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CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): Government Orders, Guidelines

Govt. of India – Ministry of Home Affairs/Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Delhi Govt. Orders/Guidelines

New National Helpline Numbers for Queries on Coronavirus

Government’s Helpline Email ID for corona-virus : cov2019[at]gov[dot]in

COVID-19 Information
(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)

I.  Government’s Vaccination Guidelines
II. Govt. of NCT of Delhi’s Orders regarding Migrant Workers/Curfew/Weekend Curfew/Night Curfew in Delhi
III. Govt. of India – Ministry of Home Affairs/Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Orders/Guidelines/SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) & Other Govt. Orders

I. Government’s Vaccination Guidelines

Citizens can register by logging in www.cowin.gov.in.


  Revised Guidelines for implementation of National COVID Vaccination Program, 08.06.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (327.9 KiB, 283 hits)

  SOPs on Administration of 2n Dose of Covishield Vaccine Prior to Prescribed Time Interval (after 28 days but before 84 days) to persons to undertake international travel, 7.6.2021(As on MoHFW website) (42.3 KiB, 226 hits)

  Guidance for Near to Home Covid Vaccination Centres for Elderly and Differently Abled Citizens (As on MoHFW website - 27.05.2021) (577.0 KiB, 260 hits)

  COVID-19 Vaccination of Persons without prescribed Identity Cards through CoWIN (As on MoHFW website-06.05.2021) (36.1 KiB, 227 hits)

  Citizen Registration and Appointment for Vaccination - User Manual, Dated 27 Feb 2021 (as on MoHFW website-01.03.2021) (821.0 KiB, 251 hits)

II. Govt. of NCT of Delhi’s Orders regarding Curfew/Weekend Curfew/Night Curfew in Delhi and other Orders

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  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 14.01.2022 - Exemption to the persons with disabilities and pregnant women employees from attending the office during curfew period (566.9 KiB, 202 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 13.01.2022 - Permission to Devotees to visit TTD Balaji Mandir, Udhyan Marg, Goal Market, New Delhi on occasion of Vaikunta Ekadasi to be held on 13.01.2022 (405.5 KiB, 175 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 13.01.2022 - Inclusion of the offices of Chartered Accountants and Income Tax Practitioners under 'Exempted category' (434.5 KiB, 187 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 12.01.2022 - clarification regarding validity of e-passes (534.2 KiB, 177 hits)

  FAQs with regard to DDMA order No. 509 dated 11.01.2022 (17.2 KiB, 164 hits)

  DDMA Order 509 Dated 11.01.2022 for additional Restrictions in Delhi (3.9 MiB, 244 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 07.01.2022 - Compliance of DDMA Order dt. 28.12.2021 with regard to opening of shops/establishments, malls and weekly markets (874.5 KiB, 193 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 04.01.2022 Weekend Curfew in NCT of Delhi from 10 PM of Friday till 5 AM of subsequent Monday (2.0 MiB, 221 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order of Alert (Level-1) dated 28.12.2021 (2.4 MiB, 217 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dt. 27.12.2021 reg. Night Curfew on movements of individuals (except for exemptions in para-6) from 11.00 PM to 05.00 AM till further orders (1.7 MiB, 219 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dt. 22.12.2021 regarding taking all-out measures for implementation of DDMA order no.492 dated 15.12.2021 (932.9 KiB, 194 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dt. 15.12.2021 reg. prohibited/restricted activities as in Annex A from intervening night of 15th Dec 21 and 16th Dec 21 (00.00 hrs) till intervening night of 31 Dec 21 and (2.8 MiB, 234 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 24.07.2021 - Prohibited/restricted activities in Delhi (Outside Containment Zone) as specified in 'Annexure A' enclosed, w.e.f. 5.00 AM on 26.07.2021 till 5.00 AM on 09.08.2021 (3.3 MiB, 285 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 20.06.2021 – Prohibited/restricted activities in Delhi (Outside Containment Zone) as specified in the 'Annexure A' w.e.f. 05.00 AM on 21.06.2021 till 5.00 AM on 28.06.2021 (398.8 KiB, 229 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 13.06.2021-Prohibited/restricted activities in Delhi (Outside Containment Zone) as specified in the 'Annexure A' wef 5 AM on 14.06.21 till 5 AM on 21.06.21 (679.7 KiB, 236 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 12.06.2021-Restriction imposed by with regard to persons coming from States of A.P. and Telengana to Delhi, stands withdrawn with immediate effect (483.8 KiB, 235 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 05.06.2021 regarding that all Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes & Charitable Hospitals treating COVID patients in Delhi to provide the facility of lodging & boarding to medical staff (913.1 KiB, 221 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 05.06.2021 - Extension of curfew on movement of Individuals (except for essential and permitted activities as already stipulated in previous orders in Delhi till 5 A.M. on 14.06.2021 (295.1 KiB, 212 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 29.05.2021 regarding extension of curfew on movement of Individuals (except for essential activities as already stipulated in previous orders), in Delhi till 5 A.M. on 7.6.21 (4.1 MiB, 415 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 09.05.2021 reg. extension of the curfew on movements of individuals (except for essential services as stipulated in DDMA orders dated 19-04-21 & 25-04-21) till 5.00 am on 17-05-2021 (183.2 KiB, 225 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 06.05.2021 reg. all persons arriving from AP and Telangana in NCT of Delhi by Airlines/Trains/Buses/Cars/Trucks or any other mode of transportation to undergo quarantine for 14 days (1.3 MiB, 371 hits)

  NCTD Letter dated 06.05.2021 reg. exemption to PwDs and pregnant women employees from attending the office during curfew period (873.6 KiB, 264 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 01.05.2021 reg. extension of the curfew on movement of individuals (except for essential services as stipulated in DDMA Orders dated 19 and 25.04.21) till 05.00 am on 10.05.2021 (4.5 MiB, 235 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 25.04.2021 reg. black marketing and hoarding of life saving drugs which are used for treating COVID-19 Patients (1,011.7 KiB, 290 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 25.04.2021 reg. extension of the curfew on movements of individuals (except for essential services as stipulated in DDMA order dated 19-04-21) in NCT of Delhi till 5.00 am on 3.5.2021 (816.8 KiB, 251 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 23.04.2021 reg. Empowered Group to co-ordinate with Pvt Sector, Trade & Business Assns,/Federation, etc. to ensure essential service and commodities during Curfew Period (602.6 KiB, 309 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 22.04.2021 reg. Allocation and Supply of Oxygen to all Health establishments with effect from 00.00 hrs on 23-04-2021 (1.4 MiB, 234 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 20.04.2021 regarding welfare, basic amenities/other necessities and movement of migrant workers/laborers and enforcing social distancing and Covid appropriate behavior norms (1.0 MiB, 345 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 20.04.2021 regarding constitution of a Committee to ensure welfare of daily wagers, migrant workers/laborers and Construction workers-direction of Hon'ble Delhi High Court (1.0 MiB, 306 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 19.04.2021, regarding curfew on movement of individuals in NCT of Delhi wef 10.00 pm on 19-04-2021 to 5.00 am on 26-04-2021 (Monday). (1.7 MiB, 256 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 16.04.2021 regarding any Person/Student shall be allowed for movement during the curfew to appear in examination on production of valid admit card (465.7 KiB, 296 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 15.04.2021 - Strict enforcement of COVID appropriate behaviour in Markets/Weekly Markets and Marriage/funeral related gatherings-reg. (1.1 MiB, 346 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 15.04.2021 regarding Weekend Curfew on movement of Individuals in NCT of Delhi from 10.00 pm on 16-04-2021 (Friday) to 5.00 am on 19-04-2021 (Monday) (2.9 MiB, 310 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 10.04.2021 regarding the prohibited/restricted activities in NCT of Delhi with immediate effect till 30-04-2021 or further order, whichever is earlier (1.8 MiB, 299 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 08.04.2021 regarding Modification in Night Curfew (109.9 KiB, 265 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 06.04.2021 reg. Night Curfew on Movements of individuals in Delhi with immediate effect from 10.00 P.M to 5.00 A.M, till 30-04-2021 or further order whichever is earlier (1.3 MiB, 1,790 hits)

III. Govt. of India – Ministry of Health & Family Welfare/Ministry of Home Affairs Orders/Guidelines/SOPs & Other Govt. Orders

  Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 22.12.2022 (in supersession of guidelines issued on 21.11.2022 (As on MoHFW website-23.12.2022) (421.5 KiB, 486 hits)

  List of Countries,Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be considered (as on 16.11.2022) (As on MoHFW website-21.12.22) (101.8 KiB, 445 hits)

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  MHA Order dated 25.02.2022 on COVID Containment (5.3 MiB, 208 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 25.02.2022 on COVID Containment to States (825.6 KiB, 161 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 25.02.2022 on COVID Containment to UTs (821.0 KiB, 174 hits)

  Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 10.02.2022 (in supersession of all guidelines on and after 20.01.2022) (As on MoHFW website) (434.4 KiB, 171 hits)

  List of Countries/Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be uploaded, as on 10 Feb 2022 (As on MoH&FW website) (420.2 KiB, 153 hits)

  Revised Advisory for managing Health Care Workers (HCWs) working in COVID and Non-COVID areas of Health Care Facilities, dated 9th Jan 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (360.8 KiB, 184 hits)

  Revised Discharge Policy for COVID-19, dated 09.01.2022 (As on MoHFW website) (418.7 KiB, 261 hits)

  Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 07.01.2022 (in supersession of all guidelines on and after 30.11.2021) (As on MoHFW website) (202.0 KiB, 166 hits)

  Algorithm: Guidelines for International Arrivals (Dated 7th Jan 2022) applicable from 11th Jan 2022 00.01 Hrs. (As on MoHFW website) (290.2 KiB, 172 hits)

  Revised Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 7th January 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (202.0 KiB, 214 hits)

  List of Countries to be referred to in context of 'Guidelines for international arrivals', dated 7th January 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (93.2 KiB, 157 hits)

  Algorithm for revised guidelines for international arrivals, 7th January 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (290.2 KiB, 176 hits)

  Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of mild/asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, dated 05.01.2022 (As on Min. of H&FW website) (657.3 KiB, 360 hits)

  MHA Order dated 27.12.2021 on Covid containment measures (5.0 MiB, 229 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.12.2021 to UTs on Covid containment measures (2.0 MiB, 191 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.12.2021 to States on Covid containment measures (2.1 MiB, 177 hits)

  Guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination of children between 15-18 years and regarding precaution dose (As on MoHFW website-05.01.2022) (90.1 KiB, 186 hits)

  COVID Management Guidance for Adults (as on Min. of Health & FW website-05.01.2022) (213.5 KiB, 173 hits)

  MHA Order dated 28.10.2021 to extend the validity of its Order dated 28.09.2021 (632.9 KiB, 205 hits)

  National Guidelines for Safe Dental Practice During Covid-19 pandemic, 29.09.2021 (as on MoHFW website-29.092021) (598.2 KiB, 195 hits)

  Guidelines for domestic travel (flight/train/ship/bus inter-state travel), dated 25.08.2021, in supersession of the guidelines issued on 24.05.2020 (371.2 KiB, 204 hits)

  Counselling Pregnant Women for COVID-19 Vaccination, Fact-Sheet to guide the Frontline Health Care Workers & Vaccinators (as on MoHFW website-14.08.21) (575.4 KiB, 265 hits)

  Dose of Protection for Pregnant Women-COVID-19 vaccination is safe for both the pregnant woman and her child (As on MoHFW website-22.07.21) (1.0 MiB, 385 hits)

  Counselling Pregnant Women for COVID-19 Vaccination, Fact-Sheet to guide the Frontline Health Care Workers & Vaccinators (as on MoHFW website-15.7.21) (750.5 KiB, 230 hits)

  Genomic Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in India (Updated guidelines and SOPs) (dated 15.07.2021) (As on MoHFW website) (926.6 KiB, 372 hits)

  MHA advisory dated 14.07.2021 to States on COVID-19 (76.2 KiB, 225 hits)

  MHA advisory dated 14.07.2021 to UTs on COVID-19 management (77.0 KiB, 216 hits)

  Operational Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination of Pregnant Women (As on MoHFW website-03.07.2021) (1.0 MiB, 225 hits)

  MHA Order dated 29.06.2021 for containment of Covid 19 (4.5 MiB, 235 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 29.06.2021 to Administrators regarding MHA Order dated 29.6.2021 (1.1 MiB, 249 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 29.06.2021 regarding MHA Order dated 29.6.2021 (1.2 MiB, 256 hits)

  MHA DO Letters issued from HS on 19.06.2021 to Chief Secretaries of all States and Administrators of Union Territories (255.0 KiB, 232 hits)

  Toolkit for Youth Campaign on COVID Appropriate Behaviour, Vaccination drive and Psycho-social well-being (As on MoHFW website-24.06.2021) (3.4 MiB, 230 hits)

  Guidelines for Management of COVID-19 in Children (below 18 years), Dated 18.06.2021 (As on MoHFW website–21.06.2021) (783.5 KiB, 194 hits)

  Guidelines on Operationalization of COVID Care Services for Children & Adolescence (As on Min. of Health & FW-16.06.2021) (1.9 MiB, 236 hits)

  Advisory for Rational use of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment, 07.06.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (340.1 KiB, 192 hits)

  Clinical Guidance on Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes at COVID-19 Patient Management facility (As on MoHFW website - 01.06.2021) (1.8 MiB, 299 hits)

  MHA Order Dated 27.05.2021 reg. extension of containment measures up to 30.6.2021 (490.6 KiB, 240 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.05.2021 to Chief Secretaries reg. extension of containment measures up to 30.06.2021 (771.9 KiB, 219 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.05.2021 to Administrators reg. extension of containment measures up to 30.06.2021 (768.4 KiB, 229 hits)

  Updated Detailed Clinical Management Protocol for adult cases of COVID-19, Dated 24.05.2021 (As on Ministry of Health & FW website) (397.0 KiB, 275 hits)

  Guidelines for Integration of Co-WIN with Third-party Applications Developed by Ecosystem Partners (As on MoHFW website – 24.05.2021) (283.3 KiB, 347 hits)

  SOP on COVID-19 Containment & Management in Peri-urban, Rural & Tribal areas, Dated 16.05.2021 (As on MoHFW website-20.05.2021) (471.9 KiB, 213 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 19.05.2021 - Advisory for protection of vulnerable sections of society such as women, children, sr. citizens & SC/ST, etc.-reg. (13.0 MiB, 825 hits)

  AIIMS/ICMR-COVID-19 National Task Force/Joint Monitoring Group - Clinical Guidance for Management of Adult Covid-19 Patients, 19.05.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (355.3 KiB, 229 hits)

  Discharge policy for suspect or confirmed novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases (As on Min. of Health & FW website-14.05.2021)) (352.8 KiB, 247 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 08.05.2021 - Contagion of Covid-19 virus in prisons, Order issued by the Honble Supreme Court of India on 7.5.2021 (197.1 KiB, 273 hits)

  Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of Mild/Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases, 05.05.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (991.3 KiB, 250 hits)

  Advisory for COVID Testing during the Second Wave of the pandemic, dated 04.05.2021 (As on ICMR website) (745.1 KiB, 267 hits)

  Protocol for Management of Covid-19 in the Pediatric Age Group (As on MoHFW website-03.05.2021) (262.8 KiB, 234 hits)

  MoHFW Letter dated 03.05.2021 - Augmenting Human resources for COVID-19 – regarding (70.9 KiB, 246 hits)

  MHA Order dated 29.04.2021 for implementation of containment measure for COVID-19 (5.5 MiB, 344 hits)

  Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of mild,asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, 28.04.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (171.6 KiB, 263 hits)

  MoHFW Letter dated 26.04.2021-Renewal of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package-Insurance Scheme for Health Workers fighting COVID-19 (w.e.f. 24.04.2021) for a further period of 180 days (1.2 MiB, 248 hits)

  MHA Order dated 26.04.2021 to exempt few industries for use of liquid oxygen (277.9 KiB, 270 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 26.04.2021 to States for taking action for implementation of containment framework as per MoHFW letter dt 25.04.21 (2.4 MiB, 257 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 26.04.2021 to UTs for taking action for implementation of containment framework as per MoHFW letter dt 25.04.21 (2.4 MiB, 233 hits)

  MHA Order under Disaster Management Act dated 25.04.2021 on limiting use of liquid oxygen for medical purpose only (826.5 KiB, 300 hits)

  Clinical Guidance for Management of Adult COVID-10 Patients (as on MoHFW website-24.04.2021) (156.8 KiB, 232 hits)

  COVID-19 Proning for Self Care - Guidelines (As on Min. of Health & Family Welfare Website-23.04.21) (8.0 MiB, 312 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 23.04.2021 conveying direction of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi order dated 22.04.2021 (5.2 MiB, 304 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.2021 to States for providing security to oxygen tankers and making green corridors (669.0 KiB, 267 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.2021 to UTs for providing security to oxygen tankers and making green corridors (664.4 KiB, 286 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.2021 to States to map all district wise oxygen manufacturing plants (322.2 KiB, 220 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.21 to UTs to map all district wise oxygen manufacturing plants (322.3 KiB, 265 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 22.04.2021 to States on supply of Remdesivir (1.4 MiB, 330 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 22.04.2021 to UTs on supply of Remdesivir (1.3 MiB, 282 hits)

  MHA Order dated 22.04.2021 under the Disaster Management Act, on unhindered oxygen supply (7.4 MiB, 266 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 20.04.2021-Prevention and Control of Covid-19 in Prisons and Correctional Homes - in continuation of Advisories dated March 12, 2020 and May 2, 2020 (5.2 MiB, 321 hits)

Government’s Updated SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)/Guidelines

MHA Order with Guidelines on Surveillance – containment and caution, dated 25.11.2020 and subsequent orders

Guidelines for International Arrivals (in supersessions of guidelines dated 2nd August 2020)

Standard Operating Procedure for Epidemiological Surveillance and Response in the context of new variant of SARS-CoV-2 virus detected in the UK & FAQs on COVID-19 Vaccine

Ministry of Home Affairs

COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategy, COVID-19 Vaccines Operational Guidelines and Guidelines on Safe Ophthalmology Practices in Covid-19 Scenario

SOP on preventive measures in markets to contain spread of COVID-19

UGC Guidelines for re-opening the Universities and Colleges

Guidelines on Managing Mental Illness in Hospital Settings during COVID-19

Extension of Re-Opening

How to be a COVID-19 Youth Champion and Guidelines for management of co-infection of COVID-19 with other seasonal epidemic prone diseases

Standard Operating Procedures for Festivities

Re-opening of Schools

Guidelines for Re-opening

SOPs/Guidelines issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Unlock 4.0

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

  Guidelines on Safe Ophthalmology Practices in Covid-19 Scenario, Dated 19.08.2020 (As on MoHFW website) (180.3 KiB, 347 hits)

  Guidelines for Preventive Measures to Contain Spread of COVID-19 in Yoga Institutes & Gymnasiums, Dated 03.08.2020 (MoHFW) (557.5 KiB, 364 hits)

  Guidelines for international arrivals (in supersession of guidelines issued on the subject dated 24th May 2020), Dated 02.08.2020 (to be operational from 00.01 Hrs., 8th August 2020) (MoHFW website) (120.3 KiB, 379 hits)

Ministry of Home Affairs

Relaxations for IT Industry [Work from Home (WFH)]


Advisory/Guidelines for Gated Residential Complexes

Preventive Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19/DoPT Orders



Central Helpline Number for corona-virus: – +91-11-23978046
Government’s Helpline Email ID for corona-virus : ncov2019[at]gov[dot]in

Note:- It may be noted that the information on this website is subject to the Disclaimer of Dtf.in. If you have a complaint with respect to any content published on this website, it may kindly be brought to our notice for appropriate action to remove such content as early as possible or publish the latest/updated content/event, if any, at info[at]dtf.in.

 I.  Government’s Vaccination Guidelines
II. Govt. of NCT of Delhi’s Orders regarding Migrant Workers/Curfew/Weekend Curfew/Night Curfew in Delhi
III. Govt. of India – Ministry of Home Affairs/Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Orders/Guidelines/SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) & Other Govt. Orders

I. Government’s Vaccination Guidelines

Citizens can register by logging in www.cowin.gov.in.


  Revised Guidelines for implementation of National COVID Vaccination Program, 08.06.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (327.9 KiB, 283 hits)

  SOPs on Administration of 2n Dose of Covishield Vaccine Prior to Prescribed Time Interval (after 28 days but before 84 days) to persons to undertake international travel, 7.6.2021(As on MoHFW website) (42.3 KiB, 226 hits)

  Guidance for Near to Home Covid Vaccination Centres for Elderly and Differently Abled Citizens (As on MoHFW website - 27.05.2021) (577.0 KiB, 260 hits)

  COVID-19 Vaccination of Persons without prescribed Identity Cards through CoWIN (As on MoHFW website-06.05.2021) (36.1 KiB, 227 hits)

  Citizen Registration and Appointment for Vaccination - User Manual, Dated 27 Feb 2021 (as on MoHFW website-01.03.2021) (821.0 KiB, 251 hits)

II. Govt. of NCT of Delhi’s Orders regarding Curfew/Weekend Curfew/Night Curfew in Delhi and other Orders

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  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 14.01.2022 - Exemption to the persons with disabilities and pregnant women employees from attending the office during curfew period (566.9 KiB, 202 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 13.01.2022 - Permission to Devotees to visit TTD Balaji Mandir, Udhyan Marg, Goal Market, New Delhi on occasion of Vaikunta Ekadasi to be held on 13.01.2022 (405.5 KiB, 175 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 13.01.2022 - Inclusion of the offices of Chartered Accountants and Income Tax Practitioners under 'Exempted category' (434.5 KiB, 187 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 12.01.2022 - clarification regarding validity of e-passes (534.2 KiB, 177 hits)

  FAQs with regard to DDMA order No. 509 dated 11.01.2022 (17.2 KiB, 164 hits)

  DDMA Order 509 Dated 11.01.2022 for additional Restrictions in Delhi (3.9 MiB, 244 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 07.01.2022 - Compliance of DDMA Order dt. 28.12.2021 with regard to opening of shops/establishments, malls and weekly markets (874.5 KiB, 193 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dated 04.01.2022 Weekend Curfew in NCT of Delhi from 10 PM of Friday till 5 AM of subsequent Monday (2.0 MiB, 221 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order of Alert (Level-1) dated 28.12.2021 (2.4 MiB, 217 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dt. 27.12.2021 reg. Night Curfew on movements of individuals (except for exemptions in para-6) from 11.00 PM to 05.00 AM till further orders (1.7 MiB, 219 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dt. 22.12.2021 regarding taking all-out measures for implementation of DDMA order no.492 dated 15.12.2021 (932.9 KiB, 194 hits)

  Govt. of NCT of Delhi Order dt. 15.12.2021 reg. prohibited/restricted activities as in Annex A from intervening night of 15th Dec 21 and 16th Dec 21 (00.00 hrs) till intervening night of 31 Dec 21 and (2.8 MiB, 234 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 24.07.2021 - Prohibited/restricted activities in Delhi (Outside Containment Zone) as specified in 'Annexure A' enclosed, w.e.f. 5.00 AM on 26.07.2021 till 5.00 AM on 09.08.2021 (3.3 MiB, 285 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 20.06.2021 – Prohibited/restricted activities in Delhi (Outside Containment Zone) as specified in the 'Annexure A' w.e.f. 05.00 AM on 21.06.2021 till 5.00 AM on 28.06.2021 (398.8 KiB, 229 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 13.06.2021-Prohibited/restricted activities in Delhi (Outside Containment Zone) as specified in the 'Annexure A' wef 5 AM on 14.06.21 till 5 AM on 21.06.21 (679.7 KiB, 236 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 12.06.2021-Restriction imposed by with regard to persons coming from States of A.P. and Telengana to Delhi, stands withdrawn with immediate effect (483.8 KiB, 235 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 05.06.2021 regarding that all Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes & Charitable Hospitals treating COVID patients in Delhi to provide the facility of lodging & boarding to medical staff (913.1 KiB, 221 hits)

  GNCTD Order dated 05.06.2021 - Extension of curfew on movement of Individuals (except for essential and permitted activities as already stipulated in previous orders in Delhi till 5 A.M. on 14.06.2021 (295.1 KiB, 212 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 29.05.2021 regarding extension of curfew on movement of Individuals (except for essential activities as already stipulated in previous orders), in Delhi till 5 A.M. on 7.6.21 (4.1 MiB, 415 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 09.05.2021 reg. extension of the curfew on movements of individuals (except for essential services as stipulated in DDMA orders dated 19-04-21 & 25-04-21) till 5.00 am on 17-05-2021 (183.2 KiB, 225 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 06.05.2021 reg. all persons arriving from AP and Telangana in NCT of Delhi by Airlines/Trains/Buses/Cars/Trucks or any other mode of transportation to undergo quarantine for 14 days (1.3 MiB, 371 hits)

  NCTD Letter dated 06.05.2021 reg. exemption to PwDs and pregnant women employees from attending the office during curfew period (873.6 KiB, 264 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 01.05.2021 reg. extension of the curfew on movement of individuals (except for essential services as stipulated in DDMA Orders dated 19 and 25.04.21) till 05.00 am on 10.05.2021 (4.5 MiB, 235 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 25.04.2021 reg. black marketing and hoarding of life saving drugs which are used for treating COVID-19 Patients (1,011.7 KiB, 290 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 25.04.2021 reg. extension of the curfew on movements of individuals (except for essential services as stipulated in DDMA order dated 19-04-21) in NCT of Delhi till 5.00 am on 3.5.2021 (816.8 KiB, 251 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 23.04.2021 reg. Empowered Group to co-ordinate with Pvt Sector, Trade & Business Assns,/Federation, etc. to ensure essential service and commodities during Curfew Period (602.6 KiB, 309 hits)

  NCTD Order dated 22.04.2021 reg. Allocation and Supply of Oxygen to all Health establishments with effect from 00.00 hrs on 23-04-2021 (1.4 MiB, 234 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 20.04.2021 regarding welfare, basic amenities/other necessities and movement of migrant workers/laborers and enforcing social distancing and Covid appropriate behavior norms (1.0 MiB, 345 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 20.04.2021 regarding constitution of a Committee to ensure welfare of daily wagers, migrant workers/laborers and Construction workers-direction of Hon'ble Delhi High Court (1.0 MiB, 306 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 19.04.2021, regarding curfew on movement of individuals in NCT of Delhi wef 10.00 pm on 19-04-2021 to 5.00 am on 26-04-2021 (Monday). (1.7 MiB, 256 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 16.04.2021 regarding any Person/Student shall be allowed for movement during the curfew to appear in examination on production of valid admit card (465.7 KiB, 296 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 15.04.2021 - Strict enforcement of COVID appropriate behaviour in Markets/Weekly Markets and Marriage/funeral related gatherings-reg. (1.1 MiB, 346 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 15.04.2021 regarding Weekend Curfew on movement of Individuals in NCT of Delhi from 10.00 pm on 16-04-2021 (Friday) to 5.00 am on 19-04-2021 (Monday) (2.9 MiB, 310 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 10.04.2021 regarding the prohibited/restricted activities in NCT of Delhi with immediate effect till 30-04-2021 or further order, whichever is earlier (1.8 MiB, 299 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 08.04.2021 regarding Modification in Night Curfew (109.9 KiB, 265 hits)

  Govt. of NCTD Order dated 06.04.2021 reg. Night Curfew on Movements of individuals in Delhi with immediate effect from 10.00 P.M to 5.00 A.M, till 30-04-2021 or further order whichever is earlier (1.3 MiB, 1,790 hits)

III. Govt. of India – Ministry of Health & Family Welfare/Ministry of Home Affairs Orders/Guidelines/SOPs & Other Govt. Orders

  Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 22.12.2022 (in supersession of guidelines issued on 21.11.2022 (As on MoHFW website-23.12.2022) (421.5 KiB, 486 hits)

  List of Countries,Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be considered (as on 16.11.2022) (As on MoHFW website-21.12.22) (101.8 KiB, 445 hits)

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  MHA Order dated 25.02.2022 on COVID Containment (5.3 MiB, 208 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 25.02.2022 on COVID Containment to States (825.6 KiB, 161 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 25.02.2022 on COVID Containment to UTs (821.0 KiB, 174 hits)

  Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 10.02.2022 (in supersession of all guidelines on and after 20.01.2022) (As on MoHFW website) (434.4 KiB, 171 hits)

  List of Countries/Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be uploaded, as on 10 Feb 2022 (As on MoH&FW website) (420.2 KiB, 153 hits)

  Revised Advisory for managing Health Care Workers (HCWs) working in COVID and Non-COVID areas of Health Care Facilities, dated 9th Jan 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (360.8 KiB, 184 hits)

  Revised Discharge Policy for COVID-19, dated 09.01.2022 (As on MoHFW website) (418.7 KiB, 261 hits)

  Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 07.01.2022 (in supersession of all guidelines on and after 30.11.2021) (As on MoHFW website) (202.0 KiB, 166 hits)

  Algorithm: Guidelines for International Arrivals (Dated 7th Jan 2022) applicable from 11th Jan 2022 00.01 Hrs. (As on MoHFW website) (290.2 KiB, 172 hits)

  Revised Guidelines for International Arrivals, dated 7th January 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (202.0 KiB, 214 hits)

  List of Countries to be referred to in context of 'Guidelines for international arrivals', dated 7th January 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (93.2 KiB, 157 hits)

  Algorithm for revised guidelines for international arrivals, 7th January 2022 (As on MoHFW website) (290.2 KiB, 176 hits)

  Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of mild/asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, dated 05.01.2022 (As on Min. of H&FW website) (657.3 KiB, 360 hits)

  MHA Order dated 27.12.2021 on Covid containment measures (5.0 MiB, 229 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.12.2021 to UTs on Covid containment measures (2.0 MiB, 191 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.12.2021 to States on Covid containment measures (2.1 MiB, 177 hits)

  Guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination of children between 15-18 years and regarding precaution dose (As on MoHFW website-05.01.2022) (90.1 KiB, 186 hits)

  COVID Management Guidance for Adults (as on Min. of Health & FW website-05.01.2022) (213.5 KiB, 173 hits)

  MHA Order dated 28.10.2021 to extend the validity of its Order dated 28.09.2021 (632.9 KiB, 205 hits)

  National Guidelines for Safe Dental Practice During Covid-19 pandemic, 29.09.2021 (as on MoHFW website-29.092021) (598.2 KiB, 195 hits)

  Guidelines for domestic travel (flight/train/ship/bus inter-state travel), dated 25.08.2021, in supersession of the guidelines issued on 24.05.2020 (371.2 KiB, 204 hits)

  Counselling Pregnant Women for COVID-19 Vaccination, Fact-Sheet to guide the Frontline Health Care Workers & Vaccinators (as on MoHFW website-14.08.21) (575.4 KiB, 265 hits)

  Dose of Protection for Pregnant Women-COVID-19 vaccination is safe for both the pregnant woman and her child (As on MoHFW website-22.07.21) (1.0 MiB, 385 hits)

  Counselling Pregnant Women for COVID-19 Vaccination, Fact-Sheet to guide the Frontline Health Care Workers & Vaccinators (as on MoHFW website-15.7.21) (750.5 KiB, 230 hits)

  Genomic Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in India (Updated guidelines and SOPs) (dated 15.07.2021) (As on MoHFW website) (926.6 KiB, 372 hits)

  MHA advisory dated 14.07.2021 to States on COVID-19 (76.2 KiB, 225 hits)

  MHA advisory dated 14.07.2021 to UTs on COVID-19 management (77.0 KiB, 216 hits)

  Operational Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination of Pregnant Women (As on MoHFW website-03.07.2021) (1.0 MiB, 225 hits)

  MHA Order dated 29.06.2021 for containment of Covid 19 (4.5 MiB, 235 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 29.06.2021 to Administrators regarding MHA Order dated 29.6.2021 (1.1 MiB, 249 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 29.06.2021 regarding MHA Order dated 29.6.2021 (1.2 MiB, 256 hits)

  MHA DO Letters issued from HS on 19.06.2021 to Chief Secretaries of all States and Administrators of Union Territories (255.0 KiB, 232 hits)

  Toolkit for Youth Campaign on COVID Appropriate Behaviour, Vaccination drive and Psycho-social well-being (As on MoHFW website-24.06.2021) (3.4 MiB, 230 hits)

  Guidelines for Management of COVID-19 in Children (below 18 years), Dated 18.06.2021 (As on MoHFW website–21.06.2021) (783.5 KiB, 194 hits)

  Guidelines on Operationalization of COVID Care Services for Children & Adolescence (As on Min. of Health & FW-16.06.2021) (1.9 MiB, 236 hits)

  Advisory for Rational use of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment, 07.06.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (340.1 KiB, 192 hits)

  Clinical Guidance on Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes at COVID-19 Patient Management facility (As on MoHFW website - 01.06.2021) (1.8 MiB, 299 hits)

  MHA Order Dated 27.05.2021 reg. extension of containment measures up to 30.6.2021 (490.6 KiB, 240 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.05.2021 to Chief Secretaries reg. extension of containment measures up to 30.06.2021 (771.9 KiB, 219 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 27.05.2021 to Administrators reg. extension of containment measures up to 30.06.2021 (768.4 KiB, 229 hits)

  Updated Detailed Clinical Management Protocol for adult cases of COVID-19, Dated 24.05.2021 (As on Ministry of Health & FW website) (397.0 KiB, 275 hits)

  Guidelines for Integration of Co-WIN with Third-party Applications Developed by Ecosystem Partners (As on MoHFW website – 24.05.2021) (283.3 KiB, 347 hits)

  SOP on COVID-19 Containment & Management in Peri-urban, Rural & Tribal areas, Dated 16.05.2021 (As on MoHFW website-20.05.2021) (471.9 KiB, 213 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 19.05.2021 - Advisory for protection of vulnerable sections of society such as women, children, sr. citizens & SC/ST, etc.-reg. (13.0 MiB, 825 hits)

  AIIMS/ICMR-COVID-19 National Task Force/Joint Monitoring Group - Clinical Guidance for Management of Adult Covid-19 Patients, 19.05.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (355.3 KiB, 229 hits)

  Discharge policy for suspect or confirmed novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases (As on Min. of Health & FW website-14.05.2021)) (352.8 KiB, 247 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 08.05.2021 - Contagion of Covid-19 virus in prisons, Order issued by the Honble Supreme Court of India on 7.5.2021 (197.1 KiB, 273 hits)

  Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of Mild/Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases, 05.05.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (991.3 KiB, 250 hits)

  Advisory for COVID Testing during the Second Wave of the pandemic, dated 04.05.2021 (As on ICMR website) (745.1 KiB, 267 hits)

  Protocol for Management of Covid-19 in the Pediatric Age Group (As on MoHFW website-03.05.2021) (262.8 KiB, 234 hits)

  MoHFW Letter dated 03.05.2021 - Augmenting Human resources for COVID-19 – regarding (70.9 KiB, 246 hits)

  MHA Order dated 29.04.2021 for implementation of containment measure for COVID-19 (5.5 MiB, 344 hits)

  Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of mild,asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, 28.04.2021 (As on MoHFW website) (171.6 KiB, 263 hits)

  MoHFW Letter dated 26.04.2021-Renewal of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package-Insurance Scheme for Health Workers fighting COVID-19 (w.e.f. 24.04.2021) for a further period of 180 days (1.2 MiB, 248 hits)

  MHA Order dated 26.04.2021 to exempt few industries for use of liquid oxygen (277.9 KiB, 270 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 26.04.2021 to States for taking action for implementation of containment framework as per MoHFW letter dt 25.04.21 (2.4 MiB, 257 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 26.04.2021 to UTs for taking action for implementation of containment framework as per MoHFW letter dt 25.04.21 (2.4 MiB, 233 hits)

  MHA Order under Disaster Management Act dated 25.04.2021 on limiting use of liquid oxygen for medical purpose only (826.5 KiB, 300 hits)

  Clinical Guidance for Management of Adult COVID-10 Patients (as on MoHFW website-24.04.2021) (156.8 KiB, 232 hits)

  COVID-19 Proning for Self Care - Guidelines (As on Min. of Health & Family Welfare Website-23.04.21) (8.0 MiB, 312 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 23.04.2021 conveying direction of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi order dated 22.04.2021 (5.2 MiB, 304 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.2021 to States for providing security to oxygen tankers and making green corridors (669.0 KiB, 267 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.2021 to UTs for providing security to oxygen tankers and making green corridors (664.4 KiB, 286 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.2021 to States to map all district wise oxygen manufacturing plants (322.2 KiB, 220 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 23.04.21 to UTs to map all district wise oxygen manufacturing plants (322.3 KiB, 265 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 22.04.2021 to States on supply of Remdesivir (1.4 MiB, 330 hits)

  MHA DO Letter dated 22.04.2021 to UTs on supply of Remdesivir (1.3 MiB, 282 hits)

  MHA Order dated 22.04.2021 under the Disaster Management Act, on unhindered oxygen supply (7.4 MiB, 266 hits)

  MHA Letter dated 20.04.2021-Prevention and Control of Covid-19 in Prisons and Correctional Homes - in continuation of Advisories dated March 12, 2020 and May 2, 2020 (5.2 MiB, 321 hits)

Government’s Updated SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)/Guidelines

MHA Order with Guidelines on Surveillance – containment and caution, dated 25.11.2020 and subsequent orders

Guidelines for International Arrivals (in supersessions of guidelines dated 2nd August 2020)

Standard Operating Procedure for Epidemiological Surveillance and Response in the context of new variant of SARS-CoV-2 virus detected in the UK & FAQs on COVID-19 Vaccine

Ministry of Home Affairs

COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategy, COVID-19 Vaccines Operational Guidelines and Guidelines on Safe Ophthalmology Practices in Covid-19 Scenario

SOP on preventive measures in markets to contain spread of COVID-19

UGC Guidelines for re-opening the Universities and Colleges

Guidelines on Managing Mental Illness in Hospital Settings during COVID-19

Extension of Re-Opening

How to be a COVID-19 Youth Champion and Guidelines for management of co-infection of COVID-19 with other seasonal epidemic prone diseases

Standard Operating Procedures for Festivities

Re-opening of Schools

Guidelines for Re-opening

SOPs/Guidelines issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Unlock 4.0

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

  Guidelines on Safe Ophthalmology Practices in Covid-19 Scenario, Dated 19.08.2020 (As on MoHFW website) (180.3 KiB, 347 hits)

  Guidelines for Preventive Measures to Contain Spread of COVID-19 in Yoga Institutes & Gymnasiums, Dated 03.08.2020 (MoHFW) (557.5 KiB, 364 hits)

  Guidelines for international arrivals (in supersession of guidelines issued on the subject dated 24th May 2020), Dated 02.08.2020 (to be operational from 00.01 Hrs., 8th August 2020) (MoHFW website) (120.3 KiB, 379 hits)

Ministry of Home Affairs

Relaxations for IT Industry [Work from Home (WFH)]


Advisory/Guidelines for Gated Residential Complexes

Preventive Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19/DoPT Orders




Central Helpline Number for corona-virus: – +91-11-23978046
Government’s Helpline Email ID for corona-virus : ncov2019[at]gov[dot]in

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