-Members of Regulatory Authorities-Bodies (79.5 KiB, 799 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.10.2008 - Clarifications on the O.M. dated 30.9.2008 regarding employees of Quasi-Govt., Autonomous, Statutory Bodies (74.6 KiB, 992 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.10.2008 - Fixation of pay-upgraded posts (135.0 KiB, 1,377 hits)

  O.M. dated 7.10.2008 - Pay revision for Quasi-Govt., Autonomous and Statutory Organisations set up & controlled by Central Govt (97.0 KiB, 1,071 hits)

  MOF O.M. dated 30.9.2008 - Pay revision of employees of Autonomous-Statutory Bodies, etc (848.3 KiB, 890 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 29.9.2008 - Fixation of pay and payment of arrears-AIS Officers (945.3 KiB, 1,002 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 25.9.2008 - Encashment of leave-Eligibility (286.6 KiB, 925 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 25.9.2008 - Encashment of leave-Central Govt. civilian employees (296.8 KiB, 905 hits)

  MOF O.M. dated 22.9.2008 - Caretaking Allowance to the Caretakers (293.0 KiB, 1,661 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.9.2008 - Washing allowance to common categories of Group C and D employees (252.2 KiB, 1,100 hits)

  Letter dated 9.9.2008 - Revised rates of DA-6th Pay Commission (106.1 KiB, 895 hits)

  DOPT letter dated 8.9.2008 - Children Education Assistance and Reimbursement of Tuition Fee-AIS Officers (31.6 KiB, 966 hits)

  O.M. dated 5.9.2008 - Revised Training Allowance and Sumptuary Allowance (777.8 KiB, 909 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 3.9.2008 - Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance - Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission (38.1 KiB, 1,119 hits)

  O.M. dated 2.9.2008 - Children Education Assistance and Tuition Fee (316.0 KiB, 988 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.8.2008 - Fixation of pay and payment of arrears (1.4 MiB, 1,963 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.8.2008 - Island Special (Duty) Allowance for civilian employees serving in A&N and Lakshadweep Islands (93.9 KiB, 891 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.8.2008 - Grant of DA (1.4 MiB, 1,419 hits)

  Notification dated 29.8.2008 on the 6th Central Pay Commission (5.7 MiB, 1,691 hits)

  Report of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Highlights (unknown, 1,454 hits)

  Report of the Sixth Central Pay Commission (unknown, 2,452 hits)

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