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Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Orders/Guidelines – Part I (Service Rules)

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CPSEs Conclave - Vision 2022

Unmissable Orders/Instructions


Jul-Dec 2024

 I.    DPE – Orders/Guidelines – Part I (Service Rules)
II.   DPE – Orders/Guidelines – Part I (Service Rules) (Subject-Wise)
III. DPE Orders/CircularsArchive
IV. CDA Rules of CPSEs, Insurance Companies, etc.
V.  DPE – Personnel Policies/CDA Rules
VI. DPE – PAR Rules/Circulars/Orders/Instructions/Guidelines
VII. DPE – Voluntary Retirement Scheme Rules/Circulars/Orders/Instructions/Guidelines

I. DPE – Orders/Guidelines – Part I (Service Rules)

Jul-Dec 2024

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of Group 'A' Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (994.5 KiB, 513 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of IAS Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (960.2 KiB, 464 hits)

  DPE Corri. dated 13.11.2024 - Consolidated & revised guidelines regarding Vigilance Policy for CPSEs (352.3 KiB, 595 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.11.2024-Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2023-24 (335.4 KiB, 436 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.10.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (238.9 KiB, 515 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2024 – Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (436.4 KiB, 540 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (225.6 KiB, 486 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.10.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (228.9 KiB, 474 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.10.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (228.5 KiB, 473 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.09.2024 – Appointment to Board level post(s) in Central Public Sector Enterprises - Clarifications regarding (1.3 MiB, 30 hits)

  DPE Order dated 30.07.2024 regarding Performance Related Pay (2.1 MiB, 640 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.07.2024 - Consolidated & revised guidelines regarding Vigilance Policy for CPSEs (2.9 MiB, 459 hits)

  Scheme for Internship for UG/PG students in the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Finance (As on DPE website-30.7.24) (10.3 KiB, 807 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (859.1 KiB, 931 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (841.9 KiB, 928 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (843.5 KiB, 920 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 912 hits)

  See older circulars under the heading III. DPE Orders/Guidelines – Archive“, below.

II. DPE – Orders/Guidelines – Part I (Service Rules) (Subject-Wise)

Aadhaar  * ACC Appointment * Acceptance of Awards * Addl. Charge of CMD/MD/Functional Director * Air Travel * APARs (CPSE) * Appointment * Appointment of Security Personnel * Apprenticeship * Articles of Association *  Assets Declaration under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act/Rules * Attendance System/Roster Duty * Below Board Level Executives * Board Level Executive/Appointment * Bond* CDA Rules * Complaint * Complaint Committee * Contract/Casual Workers * Counselling Retraining and Redeployment (CRR) * Courtesies Towards MPs * COVID-19 Related Orders * CVO * CVC Jurisdiction * Defence Assistant * Deputation * Digital Payment * Director (HR/Pers.)/(Fin.) * Directors/Independent Directors * Disciplinary Proceedings * Dividend * Entrance Examination *  Ex gratia for CPSE Employees * Foreign Tour * Forwarding of Applications to PESB * Gift * Grading Report of CPSEs * Grievance Redressal * Guidelines * HRA * Inquiry * Internship * Leave Rules * Lien * Mentorship Scheme * Mileage Points * Mission Recruitment Cell * National Employment Service * Non-Official Directors * Pay & Allowances incl. DA/IDA –  Pay Fixation * Pay Revision/Revision of Pay-Scales/Pay Revision Committee * Performance Related Pay  * PESB * Presidential Directive * Probity and Efficacy * Protection of Date of Increment * PwDs/Divyangjan * Receipt of Benefits * Recruitment * Recruitment of Non-Executives * Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA During Temporary Stay in Guest House * Reservation * Resignation * Retirement (including Retirement Dues) * Search-cum-Selection Committee * Service matter dispute/WP * Sexual Harassment  * Sick Leave * Sitting Fees * Special Concessions for Working in Kashmir Valley/NER/UTs/Ladakh Region * SPARROW * Standards Orders *  Suspension * Top Management Incumbents * Training/Workshop/Foreign Training * Transport Allowance * Vacancies * Vacant posts * Verification of Character * Vigilance Policy * Wage Policy * Woman Employee * Workers * Young Professionals (Consultant (Young Associate/Young Professional/Consultant)


  DPE O.M. dated 27.01.2015 - Enrolment of CPSEs employees / contract workers, etc. under Aadhaar enabled system (251.9 KiB, 7,981 hits)

ACC Appointment

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.02.2017-Pre-mature termination of service of ACC appointees in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)-regarding (233.3 KiB, 1,301 hits)

Acceptance of Awards

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.02.2024 - Guidelines on acceptance of awards from Government Bodies/Private Organizations by Government servants (1.3 MiB, 2,994 hits)

Addl. Charge of CMD/MD/Functional Director

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.06.2016-Assignment of additional charge of the posts of CMD/MD/Functional Directors in CPSEs-reg. (165.7 KiB, 1,054 hits)

Air Travel  

  O.M. dated 07.01.2013 - Air Travel on Official Account - both domestic and international where CPSEs bear the cost of Air Passage (414.4 KiB, 1,260 hits)


APARs * Board Level Executives * Timelines * Top Management Incumbents


  DPE O.M. dated 05.01.2021-Applicability of prescribed guidelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs, Govt. officerc on deputation and CVOs in CPSEs (331.5 KiB, 1,651 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.12.2020–Extension in prescribed timelines for writing Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2019-20 (1.5 MiB, 1,610 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.10.2020 - Recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2020-21 (extension of timeline) (2.2 MiB, 1,445 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.04.2019-Implementation of online system (SPARROW CPSE) for recording Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for Board-level Executives of CPSEs (2.4 MiB, 2,935 hits)

  DPE O.M. Dated 04.12.2018 - Writing of APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs from the year 2017-18 onwards (617.5 KiB, 817 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.06.2018 - Writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs from the year 2017-18 onwards (947.0 KiB, 899 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 15.01.2018 - Writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2016-17 (1.1 MiB, 1,021 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.09.2016 - Writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs (354.9 KiB, 1,554 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.05.2014 - Committee to suggest changes in the guidelines issued for writing Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs (650.3 KiB, 954 hits)

— Board Level Executives

  DPE O.M. dated 09.04.2019-Implementation of online system (SPARROW CPSE) for recording Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for Board-level Executives of CPSEs (2.4 MiB, 2,935 hits)

— Timelines

  DPE O.M. dated 29.04.2024 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2022-23 (672.9 KiB, 792 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.10.2017 - Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers - Reg. (3.8 MiB, 2,534 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.12.2021 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2020-21 (186.7 KiB, 387 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.08.2021 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2019-20 (1.3 MiB, 649 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.10.2020 - Recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2020-21 (extension of timeline) (2.2 MiB, 1,445 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.06.2020–Extension of timelines for recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) for 2019-20 for Board level incumbents of CPSEs in online SPARROW-CPSE System (1.4 MiB, 5,371 hits)

— Top Management Incumbents

  DPE O.M. dated 08.11.2024-Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2023-24 (335.4 KiB, 436 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.04.2024 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2022-23 (672.9 KiB, 792 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.12.2023 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2022-23 (601.0 KiB, 1,052 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.10.2023 – Revised and consolidated Guidelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs (2.0 MiB, 2,243 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.05.2023 – Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2021-22 (462.4 KiB, 787 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.03.2023 – Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2021-22 (163.3 KiB, 1,795 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.12.2022 – Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2021-22 (161.2 KiB, 797 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.12.2021 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2020-21 (186.7 KiB, 387 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.08.2021 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2019-20 (1.3 MiB, 649 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 - Standard Terms & Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs-Protection of date of increment on appointment of Govt. officers to CPSEs (1.7 MiB, 2,097 hits)

  Application form for Candidated from CPSE/ Central Govt/Armed force/AIS/SPSE/ pvt Sector (As on DoPT website-03.03.17) (242.0 KiB, 2,366 hits)

Appointment of Security Personnel

  DPE O.M. dated 14.02.2019-Appointment of Security Personnel in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) from Ex-servicemen Security Agencies sponsored by the Directorate General of Resettlement (DGR) (114.0 KiB, 1,465 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 30.04.2020 – Implementation of Apprenticeship in CPSEs under post COVID-19 scenario (145.2 KiB, 971 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.01.2020 – Implementation of Apprenticeship in CPSEs (6.8 MiB, 484 hits)

Articles of Association

  Power of President to Issue Directives-Provisions in The Articles of Association-Regarding. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (342.0 KiB, 663 hits)

Assets Declaration under the Lokpal and Lok Ayuktas Act/Rules

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.07.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-filing of Returns-extension of last date-reg. (61.3 KiB, 13,775 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 29.07.2016 - Amendments to the Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and Limits for Exemption, etc. Rules, 2014 under Lokpal & Lokayktas Act (117.5 KiB, 13,000 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.04.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date-regarding (173.9 KiB, 5,996 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 11.04.2016 - Amendments to the Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and Limits for Exemption, etc. Rules, 2014 under Lokpal & Lokayktas Act (26.4 KiB, 11,728 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.03.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.04.2016 (645.0 KiB, 11,948 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.12.2015 - The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-Declaration of assets & liabilities by the public servants- compliance of timeline-regarding (644.8 KiB, 1,258 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.04.2015-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.10.15 (979.5 KiB, 3,709 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.03.2015 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities-Formats to be used for filing returns under section 44 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (263.5 KiB, 3,835 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.01.2015 - The Lokpal and Lokayktas Act 2013-Declaration of assets & liabilities - extending time limit & revised formats (3.2 MiB, 2,965 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 – Amendments to the Public Servants Furnishing of Information & Annual Returns of Assets & Liabilities Rules, 2014 (838.2 KiB, 3,740 hits)

  Forms No.II and IV as per DOPT's notification dated 26.12.2014 (16.8 KiB, 3,048 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 - Amendments to the the Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,098 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.12.2014 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities by public servants under Sec. 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-extension of last date for filing of revised returns (421.2 KiB, 3,252 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Amendment to the Public Servants (Furnishing of Info. & and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities & the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 (93.3 KiB, 1,473 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Removal of Difficulty Amendment Order under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (160.6 KiB, 1,293 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (Ministries) (555.5 KiB, 1,216 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (State Govts./UTs) (501.3 KiB, 1,959 hits)

Attendance System/Roster Duty

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.06.2023 - Instructions regarding implementation of Aadhaar Enable Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) for attendance of all Govt. employees, by Ministries/Organizations (725.3 KiB, 4,989 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.01.2022 - Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by the CPSEs (101.7 KiB, 2,225 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 15.11.2021 - Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Resumption of Biometric attendance regarding (1.8 MiB, 2,352 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.06.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (up to 30.06.2021) (696.2 KiB, 867 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.05.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (1.1 MiB, 1,141 hits)

Below Board Level Executives

Below Board Level Executives * Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA During Temporary Stay in Guest House

— Below Board Level Executives

  DPE O.M. dated 02.12.2022 – Reimbursement of rent,payment of HRA to Board level & below Board level executives, non-unionised supervisors & CVOs of CPSEs during temporary stay in Guest Houses (1.4 MiB, 3,229 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.04.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (101.8 KiB, 976 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.04.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (89.7 KiB, 925 hits)

  MoF O.M. dated 02.04.2019 - Replacement of name of erstwhile DGS&D (Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals) by GeM in GFRs 2017 (628.7 KiB, 3,424 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.11.2018 - Policy for retention of lien on appointment of below Board level employees of CPSEs to Board level posts in CPSEs. (563.0 KiB, 770 hits)

— Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA During Temporary Stay in Guest House

  DPE O.M. dated 02.12.2022 – Reimbursement of rent,payment of HRA to Board level & below Board level executives, non-unionised supervisors & CVOs of CPSEs during temporary stay in Guest Houses (1.4 MiB, 3,229 hits)

Board Level Executive/Appointment

Board Level Executive/Appointment * Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA During Temporary Stay in Guest House * Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Executives

— Board Level Executive/Appointment [

  DPE O.M. dated 17.09.2024 – Appointment to Board level post(s) in Central Public Sector Enterprises - Clarifications regarding (1.3 MiB, 30 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.06.2020–Extension of timelines for recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) for 2019-20 for Board level incumbents of CPSEs in online SPARROW-CPSE System (1.4 MiB, 5,371 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.09.2019 - Finaization of Terms & conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs - procedure thereof regarding (972.7 KiB, 1,675 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.04.2019-Implementation of online system (SPARROW CPSE) for recording Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for Board-level Executives of CPSEs (2.4 MiB, 2,935 hits)

  Guidelines Regarding Board Level Appointments in CPSEs, August 2017 (As on DoPT website-06.06.2023) (4.1 MiB, 2,777 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 18.04.2017-Online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (678.9 KiB, 4,043 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 23.02.2017-Compendium of Guidelines pertaining to Board level appointments in CPSEs - regarding (634.3 KiB, 1,358 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.02.2017-Pre-mature termination of service of ACC appointees in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)-regarding (233.3 KiB, 1,301 hits)

  DoPT circular dated 17.02.2017-Testing of e-Application system for Board level posts in CPSEs (31.7 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 13.02.2017-Presentation-online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs - Inviting CVOs (75.0 KiB, 2,774 hits)

  Finalisation of application form for the candidates to apply for Board Level Post(s) in various CPSEs (As on DoPT website-13.01.2017) (495.7 KiB, 1,405 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 24.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (58.5 KiB, 1,085 hits)

  DOPT Meeting Notice dated 07.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (56.6 KiB, 1,116 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 04.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (74.7 KiB, 1,207 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 03.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (67.7 KiB, 1,706 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (51.5 KiB, 1,709 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 05.09.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (65.5 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.02.2015 - Constitution of Search-cum-Selection Committee for selection for appointment to a Board level post in CPSEs (92.0 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.01.2015 - Forwarding of applications to PESB on or before the last date of receipt of application prescribed in the vacancy circular/advertisement (68.1 KiB, 870 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.10.2014 - Guidelines for processing proposals for appointment to Board level posts in CPSEs (99.2 KiB, 7,700 hits)

  Guidelines for Processing Cases of Board Level Appointments in CPSUs (04.08.2014) (4.6 MiB, 8,966 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2014 - Timelines and check list for processing of the proposals for appointment/extension/non-extension/addl. charge to Board level post in CPSUs requiring ACC approval (131.1 KiB, 971 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 11.06.2014 - Guidelines for processing proposals for appointment/extension/termination of appointment to a Board level post in any PSU requiring approval of ACC (34.8 KiB, 868 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 11.06.2014 - 100 days Action Plan of EO Division - Full implementation of AVMS (ACC Vacancy Monitoring Systems) in all Ministries/Departments (72.8 KiB, 1,085 hits)

  O.M. dated 18.03.2014 - Guidelines on fresh appointment/confirmation/extension of Board level appointees in CPSUs - Monitoring of cases (239.1 KiB, 1,114 hits)

  DOPT's Guidelines for Processing Cases of Board Level Appointments in Central Public Sector Undertakings (28.11.2013) (4.6 MiB, 1,397 hits)

—Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA During Temporary Stay in Guest House

  DPE O.M. dated 02.12.2022 – Reimbursement of rent,payment of HRA to Board level & below Board level executives, non-unionised supervisors & CVOs of CPSEs during temporary stay in Guest Houses (1.4 MiB, 3,229 hits)

— Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Executives

  DPE O.M. dated 19.02.2024 - Finalization of terms and conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs - revised procedures thereof (429.2 KiB, 959 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.09.2023 – Finalization of Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Executive-Clarification on Competent Authority (1.5 MiB, 1,605 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.12.2012 - Finalisation of Terms and Conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs, revised procedure thereof (41.6 MiB, 416 hits)


  Enforcement/Transfer of Bond in Respect of Employees of Public Enterprises Who Leave The Services of One Undertaking To Join Another Undertaking/Government. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (89.0 KiB, 654 hits)

CDA Rules

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.10.2017 - Level-IV Training Programme for PPSs of CSSS ro be conducted at ISTM during the period from 20.11.2017 to 15.12.2017 (1.4 MiB, 826 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.10.2019 - Amendment to consolidated Model CDA Rules 12(4) and 14-A for CPSEs, 2019 (1.7 MiB, 3,623 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.12.2017 - Consolidated Model Conduct, Discipline and Appeal (CDA) Rules for CPSEs - 2017 (773.9 KiB, 23,918 hits)

  Personnel Policies - Directive on amendment in the CDA Rules & Standard Orders pertaining to the SC judgment in Vishaka case (As on DPE Website-13.08.2018) (615.9 KiB, 1,780 hits)

  Personnel Policies - Directive on amendment in the CDA Rules & Standard Orders pertaining to the SC judgment in Vishaka case (As on DPE Website-13.08.2018) (615.9 KiB, 1,780 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 11.05.2020–Complaints against CMDs,/Chief Executives/Functional Dirs./Non-Official Dirs., etc. of CPSEs/Public Sec. Banks (PSBs)/FIs & Insurance Cos. (Amendment to OM dated 11.12.17) (101.8 KiB, 11,739 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.03.2010 - Complaints against Chief Executives of PSEs and CMDs of Public Sector Banks & Financial Institutions (As on DPE website-16.4.24) (1.6 MiB, 1,558 hits)

Complaint Committee

  Office Order dated 26.11.2014 - Constitution of a Complaint Committee relating to sexual harassment of working women in Govt. offices - regarding (171.5 KiB, 866 hits)

Contract/Casual Workers

  DPE O.M. dated 24.10.2019 – W.P.(C) filed by Suman Forwarding Agency Pvt. Ltd. Vs Central Warehousing Corporation Majdoor Union before Delhi High Court (Casual Labour) (2.7 MiB, 646 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.09.2019 - Equal pay for Equal work for Casual Workers: Compliance with Hon'ble Courts Judgments thereon (141.7 KiB, 1,027 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.02.2013 - Payment of wages under the Minimum Wages Act to contract / casual workers in CPSEs (405.3 KiB, 988 hits)

Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment (CRR)

  Request for Proposals (RFP) for hiring services of a TPAA engaging a Consultant for evaluation of the CRR Scheme for separated employees of CPSEs (As on DPE Website - 08.02.2018) (798.6 KiB, 1,025 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.04.2015 - Implementation of Expression of Interest for empaneldment of Nodal Agencies for implementation of CRR Scheme during 2015-16 (2.8 MiB, 2,376 hits)

  Expression of Interest dated 07.04.2014 - Empanelment of Nodal Agencies for implementation of Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment (CRR) Scheme during 2014-15 (324.2 KiB, 1,251 hits)

Courtesies Towards MPs

  Letter dated 29.12.2014 - Extending courtesies towards Members of Parliament, along with DOPT O.M. dated 1.12.2011 (3.8 MiB, 865 hits)

COVID-19-Related Orders

APARs * Attendance System * COVID-19 (Preventive Measures/Guidelines) * Exemption of PWD employees from Roster Duty * Payment of Employees & Works * Regularisation of absence during Covid-19


  DPE O.M. dated 23.06.2020–Extension of timelines for recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) for 2019-20 for Board level incumbents of CPSEs in online SPARROW-CPSE System (1.4 MiB, 5,371 hits)

— Attendance System

  DPE O.M. dated 06.01.2022 - Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by the CPSEs (101.7 KiB, 2,225 hits)

— CIVID-19 – Preventive Measures/Guidelines

  DPE O.M. dated 15.11.2021 - Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Resumption of Biometric attendance regarding (1.8 MiB, 2,352 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.06.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (till 15.06.2021) (131.6 KiB, 791 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.06.2020 – COVID-19 Pandemic Response (172.9 KiB, 1,141 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.06.2020 – Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Instructions of DoPT (215.4 KiB, 1,092 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.04.2020 - Effective use of 'Aarogyasetu' App for breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19 (551.9 KiB, 1,091 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.04.2020 - Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by CPSEs (Forwarding DoPT O.Ms. dated 26&27.03.2020 for compliance) (861.2 KiB, 946 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.03.2020-Welfare measures for workers of CPSEs during outbreak of COVID-19-Instructions of Min. of Labour & Employment (826.6 KiB, 5,850 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.03.2020 - Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (265.8 KiB, 896 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.03.2020 - Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (1.3 MiB, 822 hits)

— Exemption of PWD employees from Roster Duty

  DPE O.M. dated 16.06.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (up to 30.06.2021) (696.2 KiB, 867 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.06.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (till 15.06.2021) (131.6 KiB, 791 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.05.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (1.1 MiB, 1,141 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.11.2020 – Exemption of Employees of PwD category from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation-reg. (DoPT OM dt. 07.10.2020) (54.9 KiB, 1,493 hits)

[ DoPT O.M. dated 07.10.2020 – Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Attendance of Central Government officials ]

  DPE O.M. dated 23.09.2020 – Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation-reg. (DoEPWD OM dt. 14.09.2020) (56.6 KiB, 9,019 hits)

  DoEPWD O.M. dated 14.09.2020 – Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation-reg. (1.0 MiB, 10,366 hits)

Payment to Employees & Works

  DPE O.M. dated 30.03.2020-Timely payment to the employees and works in view of the outbreak of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) by the CPSEs (955.0 KiB, 987 hits)

Regularisation of absence during Covid-19

  DPE O.M. dated 21.08.2020 – Clarification on regularisation of absence during COVID-19 epidemic period-regarding (DoPT O.M. dated 28.07.2020) (457.4 KiB, 956 hits)

CVC Jurisdiction

  Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission Over PSU Executives. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (149.4 KiB, 1,870 hits)


CVO * CVO Holding dditional Charge * Guidelines on Procedure for Appointment of CVOs in CPSEs * Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA during Stay in Guest House


  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of Group 'A' Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (994.5 KiB, 513 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of IAS Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (960.2 KiB, 464 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12..2021 - Nomination for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of Chief Vigilance Officer in CPSEs & other organisations (by 31.01.2022) (391.0 KiB, 372 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2021 - Nomination for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations (by 31.01.22) (State Govts.) (368.1 KiB, 392 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 04.06.2021-Nomination of officers for posts under CCS and posts of CVO in CPSEs/other organizations under Ministries/Departments (920.4 KiB, 1,622 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.01.2021-Applicability of prescribed guidelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs, Govt. officerc on deputation and CVOs in CPSEs (331.5 KiB, 1,651 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2020-Nomination of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under Central Staffing Scheme & CVOs in CPSEs/Other Organisations (Last date: 31.01.2021) (409.4 KiB, 5,361 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2020-Nomination of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under Central Staffing Scheme & CVOs in CPSEs/Other Organisations (State Govts.)(up to 31.01.21) (377.1 KiB, 4,717 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.20 (555.7 KiB, 2,856 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.2020 (State Govts.) (495.5 KiB, 2,816 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 12.12.2018 - Deputation to the posts under Central Staffing Scheme and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations (State Government) (557.8 KiB, 2,783 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 12.12.2018 - Deputation to the posts under Central Staffing Scheme and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations (Ministries) (568.6 KiB, 2,025 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.04.2017-Revised procedure for appointment of Chief Vigilance Officers in CPSEs and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments (311.9 KiB, 3,055 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.03.2017-Clarification regarding extension of tenure of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations beyond 5 years and upto 7 years (46.8 KiB, 3,009 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 13.02.2017-Presentation-online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs - Inviting CVOs (75.0 KiB, 2,774 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 07.12.2016-Nomination for appointment to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & other organisations under Ministries/Departments for 2017-18(State Govts.) (230.8 KiB, 3,990 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 07.12.2016-Nomination for appointment to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & other organisations under Ministries/Departments for 2017-18 (250.3 KiB, 3,596 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.09.2016-Extension of tenure of officers working as CVO in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Deptts. beyond 5 years and up to 7 years (56.6 KiB, 2,281 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.07.2016-Report of the Committee on reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations under Ministries/Deptts. (57.1 KiB, 1,079 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.06.2016 - Joining status of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments appointed by DoPT (48.3 KiB, 3,497 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.06.2016-Report of the Committee to decide CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations and pay, allowances, etc. of CVOs (94.7 KiB, 979 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.06.2016-Report of the Committee to decide CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations and pay, allowances, etc. of CVOs (81.9 KiB, 1,873 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 25.04.2016 - Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs, etc. for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (States) (54.0 KiB, 939 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.04.2016-Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. for the FY 2016-17 - reg. (125.5 KiB, 2,648 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.02.2016 - Inviting nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (47.1 KiB, 2,527 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 22.01.2016 - Inviting nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs (81.2 KiB, 2,590 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.11.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (Ministries) (190.4 KiB, 2,593 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.11.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (States/UTs) (203.8 KiB, 2,698 hits)

  DOPT Meeting Notice dated 10.11.2015 - Meeting of the committee for rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations & the pay, incentive, etc. (39.9 KiB, 2,407 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.11.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (33.0 KiB, 1,849 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.10.2015-Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs & other oganizations under Ministries/Deptts. & the pay, allowances, etc. relates issues(Reminder-III) (143.6 KiB, 1,120 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (33.1 KiB, 2,073 hits)

  Vacant posts of CVOs as on 17.08.2015 (As on DoPT website-20.08.15) (66.6 KiB, 2,142 hits)


  DoPT O.M. dated 13.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (24.3 KiB, 803 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (32.8 KiB, 2,752 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.08.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (Reminder) (19.8 KiB, 2,358 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.07.2015 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVO in CPSEs (23.6 KiB, 5,023 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (75.4 KiB, 1,615 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.07.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (32.3 KiB, 4,686 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.01.2015 - Entrustment of additional charge of a CVO in a CPSE appointed by DoPT to another CPSE by the Ministry of CPSE/s concerned (35.2 KiB, 2,365 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 28.01.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (Ministries) (339.5 KiB, 2,156 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 28.01.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (States/UTs) (357.9 KiB, 1,941 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.09.2014 - Filling up the vacant post of CVOs in CPSEs etc. in different locations for the financial year 2014-15 (71.8 KiB, 2,289 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.08.2013 - Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authority for the Confidential Report in respect of Chief Vigilance Officers working in the Public Sector Undertakings/Organisations (81.7 KiB, 3,065 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.02.2013 - Conduct of CVOs functioning in Banks & other organizations - regarding (59.2 KiB, 1,124 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.02.2013 - Creation of the post of CVOs and status, facilities, perks and perquisites in CPSEs, etc. (22.3 KiB, 1,253 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.07.2012 - Creation of post of Chief Vigilance Officer and status, facilities, perks and perquisites in CPSEs (126.0 KiB, 1,371 hits)

— CVO Holding Additional Charge

  CVC Circular dated 26.06.2023 - Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites etc. to the CVOs, holding additional charge (127.5 KiB, 8,274 hits)

— Guidelines on Procedure for Appointment of CVOs in CPSEs

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.11.2022 - Guidelines on procedure for appointment of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments (108.3 KiB, 7,408 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.05.2017 - Revised procedure for apptt. of CVOs in CPSEs and other organisations under central Ministries/Departments (184.7 KiB, 26 hits)

— Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA during Stay in Guest House

  DPE O.M. dated 02.12.2022 – Reimbursement of rent,payment of HRA to Board level & below Board level executives, non-unionised supervisors & CVOs of CPSEs during temporary stay in Guest Houses (1.4 MiB, 3,229 hits)

Dearness Allowance/Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA)

2017 IDA * Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations * Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations * Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales * Payment of IDA – Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 * Payment of IDA – Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 * Payment of IDA – Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 * Payment of IDA – Revision of on 1987 & 1992 basis * Earlier Orders

— 2017 IDA

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 - Standard Terms & Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs-Protection of date of increment on appointment of Govt. officers to CPSEs (1.7 MiB, 2,097 hits)

— Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations

  DPE O.M. dated 14.06.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2024 (887.0 KiB, 1,160 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.11.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2023 (904.6 KiB, 840 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.06.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2023 (945.3 KiB, 744 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.10.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2022 (604.1 KiB, 1,550 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.05.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2022 (313.1 KiB, 361 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.12.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2021-reg. (1,005.6 KiB, 619 hits)

  MoD Letter dated 18.06.2021 - Dis-empanelment of seven ECHS empanelled Hospitals at Amritsar & Taran Taran, Punjab, involved in fraudulent activities - reg. (371.8 KiB, 955 hits)

— Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations

  DPE O.M. dated 14.06.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2024 (880.2 KiB, 1,192 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.11.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2023 (807.0 KiB, 889 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 20.04.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 6th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2023 (926.1 KiB, 1,168 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.10.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2022 (807.5 KiB, 1,606 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.04.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendtions w.e.f. 01.01.2022 (269.4 KiB, 350 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.12.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2021 (944.8 KiB, 404 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.08.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2021-reg. (936.8 KiB, 700 hits)

— Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales

  DPE O.M. dated 25.10.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (238.9 KiB, 515 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.03.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (916.9 KiB, 1,628 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.10.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (922.0 KiB, 991 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay-scales (922.5 KiB, 1,171 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.10.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay-scales (812.8 KiB, 1,539 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.04.2022 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (305.2 KiB, 370 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (916.9 KiB, 442 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 20.07.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (828.9 KiB, 1,328 hits)

— Payment of IDA – Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017

  DPE O.M. dated 21.10.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (228.5 KiB, 473 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (841.9 KiB, 928 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.06.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (876.1 KiB, 1,122 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (925.6 KiB, 2,089 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (926.2 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (854.0 KiB, 1,267 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (954.1 KiB, 1,127 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (915.2 KiB, 1,624 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (811.5 KiB, 1,469 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.04.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (286.4 KiB, 342 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (905.8 KiB, 392 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.08.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (1.7 MiB, 844 hits)

— Payment of IDA – Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007

  DPE O.M. dated 22.10.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (228.9 KiB, 474 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (859.1 KiB, 931 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.06.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (878.4 KiB, 948 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (923.7 KiB, 1,661 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (943.9 KiB, 975 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (886.5 KiB, 1,262 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (937.0 KiB, 1,123 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (904.3 KiB, 1,541 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (840.2 KiB, 1,489 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.04.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (300.3 KiB, 317 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (905.0 KiB, 376 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.08.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (1.7 MiB, 715 hits)

— Payment of IDA – Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (225.6 KiB, 486 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (843.5 KiB, 920 hits)

  CGHS O.O. dated 02.06.2024 - Change of name of 'Lions Eye Hospital' as 'Prakash Eye Care & Laser Centre', Bhopal under CGHS Bhopal (639.5 KiB, 392 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (918.6 KiB, 1,794 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (919.8 KiB, 990 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (853.4 KiB, 1,476 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (951.5 KiB, 1,113 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (906.2 KiB, 1,564 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (825.1 KiB, 1,455 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.04.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (283.4 KiB, 325 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (935.5 KiB, 322 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.08.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (1.7 MiB, 857 hits)

— Payment of IDA – Revision of on 1987 & 1992 basis

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2024 – Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (436.4 KiB, 540 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2024 – Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 912 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.06.2024 – Payment of DA to Board level/,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,062 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 - Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.8 MiB, 1,618 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,076 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.6 MiB, 1,448 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,121 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,840 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.5 MiB, 1,512 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.04.2022 – Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (529.6 KiB, 366 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.01.2022 - Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.2 MiB, 371 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.08.2021 – Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionised Supervisors in IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (219.0 KiB, 825 hits)

— Earlier Orders

  DPE O.M. dated 08.01.2021-WP No.5934/2020-National Confederation of Officers Assoiations Vs. UOI & Anr. before Hon'ble High Court of Gauhati (regarding suspension of dearness allowance) (895.9 KiB, 1,893 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.11.2020–Freezing of DA to employees of CPSEs drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay revision guidelines at current rates till 30.06.2021-reg. (219.1 KiB, 1,607 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2020 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (303.9 KiB, 1,320 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2020 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executive and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (564.4 KiB, 1,374 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2020 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007–Payment of IDA at revised rates (340.2 KiB, 1,201 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.04.2020 – Freezing of Dearness Allowance to employees drawing CDA pay scales at current rates till July 2021-regarding (193.0 KiB, 1,319 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (94.1 KiB, 1,123 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (105.3 KiB, 1,013 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executive and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (229.5 KiB, 1,022 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (90.0 KiB, 919 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2019 (95.1 KiB, 1,526 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2019 (113.6 KiB, 1,480 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, Drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (185.5 KiB, 873 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC Pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (88.7 KiB, 794 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC Pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (113.7 KiB, 736 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 10.09.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales. (99.1 KiB, 761 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.07.2018 - Standard Terms and Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs. (666.5 KiB, 752 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (106.9 KiB, 756 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (97.6 KiB, 712 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (96.4 KiB, 764 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (237.8 KiB, 721 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.04.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendation w.e.f. 01.01.2018 (91.7 KiB, 895 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.04.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendation w.e.f. 01.01.2018-reg. (115.3 KiB, 850 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.03.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSE s, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (95.4 KiB, 813 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (239.2 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (106.9 KiB, 1,315 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (98.3 KiB, 1,090 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (97.3 KiB, 1,047 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2017 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (111.8 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding (101.0 KiB, 901 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (96.3 KiB, 849 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (103.0 KiB, 822 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2017 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (1.4 MiB, 1,270 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2017 (96.9 KiB, 839 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (127.9 KiB, 842 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (86.8 KiB, 978 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (118.7 KiB, 1,225 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (175.9 KiB, 1,195 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (178.1 KiB, 1,246 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Payment of DA to Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (407.4 KiB, 1,159 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.11.2016-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2016 (431.0 KiB, 1,575 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (202.5 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2016 (159.7 KiB, 2,509 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.97-Payment of IDA (99.4 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA (100.5 KiB, 1,030 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (307.3 KiB, 1,097 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.10.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (113.6 KiB, 1,020 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.09.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSE governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (1.2 MiB, 1,094 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.04.2015 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (57.3 KiB, 2,434 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.04.2015 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2015 (357.1 KiB, 1,538 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (652.3 KiB, 1,003 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (687.3 KiB, 852 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,191 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (690.7 KiB, 897 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (674.1 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (629.8 KiB, 971 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Payment to the DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (954.7 KiB, 964 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.09.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2014 (1.2 MiB, 859 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (664.1 KiB, 903 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (970.8 KiB, 931 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (489.4 KiB, 896 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.03.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (413.9 KiB, 916 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (464.1 KiB, 1,300 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (845.1 KiB, 1,177 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (569.3 KiB, 1,139 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.10.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (663.7 KiB, 1,248 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (462.2 KiB, 1,068 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (854.6 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (507.4 KiB, 1,073 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (750.2 KiB, 992 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (499.6 KiB, 968 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.2007-IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 959 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.06.2013 - Policy for the 7th Round (2nd part) of Wage Negotiations for unionized workers in CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2012 (988.9 KiB, 1,125 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.06.2013 - Keeping certain allowances outside the 50 per cent ceiling for Perks and Allowances (475.2 KiB, 1,087 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.05.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (468.5 KiB, 1,036 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.04.2013 - Revision of Wage/Pay based on profitability of CPSE as a whole and not based on unit-wise performance (538.1 KiB, 986 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2013 - Payment of DA to to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (521.8 KiB, 929 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (396.9 KiB, 917 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates-I (405.0 KiB, 926 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level, Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (767.5 KiB, 864 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates (550.4 KiB, 877 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (403.5 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,373 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.12.2012 - Payment of performance-related pay (PRP) to executives of CPSEs (693.1 KiB, 1,631 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.12.2012 - Issue of consideration of stagnation increment for the purpose of notional increment at the time of promotion (366.7 KiB, 1,346 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.12.2012 - Scales of pay and grades of executives at below Board level in CPSEs (566.9 KiB, 1,090 hits)

Defence Assistant

  CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965-Rule 14(8)(A) - Request of A Delinquent Official For Permission To Engage A Legal Practitioner To Defend His Case Before The Inquiry Officer. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (245.3 KiB, 7,815 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 - Standard Terms & Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs-Protection of date of increment on appointment of Govt. officers to CPSEs (1.7 MiB, 2,097 hits)

  Letter dated 29.03.2012 - Revised standard terms and conditions for deputation of AIS officers to autonomous / other bodies and PSUs under IAS Rules and rules of IPS / IFS (92.2 KiB, 1,656 hits)

Deputation/Foreign Service/Tenure/Foreign Assignment – Circulars/Orders/Guidelines
Director (HR)/(Fin.)

  Inviting comments on responsibilities, educational qualification and experience in the job descriptions for the posts of Director (HR) & Director(Fin.) in CPSEs. (As on DoPT website-02.01.2017) (70.1 KiB, 1,227 hits)

Digital Payment

  Promotion of Payments by Digital means in CPSEs (As on DPE Website - 19.02.2018) (99.9 KiB, 854 hits)

Directors/Independent Directors

Directors/Independent Directors * Orientation Programme for Independent Directors

— Directors/Independent Directors

  DPE O.M. dated 16.12.2019 - Payment of sitting fees and other facilities to Independent (non-official) Directors of CPSEs (606.0 KiB, 518 hits)

  Proposed Orientation Programmes for Directors of CPSEs for the year 2017-18 (As on DPE website-17.05.2017) (59.2 KiB, 1,243 hits)

Disciplinary Proceedings

  Acceptance of Resignation Tendered By Officers Against Whom Disciplinary Cases Are Pending Or Contemplated. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (148.8 KiB, 1,788 hits)

— Orientation Programme for Independent Directors 

  'Orientation Programs for lndependent Directors (lDs) on 19th & 20th Sep in English mode and another on 21st & 22nd Sep 2022 in Hindi/Mix (Hindi & English) mode (as on DPE website) (902.6 KiB, 1,012 hits)

Dividend Entrance Examination

  DPE O.M. dated 29.12.2017 - Representation regarding allocation of centers for various national level entrance examinations in the State of J&K. (518.9 KiB, 845 hits)

  MOF O.M. dated 05.01.2016 - Dividend payment of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (26.4 KiB, 1,295 hits)

Ex Gratia for CPSE Employees

  CGHS webinar on 'Diabetes - Importance of good control in prevention of complications' on 23.05.2023 (Tuesday) at 4 P.M. (As on CGHS website-19.05.2023) (478.7 KiB, 893 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.04.2023 - Clarification on calculation of ex-gratia for the employees of CPSEs following IDA pattern retired on or after 01.10.2020 and up to 30.06.2021 - reg. (254.9 KiB, 1,117 hits)

Foreign Tour

  O.M. dated 07.03.2013 - Foreign tours of Executives and Functional Directors of CPSEs (661.4 KiB, 1,714 hits)

Forwarding of Applications to PESB

  O.M. dated 20.01.2015 - Forwarding of applications to PESB on or before the last date of receipt of application prescribed in the vacancy circular/advertisement (68.1 KiB, 870 hits)


  Acceptance of Gift By Government Servants. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (243.5 KiB, 961 hits)

Government Director 

  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2020 - Role of Govt. Directors on the Boards of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (876.6 KiB, 932 hits)

Grading Report of CPSEs

  Grading Report of CPSEs on compliance with Guidelines on Corporate Governance for CPSEs for the year 2017-18 (As on DPE Website-12.12.2018) (35.8 MiB, 862 hits)

Grievance Redressal

  Model Grievance Redressal Procedure for Staff and Officers in the Central Public Sector Enterprises (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (273.0 KiB, 1,615 hits)


  Guidelines for Administrative Ministries/Departments and Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (As on DPE website-07.03.19) (2.5 MiB, 23,755 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 25.08.2021 - Re-classification of Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation as 'Y' class city for the purpose of grant of HRA to CPSEs - reg. (331.3 KiB, 596 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.09.2015-Re-classification/Upgradation of Cities/Towns on the basis of Census - 2011 for the purpose of grant of HRA for CPSE employees (2.6 MiB, 1,662 hits)

Immovable/Movable Property Return (Filing of)

  CVC O.O. dated 23.11.2020 - Filing of Immovable/Movable Property Return by officers/officials (142.7 KiB, 6,771 hits)


  CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965-Rule 14(8)(A) - Request of A Delinquent Official For Permission To Engage A Legal Practitioner To Defend His Case Before The Inquiry Officer. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (245.3 KiB, 7,815 hits)


  Scheme for Internship for UG/PG students in the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Finance (As on DPE website-30.7.24) (10.3 KiB, 807 hits)

Leave Rules

  DPE O.M. dated 21.08.2020 – Clarification on regularisation of absence during COVID-19 epidemic period-regarding (DoPT O.M. dated 28.07.2020) (457.4 KiB, 956 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.02.2014 - Encashment of Half Pay Leave (HPL) on superannuation - regarding, along with O.M. dated 17.07.2012 (1.4 MiB, 1,987 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 27.11.2018 - Policy for retention of lien on appointment of below Board level employees of CPSEs to Board level posts in CPSEs. (563.0 KiB, 770 hits)

Mentorship Scheme

  DPE O.M. dated 31.03.2021 - Mentorship scheme in Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSEs) (2.6 MiB, 1,102 hits)

Mileage Points

  O.M. dated 10.05.2013 - Utilisation of mileage points / other incentives earned by CPSE employees on tickets purchased for official travel (313.4 KiB, 907 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.02.2013 - Utilisation of mileage points / other incentives earned by CPSE employees on tickets purchased for official travel (436.0 KiB, 901 hits)

Mission Recruitment Cell (MRC)

  DPE O.O. dated 19.09.2022 - Constitution of Mission Recruitment Cell (MRC) for CPSEs in DPE (284.8 KiB, 1,073 hits)

National Employment Service

  Recruitment to Posts in Public Sector Enterprises Through National Employment Service-Issue of Revised Guidelines Regarding. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (351.8 KiB, 3,453 hits)

Non-Official Directors

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.01.2016 - Meeting of the Committee for reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs & other orgns. and rationalization of pay, incentive etc. of CVOs (51.4 KiB, 3,875 hits)

  Format for compiling status of appointment of non-official Directors in CPSEs (As on DPE website - 13.09.2013) (36.5 KiB, 1,011 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2013 - Eligibility criteria for persons to be considered for appointment as non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (978.7 KiB, 1,307 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.06.2013 - Role & responsibilities of non-official Directors of CPSEs (822.6 KiB, 1,358 hits)

  O.M. dated 28.12.2012 - Role & Responsibilities of non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (192.9 KiB, 928 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.08.2012 - Criteria for the persons who can be considered for appointment as non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (54.4 KiB, 1,083 hits)

Pay & Allowances incl. DA/IDA

Pay & Allowances incl. DA/IDA * Performance Related Pay

— Pay & Allowances incl. DA/IDA

Please see Orders on DA/IDA under the heading, Dearness Allowance/Industrial Dearness Allowance.

  DPE O.M. dated 14.08.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (104.3 KiB, 1,316 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2019 (95.1 KiB, 1,526 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2019 (113.6 KiB, 1,480 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, Drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (185.5 KiB, 873 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC Pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (88.7 KiB, 794 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC Pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (113.7 KiB, 736 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 10.09.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales. (99.1 KiB, 761 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.07.2018 - Standard Terms and Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs. (666.5 KiB, 752 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (106.9 KiB, 756 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (97.6 KiB, 712 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (96.4 KiB, 764 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (237.8 KiB, 721 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.04.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendation w.e.f. 01.01.2018 (91.7 KiB, 895 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.04.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendation w.e.f. 01.01.2018-reg. (115.3 KiB, 850 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.03.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSE s, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (95.4 KiB, 813 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (239.2 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (106.9 KiB, 1,315 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (98.3 KiB, 1,090 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (97.3 KiB, 1,047 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2017 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (111.8 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding (101.0 KiB, 901 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (96.3 KiB, 849 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (103.0 KiB, 822 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2017 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (1.4 MiB, 1,270 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2017 (96.9 KiB, 839 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (127.9 KiB, 842 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (86.8 KiB, 978 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (118.7 KiB, 1,225 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (175.9 KiB, 1,195 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (178.1 KiB, 1,246 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Payment of DA to Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (407.4 KiB, 1,159 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.11.2016-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2016 (431.0 KiB, 1,575 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (202.5 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2016 (159.7 KiB, 2,509 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.97-Payment of IDA (99.4 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA (100.5 KiB, 1,030 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (307.3 KiB, 1,097 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.10.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (113.6 KiB, 1,020 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.09.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSE governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (1.2 MiB, 1,094 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.04.2015 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (57.3 KiB, 2,434 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.04.2015 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2015 (357.1 KiB, 1,538 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (652.3 KiB, 1,003 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (687.3 KiB, 852 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,191 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (690.7 KiB, 897 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (674.1 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (629.8 KiB, 971 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Payment to the DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (954.7 KiB, 964 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.09.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2014 (1.2 MiB, 859 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (664.1 KiB, 903 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (970.8 KiB, 931 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (489.4 KiB, 896 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.03.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (413.9 KiB, 916 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (464.1 KiB, 1,300 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (845.1 KiB, 1,177 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (569.3 KiB, 1,139 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.10.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (663.7 KiB, 1,248 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (462.2 KiB, 1,068 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (854.6 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (507.4 KiB, 1,073 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (750.2 KiB, 992 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (499.6 KiB, 968 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.2007-IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 959 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.06.2013 - Policy for the 7th Round (2nd part) of Wage Negotiations for unionized workers in CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2012 (988.9 KiB, 1,125 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.06.2013 - Keeping certain allowances outside the 50 per cent ceiling for Perks and Allowances (475.2 KiB, 1,087 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.05.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (468.5 KiB, 1,036 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.04.2013 - Revision of Wage/Pay based on profitability of CPSE as a whole and not based on unit-wise performance (538.1 KiB, 986 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2013 - Payment of DA to to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (521.8 KiB, 929 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (396.9 KiB, 917 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates-I (405.0 KiB, 926 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level, Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (767.5 KiB, 864 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates (550.4 KiB, 877 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (403.5 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,373 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.12.2012 - Payment of performance-related pay (PRP) to executives of CPSEs (693.1 KiB, 1,631 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.12.2012 - Issue of consideration of stagnation increment for the purpose of notional increment at the time of promotion (366.7 KiB, 1,346 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.12.2012 - Scales of pay and grades of executives at below Board level in CPSEs (566.9 KiB, 1,090 hits)

—  Performance Related Pay

  DPE O.M. dated 01.09.2021 - Payment of Performance Related Pay (PRP) in the absence of Independent Director, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee - reg. (110.8 KiB, 622 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.09.2014 - Deduction of interest on idle cash, bank balances for the purpose of calculating PBT and distribution of Performance Related Pay in CPSEs (45.5 KiB, 1,035 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.02.2014 - Payment of Performance Related Pay (PRP) to the executives of CPSEs (1.4 MiB, 1,687 hits)

O.M. dated 14.12.2012 – Finalization of terms & conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs – revised procedure thereof

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (85.2 KiB, 778 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (84.3 KiB, 870 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Payment of DA to Board level / below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (160.5 KiB, 731 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (92.0 KiB, 851 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.07.2012 - Performance Related Pay (PRP) - Clarification regarding ESOP (73.0 KiB, 1,053 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997 - Paymnt of IDA at revised rates - regarding (84.6 KiB, 983 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding (86.5 KiB, 1,000 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.06.2012 - Keeping certain allowances outside the 50% ceiling for Perks and Allowances (99.8 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.06.2012 - Pay revision of CPSEs employees following CDA pattern in 69 CPSEs (193.0 KiB, 1,096 hits)

Pay Fixation

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.09.2019 - Finaization of Terms & conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs - procedure thereof regarding (972.7 KiB, 1,675 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2019 - Eligibility of pay, allowances, status, benefits, perks and perquisites of CVOs posted in CPSEs etc. (541.9 KiB, 2,372 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.07.2017-Guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in PSU etc., recommended for appointment by the Commission by method of recruitment by selection (93.8 KiB, 5,064 hits)

 Pay Revision/Revision of Pay-Scales/Pay Revision Committee

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (899.3 KiB, 430 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (890.2 KiB, 424 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (889.7 KiB, 430 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.08.2020 – Pay Revision of Board level/below Board level executive and non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Review of Profitability (116.5 KiB, 1,806 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.07.2020 – Pay revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Examples of Payment of PRP-reg. (567.4 KiB, 2,194 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionized supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (159.3 KiB, 1,155 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2019 - Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)-Government decision on allowances etc. (2.1 MiB, 632 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2018 - Pay Revision of Board & below Board level Executives of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2007- Government Decision on the recommendations of the Anomalies Committee. (410.8 KiB, 920 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.05.2018 - Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Government decision on allowances etc. (3.1 MiB, 811 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.09.2017-Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives & Non-Non Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs wef 01.01.2017-Location Based Compensatory Allowances & NPA (98.2 KiB, 1,102 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.08.2017-Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (758.6 KiB, 2,619 hits)

  DPE Resolution dated 09.06.2016 - Constitution of 3rd Pay Revision Committee (82.5 KiB, 822 hits)

— Pay & Allowances incl. DA/IDA

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2017-Board level posts and below Board level posts inculding No-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revisons of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates reg. (98.5 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2017-Payment of DA to Board level/below level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (396.9 KiB, 999 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2017-Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f.01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding (101.5 KiB, 1,080 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (86.8 KiB, 978 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (118.7 KiB, 1,225 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (175.9 KiB, 1,195 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (178.1 KiB, 1,246 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Payment of DA to Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (407.4 KiB, 1,159 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.11.2016-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2016 (431.0 KiB, 1,575 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (202.5 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2016 (159.7 KiB, 2,509 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.97-Payment of IDA (99.4 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA (100.5 KiB, 1,030 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (307.3 KiB, 1,097 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.10.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (113.6 KiB, 1,020 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.09.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSE governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (1.2 MiB, 1,094 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.04.2015 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (57.3 KiB, 2,434 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.04.2015 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2015 (357.1 KiB, 1,538 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (652.3 KiB, 1,003 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (687.3 KiB, 852 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,191 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (690.7 KiB, 897 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (674.1 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (629.8 KiB, 971 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Payment to the DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (954.7 KiB, 964 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.09.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2014 (1.2 MiB, 859 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (664.1 KiB, 903 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (970.8 KiB, 931 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (489.4 KiB, 896 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.03.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (413.9 KiB, 916 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (464.1 KiB, 1,300 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (845.1 KiB, 1,177 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (569.3 KiB, 1,139 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.10.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (663.7 KiB, 1,248 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (462.2 KiB, 1,068 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (854.6 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (507.4 KiB, 1,073 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (750.2 KiB, 992 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (499.6 KiB, 968 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.2007-IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 959 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.06.2013 - Policy for the 7th Round (2nd part) of Wage Negotiations for unionized workers in CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2012 (988.9 KiB, 1,125 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.06.2013 - Keeping certain allowances outside the 50 per cent ceiling for Perks and Allowances (475.2 KiB, 1,087 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.05.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (468.5 KiB, 1,036 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.04.2013 - Revision of Wage/Pay based on profitability of CPSE as a whole and not based on unit-wise performance (538.1 KiB, 986 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2013 - Payment of DA to to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (521.8 KiB, 929 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (396.9 KiB, 917 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates-I (405.0 KiB, 926 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level, Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (767.5 KiB, 864 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates (550.4 KiB, 877 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (403.5 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,373 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.12.2012 - Payment of performance-related pay (PRP) to executives of CPSEs (693.1 KiB, 1,631 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.12.2012 - Issue of consideration of stagnation increment for the purpose of notional increment at the time of promotion (366.7 KiB, 1,346 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.12.2012 - Scales of pay and grades of executives at below Board level in CPSEs (566.9 KiB, 1,090 hits)

—  Performance Related Pay

  DPE Order dated 30.07.2024 regarding Performance Related Pay (2.1 MiB, 640 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.09.2021 - Payment of Performance Related Pay (PRP) in the absence of Independent Director, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee - reg. (110.8 KiB, 622 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.09.2014 - Deduction of interest on idle cash, bank balances for the purpose of calculating PBT and distribution of Performance Related Pay in CPSEs (45.5 KiB, 1,035 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.02.2014 - Payment of Performance Related Pay (PRP) to the executives of CPSEs (1.4 MiB, 1,687 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (85.2 KiB, 778 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (84.3 KiB, 870 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Payment of DA to Board level / below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (160.5 KiB, 731 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (92.0 KiB, 851 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.07.2012 - Performance Related Pay (PRP) - Clarification regarding ESOP (73.0 KiB, 1,053 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997 - Paymnt of IDA at revised rates - regarding (84.6 KiB, 983 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding (86.5 KiB, 1,000 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.06.2012 - Keeping certain allowances outside the 50% ceiling for Perks and Allowances (99.8 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.06.2012 - Pay revision of CPSEs employees following CDA pattern in 69 CPSEs (193.0 KiB, 1,096 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 14.11.2018 - Selection through Search-cum-Selection Committee mode instead of the standard PESB route in CPSEs. (605.6 KiB, 779 hits)

  PESB invites comments on the revised application form - reg (As on DoPT Website-12.05.2017) (249.1 KiB, 1,219 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.06.2016 - Amendment to the Resolution dated 03.03.1987 of the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) (143.2 KiB, 973 hits)

  DoPT Wireless Message dated 22.02.2016 - Invitation of applications for the post of Member in PESB (204.1 KiB, 884 hits)

Presidential Directive

  Power of President to Issue Directives-Provisions in The Articles of Association-Regarding. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (342.0 KiB, 663 hits)

Probity and Efficacy

  DPE O.M. dated 22.12.2015 - Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs (1.0 MiB, 1,840 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.12.2015 - Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs (453.8 KiB, 1,602 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.12.2015 - Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs (7.0 MiB, 1,105 hits)

  Protection of Date of Increment 

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 - Standard Terms & Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs-Protection of date of increment on appointment of Govt. officers to CPSEs (1.7 MiB, 2,097 hits)


PwDs/Divyangjan * Reservation in Promotion * Transfer * Transport Allowance * Written Examination for PWDs

— Facilities

  DPE Letter dated 07.04.2014 – Guidelines for providing certain facilities in respect of PwD who are already employed in Govt. for efficient discharge of their duties (3.3 MiB, 1,650 hits)

— PwBDs

  DPE O.M. dated 30.07.2019 – Compliance of order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Shri Anuj Goyal vs UOI & Ors. (posts identified suitable for PWDs in DPE) (667.0 KiB, 460 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.07.2015-Disable friendly examination centres for candidates with disabilities-Order of Court of Chief Commissioner for PWDs-reg. (518.1 KiB, 3,335 hits)

—Reservation in Promotion

  DPE Letter dated 23.01.2024 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - regarding (reg. DoPT O.M. dt. 28.12.23) (3.1 MiB, 3,428 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.01.2023 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - Clarification with regard to the concept of own merit (3.1 MiB, 1,722 hits)

— Transfer

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2023 – Adhering to the provisions/guidelines relating to transfer of divyang employees - regarding (1.7 MiB, 1,799 hits)

— Transport Allowance to PwBDs/Divyangjan

  DPE O.M. dated 18.03.2023 - Double/Additional Transport Allowance out of the 50%/35% ceiling relating to Divyangjan - Date of implementation (21.02.2022) (830.1 KiB, 4,349 hits)

— Written Examination for PwBDs 

  DPE O.M. dated 23.09.2020 – Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with benchmark disabilities-reg. (DoEPWD OM dated 09.09.2020) (52.0 KiB, 9,040 hits)

  DoEPWD O.M. dated 09.09.2020 – Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with benchmark disabilities-reg. (2.5 MiB, 9,022 hits)

  MoSJ&E O.M. dated 26.02.2013 – Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with disabilities (194.5 KiB, 517 hits)

Receipt of Benefits

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.10.2016-Receipt of monetary benefits in the form of sitting fees, bonus, etc. by employees of CPSEs (incl. Chief Executive & Functional Directors) & part-time Directors (151.5 KiB, 1,098 hits)


  Recruitment to Posts in Public Sector Enterprises Through National Employment Service-Issue of Revised Guidelines Regarding. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (351.8 KiB, 3,453 hits)

Recruitment of Non-Executives

  DPE O.M. dated 14.12.2015 - Disontinuation of interview for recruitment to Non-Executive posts in CPSEs-reg. (760.7 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  Receipt of Benefits

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.10.2016-Receipt of monetary benefits in the form of sitting fees, bonus, etc. by employees of CPSEs (incl. Chief Executive & Functional Directors) & part-time Directors (151.5 KiB, 1,098 hits)

Recruitment of Non-Executives

  DPE O.M. dated 14.12.2015 - Disontinuation of interview for recruitment to Non-Executive posts in CPSEs-reg. (760.7 KiB, 1,276 hits)


Creamy Layer * EWSs * PwDs * Reservation in Promotion

— Creamy Layer

  DoPT Letter dated 08.06.2018-Reservation for candidates from OBCs-Revision of Income Criteria & determining equivalence of posts in CPSEs, PSBs, FIs, etc. with posts in Govt. for Creamy Layer criteria (594.8 KiB, 3,413 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 01.02.2019 - Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) posts. (10.0 MiB, 8,112 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.01.2019 - Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in CPSEs posts. (3.3 MiB, 8,147 hits)

— PwDs

  DPE Letter dated 23.01.2024 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - regarding (reg. DoPT O.M. dt. 28.12.23) (3.1 MiB, 3,428 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.01.2023 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - Clarification with regard to the concept of own merit (3.1 MiB, 1,722 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.06.2022 - Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) (762.6 KiB, 4,624 hits)

— Reservation in Promotion

  DPE Letter dated 23.01.2024 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - regarding (reg. DoPT O.M. dt. 28.12.23) (3.1 MiB, 3,428 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.01.2023 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - Clarification with regard to the concept of own merit (3.1 MiB, 1,722 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.04.2022-Reservation in promotions-procedure prior to effecting reservations in the matter of promotions by all the departments of the Central Govt. (2.6 MiB, 5,946 hits)

— Uncategorised

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.06.2016-Review Meetings by the NCSC to review and monitor implementation of reservation policy for SCs and OBCs in CPUs during the years 2014 & 2015 (1.4 MiB, 1,333 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.07.2015-Disable friendly examination centres for candidates with disabilities-Order of Court of Chief Commissioner for PWDs-reg. (518.1 KiB, 3,335 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.02.2015 - Applicability of instructions regarding reservation to SC/ST/OBC, Disability & Ex-servicemen as issued by Govt. Ministries/Departments to CPSEs (105.4 KiB, 25,004 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.01.2012 - Reservation of Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services under the CPSEs - Sub-quota for Minority Communities (602.4 KiB, 2,770 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.06.2016 - Amendment to the Resolution dated 03.03.1987 of the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) (143.2 KiB, 973 hits)

  DoPT Wireless Message dated 22.02.2016 - Invitation of applications for the post of Member in PESB (204.1 KiB, 884 hits)


  DoPT O.M. dated 24.06.2016-Review Meetings by the NCSC to review and monitor implementation of reservation policy for SCs and OBCs in CPUs during the years 2014 & 2015 (1.4 MiB, 1,333 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.07.2015-Disable friendly examination centres for candidates with disabilities-Order of Court of Chief Commissioner for PWDs-reg. (518.1 KiB, 3,335 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.02.2015 - Applicability of instructions regarding reservation to SC/ST/OBC, Disability & Ex-servicemen as issued by Govt. Ministries/Departments to CPSEs (105.4 KiB, 25,004 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.01.2012 - Reservation of Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services under the CPSEs - Sub-quota for Minority Communities (602.4 KiB, 2,770 hits)


Reimbursement of Rent/Payment of HRA During Temporary Stay in Guest House

  DPE O.M. dated 02.12.2022 – Reimbursement of rent,payment of HRA to Board level & below Board level executives, non-unionised supervisors & CVOs of CPSEs during temporary stay in Guest Houses (1.4 MiB, 3,229 hits)


  Acceptance of Resignation Tendered By Officers Against Whom Disciplinary Cases Are Pending Or Contemplated. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (148.8 KiB, 1,788 hits)

Retirement (including Retirement Dues)

Gratuity * Leave Encashment * Retired Employees * Retirement

— Gratuity

  DPE O.M. dated 25.10.2021-Calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for CPSEs employees on CDA pattern (2017,2007 & other pay scales) retired on or after 01.10.20 & up to 30.06.21 (3.1 MiB, 485 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.10.2021-Calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for CPSEs employees on CDA pattern pay scales retired during Jan 2020 to June 2021 (1.1 MiB, 2,776 hits)

— Leave Encashment

  DPE O.M. dated 25.10.2021-Calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for CPSEs employees on CDA pattern (2017,2007 & other pay scales) retired on or after 01.10.20 & up to 30.06.21 (3.1 MiB, 485 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.10.2021-Calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for CPSEs employees on CDA pattern pay scales retired during Jan 2020 to June 2021 (1.1 MiB, 2,776 hits)

— Retired Employees 

  O.M. dated 07.02.2014 - Encashment of Half Pay Leave (HPL) on superannuation - regarding, along with O.M. dated 17.07.2012 (1.4 MiB, 1,987 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2013 - Restrictions on top level executives of CPSEs joining private commercial undertakings after retirement (2.8 MiB, 1,028 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.01.2013 - Issue of creation of Corpus for the retired employees of CPSEs and Superannuation Benefit Scheme for the executives & non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs after 1.1.07 (1.6 MiB, 980 hits)

— Retirement

  DPE O.M. dated 13.10.2021-Calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for CPSEs employees on CDA pattern pay scales retired during Jan 2020 to June 2021 (1.1 MiB, 2,776 hits)

Selection-cum-Selection Committee

  O.M. dated 12.02.2015 - Constitution of Search-cum-Selection Committee for selection for appointment to a Board level post in CPSEs (92.0 KiB, 1,083 hits)

Service matter dispute/WP

  DPE O.M. dated 25.06.2018 - Writ petitions by CPSEs against the service matter disputes referred to the Industrial Tribunals - Reference received from Chief Labour Commission (CLC) - regarding (348.1 KiB, 727 hits)

Sexual Harassment

  Personnel Policies - Directive on amendment in the CDA Rules & Standard Orders pertaining to the SC judgment in Vishaka case (As on DPE Website-13.08.2018) (615.9 KiB, 1,780 hits)

Sick Leave 

  O.M. dated 17.12.2012 - Clarification sought by Audit on encashment of sick leave (454.3 KiB, 1,230 hits)

  Letter dated 17.07.2012 - Clarification sought by Audit on encashment of sick leave (94.5 KiB, 1,428 hits)

Sitting Fees

  DPE O.M. dated 16.12.2019 - Payment of sitting fees and other facilities to Independent (non-official) Directors of CPSEs (606.0 KiB, 518 hits)

Special Concessions for Working in Kashmir Valley/NER/UTs/Ladakh Region 

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.04.2015-Spl. concessions to employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs under Central Government (81.4 KiB, 3,445 hits)

  O.M. dated 17.02.2014 - Special concessions/facilities to Central Government employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt. (103.2 KiB, 1,193 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.04.2013 - Allowances and special facilities to Central Govt. employees serving in NER and UTs of A&N, Lakshadweep-Extension of benefits of TA in Ladakh region (59.7 KiB, 3,073 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.12.2012-Special concessions/facilities to employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt. - Clarification (90.0 KiB, 397 hits)

  O.M. dated 27.06.2012 - Special concessions / facilities to Central Govt. employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached / subordinate offices or Central PSUs (114.8 KiB, 1,350 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 09.04.2019-Implementation of online system (SPARROW CPSE) for recording Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for Board-level Executives of CPSEs (2.4 MiB, 2,935 hits)

Standards Orders

  Personnel Policies - Directive on amendment in the CDA Rules & Standard Orders pertaining to the SC judgment in Vishaka case (As on DPE Website-13.08.2018) (615.9 KiB, 1,780 hits)


  Suspension of Suspect Officials In Corruption Cases. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (262.5 KiB, 1,743 hits)

Top Management Incumbents

  DPE O.M. dated 08.11.2024-Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2023-24 (335.4 KiB, 436 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.12.2022 – Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2021-22 (161.2 KiB, 797 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.08.2021 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2019-20 (1.3 MiB, 649 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.01.2021-Applicability of prescribed guidelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs, Govt. officerc on deputation and CVOs in CPSEs (331.5 KiB, 1,651 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.01.2021 - Promotion of 48 Principal Private Secretaries (PPSs) to the grade of Sr. PPSs of CSSS on ad hoc basis up to 30.06.2021 (132.0 KiB, 896 hits)

Training/Workshop/Orientation Programme/Foreign Training [

  Call for conducting training programmes/workshops under DPE RDC scheme for the year 2023-24 (last date: 06.02.2023) (As on DPE website-06.01.2023) (1,013.0 KiB, 1,811 hits)

xxx   xxx

  DPE Letter dated 13.05.2022 - Courses offered by National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, New Delhi - regarding (4.2 MiB, 423 hits)

  DPE DO Letter dated 01.09.2021 - Online Trg. programs for employees of CPSEs & State-Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) in collaboration with leading professional institutes during 2021-22 (610.3 KiB, 587 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.06.2020 – Foreign training conducted by CPSEs during the year 2020-21 - regarding (517.4 KiB, 2,081 hits)

  Two Residential Programs on Strategic Planning and Management and Preparing for Industry 4.0 in March 2020 (As on DPE website-05.03.2020) (67.0 KiB, 964 hits)

  DPE DO Letter dated 14.01.2020 - Workshop for Nodal Officers of DRISHTI Dashboard on 28.01.2020 at NOIDA (1.3 MiB, 1,380 hits)

  DPE DO Letter dated 14.01.2020 - Workshop for Nodal Officers of DRISHTI Dashboard on 27.01.2020 at NOIDA (1.5 MiB, 1,252 hits)

  DPE’s Workshop Calendar 2019-20 (As on DPE’s website-15.05.2019) (185.9 KiB, 960 hits)

  Details of Training Programmes organized by Survey Division for the year 2019-20 (As on DPE Website - 30.03.2019) (213.0 KiB, 708 hits)

  Orientation Programme for Directors of CPSEs on 17th May 2018 at IHC, New Delhi (As on DPE Website - 01.05.2018) (15.4 KiB, 815 hits)

  List of Workshops to be organized by Survey Division, Department of Public Enterprises during Financial Year 2017-18 (As on DPE website-05.07.2017) (77.6 KiB, 1,025 hits)

  Proposed Orientation Programmes for Directors of CPSEs for the year 2017-18 (As on DPE website-17.05.2017) (59.2 KiB, 1,243 hits)

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 16.08.2016-Workshops (one day) organized by DPE in association with ICAI for the executives of CPSEs & SLPEs-Change of Venue at Bangaluru (322.3 KiB, 1,125 hits)

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 05.08.2016 - Workshops at Bangaluru and Hyderabad (1.7 MiB, 1,202 hits)

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 08.07.2016-Training programmes organized by DPE for capacity building of SLPE and CPSEs during the current year 2016-17 (3.1 MiB, 1,264 hits)

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 13.06.2016-Training programmes organized by DPE for capacity building of SLPE and CPSEs during the current year 2016-17 (5.4 MiB, 714 hits)

  DPE letter dated 17.05.2016-Trg. Programme for Executives of CPSEs and State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) for 2016-17 under RDC Scheme of DPE (5.4 MiB, 832 hits)

  Interaction Meeting with Senior HR Executives of CPSEs on 6th March 2014 (17.2 KiB, 1,063 hits)

  Workshop being organized by DPE for Capacity Building of non-official Directors of CPSEs on 26th Feb 2014 (17.8 KiB, 901 hits)

Transport Allowance

  DPE O.M. dated 18.03.2023 - Double/Additional Transport Allowance out of the 50%/35% ceiling relating to Divyangjan - Date of implementation (21.02.2022) (830.1 KiB, 4,349 hits)


  DPE Circular dated 14.11.2019 - Request for Proposal (RPF) for engagement of one Consultant (IT Professional) in Department of Public Enterprises (1.4 MiB, 695 hits)

  DPE Circular dated 08.11.2019 - Inviting applications for engagement of retired Private Secretaries as Consultants in Department of Public Enterprises on Contractual Basis for a period of one year (1.1 MiB, 1,145 hits)

Vacant Posts

  DPE O.M. dated 28.05.2019 - Proposal to engage a suitable retired person as Consultant in DPE (730.7 KiB, 879 hits)

  DPE Letter dated 05.08.2016 - Collection of information in respect of vacant posts and recruitment of regular employees in CPSEs for FY 2015-16 (3.6 MiB, 1,645 hits)

Vacancies in CPSEs >> Please click here.

  DPE O.M. dated 14.09.2015 - Collection of information in respect of vacant posts and recruitment of regular employees in CPSEs (3.4 MiB, 1,205 hits)

Verification of Character

  Verification of Character and Antecedents of Persons belonging to Nepal. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (249.7 KiB, 849 hits)

Vigilance Policy in CPSEs

  DPE Corri. dated 13.11.2024 - Consolidated & revised guidelines regarding Vigilance Policy for CPSEs (352.3 KiB, 595 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.07.2024 - Consolidated & revised guidelines regarding Vigilance Policy for CPSEs (2.9 MiB, 459 hits)

Wage Policy

  DPE O.M. dated 24.11.2017 - Wage Policy for the 8th round of wage negotiations for workmen in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (90.3 KiB, 1,093 hits)

Woman Employee

  DPE O.M. dated 29.04.2024 - Uniformity in facilities available to women employees of CPSEs in line with similar facilities available to women employees of the Central Government (2.9 MiB, 1,087 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 23.03.2020-Welfare measures for workers of CPSEs during outbreak of COVID-19-Instructions of Min. of Labour & Employment (826.6 KiB, 5,850 hits)

Young Professional/Consultant (Young Associate/Young Professional/Consultant)

  Engagement of Young Professionals (4 positions) and Young Associates (2 positions) in DPE on contract basis (Last date- 20.05.24) (As on DPE website-11.05.24) (125.6 KiB, 1,096 hits)

  DPE - Revised Procedure and Guidelines for engagement of Consultant (Young Associate/Young Professional/Consultant) in D/o Public Enterprises, dated 28.07.2023 (19.9 MiB, 1,668 hits)

  Engagement of Young Professionals (5 positions) in DPE on contract basis (As on DPE website-16.06.2023) (221.3 KiB, 702 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.05.2022 - Procedure and Guidelines for engagement of Young Professionals in Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Finance (6.9 MiB, 495 hits)

  DPE Notification dated 06.10.2020 - Engagement of Young Professionals (2.7 MiB, 1,481 hits)

III. DPE – Orders/Guidelines – Part I (Service Rules) Archive

Jan-Jun 2024

  DPE O.M. dated 19.06.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (879.6 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.06.2024 – Payment of DA to Board level/,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,062 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.06.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2024 (880.2 KiB, 1,192 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.06.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2024 (887.0 KiB, 1,160 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.06.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (878.4 KiB, 948 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.06.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (876.1 KiB, 1,122 hits)

  Engagement of Young Professionals (4 positions) and Young Associates (2 positions) in DPE on contract basis (Last date- 20.05.24) (As on DPE website-11.05.24) (125.6 KiB, 1,096 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.04.2024 - Uniformity in facilities available to women employees of CPSEs in line with similar facilities available to women employees of the Central Government (2.9 MiB, 1,087 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.04.2024 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2022-23 (672.9 KiB, 792 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.03.2024 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (916.9 KiB, 1,628 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.02.2024 - Guidelines on acceptance of awards from Government Bodies/Private Organizations by Government servants (1.3 MiB, 2,994 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.02.2024 - Finalization of terms and conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs - revised procedures thereof (429.2 KiB, 959 hits)

  DPE Letter dated 23.01.2024 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - regarding (reg. DoPT O.M. dt. 28.12.23) (3.1 MiB, 3,428 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 - Standard Terms & Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs-Protection of date of increment on appointment of Govt. officers to CPSEs (1.7 MiB, 2,097 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (925.6 KiB, 2,089 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (923.7 KiB, 1,661 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (918.6 KiB, 1,794 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024 - Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.8 MiB, 1,618 hits)

Jul-Dec 2023

  DPE O.M. dated 13.12.2023 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2022-23 (601.0 KiB, 1,052 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.11.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2023 (807.0 KiB, 889 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.11.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2023 (904.6 KiB, 840 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.10.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (922.0 KiB, 991 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.10.2023 – Revised and consolidated Guidelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs (2.0 MiB, 2,243 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,076 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (919.8 KiB, 990 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (943.9 KiB, 975 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (926.2 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.09.2023 – Finalization of Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Executive-Clarification on Competent Authority (1.5 MiB, 1,605 hits)

  DPE - Revised Procedure and Guidelines for engagement of Consultant (Young Associate/Young Professional/Consultant) in D/o Public Enterprises, dated 28.07.2023 (19.9 MiB, 1,668 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.6 MiB, 1,448 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (853.4 KiB, 1,476 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (886.5 KiB, 1,262 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (854.0 KiB, 1,267 hits)

Jan-Jun 2023

  DPE O.M. dated 27.06.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2023 (945.3 KiB, 744 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 26.06.2023 - Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites etc. to the CVOs, holding additional charge (127.5 KiB, 8,274 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.06.2023 - Instructions regarding implementation of Aadhaar Enable Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) for attendance of all Govt. employees, by Ministries/Organizations (725.3 KiB, 4,989 hits)

  Engagement of Young Professionals (5 positions) in DPE on contract basis (As on DPE website-16.06.2023) (221.3 KiB, 702 hits)

  Guidelines Regarding Board Level Appointments in CPSEs, August 2017 (As on DoPT website-06.06.2023) (4.1 MiB, 2,777 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.05.2023 - Clarification on calculation of ex gratia for the employees of CPSEs following IDA pattern retired on or after 01.10.2020 and up to 30.06.2021 - reg. (829.5 KiB, 835 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.05.2023 – Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2021-22 (462.4 KiB, 787 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.04.2023 - Clarification on calculation of ex-gratia for the employees of CPSEs following IDA pattern retired on or after 01.10.2020 and up to 30.06.2021 - reg. (254.9 KiB, 1,117 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 20.04.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 6th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2023 (926.1 KiB, 1,168 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay-scales (922.5 KiB, 1,171 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (937.0 KiB, 1,123 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (951.5 KiB, 1,113 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,121 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.04.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (954.1 KiB, 1,127 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2023 – Adhering to the provisions/guidelines relating to transfer of divyang employees - regarding (1.7 MiB, 1,799 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 18.03.2023 - Double/Additional Transport Allowance out of the 50%/35% ceiling relating to Divyangjan - Date of implementation (21.02.2022) (830.1 KiB, 4,349 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.03.2023 – Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2021-22 (163.3 KiB, 1,795 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.11.2022 - Guidelines on procedure for appointment of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments (108.3 KiB, 7,408 hits)

  Call for conducting training programmes/workshops under DPE RDC scheme for the year 2023-24 (last date: 06.02.2023) (As on DPE website-06.01.2023) (1,013.0 KiB, 1,811 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.01.2023 – Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) - Clarification with regard to the concept of own merit (3.1 MiB, 1,722 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.7 MiB, 1,840 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (906.2 KiB, 1,564 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (904.3 KiB, 1,541 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2023 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (915.2 KiB, 1,624 hits)

Jul-Dec 2022

  DPE O.M. dated 27.12.2022 – Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2021-22 (161.2 KiB, 797 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.12.2022 – Reimbursement of rent,payment of HRA to Board level & below Board level executives, non-unionised supervisors & CVOs of CPSEs during temporary stay in Guest Houses (1.4 MiB, 3,229 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.10.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2022 (807.5 KiB, 1,606 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.10.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2022 (604.1 KiB, 1,550 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.10.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay-scales (812.8 KiB, 1,539 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.5 MiB, 1,512 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (825.1 KiB, 1,455 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (840.2 KiB, 1,489 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (811.5 KiB, 1,469 hits)

  DPE O.O. dated 19.09.2022 - Constitution of Mission Recruitment Cell (MRC) for CPSEs in DPE (284.8 KiB, 1,073 hits)

  'Orientation Programs for lndependent Directors (lDs) on 19th & 20th Sep in English mode and another on 21st & 22nd Sep 2022 in Hindi/Mix (Hindi & English) mode (as on DPE website) (902.6 KiB, 1,012 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.07.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (222.6 KiB, 1,139 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.07.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (226.4 KiB, 1,165 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.07.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (226.8 KiB, 1,200 hits)

Apr-Jun 2022 

  DPE O.M. dated 27.06.2022 - Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) (762.6 KiB, 4,624 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.05.2022 - Procedure and Guidelines for engagement of Young Professionals in Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Finance (6.9 MiB, 495 hits)

  DPE Letter dated 13.05.2022 - Courses offered by National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, New Delhi - regarding (4.2 MiB, 423 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.05.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2022 (313.1 KiB, 361 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.04.2022-Reservation in promotions-procedure prior to effecting reservations in the matter of promotions by all the departments of the Central Govt. (2.6 MiB, 5,946 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.04.2022 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay-scales governed by HPPC recommendtions w.e.f. 01.01.2022 (269.4 KiB, 350 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.04.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (283.4 KiB, 325 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.04.2022 – Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (529.6 KiB, 366 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.04.2022 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (305.2 KiB, 370 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.04.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (300.3 KiB, 317 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.04.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (286.4 KiB, 342 hits)

Jan-Mar 2022

  DPE O.M. dated 28.01.2022 - Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.2 MiB, 371 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (905.0 KiB, 376 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (935.5 KiB, 322 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2022 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (905.8 KiB, 392 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.01.2022 - Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by the CPSEs (101.7 KiB, 2,225 hits)

Oct-Dec 2021

  DPE O.M. dated 28.12.2021 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2020-21 (186.7 KiB, 387 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12..2021 - Nomination for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of Chief Vigilance Officer in CPSEs & other organisations (by 31.01.2022) (391.0 KiB, 372 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2021 - Nomination for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations (by 31.01.22) (State Govts.) (368.1 KiB, 392 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.12.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2021 (944.8 KiB, 404 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.12.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2021-reg. (1,005.6 KiB, 619 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 15.11.2021 - Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Resumption of Biometric attendance regarding (1.8 MiB, 2,352 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (916.9 KiB, 442 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 - Payment of DA to Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionized supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.8 MiB, 501 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (899.3 KiB, 430 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (890.2 KiB, 424 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.10.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (889.7 KiB, 430 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.10.2021-Calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for CPSEs employees on CDA pattern (2017,2007 & other pay scales) retired on or after 01.10.20 & up to 30.06.21 (3.1 MiB, 485 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.10.2021-Calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for CPSEs employees on CDA pattern pay scales retired during Jan 2020 to June 2021 (1.1 MiB, 2,776 hits)

Jul-Sep 2021

  DPE DO Letter dated 01.09.2021 - Online Trg. programs for employees of CPSEs & State-Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) in collaboration with leading professional institutes during 2021-22 (610.3 KiB, 587 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.09.2021 - Payment of Performance Related Pay (PRP) in the absence of Independent Director, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee - reg. (110.8 KiB, 622 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.08.2021 - Re-classification of Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation as 'Y' class city for the purpose of grant of HRA to CPSEs - reg. (331.3 KiB, 596 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.08.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2021-reg. (1.8 MiB, 773 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.08.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2021-reg. (936.8 KiB, 700 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.08.2021 - Extension in prescribed timelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2019-20 (1.3 MiB, 649 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.08.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised Supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (1.7 MiB, 857 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.08.2021 – Board level,below Board level executives & non-unionised Supervisors in IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (219.0 KiB, 825 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.08.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (1.7 MiB, 844 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.08.2021 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (1.7 MiB, 715 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.07.2021 – Rendition of the National Anthem on the occasion of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (1.4 MiB, 669 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.07.2021 - Foreign training to be conducted by CPSEs - regarding (308.5 KiB, 765 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 20.07.2021 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (828.9 KiB, 1,328 hits)

Apr – Jun 2021

  DPE O.M. dated 16.06.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (up to 30.06.2021) (696.2 KiB, 867 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 04.06.2021-Nomination of officers for posts under CCS and posts of CVO in CPSEs/other organizations under Ministries/Departments (920.4 KiB, 1,622 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.06.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (till 15.06.2021) (131.6 KiB, 791 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.05.2021 - Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation (1.1 MiB, 1,141 hits)

Jan – Mar 2021

  DPE O.M. dated 31.03.2021 - Mentorship scheme in Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSEs) (2.6 MiB, 1,102 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.01.2021-WP No.5934/2020-National Confederation of Officers Assoiations Vs. UOI & Anr. before Hon'ble High Court of Gauhati (regarding suspension of dearness allowance) (895.9 KiB, 1,893 hits)

October-December 2020

  DPE O.M. dated 05.01.2021-Applicability of prescribed guidelines for writing APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs, Govt. officerc on deputation and CVOs in CPSEs (331.5 KiB, 1,651 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.12.2020–Extension in prescribed timelines for writing Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2019-20 (1.5 MiB, 1,610 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2020-Nomination of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under Central Staffing Scheme & CVOs in CPSEs/Other Organisations (Last date: 31.01.2021) (409.4 KiB, 5,361 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2020-Nomination of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under Central Staffing Scheme & CVOs in CPSEs/Other Organisations (State Govts.)(up to 31.01.21) (377.1 KiB, 4,717 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 23.11.2020 - Filing of Immovable/Movable Property Return by officers/officials (142.7 KiB, 6,771 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.11.2020–Freezing of DA to employees of CPSEs drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay revision guidelines at current rates till 30.06.2021-reg. (219.1 KiB, 1,607 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.11.2020 – Exemption of Employees of PwD category from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation-reg. (DoPT OM dt. 07.10.2020) (54.9 KiB, 1,493 hits)

—-[ DoPT O.M. dated 07.10.2020 – Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Attendance of Central Government officials ]

  DPE O.M. dated 21.10.2020 - Recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2020-21 (extension of timeline) (2.2 MiB, 1,445 hits)

  DPE Notification dated 06.10.2020 - Engagement of Young Professionals (2.7 MiB, 1,481 hits)

Instructions for filling up the Form (for Young Professionals) (As on DPE website). Go to relevant page >>> Click hereAugust-September 2020

  DPE O.M. dated 23.09.2020 – Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation-reg. (DoEPWD OM dt. 14.09.2020) (56.6 KiB, 9,019 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.09.2020 – Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with benchmark disabilities-reg. (DoEPWD OM dated 09.09.2020) (52.0 KiB, 9,040 hits)

  DoEPWD O.M. dated 14.09.2020 – Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID-19 situation-reg. (1.0 MiB, 10,366 hits)

  DoEPWD O.M. dated 09.09.2020 – Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with benchmark disabilities-reg. (2.5 MiB, 9,022 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.08.2020 – Pay Revision of Board level/below Board level executive and non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Review of Profitability (116.5 KiB, 1,806 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.08.2020 – Clarification on regularisation of absence during COVID-19 epidemic period-regarding (DoPT O.M. dated 28.07.2020) (457.4 KiB, 956 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2020 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (303.9 KiB, 1,320 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2020 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executive and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (564.4 KiB, 1,374 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2020 – Board level & below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007–Payment of IDA at revised rates (340.2 KiB, 1,201 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.08.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (104.3 KiB, 1,316 hits)

July 2020

  DPE O.M. dated 01.07.2020 – Pay revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Examples of Payment of PRP-reg. (567.4 KiB, 2,194 hits)

June 2020

  DPE O.M. dated 26.06.2020 – COVID-19 Pandemic Response (172.9 KiB, 1,141 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.06.2020–Extension of timelines for recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) for 2019-20 for Board level incumbents of CPSEs in online SPARROW-CPSE System (1.4 MiB, 5,371 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.06.2020 – Foreign training conducted by CPSEs during the year 2020-21 - regarding (517.4 KiB, 2,081 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.06.2020 – Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Instructions of DoPT (215.4 KiB, 1,092 hits)

MAY 2020

  DPE O.M. dated 11.05.2020–Complaints against CMDs,/Chief Executives/Functional Dirs./Non-Official Dirs., etc. of CPSEs/Public Sec. Banks (PSBs)/FIs & Insurance Cos. (Amendment to OM dated 11.12.17) (101.8 KiB, 11,739 hits)

APRIL 2020

  DPE O.M. dated 30.04.2020 – Implementation of Apprenticeship in CPSEs under post COVID-19 scenario (145.2 KiB, 971 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.04.2020 - Effective use of 'Aarogyasetu' App for breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19 (551.9 KiB, 1,091 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.04.2020 – Freezing of Dearness Allowance to employees drawing CDA pay scales at current rates till July 2021-regarding (193.0 KiB, 1,319 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (94.1 KiB, 1,123 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (105.3 KiB, 1,013 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executive and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (229.5 KiB, 1,022 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2020 – Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 – Payment of IDA at revised rates (90.0 KiB, 919 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.04.2020 - Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by CPSEs (Forwarding DoPT O.Ms. dated 26&27.03.2020 for compliance) (861.2 KiB, 946 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 30.03.2020-Timely payment to the employees and works in view of the outbreak of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) by the CPSEs (955.0 KiB, 987 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.03.2020-Welfare measures for workers of CPSEs during outbreak of COVID-19-Instructions of Min. of Labour & Employment (826.6 KiB, 5,850 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.03.2020 - Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (265.8 KiB, 896 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.03.2020 - Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 by the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (1.3 MiB, 822 hits)

  Two Residential Programs on Strategic Planning and Management and Preparing for Industry 4.0 in March 2020 (As on DPE website-05.03.2020) (67.0 KiB, 964 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 24.01.2020 - Role of Govt. Directors on the Boards of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (876.6 KiB, 932 hits)

  DPE DO Letter dated 14.01.2020 - Workshop for Nodal Officers of DRISHTI Dashboard on 28.01.2020 at NOIDA (1.3 MiB, 1,380 hits)

  DPE DO Letter dated 14.01.2020 - Workshop for Nodal Officers of DRISHTI Dashboard on 27.01.2020 at NOIDA (1.5 MiB, 1,252 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.01.2020 – Implementation of Apprenticeship in CPSEs (6.8 MiB, 484 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2020 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (49.6 KiB, 916 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2020 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (45.1 KiB, 1,099 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2020 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (43.8 KiB, 739 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2020 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executive and non-unionized supervisors following IDA sales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (500.4 KiB, 723 hits)

December 2019

  DPE O.M. dated 16.12.2019 - Payment of sitting fees and other facilities to Independent (non-official) Directors of CPSEs (606.0 KiB, 518 hits)

November 2019

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.20 (555.7 KiB, 2,856 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.2020 (State Govts.) (495.5 KiB, 2,816 hits)

  DPE Circular dated 14.11.2019 - Request for Proposal (RPF) for engagement of one Consultant (IT Professional) in Department of Public Enterprises (1.4 MiB, 695 hits)

  DPE Circular dated 08.11.2019 - Inviting applications for engagement of retired Private Secretaries as Consultants in Department of Public Enterprises on Contractual Basis for a period of one year (1.1 MiB, 1,145 hits)

October 2019

  DPE O.M. dated 29.10.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2019 (495.7 KiB, 683 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.10.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2019 (582.9 KiB, 600 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.10.2019 – W.P.(C) filed by Suman Forwarding Agency Pvt. Ltd. Vs Central Warehousing Corporation Majdoor Union before Delhi High Court (Casual Labour) (2.7 MiB, 646 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.10.2019 - Amendment to consolidated Model CDA Rules 12(4) and 14-A for CPSEs, 2019 (1.7 MiB, 3,623 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.10.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (181.8 KiB, 713 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.10.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (163.1 KiB, 697 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.10.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (175.4 KiB, 601 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.10.2019 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987and 1992 basis (768.7 KiB, 611 hits)

September 2019

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.09.2019 - Finaization of Terms & conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs - procedure thereof regarding (972.7 KiB, 1,675 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.09.2019 - Equal pay for Equal work for Casual Workers: Compliance with Hon'ble Courts Judgments thereon (141.7 KiB, 1,027 hits)

August 2019

  DPE D.O. letter dated 13.08.2019 – Activities for the Swachhta Pakhwara from 16.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 (547.4 KiB, 710 hits)

July, 2019

  DPE O.M. dated 30.07.2019 – Compliance of order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Shri Anuj Goyal vs UOI & Ors. (posts identified suitable for PWDs in DPE) (667.0 KiB, 460 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2019 - Eligibility of pay, allowances, status, benefits, perks and perquisites of CVOs posted in CPSEs etc. (541.9 KiB, 2,372 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 15.07.2019 - Engagement of Retired Central Government Officer as Consultant in the Department of Public Enterprises (337.0 KiB, 931 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionized supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (159.3 KiB, 1,155 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2019 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (796.6 KiB, 807 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2019 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non-unionized supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (170.2 KiB, 725 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (174.6 KiB, 652 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2019 - Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)-Government decision on allowances etc. (2.1 MiB, 632 hits)

June, 2019

  DoPT Letter dated 29.06.2019 - Nominations of officers for deputation to the posts under CSS and for posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (1.1 MiB, 1,977 hits)

May, 2019

  DPE O.M. dated 28.05.2019 - Proposal to engage a suitable retired person as Consultant in DPE (730.7 KiB, 879 hits)

  DPE’s Workshop Calendar 2019-20 (As on DPE’s website-15.05.2019) (185.9 KiB, 960 hits)

April, 2019

  DPE O.M. dated 09.04.2019-Implementation of online system (SPARROW CPSE) for recording Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for Board-level Executives of CPSEs (2.4 MiB, 2,935 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.04.2019 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (237.1 KiB, 1,073 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.04.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (101.8 KiB, 976 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.04.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (89.7 KiB, 925 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 02.04.2019 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (100.0 KiB, 738 hits)

March, 2019

  Details of Training Programmes organized by Survey Division for the year 2019-20 (As on DPE Website - 30.03.2019) (213.0 KiB, 708 hits)

  Schedule-Wise List of Central Public Sector Enterprises (March, 2019) (As on DPE website-18.03.2019) (57.9 KiB, 1,503 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2019 (95.1 KiB, 1,526 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 12.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2019 (113.6 KiB, 1,480 hits)

  Guidelines for Administrative Ministries/Departments and Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (As on DPE website-07.03.19) (2.5 MiB, 23,755 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.03.2019 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, Drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (185.5 KiB, 873 hits)

 February, 2019 

  DPE O.M. dated 26.02.2019 - Special recruitment drive by CPSEs for the recruitment of Ex-Servicemen (ESM) (218.1 KiB, 1,410 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.02.2019-Appointment of Security Personnel in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) from Ex-servicemen Security Agencies sponsored by the Directorate General of Resettlement (DGR) (114.0 KiB, 1,465 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.02.2019 - Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) posts. (10.0 MiB, 8,112 hits)

 January, 2019 

  DPE O.M. dated 31.01.2019 - Training Programme for Executives of CPSEs and State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) for the year 2018-19 under RDC Scheme of DPE. (193.7 KiB, 832 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.01.2019 - Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in CPSEs posts. (3.3 MiB, 8,147 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.01.2019 - MoU Guidelines (4.7 MiB, 1,063 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.01.2019 - Professionalization of below Board level management in CPSEs (1.7 MiB, 744 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.01.2019 - Appointment of non-official (Independent) Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (867.0 KiB, 929 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Payment of IDA at revised rate (681.1 KiB, 896 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2019 - Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rate -regarding (688.9 KiB, 881 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2019 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rate (680.3 KiB, 811 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2019 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis. (1.2 MiB, 816 hits)

 December, 2018 

  DPE O.M. dated 28.12.2018 - Grading of CPSEs on the basis of their compliance with Guidelines on Corporate Governance for CPSEs (3.5 MiB, 819 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 12.12.2018 - Deputation to the posts under Central Staffing Scheme and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations (State Government) (557.8 KiB, 2,783 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 12.12.2018 - Deputation to the posts under Central Staffing Scheme and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations (Ministries) (568.6 KiB, 2,025 hits)

  Grading Report of CPSEs on compliance with Guidelines on Corporate Governance for CPSEs for the year 2017-18 (As on DPE Website-12.12.2018) (35.8 MiB, 862 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 10.12.2018 - Guidelines for CSR expenditure of CPSEs. (5.7 MiB, 868 hits)

  DPE O.M. Dated 04.12.2018 - Writing of APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs from the year 2017-18 onwards (617.5 KiB, 817 hits)

 November, 2018 

  DPE O.M. dated 29.11.2018 - MSME Support and Outreach Campaign - regarding (3.5 MiB, 654 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.11.2018 - Policy for retention of lien on appointment of below Board level employees of CPSEs to Board level posts in CPSEs. (563.0 KiB, 770 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.11.2018 - Amendment to the Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises(MSEs) Order, 2012 - regarding (3.2 MiB, 748 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.11.2018 - Selection through Search-cum-Selection Committee mode instead of the standard PESB route in CPSEs. (605.6 KiB, 779 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.11.2018 - On-boarding of CPSEs on TreDS Platform - regarding (3.2 MiB, 712 hits)

 Presentation made in the Workshop on CPSE SPARROW (As on DPE Website-12.11.2018)
CPSE SPARROW System User Manual (As on DPE Website-12.11.2018) 

  DPE O.M. dated 05.11.2018 - Procurement of common use Goods and Service through Government e-Marketplace (GeM)-reg. (302.0 KiB, 677 hits)

October, 2018 

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC Pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (88.7 KiB, 794 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.10.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC Pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (113.7 KiB, 736 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Payment of IDA at revised rate (108.5 KiB, 792 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rate (96.6 KiB, 709 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non-unionized supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rate (97.0 KiB, 677 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis. (242.3 KiB, 681 hits)

 September, 2018

  DPE O.M. dated 13.09.2018 - Appointment of Security Personnel in CPSEs from Ex-servicemen Security Agencies sponsored by the Directorate General of Resettlement (DGR). (220.1 KiB, 715 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 10.09.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales. (99.1 KiB, 761 hits)

 August, 2018

  Board Level Posts And Below Board Level Posts Including Non-Unionised Supervisors In Public Enterprises - Revision Of Scales Of Pay W.E.F. 1.1.1997. (As on DPE Website - 17.08.2018) (169.2 KiB, 735 hits)

  Board Level Posts In Public Enterprises-Revision Of Scales Of Pay Of Schedule Posts W.E.F. 1.1.1992. (As on DPE Website - 17.08.2018) (436.6 KiB, 733 hits)

  New Enterprises Should Be On Industrial DA Pattern. (As on DPE Website - 17.08.2018) (280.4 KiB, 697 hits)

  Laying of annual reports and audited accounts of statutory corporations and of Governments companies under the companies act, 1956, on the table of the House. (As on DPE Website - 16.08.2018) (218.5 KiB, 823 hits)

  Follow up action on the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Commercial) (As on DPE Website-16.08.2018) (196.6 KiB, 643 hits)

  Updated Position Regarding Title Deeds Or Encumbrances Of Land Buildings Owned By Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs). (As on DPE Website - 16.08.2018) (45.1 KiB, 651 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.08.2013 - Effective implementation of Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012. (545.1 KiB, 685 hits)

  Chief Vigilance Officers Status And Perquisites in Public Sector Undertakings (As on DPE Website - 16.08.2018) (345.2 KiB, 681 hits)

  Strengthening Vigilance Machinery in Public Sector Undertakings. (As on DPE Website - 16.08.2018) (163.5 KiB, 738 hits)

  Improving Vigilance Administration. (As on DPE Website - 16.08.2018) (363.7 KiB, 686 hits)

  Model Vigilance Structure For PSUs. (As on DPE Website - 16.08.2018) (144.7 KiB, 643 hits)

  Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission Over PSU Executives. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (149.4 KiB, 1,870 hits)

  Personnel Policies - Directive on amendment in the CDA Rules & Standard Orders pertaining to the SC judgment in Vishaka case (As on DPE Website-13.08.2018) (615.9 KiB, 1,780 hits)

  Acceptance of Resignation Tendered By Officers Against Whom Disciplinary Cases Are Pending Or Contemplated. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (148.8 KiB, 1,788 hits)

  Suspension of Suspect Officials In Corruption Cases. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (262.5 KiB, 1,743 hits)

  CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965-Rule 14(8)(A) - Request of A Delinquent Official For Permission To Engage A Legal Practitioner To Defend His Case Before The Inquiry Officer. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (245.3 KiB, 7,815 hits)

  Acceptance of Gift By Government Servants. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (243.5 KiB, 961 hits)

  Enforcement/Transfer of Bond in Respect of Employees of Public Enterprises Who Leave The Services of One Undertaking To Join Another Undertaking/Government. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (89.0 KiB, 654 hits)

  Recruitment to Posts in Public Sector Enterprises Through National Employment Service-Issue of Revised Guidelines Regarding. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (351.8 KiB, 3,453 hits)

  Verification of Character and Antecedents of Persons belonging to Nepal. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (249.7 KiB, 849 hits)

  Power of President to Issue Directives-Provisions in The Articles of Association-Regarding. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (342.0 KiB, 663 hits)

  DPE Corrigendum dated 02.08.2018 - List of Workshops to be organized during 2018-19. (45.8 KiB, 633 hits)

July, 2018

  DPE Letter dated 31.07.2018-2 one week (5 days) programs for the officers of CPSEs reg. HR related issues like RTI Act, Establishment Rules, Review under FR(56)J, Enquiry & Disciplinary Proceeding etc (185.4 KiB, 583 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.07.2018 - Standard Terms and Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs. (666.5 KiB, 752 hits)

  Annexure-II of the OM No.DPE/5(1)/2014-Fin.(Part) dated 10.7.2018 on Review of status of closure of sick/loss making CPSEs in word format (As on DPE Website - 20.07.2018) (4.6 KiB, 693 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 18.07.2018 - Holding Board Meetings/Strategy Meets, etc. of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (1.3 MiB, 625 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11/12.07.2018 - Guidelines for Settlement of Claims for Compensation on accidents applicable to the Department of Public Enterprises - Reg. (1.3 MiB, 706 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2018 - Pay Revision of Board & below Board level Executives of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2007- Government Decision on the recommendations of the Anomalies Committee. (410.8 KiB, 920 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2018 - Payment of Gratuity to the employees of CPSEs - Clarification - regarding (251.8 KiB, 885 hits)

  List of Workshops to be organised during 2018-19 (As on DPE Website - 10.07.2018) (137.5 KiB, 801 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (106.9 KiB, 756 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (97.6 KiB, 712 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates. (96.4 KiB, 764 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (237.8 KiB, 721 hits)

June, 2018

  DoPT Letter dated 28.06.2018-Appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Central Ministries/Departments (194.5 KiB, 1,945 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.06.2018 - Writ petitions by CPSEs against the service matter disputes referred to the Industrial Tribunals - Reference received from Chief Labour Commission (CLC) - regarding (348.1 KiB, 727 hits)

  Engagement of Third Party Assessment Agency (TPAA) (As on DPE Website - 19.06.2018) (8.5 KiB, 690 hits)

  List of Training Programmes to be organised by Department of Public Enterprises during Financial Year 2018-19 (As on DPE Website - 19.06.2018) (43.0 KiB, 764 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.06.2018 - Revised guidelines of the DPE on time bound closure of sick/loss making CPSEs and disposal of movable and immovable assets-regarding (2.0 MiB, 868 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 01.06.2018 - Writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs from the year 2017-18 onwards (947.0 KiB, 899 hits)

May, 2018

  DPE O.M. dated 25.05.2018 -Recruitment Process followed in CPSEs (239.0 KiB, 864 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.05.2018 - Committee to develop framework for Infraa-S portal for Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (372.9 KiB, 731 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.05.2018 - Committee to examine feasibility of separate career track for specialists/R&D Personnel in CPSEs (480.5 KiB, 782 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.05.2018 - Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Government decision on allowances etc. (3.1 MiB, 811 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.05.2018-Action Taken in respect of SC Judgment dated 30.8.2017 reg. repsns. of All Kerala Ex-Servicemen Security Staff Assn. (BSNL) & National Ex-servicemen Coord. Committee (364.7 KiB, 1,667 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated - 04.05.2018 - Additional eligibility criteria for MoU for the year 2018-19 (124.9 KiB, 926 hits)

  Orientation Programme for Directors of CPSEs on 17th May 2018 at IHC, New Delhi (As on DPE Website - 01.05.2018) (15.4 KiB, 815 hits)

April, 2018

  DPE O.M. dated 11.04.2018 - Amendment in the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 - enhancement of ceiling of the payment of Gratuity to the employees of CPSEs thereon - regarding (117.9 KiB, 960 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.04.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 6th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendation w.e.f. 01.01.2018 (91.7 KiB, 895 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.04.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendation w.e.f. 01.01.2018-reg. (115.3 KiB, 850 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (108.6 KiB, 1,060 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (96.2 KiB, 987 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2018 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (99.8 KiB, 973 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.04.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (238.7 KiB, 980 hits)

March, 2018

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.03.2018 - Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport (107.5 KiB, 19,509 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.03.2018 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSE s, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (95.4 KiB, 813 hits)

February, 2018

  DPE O.M. dated 21.02.2018 - Grievances related to Recruitment Process followed in CPSEs-reg. (507.3 KiB, 609 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.02.2018 - Periodical Review of employees of CPSEs on the lines of FR-56(j)-Action points in terms of CoS meeting held on 15.02.2018 (938.8 KiB, 546 hits)

  Promotion of Payments by Digital means in CPSEs (As on DPE Website - 19.02.2018) (99.9 KiB, 854 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.02.2018 - Circular Inviting nominations of officers from IAS and Group 'A' Services for posts under CSS and for the posts of CVO for the year 2018 (44.6 KiB, 2,620 hits)

  Request for Proposals (RFP) for hiring services of a TPAA engaging a Consultant for evaluation of the CRR Scheme for separated employees of CPSEs (As on DPE Website - 08.02.2018) (798.6 KiB, 1,025 hits)

January, 2018

  DPE O.M. dated 15.01.2018 - Writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs for the year 2016-17 (1.1 MiB, 1,021 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Payment of DA to Board level/below level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (239.2 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (106.9 KiB, 1,315 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (98.3 KiB, 1,090 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.01.2018 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (97.3 KiB, 1,047 hits)

December, 2017

  DPE O.M. dated 29.12.2017 - Representation regarding allocation of centers for various national level entrance examinations in the State of J&K. (518.9 KiB, 845 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.12.2017 - Circular Inviting nominations of officers from IAS and Group 'A' Service for posts under CSS and for the posts of Chief Vigilance Officers for the year 2018 (50.5 KiB, 2,563 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.12.2017 - Consolidated Model Conduct, Discipline and Appeal (CDA) Rules for CPSEs - 2017 (773.9 KiB, 23,918 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.12.2017-Complaints against CMDs/Chief Executives/Functional Directors/Non official Directors (NoDs) etc. of CPSEs, PSBs, FIs and PSICs (2.9 MiB, 13,075 hits)

November, 2017

  DPE O.M. dated 24.11.2017 - Wage Policy for the 8th round of wage negotiations for workmen in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (90.3 KiB, 1,093 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.11.2017-Relaxation of terms and conditions of selection while selecting disabled Ex-servicemen and dependents of Armed Forces Personnel killed in action for recruitment in CPSEs (3.3 MiB, 3,895 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.11.2017-Registration of CPSEs under D/o Financial Services to facilitate financing of Trade receivables of MSMEs on the Trade Receivable Discounting System (TReDS) platform - reg (658.8 KiB, 1,162 hits)

October, 2017

  DPE O.M. dated 25.10.2017-Establishing equivalence of posts in CPSEs with Posts in Government for establishing Creamy Layer criteria - regarding (6.3 MiB, 2,769 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.10.2017 - Action Plan for National Entrepreneurship Day - 09-11-2017 - regarding (607.6 KiB, 974 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2017 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (111.8 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 06.10.2017 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (1.4 MiB, 1,270 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 06.10.2017 - Establishing equivalence of posts in Central PSUs, Banks, Insurance Institutions with Posts in Govt. for establishing Creamy Layer criteria (390.1 KiB, 3,538 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding (101.0 KiB, 901 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (96.3 KiB, 849 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.10.2017 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales (103.0 KiB, 822 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2017 (96.9 KiB, 839 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.10.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (127.9 KiB, 842 hits)

September, 2017

  DPE O.M. dated 27.09.2017 - Printing & Supply of Public Enterprises Survey 2016-17 containing six publications of DPE, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises (3.2 MiB, 735 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 13.09.2017-Draft Consolidated Model Conduct, Discipline and Appeal (CDA) Rules for CPSEs (188.1 KiB, 900 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.09.2017-Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives & Non-Non Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs wef 01.01.2017-Location Based Compensatory Allowances & NPA (98.2 KiB, 1,102 hits)

  DPE Corrigendum dated 04.09.2017-Corrigendum to RFP for selection of agency for a study on Impact of activities through CSR by CPSEs on Swachh Bharat Mission and publication of a Book (4.0 MiB, 989 hits)

 August, 2017 

  Proposed Orientation Programmes for Directors of CPSEs for the year 2017-18 (As on DPE Website-30.08.2017) (549.7 KiB, 869 hits)

  Guidelines Regarding Board Level Appointments in CPSEs, August 2017 (As on DoPT website-06.06.2023) (4.1 MiB, 2,777 hits)

  RFP for Appointment of Consultant for conducting an evaluation study on the efficacy of MoU System (As on DPE Website-26.08.2017) (1.2 MiB, 1,046 hits)

  Replies to Queries on RFP (Appointment of Consultant for conducting an evaluation study on MoU System) raised during the Pre Bid Meeting (As on DPE Website-26.08.2017) (305.2 KiB, 1,000 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.08.2017 - Feeding of contact details in Communication Module by Nodal Officer (1.1 MiB, 852 hits)

  Impact of activities carried out through CSR by CPSEs on the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in last 3 year and publication of a Book (As on DPE Website-21.08.2017) (703.2 KiB, 881 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2017-Pay revision of employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - reg. (41.2 MiB, 2,078 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14/16.08.2017-Cabinet decision on implementation of the recommendations of 3rd PRC an pay revision of Executive and Non-Unionized Supervisors of CPSEs (1.5 MiB, 1,006 hits)

  MSD&E D.O. Letter dated 10.08.2017-Application for National Entrepreneurship Awards (NEA) to recognise and honour Young Entrepreneurs and Ecosystem Builders (1.2 MiB, 918 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.08.2017-Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017-decision on allowances (114.8 KiB, 1,047 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.08.2017-Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f.01.01.2017-Constitution of Anomalies Committee (292.0 KiB, 924 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 03.08.2017-Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (758.6 KiB, 2,619 hits)

  RFP for Appointment of Consultant for conducting an evaluation study on the efficacy of MoU System (As on DPE Website-03.08.2017) (1.2 MiB, 937 hits)

  RFP for Selection of Agency for Study on Best practices in HR in CPSEs (As on DPE Websit-01.08.2017) (375.8 KiB, 935 hits)

  EOI for Selection of agency for study on best practice in HR in CPSEs-Queries at pre-bid meeting held on 07.07.2017 and comment thereon (As on Website DPE-01.08.2017) (1.9 MiB, 905 hits)

July, 2017

  DPE Letter dated 31.07.2017-Study on Best Human best Human Resources (HR) practices being followed in CPSEs (9.1 MiB, 802 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 31.07.2017-Nomination of officers for appointment on deputation to post Under CSS and for CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations (369.0 KiB, 1,813 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.07.2017-Guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in PSU etc., recommended for appointment by the Commission by method of recruitment by selection (93.8 KiB, 5,064 hits)

  Corrigendum to the EOI for selection of agency for Evaluation Study for Impact Assessment of CSR activities of CPSEs (As on DPE Website 20.07.2017) (121.3 KiB, 898 hits)

  Corrigendum to the EOI for selection of agency for Evaluation Study for Impact Assessment of CSR activities of CPSEs (As on DPE website-06.07.2017) (1.0 MiB, 1,056 hits)

  List of Workshops to be organized by Survey Division, Department of Public Enterprises during Financial Year 2017-18 (As on DPE website-05.07.2017) (77.6 KiB, 1,025 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2017-Board level posts and below Board level posts inculding No-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revisons of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates reg. (98.5 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2017-Payment of DA to Board level/below level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (396.9 KiB, 999 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.07.2017-Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f.01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding (101.5 KiB, 1,080 hits)

June, 2017

  List of Training Programmes to be organized by DPE during F.Y. 2017-18 (As on DPE Website-23.06.2017) (78.2 KiB, 771 hits)

May, 2017

  DPE Circular dated 25.05.2017-Request for Proposal (RFP) for engagement of Consultants in the Department of Public Enterprises (1.6 MiB, 1,107 hits)

  Department of Public Enterprises Invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Selection of Agency for Study on Best practices in Human Resources (HR) in (CPSEs) (As on DPE Website-19.05.2017) (12.0 MiB, 1,124 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.05.2017 - Revised procedure for apptt. of CVOs in CPSEs and other organisations under central Ministries/Departments (184.7 KiB, 26 hits)

  List of Training Programmes to be organized by DPE during F.Y. 2017-18 (As on DPE Website-17.05.2017) (78.2 KiB, 1,124 hits)

  Proposed Orientation Programmes for Directors of CPSEs for the year 2017-18 (As on DPE website-17.05.2017) (59.2 KiB, 1,243 hits)

  PESB invites comments on the revised application form - reg (As on DoPT Website-12.05.2017) (249.1 KiB, 1,219 hits)

April, 2017

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.04.2017-Revised procedure for appointment of Chief Vigilance Officers in CPSEs and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments (311.9 KiB, 3,055 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (86.8 KiB, 978 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (118.7 KiB, 1,225 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (175.9 KiB, 1,195 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (178.1 KiB, 1,246 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Payment of DA to Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (407.4 KiB, 1,159 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.04.2017-Revised procedure for appointment of Chief Vigilance Officers in CPSEs and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments (311.9 KiB, 3,055 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (86.8 KiB, 978 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 19.04.2017-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (118.7 KiB, 1,225 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 18.04.2017-Online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (678.9 KiB, 4,043 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (175.9 KiB, 1,195 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Board level and below Board level posts incl. non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scales wef 01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-reg. (178.1 KiB, 1,246 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 05.04.2017-Payment of DA to Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (407.4 KiB, 1,159 hits)

  DPE O.M.dated 28.03.2017 - Feeding of MoU 2017-18 in Online MoU System (184.3 KiB, 1,523 hits)

March, 2017 

  DoPT Letter dated 20.03.2017-Web Portal for Online Vigilance Status of Board and below Board Level Executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (229.6 KiB, 584 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.03.2017-Clarification regarding extension of tenure of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations beyond 5 years and upto 7 years (46.8 KiB, 3,009 hits)

  Application form for Candidated from CPSE/ Central Govt/Armed force/AIS/SPSE/ pvt Sector (As on DoPT website-03.03.17) (242.0 KiB, 2,366 hits)

February, 2017

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.02.2017-Extension of last date for submitting applications for the post of CVOs in CPSEs etc. by the officers beyond 28.02.2017 and up to 15.03.2017 (37.3 KiB, 1,761 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 23.02.2017-Compendium of Guidelines pertaining to Board level appointments in CPSEs - regarding (634.3 KiB, 1,358 hits)

  DPE O.M dated 23.02.2017-Cut-off age to Board level appointment in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (607.4 KiB, 766 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.02.2017-Pre-mature termination of service of ACC appointees in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)-regarding (233.3 KiB, 1,301 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.02.2017-Presentation meeting on Online Vigilance Status of below Board Level Executive of CPSEs - Inviting CVOs of CPSEs (119.6 KiB, 908 hits)

  DoPT circular dated 17.02.2017-Testing of e-Application system for Board level posts in CPSEs (31.7 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  DPE Letter dated 10.02.2017-3 days workshop for Nodal/Liaison Officers of CPSEs regarding implementation of reservation policy of CPSEs on 8th-10th March, 2017 at ISTM, Delhi (1.0 MiB, 746 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 13.02.2017-Presentation-online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs - Inviting CVOs (75.0 KiB, 2,774 hits)

  DPE O.M dated 01.02.2017-Superannuation Benefis Schemes for employees of CPSEs - clarification regarding Technical Formality (218.2 KiB, 781 hits)

January, 2017

  Finalisation of application form for the candidates to apply for Board Level Post(s) in various CPSEs (As on DoPT website-13.01.2017) (495.7 KiB, 1,405 hits)

  DPE Letter dated 06.01.2017-Qualification and experience norms in job descriptions for various Board Level posts in CPSEs (915.0 KiB, 735 hits)

  DPE O.M dated 05.01.2017-Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs -Revision of pay scales wef 1.1.17-payment of IDA at revised rates (180.5 KiB, 1,194 hits)

  DPE O.M dated 05.01.2017-Payment of DA to Board level,below level executives and non-unionized supervisos following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (463.7 KiB, 1,137 hits)

  Inviting comments on responsibilities, educational qualification and experience in the job descriptions for the posts of Director (HR) & Director(Fin.) in CPSEs. (As on DoPT website-02.01.2017) (70.1 KiB, 1,227 hits)

  Report of 3rd pay revision committee for CPSEs (Effective from 01.01.2017) (as on DPE website- 15.03.2017) (unknown, 532 hits)

December, 2016

  Information on Specal Drive to Educate and Onboard Consumers and Merchants for Digital Payment Methods -23.12.2016 (As on DPE website 15.03.2017) (14.4 KiB, 580 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 07.12.2016-Nomination for appointment to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & other organisations under Ministries/Departments for 2017-18(State Govts.) (230.8 KiB, 3,990 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 07.12.2016-Nomination for appointment to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & other organisations under Ministries/Departments for 2017-18 (250.3 KiB, 3,596 hits)


  DPE Letter dated 17.10.2016 - Brochure on Reservations for SCs/STs and OBCs-reg. (2.4 MiB, 12,505 hits)

November, 2016

  DPE O.M dated 30.11.2016-Periodical Review of employees of CPSEs on the lines of FR56(j) and Discontinuation o the practice of interview for non-executive posts (2.6 MiB, 626 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.11.2016-Timely completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs (616.6 KiB, 741 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 23.11.2016-Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2016 (431.0 KiB, 1,575 hits)

  DPE Circular dated 21.11.2016-Engagement of Retired Central Government Officers as Consultants in the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises (376.1 KiB, 942 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 18.11.2016-Salary advance for the month of November, 2016 to below Supervisory level employees of CPSEs-regarding (746.2 KiB, 889 hits)

  DPE O.M. 08.11.2016 - Relaxation of Norms for Startuos Medium Enterprises in Public Procurement Regarding Prior Experience - Prior Turnover criteria - reg. (2.5 MiB, 592 hits)

October, 2016

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 24.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (58.5 KiB, 1,085 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.10.2016-Receipt of monetary benefits in the form of sitting fees, bonus, etc. by employees of CPSEs (incl. Chief Executive & Functional Directors) & part-time Directors (151.5 KiB, 1,098 hits)

  DOPT Meeting Notice dated 07.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (56.6 KiB, 1,116 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 04.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (74.7 KiB, 1,207 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 03.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (67.7 KiB, 1,706 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.10.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (51.5 KiB, 1,709 hits)

September, 2016

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.09.2016-Extension of tenure of officers working as CVO in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Deptts. beyond 5 years and up to 7 years (56.6 KiB, 2,281 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.09.2016 - Writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs (354.9 KiB, 1,554 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.09.2016 - Guidelines on Time bound Closure of Sick/Loss making CPSEs and disposal of movable and immovable assets - regarding (unknown, 391 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 05.09.2016 - Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (65.5 KiB, 1,206 hits)

August, 2016

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 16.08.2016-Workshops (one day) organized by DPE in association with ICAI for the executives of CPSEs & SLPEs-Change of Venue at Bangaluru (322.3 KiB, 1,125 hits)

  DPE Letter dated 05.08.2016 - Collection of information in respect of vacant posts and recruitment of regular employees in CPSEs for FY 2015-16 (3.6 MiB, 1,645 hits)

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 05.08.2016 - Workshops at Bangaluru and Hyderabad (1.7 MiB, 1,202 hits)

  Guidelines to curb practice of Assns. formed,patronized by CPSE,PSB officials, spouses, etc. obtaining donations from those having commercial relations,official dealings (As on CVC website-3.8.16) (7.1 KiB, 2,451 hits)

July, 2016

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.07.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-filing of Returns-extension of last date-reg. (61.3 KiB, 13,775 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 29.07.2016 - Amendments to the Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and Limits for Exemption, etc. Rules, 2014 under Lokpal & Lokayktas Act (117.5 KiB, 13,000 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.07.2016-Report of the Committee on reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations under Ministries/Deptts. (57.1 KiB, 1,079 hits)

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 08.07.2016-Training programmes organized by DPE for capacity building of SLPE and CPSEs during the current year 2016-17 (3.1 MiB, 1,264 hits)

  Proposed Workshops/Orientation Programmes for Directors of CPSEs for the year 2016-17(As on DPE website-05.07.16) (53.9 KiB, 1,016 hits)

Vacancies in CPSEs >> Please click here. June, 2016

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.06.2016-Review Meetings by the NCSC to review and monitor implementation of reservation policy for SCs and OBCs in CPUs during the years 2014 & 2015 (1.4 MiB, 1,333 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.06.2016 - Joining status of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments appointed by DoPT (48.3 KiB, 3,497 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.06.2016-Report of the Committee to decide CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations and pay, allowances, etc. of CVOs (94.7 KiB, 979 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.06.2016 - Amendment to the Resolution dated 03.03.1987 of the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) (143.2 KiB, 973 hits)

  DPE D.O. Letter dated 13.06.2016-Training programmes organized by DPE for capacity building of SLPE and CPSEs during the current year 2016-17 (5.4 MiB, 714 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.06.2016-Report of the Committee to decide CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations and pay, allowances, etc. of CVOs (81.9 KiB, 1,873 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.06.2016-Assignment of additional charge of the posts of CMD/MD/Functional Directors in CPSEs-reg. (165.7 KiB, 1,054 hits)

  DPE Resolution dated 09.06.2016 - Constitution of 3rd Pay Revision Committee (82.5 KiB, 822 hits)

May, 2016

  DPE letter dated 17.05.2016-Trg. Programme for Executives of CPSEs and State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) for 2016-17 under RDC Scheme of DPE (5.4 MiB, 832 hits)

April, 2016

  DPE O.M. dated 04.08.2016 - Raising of limit for investment by FPIs in CPSEs from 24% to 49% - regarding. (2.0 MiB, 429 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (202.5 KiB, 1,309 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 25.04.2016 - Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs, etc. for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (States) (54.0 KiB, 939 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 21.04.2016 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2016 (159.7 KiB, 2,509 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.04.2016-Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. for the FY 2016-17 - reg. (125.5 KiB, 2,648 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.04.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date-regarding (173.9 KiB, 5,996 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 11.04.2016 - Amendments to the Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and Limits for Exemption, etc. Rules, 2014 under Lokpal & Lokayktas Act (26.4 KiB, 11,728 hits)

March, 2016

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.03.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.04.2016 (645.0 KiB, 11,948 hits)

January-February, 2016

  DoPT letter dated 29.02.2016 - Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (Ministries) (55.6 KiB, 2,983 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 29.02.2016 - Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (States/UTs) (54.4 KiB, 2,833 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.02.2016-Seeking information about the actual data of perks,allowances given to the CVOs in CPSEs for the FYs 2013-14 & 2014-15 (161.2 KiB, 2,763 hits)

  DoPT Wireless Message dated 22.02.2016 - Invitation of applications for the post of Member in PESB (204.1 KiB, 884 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.02.2016-Nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs and other organisations for the financial year 2016-17-reg. (38.9 KiB, 3,187 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.02.2016 - Inviting nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (47.1 KiB, 2,527 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.01.2016 - Meeting of the Committee for reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs & other orgns. and rationalization of pay, incentive etc. of CVOs (51.4 KiB, 3,875 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 22.01.2016 - Inviting nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs (81.2 KiB, 2,590 hits)

  MOF O.M. dated 05.01.2016 - Dividend payment of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (26.4 KiB, 1,295 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.97-Payment of IDA (99.4 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Board level posts and below Board level posts incl. Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of pay-scale from 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA (100.5 KiB, 1,030 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 04.01.2016-Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay-scales in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (307.3 KiB, 1,097 hits)


  DPE O.M. dated 22.12.2015 - Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs (1.0 MiB, 1,840 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.12.2015 - Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs (453.8 KiB, 1,602 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.12.2015 - The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-Declaration of assets & liabilities by the public servants- compliance of timeline-regarding (644.8 KiB, 1,258 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.12.2015 - Disontinuation of interview for recruitment to Non-Executive posts in CPSEs-reg. (760.7 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.12.2015 - Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs (7.0 MiB, 1,105 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.11.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (Ministries) (190.4 KiB, 2,593 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.11.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (States/UTs) (203.8 KiB, 2,698 hits)

  DOPT Meeting Notice dated 10.11.2015 - Meeting of the committee for rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations & the pay, incentive, etc. (39.9 KiB, 2,407 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.11.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (33.0 KiB, 1,849 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.10.2015 - Guidelines for Streamlining the mechanism for revival and restructuring of sick/incipient sick and weak CPSEs General principles and mechanism of restructuring. (529.4 KiB, 412 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.10.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (113.6 KiB, 1,020 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.10.2015-Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs & other oganizations under Ministries/Deptts. & the pay, allowances, etc. relates issues(Reminder-III) (143.6 KiB, 1,120 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.09.2015 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSE governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2015 (1.2 MiB, 1,094 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.09.2015 - Collection of information in respect of vacant posts and recruitment of regular employees in CPSEs (3.4 MiB, 1,205 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.09.2015-Re-classification/Upgradation of Cities/Towns on the basis of Census - 2011 for the purpose of grant of HRA for CPSE employees (2.6 MiB, 1,662 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (33.1 KiB, 2,073 hits)

  Vacant posts of CVOs as on 17.08.2015 (As on DoPT website-20.08.15) (66.6 KiB, 2,142 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.08.2015 - CVO positions in CPSEs and pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues - Meeting regarding (28.3 KiB, 2,703 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (24.3 KiB, 803 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (32.8 KiB, 2,752 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.08.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (Reminder) (19.8 KiB, 2,358 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.07.2015-Disable friendly examination centres for candidates with disabilities-Order of Court of Chief Commissioner for PWDs-reg. (518.1 KiB, 3,335 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.07.2015 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVO in CPSEs (23.6 KiB, 5,023 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (75.4 KiB, 1,615 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.07.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (32.3 KiB, 4,686 hits)

  MEA O.M. dated 26.05.2015 - Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Govt. servants, PSU/Autonomous body employees, et al (3.4 MiB, 4,190 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.04.2015 - Implementation of Expression of Interest for empaneldment of Nodal Agencies for implementation of CRR Scheme during 2015-16 (2.8 MiB, 2,376 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.04.2015 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (57.3 KiB, 2,434 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.04.2015-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.10.15 (979.5 KiB, 3,709 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.04.2015-Spl. concessions to employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs under Central Government (81.4 KiB, 3,445 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 17.04.2015 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.01.2015 (357.1 KiB, 1,538 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 25.02.2015 - Applicability of instructions regarding reservation to SC/ST/OBC, Disability & Ex-servicemen as issued by Govt. Ministries/Departments to CPSEs (105.4 KiB, 25,004 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 27.01.2015 - Enrolment of CPSEs employees / contract workers, etc. under Aadhaar enabled system (251.9 KiB, 7,981 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.03.2015 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities-Formats to be used for filing returns under section 44 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (263.5 KiB, 3,835 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.02.2015 - Constitution of Search-cum-Selection Committee for selection for appointment to a Board level post in CPSEs (92.0 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 28.01.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (Ministries) (339.5 KiB, 2,156 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 28.01.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (States/UTs) (357.9 KiB, 1,941 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.01.2015 - Forwarding of applications to PESB on or before the last date of receipt of application prescribed in the vacancy circular/advertisement (68.1 KiB, 870 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.01.2015 - Entrustment of additional charge of a CVO in a CPSE appointed by DoPT to another CPSE by the Ministry of CPSE/s concerned (35.2 KiB, 2,365 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (652.3 KiB, 1,003 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (687.3 KiB, 852 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.01.2015 – Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,191 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.01.2015 - The Lokpal and Lokayktas Act 2013-Declaration of assets & liabilities - extending time limit & revised formats (3.2 MiB, 2,965 hits)


  Letter dated 29.12.2014 - Extending courtesies towards Members of Parliament, along with DOPT O.M. dated 1.12.2011 (3.8 MiB, 865 hits)

  Office Order dated 26.11.2014 - Constitution of a Complaint Committee relating to sexual harassment of working women in Govt. offices - regarding (171.5 KiB, 866 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.10.2014 - Policy guidelines for extension of tenure of Board level incumbents where vigilance clearance is not available (75.5 KiB, 7,838 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.10.2014 - Guidelines for processing proposals for appointment to Board level posts in CPSEs (99.2 KiB, 7,700 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.11.2014 - Expenditure Management - Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure - regarding (1.1 MiB, 541 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (690.7 KiB, 897 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (674.1 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (629.8 KiB, 971 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.10.2014 - Payment to the DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (954.7 KiB, 964 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.09.2014 – Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations w.e.f. 01.07.2014 (1.2 MiB, 859 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.09.2014 - Filling up the vacant post of CVOs in CPSEs etc. in different locations for the financial year 2014-15 (71.8 KiB, 2,289 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Amendment to the Public Servants (Furnishing of Info. & and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities & the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 (93.3 KiB, 1,473 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Removal of Difficulty Amendment Order under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (160.6 KiB, 1,293 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (Ministries) (555.5 KiB, 1,216 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (State Govts./UTs) (501.3 KiB, 1,959 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.09.2014 - Deduction of interest on idle cash, bank balances for the purpose of calculating PBT and distribution of Performance Related Pay in CPSEs (45.5 KiB, 1,035 hits)

  DOPT DO letter dated 08.08.2014 - Uploading of data relating to post requiring approval of ACC in AVSM by all Ministries/Departments (35.6 KiB, 725 hits)

  Guidelines for Processing Cases of Board Level Appointments in CPSUs (04.08.2014) (4.6 MiB, 8,966 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2014 - Timelines and check list for processing of the proposals for appointment/extension/non-extension/addl. charge to Board level post in CPSUs requiring ACC approval (131.1 KiB, 971 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (646.6 KiB, 896 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (664.1 KiB, 903 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.07.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level, below Board level executives and non-unionised supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (970.8 KiB, 931 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 11.06.2014 - Guidelines for processing proposals for appointment/extension/termination of appointment to a Board level post in any PSU requiring approval of ACC (34.8 KiB, 868 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 11.06.2014 - 100 days Action Plan of EO Division - Full implementation of AVMS (ACC Vacancy Monitoring Systems) in all Ministries/Departments (72.8 KiB, 1,085 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.05.2014 - Clarifications regarding Introduction of Pension Scheme and Post Superannuation Medical Benefits in CPSEs (1.5 MiB, 4,559 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.05.2014 - Committee to suggest changes in the guidelines issued for writing Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs (650.3 KiB, 954 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 07.07.2014 - Fees/Travelling Allowance etc. of Govt Servants - appointed as Director/Representatives or nominees of the Govt. of India on CPSEs etc. (1.2 MiB, 421 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (489.4 KiB, 896 hits)

  DPE Letter dated 07.04.2014 – Guidelines for providing certain facilities in respect of PwD who are already employed in Govt. for efficient discharge of their duties (3.3 MiB, 1,650 hits)

  Expression of Interest dated 07.04.2014 - Empanelment of Nodal Agencies for implementation of Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment (CRR) Scheme during 2014-15 (324.2 KiB, 1,251 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.03.2014 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (413.9 KiB, 916 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 18.03.2014 - Use of DGS&D RCS for procurement in PSU Companies (911.9 KiB, 481 hits)

  O.M. dated 18.03.2014 - Guidelines on fresh appointment/confirmation/extension of Board level appointees in CPSUs - Monitoring of cases (239.1 KiB, 1,114 hits)

  Interaction Meeting with Senior HR Executives of CPSEs on 6th March 2014 (17.2 KiB, 1,063 hits)

  Workshop being organized by DPE for Capacity Building of non-official Directors of CPSEs on 26th Feb 2014 (17.8 KiB, 901 hits)

  O.M. dated 17.02.2014 - Special concessions/facilities to Central Government employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt. (103.2 KiB, 1,193 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.02.2014 - Payment of Performance Related Pay (PRP) to the executives of CPSEs (1.4 MiB, 1,687 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.02.2014 - Encashment of Half Pay Leave (HPL) on superannuation - regarding, along with O.M. dated 17.07.2012 (1.4 MiB, 1,987 hits)

  Two Workshops being organized on 24th and 27th January by DPE in collaboration with ICAI for Capacity Building of non-official Directors (19.0 KiB, 1,195 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (464.1 KiB, 1,300 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (845.1 KiB, 1,177 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2014 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (569.3 KiB, 1,139 hits)

  DOPT's Guidelines for Processing Cases of Board Level Appointments in Central Public Sector Undertakings (28.11.2013) (4.6 MiB, 1,397 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 31.12.2013 - Compliance of the provisions of the carriage by Road Act, 2007 and rules made hereunder (1.1 MiB, 552 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.10.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (663.7 KiB, 1,248 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (462.2 KiB, 1,068 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.10.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (854.6 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (507.4 KiB, 1,073 hits)

  Format for compiling status of appointment of non-official Directors in CPSEs (As on DPE website - 13.09.2013) (36.5 KiB, 1,011 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 16.08.2013 - Effective implementation of Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012. (545.1 KiB, 685 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.08.2013 - Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authority for the Confidential Report in respect of Chief Vigilance Officers working in the Public Sector Undertakings/Organisations (81.7 KiB, 3,065 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2013 - Eligibility criteria for persons to be considered for appointment as non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (978.7 KiB, 1,307 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (750.2 KiB, 992 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (499.6 KiB, 968 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.07.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.2007-IDA at revised rates (488.6 KiB, 959 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.06.2013 - Role & responsibilities of non-official Directors of CPSEs (822.6 KiB, 1,358 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.06.2013 - Policy for the 7th Round (2nd part) of Wage Negotiations for unionized workers in CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2012 (988.9 KiB, 1,125 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.06.2013 - Keeping certain allowances outside the 50 per cent ceiling for Perks and Allowances (475.2 KiB, 1,087 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.05.2013 - Utilisation of mileage points / other incentives earned by CPSE employees on tickets purchased for official travel (313.4 KiB, 907 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.05.2013 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (468.5 KiB, 1,036 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.04.2013 - Revision of Wage/Pay based on profitability of CPSE as a whole and not based on unit-wise performance (538.1 KiB, 986 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.04.2013 - Payment of DA to to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (521.8 KiB, 929 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates (396.9 KiB, 917 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay scales from 1.1.97-IDA at revised rates-I (405.0 KiB, 926 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.04.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level, Board level executives and non-unioniszed supervisors following IDA pay scales in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis (767.5 KiB, 864 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.03.2013 - Foreign tours of Executives and Functional Directors of CPSEs (661.4 KiB, 1,714 hits)

  MoSJ&E O.M. dated 26.02.2013 – Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with disabilities (194.5 KiB, 517 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.02.2013 - Payment of wages under the Minimum Wages Act to contract / casual workers in CPSEs (405.3 KiB, 988 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.02.2013 - Utilisation of mileage points / other incentives earned by CPSE employees on tickets purchased for official travel (436.0 KiB, 901 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.02.2013 - Conduct of CVOs functioning in Banks & other organizations - regarding (59.2 KiB, 1,124 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.02.2013 - Creation of the post of CVOs and status, facilities, perks and perquisites in CPSEs, etc. (22.3 KiB, 1,253 hits)

  O.M. dated 01.02.2013 - Central Vigilance Commission's jurisdiction over employees of Multi-State Cooperative Societies like NAFED, KRIBHCO etc. (42.4 KiB, 1,175 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.01.2013 - Issue of creation of Corpus for the retired employees of CPSEs and Superannuation Benefit Scheme for the executives & non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs after 1.1.07 (1.6 MiB, 980 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates (550.4 KiB, 877 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (403.5 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,373 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2013 - Restrictions on top level executives of CPSEs joining private commercial undertakings after retirement (2.8 MiB, 1,028 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.01.2013 - Air Travel on Official Account - both domestic and international where CPSEs bear the cost of Air Passage (414.4 KiB, 1,260 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.12.2012 - Payment of performance-related pay (PRP) to executives of CPSEs (693.1 KiB, 1,631 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.12.2012 - Issue of consideration of stagnation increment for the purpose of notional increment at the time of promotion (366.7 KiB, 1,346 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.12.2012 - Scales of pay and grades of executives at below Board level in CPSEs (566.9 KiB, 1,090 hits)

  O.M. dated 17.12.2012 - Clarification sought by Audit on encashment of sick leave (454.3 KiB, 1,230 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 14.12.2012 - Finalisation of Terms and Conditions including pay fixation in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs, revised procedure thereof (41.6 MiB, 416 hits)

  Guidelines on Social Responsibility and Sustainability for CPSEs (effective from 1.4.2013) (451.6 KiB, 962 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.12.2012-Special concessions/facilities to employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt. - Clarification (90.0 KiB, 397 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (85.2 KiB, 778 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates (84.3 KiB, 870 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Payment of DA to Board level / below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (160.5 KiB, 731 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.10.2012 - Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (92.0 KiB, 851 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 27.08.2012 - Creation of corpus for retired employees of CPSEs (75.3 KiB, 989 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.08.2012 - Criteria for the persons who can be considered for appointment as non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (54.4 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.08.2012 - Restrictions on top level executives of CPSEs joining private commercial undertakings after retirement (180.7 KiB, 882 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.07.2012 - Performance Related Pay (PRP) - Clarification regarding ESOP (73.0 KiB, 1,053 hits)

  Letter dated 17.07.2012 - Clarification sought by Audit on encashment of sick leave (94.5 KiB, 1,428 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.07.2012 - Creation of post of Chief Vigilance Officer and status, facilities, perks and perquisites in CPSEs (126.0 KiB, 1,371 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates (550.4 KiB, 877 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997-Payment of IDA at revised rates-I (403.5 KiB, 888 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.01.2013 - Payment of DA to Board level & below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 & 1992 basis (1.0 MiB, 1,373 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997 - Paymnt of IDA at revised rates - regarding (84.6 KiB, 983 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding (86.5 KiB, 1,000 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.06.2012 - Keeping certain allowances outside the 50% ceiling for Perks and Allowances (99.8 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.06.2012 - Pay revision of CPSEs employees following CDA pattern in 69 CPSEs (193.0 KiB, 1,096 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.05.2012 - Additional Remuneration for handling additional charge and higher PRP for discharging additional responsibilities of a higher post (96.2 KiB, 890 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.05.2012 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (103.5 KiB, 939 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.05.2012 - Re-constitution of Search Committee for selection of non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (136.2 KiB, 931 hits)

  Letter dated 29.03.2012 - Revised standard terms and conditions for deputation of AIS officers to autonomous / other bodies and PSUs under IAS Rules and rules of IPS / IFS (92.2 KiB, 1,656 hits)

  DPE Corrigendum dated 07.02.2012 - Consideration of Report of Committee on Public Procurement. (358.7 KiB, 425 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.01.2012 - Reservation of Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services under the CPSEs - Sub-quota for Minority Communities (602.4 KiB, 2,770 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 20.12.2011 - Mandatory publication of Tender Enquiries on the Central Public Procurement Portal. (1.3 MiB, 494 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 30.11.2011 - Criteria/parameters for categorization of CPSEs (1.3 MiB, 526 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.11.2011 - Transport Allowance to Blind or Orthopedically handicapped employees of CPSEs (1,013.8 KiB, 2,420 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.09.2011 - Guidelines on Human Resources Management for CPSEs (7.4 MiB, 1,178 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.09.2011 - Use of Integrity Pact by PSUs - Implementation of ARC Recommendation - regarding. (unknown, 497 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.07.2011 - Foreign tours of Executives and Functional Directors of CPSEs (988.3 KiB, 1,274 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.07.2011 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs at 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2007 levels - Payment of IDA at revised rates (851.1 KiB, 885 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.07.2011 - Creation of Corpus for retired employees of CPSEs (1.1 MiB, 1,474 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 18.04.2011 - Professionalization of Board of CPSEs Recommendations Of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee On Industry (62.9 KiB, 424 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.01.2011 - Time limit for Board level appointees to join posts in CPSEs (63.5 KiB, 898 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.12.2010 - Vigilance functionaries on deputation to CPSEs to draw pay either in CPSE pay-scale or parent cadre pay plus deputation duty allowance - reg. (918.9 KiB, 3,094 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.10.2010 - Vigilance functionaries on deputation to CPSEs to draw pay either in CPSE pay-scale or parent cadre pay plus deputation duty allowance - reg. (46.1 KiB, 1,256 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.06.2010 - Special Allowance to CPSE employees for serving in the difficult and far flung areas (884.9 KiB, 1,715 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.03.2010 - Complaints against Chief Executives of PSEs and CMDs of Public Sector Banks & Financial Institutions (As on DPE website-16.4.24) (1.6 MiB, 1,558 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 24.02.2010 - Prescription of qualifications/experience for Board level positions (581.8 KiB, 427 hits)

  O.M. dated 23.2.2010 - Filling up of posts of autonomous bodies - placing advertisement on DOP&T website (37.7 KiB, 929 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.11.2009 - Amendment in the Model CDA Rules of CPSEs to enable imposition of public sector employees after their retirement (2.1 MiB, 1,065 hits)

  O.M. dated 17.08.2009 - Setting up of creches near work places and in the offices of PSEs to facilitate working women and employees having pre-school or primary school going children (399.6 KiB, 1,002 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.08.2009 - Purchase of shares by CVOs and other officials in vigilance set up of CPSEs under preferential quota meant for employees in public issues (924.4 KiB, 849 hits)

  O.M. dated 28.7.2009 - Amendment in Model CDA Rules of CPSEs - Dealing in shares of CPSEs (457.5 KiB, 886 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.6.2009 - Amendment in Model CDA Rules of CPSEs - Dealing in shares of CPSEs (824.0 KiB, 932 hits)

  DPE O.M. 09.04.2009 - Revision Of Scales Of Pay w.e.f 1.1.2007 For Board Level And Below Board Level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors In The Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) (940.3 KiB, 496 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 08.04.2009 - Prescription of qualification/experience for various Board level positions in CPSEs. (1.2 MiB, 475 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 09.02.2009 - Revision of Pay Scales of Executives of CPSEs w.e.f 01.01.2007 PMS linkage of PRP With MoU Rating Of CPSEs and Performance of Individual Executives (377.3 KiB, 514 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 20.01.2009 - Pay Revision Of CPSEs Following CDA Pattern In 69 Central Public Sector Enterprises - revised rates of other allowances. (97.2 KiB, 424 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.12.2008 - Prompt Payment of Bills of MSMEs. (48.3 KiB, 415 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 26.11.2008 - Board Level And Below Board Level Executives And Non Unionised Supervisors in CPSEs Revision of Scale of Pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 (2.4 MiB, 505 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 18.09.2008 - Prescription of qualification/experience for various Board level positions in PSUs (1.9 MiB, 458 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 28.12.2006 - Appointment of non-official part-time Directors on the Board of CPSEs (543.4 KiB, 383 hits)

IV. CDA Rules of CPSEs, Insurance Companies, etc.

  Coal India Executives' CDA Rules, 1978 (4.5 MiB, 6,640 hits)

  General Insurance (CDA) Rules, 1975 (149.5 KiB, 5,056 hits)

  STC of India Ltd. Employees CDA Rules, 1975 (521.5 KiB, 915 hits)

V. DPE – Personnel Policies/CDA Rules

  DPE O.M. dated 09.10.2019 - Amendment to consolidated Model CDA Rules 12(4) and 14-A for CPSEs, 2019 (1.7 MiB, 3,623 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.12.2017 - Consolidated Model Conduct, Discipline and Appeal (CDA) Rules for CPSEs - 2017 (773.9 KiB, 23,918 hits)

  DOPT's Guidelines for Processing Cases of Board Level Appointments in Central Public Sector Undertakings (28.11.2013) (4.6 MiB, 1,397 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 27.08.2012 - Creation of corpus for retired employees of CPSEs (75.3 KiB, 989 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.08.2012 - Criteria for the persons who can be considered for appointment as non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (54.4 KiB, 1,083 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.08.2012 - Restrictions on top level executives of CPSEs joining private commercial undertakings after retirement (180.7 KiB, 882 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.1997 - Paymnt of IDA at revised rates - regarding (84.6 KiB, 983 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2012 - Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs - Revision of pay-scales wef 1.1.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding (86.5 KiB, 1,000 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.06.2012 - Pay revision of CPSEs employees following CDA pattern in 69 CPSEs (193.0 KiB, 1,096 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.05.2012 - Additional Remuneration for handling additional charge and higher PRP for discharging additional responsibilities of a higher post (96.2 KiB, 890 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.05.2012 - Payment of DA to CDA pattern employees of CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations (103.5 KiB, 939 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.05.2012 - Re-constitution of Search Committee for selection of non-official Directors on the Boards of CPSEs (136.2 KiB, 931 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.09.2011 - Guidelines on Human Resources Management for CPSEs (7.4 MiB, 1,178 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.07.2011 - Foreign tours of Executives and Functional Directors of CPSEs (988.3 KiB, 1,274 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.07.2011 - Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs at 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2007 levels - Payment of IDA at revised rates (851.1 KiB, 885 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.07.2011 - Creation of Corpus for retired employees of CPSEs (1.1 MiB, 1,474 hits)

  O.M. dated 06.07.2011 - Clarification on some issues regarding Performance Management System (PMS), Performance Relates Payments (PRP) and Productivity Linked Incentive (PLI) (872.6 KiB, 1,137 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.06.2011 - Pay revision of CPSEs employees following CDA pattern in 69 CPSEs (1.5 MiB, 864 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.06.2011 - Procedure of pay fixation in some past cases of pay of Board level executives (778.2 KiB, 851 hits)

  O.M. dated 01.06.2011 - Pay revision of executives and non-unionised supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 1.1.2007 (996.8 KiB, 1,023 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.05.2011 – Representation/communications being received by DPE directly from various CPSEs/employees of CPSEs/their employees’ Associations/Trade Unions, etc. (755.3 KiB, 872 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.05.2011 - Encashment of leave to be granted to Govt. servants on their appointment in CPSEs (63.6 KiB, 2,041 hits)

  Letter dated 05.05.2011 - APAR of top mnagement incumbents of CPSEs (342.4 KiB, 900 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 1-Model CDA Rules (144.6 KiB, 1,061 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 3-Sanction of prosecution of a public servant (BPE D.O. letter dated 06.03.1979) (8.0 KiB, 885 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 4-Terms and conditions of appointment of incumbents of top posts (DPE D.O. letter dated 09.12.1982 (8.8 KiB, 905 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 5-Acceptance resignation tendered by officers against whom disciplinary cases are pending or contemplted (DPE letter dated 19.01.1983) (8.8 KiB, 960 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 6-Engagement of Defence Assistant who does not have more than two disciplinary cases in which he is Defence Assistant (BPE O.M. dated 03.02.1984) (5.6 KiB, 888 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 8-Request of a delinquent official for permission to enage a Legal Practitioners before the I.O. (DPE O.M. dated 21.08.1984) (7.3 KiB, 839 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 9-Rule 18 of the Model CDA Rules relating to Marriage (DPE letter dated 7.02.1985) (7.4 KiB, 866 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 10-Procedure for premature retirement of employees in PSUs (DPE O.M. dated 04.02.1988) (20.3 KiB, 1,264 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 12-Suspension of suspect officials in corruption cases (BPE letter dated 19.09.1988).htm (9.1 KiB, 993 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 13-Acceptance resignation tendered by officers against whom disciplinary cases are pending or contemplted (DPE letter dated 16.08.1989) (5.3 KiB, 928 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 14-Extension of DOP&T Circulars regarding Conduct Rules of Govt. servants to PSUs (26.2 KiB, 1,316 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 15-Prevention of sexual harassment (DPE O.M. dated 29.05.1998) (46.7 KiB, 734 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 16-New Rule 30-A regarding continued proceedings after retirement (DPE O.M. dated 16.12.1999) (8.1 KiB, 1,023 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 17-Restrictions on top level Executives of Public Enterprises joining private commercial undertakings after retirement-I (8.8 KiB, 927 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 18-Restrictions on top level Executives of Public Enterprises joining private commercial undertakings after retirement (25.2 KiB, 964 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 20-Restrictions on top level Executives of Public Enterprises joining private commercial undertakings after retirement (7.5 KiB, 879 hits)

  CDA Rules-Para 21-Acceptance of gift by Govt. servants (8.4 KiB, 912 hits)

VI. DPE – PAR Rules/Circulars/Orders/Instructions/Guidelines

  O.M. dated 06.07.2010 - Appraisal of top management incumbents of CPSEs (87.3 KiB, 916 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 05.04.2010 - Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) of top management incumbents of CPSEs (1.4 MiB, 1,477 hits)

  O.M. dated 28.05.2009 - Maintenance and preparation of APARs - communication of all entries for fairness and transparency in public administration (1.9 MiB, 1,665 hits)

VII. DPE – Voluntary Retirement Scheme Rules/Circulars/Orders/Instructions/Guidelines

  VRS-Para 5-Further modification in the revised VRS (DPE O.M. dated 26.10.2004) (6.3 KiB, 888 hits)

  VRS-Para 4-VRS for the employees of public enterprises (DPE O.M. dated 28.02.2002) (13.8 KiB, 1,978 hits)

  VRS-Para 3-Further modifications in the revised VRS (DPE O.M. dated 06.11.2001) (7.9 KiB, 763 hits)

  VRS-Para 2-VRS for the employees of public enterprises (DPE O.M. dated 08.12.2000) (26.3 KiB, 2,983 hits)

  VRS-Para 1-Introduction of a revised VRS (DPE O.M. dated 05.05.2000) (55.6 KiB, 1,051 hits)

Note:- All information/data in this website is subject to the Disclaimer of Dtf.in.

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One comment

  1. Vide instructions contained in OM No.36028/21/2003-Estt.(Res.) of DoPT has been further circulated by DPE under OM No.6/11/2004-DPE(SC/ST Cell)dated 8.11.2004 to all CEO of all the CPSEs.In this context,the term of zone of consideration used in the above OM of DPE remained incomplete as such the revised instructions of zone of consideration by DoPT issued under OM No.22011/2/2002-Estt.(D) dated 06.01.2006 in this regard has not been forwarded by DPE to the CPSEs in want of specific instructions from DoPT.This issue is to be addressed by DoPT on top priority.