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CVC Guidelines/Orders/Circulars

CVC Guidelines/Orders/Circulars

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Unmissable Orders/Instructions



I. CVC Guidelines/Orders/Instructions Subject-Wise/Category-Wise
II. The CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the Schedule
III. CVC Guidelines/Orders/Circulars (Prior to 01.01.2010) – Archive

I. CVC Guidelines/Orders/Circulars (Updated) Subject-Wise/Category-Wise 

Action on IO’s Report * Action Plan on Vig. * Advisory Board for Banking Frauds (ABBF) * Anti-Corruption Measures * Annual Report * Appointment to the CVC * Audit Report * Banking & Insurance Sector *  Charge-Sheet * Chief Technical Examinations’ (CTE’s) Organisation, CVC * Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO)  * Clarification * Classification of Posts *  Committees/Boards * Complaints/Handling of Complaints * Complaint Management System Application * Consultant * Consultation with CVC * Consultation with CVO * Consultation with DoPT * Consultation with UPSC * Contractual Appointment/Assignment/Consultancy of Retired Group A Officers * Court Judgement (Period of Stay) * COVID-19 Related Orders * Criminal Laws (New) * Departmental Enquiries Act * Deviation of Appellate/Reviewing Authority * Disciplinary Action – False SC/ST/OBC Certificate – Recovery of Wrongful/Excess Payments – Unauthorised Absence * Disciplinary Matters * Disciplinary Proceedings *  FAQs * Engagement of Retired Officials to Conduct Investigation/Discharge Vigilance Functions * Forwarding of applications for other posts * Guidelines for Intensive Examination * Handbook for IOs and Disciplinary Authorities * Hiring of  Vehicles * Hospitality * Hota Committee * Immovable/Movable Property Returns * Independent External Monitors * Inquiry Officer/Presenting Officer * Integrity Pact – SOP/Revised SOP * Intensive Examination * Internship * Investigation by CBI/CVO/Department * Jurisdiction * Lapses of Authorities exercising judicial/quasi-judicial functions * Lecture/Webcast * Limitation Period * List of Organisations * Lokpal of India * Manuals on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy, etc. * Meetings * National Learning Week * Officers/Public Servants Due to Retire * Old Pending Cases * Penalties * Pendency * PIDPI * Post Dated Cheques * Post Retirement Contractual Appointment/Assignment/Consultancy, etc. * Prevention of Corruption Act * Preventive Vigilance (New) * Project Funded by World Bank etc. * Promotion on Exoneration after Retirement * Prosecution  * Public Procurement * Referring Cases of Criminal Misconduct, Frauds, to CBI * Reporting of Fraud Cases to the Police/State CID/EOW of State Police by Banks * Retired Officers * Quarterly Performance Report * Recognising Work Leading to Prevention of Misappropriation, etc. * Recovery of Overpayment/Excess Payment * Reports/Returns (i) Formats for Reports/Returns * RTI * Rule 14(19) (Defence Brief) * Sealed Cover Procedure * Simultaneous Action/Simultaneous Departmental Proceedings * Social Media * Speaking Order * Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action * Superintendence over CBI * Suspension * State Govt. Official on Deputation * Tenders/Contracts/Integrity Pact * Tendering Process in CPSEs * Timeline for Disciplinary Proceeding * Together Against Corruption (Poster/Video Competition) * Training/Work Shop * Transfer/Rotation of Officials in Sensitive Posts/Vig. Unit * Transparency in Works/Purchase/Consultancy contracts * Updation of Circulars/Guidelines/Manuals * Vacancy Circular/Vacancies * Vigeye Vani * Vigilance Administration * Vigilance Angle *  Vigilance Clearance *  Vigilance Excellence Award * Vigilance Manual of CVC * Vigilance Set-Up/Division/Cell – Vigilance Awareness Week * Vigilance Policy for CPSEs * Whistleblower * Others

Action on IO’s Report

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.07.2016 - CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965-Advice of the UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Govt. servant-clarification (97.3 KiB, 5,887 hits)

  Circular dated 11.12.2014 - References to the Commission for advice - Procedure regarding (551.7 KiB, 2,846 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.12.2014 - Second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases - Amendment to the Vigilance Manual - regarding (660.3 KiB, 3,376 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.11.2014 - CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Advice of the UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Government servant - Amendment regarding (294.4 KiB, 2,292 hits)

  Notification dated 31.10.2014 - Amendment to Rule 15 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (110.6 KiB, 2,373 hits)

Action Plan on Vig.

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.12.2018 - Quarterly return of Action Plan on Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Measures (52.1 KiB, 1,637 hits)

Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF)

  CVC O.O. dated 13.12.2024 - Framework for Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF)-reg. (392.6 KiB, 553 hits)

  CVC Office Order dated 18.08.2023 - Constitution of Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF) - reg. (1.1 MiB, 3,000 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 06.01.2022 - Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF) - Extension of Scope (907.2 KiB, 3,261 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 19.08.2021 - Constitution of the Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF) - regarding (1.1 MiB, 1,718 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 19.03.2020 - Framework for Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF) (1.9 MiB, 802 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 23.01.2020 - Framework for Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF) (Apptt. of Addl. Member) (397.4 KiB, 2,216 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 15.01.2020 - Framework for Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (1.7 MiB, 2,397 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 21.08.2019 - Constitution of the Advisory Board for Banking Frauds (ABBF) - regarding (2.0 MiB, 1,861 hits)

Anti-Corruption Measures

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.12.2018 - Quarterly return of Action Plan on Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Measures (52.1 KiB, 1,637 hits)

 Annual Report

  Annual Report 2023 of Central Vigilance Commission (as on CVC website-24.08.2024) (21.8 MiB, 1,426 hits)

  Annual Report 2021 of Central Vigilance Commission (As on CVC website-07.09.2022) (8.2 MiB, 2,787 hits)

  Annual Report 2020 of Central Vigilance Commission (As on CVC website-31.08.2021) (4.9 MiB, 2,543 hits)

  Annual Report 2019 of Central Vigilance Commission (As on CVC website-28.09.2020) (14.3 MiB, 4,423 hits)

  Annual Report 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018 (As on CVC Website - 30.07.2019) (5.1 MiB, 1,770 hits)

  Annual Report 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2017 (As on CVC Website - 07.04.2018) (9.4 MiB, 6,601 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 09.01.2018 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs - regarding (225.2 KiB, 2,173 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.12.2017 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance work by CVOs (78.8 KiB, 1,829 hits)

  Annual Report 2016 Central Vigilance Commission (As on CVC website-05.05.2017) (2.9 MiB, 2,453 hits)

  Annual Report 2015 of Central Vigilance Commission (As on CVC website-03.08.2016) (4.1 MiB, 1,759 hits)

  Annual Report 2013 of Central Vigilance Commission (22.08.2014) (5.1 MiB, 1,105 hits)

  Annual Report 2012 of Central Vigilance Commission (As on CVC website-14.12.2020) (18.1 MiB, 420 hits)

Appointment to the CVC

  DoPT Letter dated 15.07.2022-Appointment of officers working in the Ministries/Deptts. under Central Staffing Scheme to Non-CSS posts in the CVC on shift basis (563.4 KiB, 2,474 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 20.05.2020-Appointment of DSs/Directors in Ministries under CSS to Non-CSS posts in Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) on shift basis (189.1 KiB, 1,910 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 06.03.2020-Appointment of DSs,Directors in Ministries under CSS to Non-CSS posts in CVC on shift basis (145.0 KiB, 2,059 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 04.02.2020-Appointment of DSs/Directors in Ministries under CSS to Non-CSS posts in CVC on shift basis (138.7 KiB, 7,946 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 20.08.2019 -Appointment on Deputation basis to fill various posts in Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi (1.1 MiB, 2,303 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 30.07.2019 - Appointment of DSs/Directors working in Ministries/Departments under CSS to Non-CSS posts in CVC on shift basis (184.2 KiB, 2,398 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 22.03.2019 - Appointment of DS/Directors working in the Ministries/Departments under CSS to Non-CSS posts in the CVC on shift basis (77.9 KiB, 1,768 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 12.12.2018 - Appointment of DS/Directors working in the Ministries/Departments under CSS to Non-CSS posts in the CVC on shift basis. (121.1 KiB, 1,656 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 25.07.2017-Special Allowances and Special Duty Allowances to AIS officer belonging to North-East Cadre as per the acceptance of recommendations of 7th CPC (1.5 MiB, 1,572 hits)

  DOPT letter dated 13.01.2015 - Appointment of officers working in Ministries, Departments under Central Staffing Scheme to CVC on shift basis (82.7 KiB, 2,008 hits)

  Circular dated 20.02.2014 - Appointment of officers working in the Ministries/Departments under Central Staffing Scheme (CSS) to CVC on shift basis (54.7 KiB, 2,018 hits)

  O.M. dated 06.01.2014 - Appointment of officers working in the Ministries, Departments under Central Staffing Scheme to CVC on shift basis (91.9 KiB, 972 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.09.2013 - Appointment of officers working in the Ministries, Departments under Central Staffing Scheme to CVC on shift basis (73.5 KiB, 767 hits)

Audit Report

  CVC Circular dated 23.11.2016 - Expeditious follow-up and scrutiny of Audit Reports by Chief Vigilance Officers (756.0 KiB, 2,613 hits)

Bank Guarantee

  CVC O.M. dated 04.03.2016 - Acceptance of Bank Guarantee (BG) - Reg. (36.7 KiB, 3,811 hits)


  CVC O.O. dated 13.12.2024 - Framework for Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF)-reg. (392.6 KiB, 553 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 29.08.2022 - Amendment/Modification to Para 8.1 of Chapter VIII of Vigilance Manual, 2021 - Vigilance Angle in Public Sector Banks - Reg. (1.1 MiB, 3,789 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 19.08.2021 - Constitution of the Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (ABBFF) - regarding (1.1 MiB, 1,718 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.05.2020–Complaints against CMDs,/Chief Executives/Functional Dirs./Non-Official Dirs., etc. of CPSEs/Public Sec. Banks (PSBs)/FIs & Insurance Cos. (Amendment to OM dated 11.12.17) (101.8 KiB, 11,911 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 15.01.2020 - Framework for Advisory Board for Banking and Financial Frauds (1.7 MiB, 2,397 hits)

  Analysis of Top 100 Bank Frauds by CVC-October, 2018 (As on CVC Website - 17.10.2018) (640.7 KiB, 2,013 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 09.05.2018 - Reporting of fraud cases to police/State CIDs/Economic Offences Wing of State Police by Public Sector Banks – clarifications reg. (26.4 KiB, 8,289 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2018 - Consultation with the Commission in respect of Retired officers of Public Sector Banks - clarifications reg. (387.1 KiB, 1,946 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 14.06.2017-Reporting of fraud cases to Police/State CIDs/EOW of State Police by Public Sector Banks (326.4 KiB, 2,479 hits)

  MOF Notification dated 15.12.2015 - The NIG and Central Vigilance Commission as Specific Authority under PMLA, 2002 (458.3 KiB, 1,815 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.02.2015 - Adoption of Integrity Pact in Public Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/FIs - regarding (1.9 MiB, 2,410 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 16.12.2014 - Determination of vigilance angle in Banking Sector - regarding (282.1 KiB, 2,194 hits)

  CVC's Office Order dated 02.09.2014 - Constitution of Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - regarding (818.3 KiB, 1,745 hits)

  CVC's Office Order dated 02.09.2014 - Constitution of Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - regarding (798.3 KiB, 1,733 hits)

  DFS letter dated 30.07.2012 - Measures to prevent irregularity by certain professionals on the panel of PSBs / PSICs (125.1 KiB, 1,094 hits)

  Circular dated 12.06.2012 - Reporting of fraud cases to police / State CIDs / Eco. Offences Wing of State police by public sector banks (270.9 KiB, 1,365 hits)

  Office Order dated 23.05.2012 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - Regarding (66.2 KiB, 1,066 hits)

  Office Order dated 26.03.2012 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - regarding (307.9 KiB, 996 hits)

  Office Order dated 26.03.2012 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - regarding-I. (305.8 KiB, 915 hits)

  Circular dated 17.08.2010 - Reporting of fraud cases to police / State CID / Eco. Offenses Wing of State Police by public sector banks (69.2 KiB, 1,154 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 03.03.2010 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds - regarding (533.0 KiB, 965 hits)

  Office Order dated 01.02.2010 - Constitution of Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds - Regarding (1.8 MiB, 1,046 hits)

  Office Order dated 1.2.2010 - Constitution of Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds - Regarding (19.1 KiB, 899 hits)

Earlier Circulars/Orders/Guidelines for Banking Sector

  Office Order dated 08.09.2004 - Amendment to the Special Chapter on Vigilance Management in Public Sector Banks - regarding (42.1 KiB, 940 hits)

  Office Order dated 13.08.2004 - Pro forma for Vigilance Audit for Banking Sector (38.3 KiB, 1,002 hits)

  Office Order dated 06.04.2004 - Powers and functions of the CVC in relation to public sector banks (6.5 KiB, 915 hits)

  Special Chapter on Vigilance Management in Public Sector Banks vis-a-vis Role and Functions of the CVC (2002) (7.1 MiB, 1,067 hits)

Earlier Circulars/Orders/Guidelines for Insurance Sector

  Circular dated 15.10.2001 - Special Chapter on Vigilance Management in Public Sector Insurance Companies vis-a-vis Role and Functions of the CVC (108.9 KiB, 2,669 hits)


  DoPT O.M. dated 05.06.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 regarding (208.4 KiB, 11,212 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules (Exclusion of lockdown period) (693.2 KiB, 8,600 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 04.07.2018 - Nomination for the 2 days workshop on 'Drafting of Charge-Sheet' - regarding (419.1 KiB, 1,523 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 04.07.2018 - Nomination for the 2 days workshop on 'Drafting of Charge-Sheet' - regarding (419.1 KiB, 1,523 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.08.2016 - CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965-Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-Sheet - regarding (103.6 KiB, 4,618 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.07.2015 - CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965-instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-Sheet-regarding (58.2 KiB, 4,321 hits)

Chief Technical Examiners’ (CTE’s) Oganisation, CVC

Chief Technical Examiners’ (CTE’s) Oganisation, CVC * Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

— Chief Technical Examiners’ (CTE’s) Oganisation, CVC

  Guidelines for Intensive Examination of Public Procurement Contracts by CVOs (As on CVC website-19.01.2016) (126.9 KiB, 3,739 hits)

  CTE's Organisation, CVC - Guidelines on Intensive Examination of Procurement & Other Contracts 2014 (As on CVC website-08.06.2015) (818.0 KiB, 3,128 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.04.2015-Delay in finalisation of vigilance cases arising out of Intensive Examination conducted by CETO - regarding (320.1 KiB, 4,905 hits)

  CVC - Illustrative Check Points for Various Stages of Public Procurement (As on CVC website-24.12.2014) (377.5 KiB, 1,949 hits)

  CVC - Transparency in Public Procurement - Some Focal Points (10.3.2013) (486.0 KiB, 961 hits)

  Compendium of Circulars issued by Chief Technical Examiner’s Unit of CVC (As on 10.3.2013) (848.9 KiB, 1,378 hits)

  CTE - Intensive Examination of Works Guidelines (10.3.2013) (263.0 KiB, 1,599 hits)

  Circular dated 12.09.2011 - Recoveries arising out of intensive examination conducted by Chief Technical Examiner Organisation of the CVC (256.6 KiB, 807 hits)

  CTE Circular dated 17.02.2011 - Mobilization Advance (249.4 KiB, 1,300 hits)

  Circular dated 07.10.2010 - Design Mix Concrete (289.8 KiB, 1,086 hits)

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

  CVC Circular dated 06.05.2021 - Revised Standard Operating Procedure to deal with Intensive Examination carried out by Chief Technical Examiners' Organization (1.6 MiB, 2,843 hits)


Action Taken Report Reg. VAW * Additional Charge Arrangement of CVO *  Annual Compliance Report * APARs * Appointment * Complaints * Complaints sent to CVO for Investigation/Necessary Action/Factual Report * CVO Data-Base * CVO in CPSEs * Induction Training for part-time CVOs * Meeting/Conference * Part-Time CVO/Short-Term Arrangement in the Post of CVO * Quarterly/Annual Report  * Rationalization of CVO Posting * Reporting of Deviations from CVC’s Advice * Review Meeting * Second-Stage Consultation * Time-Limit for sending Information/Clarification to CVC * Training * Vacancies * Uncategorized (Circulars Prior to Dec 2015)

— Action Taken Report Reg. VAW

  CVC Letter dated 11.11.2021 - Action Taken Report on the activities undertaken during the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2021 (by 30.11.2021) (244.8 KiB, 1,167 hits)

— Additional Charge of CVO

  CVC Circular dated 26.06.2023 - Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites etc. to the CVOs, holding additional charge (127.5 KiB, 8,667 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 19.11.2020-Addl. charge arrangements of CVOs of certain PSUs and appointment of Part-Time CVOs-reg. (108.5 KiB, 6,871 hits)

— Annual Compliance Report 

  CVC Circular dated 21.03.2022 - Implementation of final penalty orders issued by the Competent Authority and submission of compliance report (by CVO) (581.8 KiB, 5,803 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 16.07.2021 - Submission of APARs (of full-time CVOs) - reg. (655.6 KiB, 1,709 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 30.06.2021 - Timely submission of APARs (of full-time CVOs) (latest by 10.07.2021) (213.7 KiB, 967 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.05.2021 - Timely submission of APARs (of full-time CVOs) (186.1 KiB, 1,015 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 31.05.2017-Submission of APARs of CVOs on time for acceptance by the CVC-Reg. (251.3 KiB, 1,509 hits)

— Appointment 

  CVC Circular dated 26.08.2019 - Submission of charge assumption report by the newly appointed CVOs to the Commission - regarding (1.8 MiB, 1,933 hits)

— Complaints

  CVC O.M. dated 10.01.2017 - Complaints pending for investigation and report with CVOs - regarding (217.4 KiB, 2,735 hits)

— Complaints Sent to CVO for Investigation/Necessary Action/Factual Report

  CVC Circular dated 28.06.2024 - Uploading of Investigation Report by CVO on CMS Portal in respect of complaints sent by the Commission for investigation & report-reg. (436.0 KiB, 1,971 hits)

  CVC Circular 06.04.2023 - Handling of Complaints in the Commission-seeking factual report-reg. (242.5 KiB, 5,791 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 01.09.2022 - Clarification regarding the enquiry/investigation to be conducted against officers on deputation (545.7 KiB, 3,780 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 14.08.2020 - Adherence to time limits for investigation of complaints referred by the CVC to CVOs of Deptts./Organisations (429.7 KiB, 2,753 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 13.08.2020 - Action taken by CVOs on complaints sent for necessary action and updation of status in Complaint Management System application by CVOs (433.4 KiB, 2,611 hits)

— CVO Data-Base 

  CVC Circular dated 04.04.2022 - Updation of CVO data-base - reg. (326.5 KiB, 3,555 hits)

 — CVO Appointment in CPSEs

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of Group 'A' Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (994.5 KiB, 985 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of IAS Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (960.2 KiB, 930 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.11.2022 - Guidelines on procedure for appointment of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments (108.3 KiB, 7,505 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2020-Nomination of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under Central Staffing Scheme & CVOs in CPSEs/Other Organisations (Last date: 31.01.2021) (409.4 KiB, 5,373 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2020-Nomination of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under Central Staffing Scheme & CVOs in CPSEs/Other Organisations (State Govts.)(up to 31.01.21) (377.1 KiB, 4,728 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 22.07.2019 - Eligibility of pay, allowances, status, benefits, perks and perquisites of CVOs posted in CPSEs etc. (541.9 KiB, 2,387 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 29.06.2019 - Nominations of officers for deputation to the posts under CSS and for posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (1.1 MiB, 1,995 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 12.12.2018 - Deputation to the posts under Central Staffing Scheme and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations (State Government) (557.8 KiB, 2,803 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 12.12.2018 - Deputation to the posts under Central Staffing Scheme and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations (Ministries) (568.6 KiB, 2,039 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.04.2017-Revised procedure for appointment of Chief Vigilance Officers in CPSEs and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments (311.9 KiB, 3,069 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 07.12.2016-Nomination for appointment to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & other organisations under Ministries/Departments for 2017-18(State Govts.) (230.8 KiB, 4,001 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 07.12.2016-Nomination for appointment to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & other organisations under Ministries/Departments for 2017-18 (250.3 KiB, 3,606 hits)


  CVC O.M. dated 23.05.2017 - Pendency with the Ministries/Departments/Organisations-regarding (304.2 KiB, 2,654 hits)

— Induction Training for part-time CVOs

  CVC Circular dated 04.07.2018 - Nomination for the 3 days Induction Training Course for Part-Time CVOs - regarding (440.9 KiB, 1,483 hits)

— Meeting/Conference

  CVC Circular dated 20.08.2024 - Meeting of Commission with the full time CVOs (3.8 MiB, 1,092 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 11.08.2023 - Meeting of Commission with the full time CVOs (reg. Vigilance Awareness Week 2023) (463.9 KiB, 2,735 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 28.09.2021 to CVOs regarding Joint Conference - Vigilance Awareness Week 2021 (77.8 KiB, 1,301 hits)

—Part-Time CVO/Short-Term Arrangement in the Post of CVO 

  CVC O.M. dated 24.03.2022 - Short term arrangements in the post of CVO - regarding (575.9 KiB, 3,553 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 21.03.2022 - Procedure for appointment of part-time CVO and tenure thereof (2.5 MiB, 3,788 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 05.01.2022 - Forwarding panel of officers to the Commission for appointment of part-time CVO in Ministries/Deptts./Autonomous Institutions, etc. (505.0 KiB, 5,157 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 19.11.2020-Addl. charge arrangements of CVOs of certain PSUs and appointment of Part-Time CVOs-reg. (108.5 KiB, 6,871 hits)

— Quarterly/Annual Report 

  CVC Circular dated 23.08.2021 - Submission of online Quarterly Reports by CVOs (312.6 KiB, 1,607 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 22.01.2021 - Annual Report 2020 of the Commission - Filing of QPRs of CVOs (Last date: 05.02.2021) (72.1 KiB, 1,711 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.07.2020 - Reporting cases of deviations by Appellate/Reviewing Authorities by Chief Vigilance Officers (in QPRs) (384.7 KiB, 3,726 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 05.02.2019 - Monthly/Annual Report by CVOs - reg. (1.4 MiB, 2,018 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.01.2019 - Submission of Online Quarterly/Annual Reports by CVOs - transition from offline to online mode: Instructions regarding (1.9 MiB, 2,419 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 21.01.2019 - Online submission of Quarterly/Annual Report by CVOs (1.1 MiB, 1,405 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 13.11.2018 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance work by CVOs. (499.1 KiB, 1,382 hits)

  Annual Report 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2017 (As on CVC Website - 07.04.2018) (9.4 MiB, 6,601 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.12.2017 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance work by CVOs (78.8 KiB, 1,829 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.01.2017 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs - regarding (84.7 KiB, 2,297 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 06.12.2016 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (240.3 KiB, 2,122 hits)

—  Rationalization of CVO Posting

  CVC O.M. dated 15.03.2021 - Rationalization of CVO postings - reg. (information sought from Ministries/Departments) (89.3 KiB, 1,353 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 15.03.2021 - Rationalization of CVO postings - reg. (information sought from all (full time) CVOs (85.9 KiB, 1,258 hits)

— Reporting of Deviations from CVC’s Advice

  CVC Circular dated 23.06.2021 - Reporting of cases of deviations from the Central Vigilance Commission's advice - reg. (776.4 KiB, 1,299 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.07.2020 - Reporting cases of deviations by Appellate/Reviewing Authorities by Chief Vigilance Officers (in QPRs) (384.7 KiB, 3,726 hits)

Review Meeting

  CVC DO dated 13.06.2017 - Annual Sectoral Review Meetings with CVOs (1.2 MiB, 1,655 hits)

  Schedule for Annual Sectoral Review Meeting-2016 with Secretaries/Chief Executives/CVOs during Phase-III(As on CVC website-19.01.2017) (187.3 KiB, 1,922 hits)

  Schedule for Annual Sectoral Review Meeting-2016 with Secretaries,Chief Executives,CVOs during Phase-III(As on CVC website-26.12.2016) (227.8 KiB, 1,725 hits)

—Second Stage Consultation with CVO

  CVC Circular dated 10.07.2018-Second stage Consultation with CVOs of Departments/Organizations in disciplinary cases of Category ‘B’ officers – reg. (443.6 KiB, 4,038 hits)

—Time-Limit for sending Information/Clarification to CVC 

  CVC Circular dated 12.04.2022 - Time extension for providing further information/clarification by the CVO, as sought by the Commission (reg. time limit of 30 days) (555.0 KiB, 3,588 hits)

 — Training

  CVC Circular dated 03.10.2023 - Training Related Inputs - regarding (for CVOs) (2.2 MiB, 2,916 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 27.01.2020 - Training Related Inputs-regarding (1.7 MiB, 3,206 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.09.2019 - Training Related Input-regarding (1.2 MiB, 1,927 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 11.06.2019 - Nomination for the 3 days 'Advance Training in Vigilance Investigation' for Full Time CVOs (933.0 KiB, 1,987 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 29.03.2019 - Training Related Inputs-regarding (1.2 MiB, 2,182 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 28.12.2018 - Nomination for the 3 days 'Advance Training in Vigilance Investigation' for Full Time CVOs (834.7 KiB, 1,336 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 15.11.2018 - Training Related Inputs-regarding (1.3 MiB, 1,547 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 28.12.2016 - Training related inputs-regarding (815.1 KiB, 1,722 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.12.2016 - Training Course for Chief Vigilance Officers -reg. (26.4 KiB, 2,152 hits)

— Vacancy Circular/Vacancies

  DoPT Letter dated 04.06.2021-Nomination of officers for posts under CCS and posts of CVO in CPSEs/other organizations under Ministries/Departments (920.4 KiB, 1,630 hits)

  DFS Letter dated 17.01.2019 - Appointment to the post of Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) in the Public Sector Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies (2.1 MiB, 4,521 hits)

  Vacancies of CVOs for the financial year 2017-2018 (As on DoPT website-13.12.2016) (66.3 KiB, 4,437 hits)

Uncategorized (Circulars Prior to Dec 2015)

  CVC Circular dated 23.11.2016 - Expeditious follow-up and scrutiny of Audit Reports by Chief Vigilance Officers (756.0 KiB, 2,613 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.09.2016-Extension of tenure of officers working as CVO in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Deptts. beyond 5 years and up to 7 years (56.6 KiB, 2,288 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.08.2016 - Foreign Training Programme for Group 'A' officers of CVC and CVOs - regarding cooling off period (55.9 KiB, 2,915 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.08.2016 - Lecture by Shri Vinod Rai, Chairman, Banks Board Bureau on 16.08.2016 - regarding (355.6 KiB, 1,833 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.08.2016 - Use of Social Media for the Central Vigilance Commission-Operation of official Twitter Account for the Commission (277.0 KiB, 1,653 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 26.07.2016 - Lecture by Shri Devender K. Sikri, Chairperson, Competition Commission of India on 29th July, 2016 (341.8 KiB, 1,394 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.06.2016 - Joining status of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments appointed by DoPT (48.3 KiB, 3,508 hits)

  CVC letter dated 24.05.2016 - Lecture by Shri J.M. Vyas, DG, Gujarat Forensic Science University, on 27th May, 2016 (1.2 MiB, 1,647 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 09.05.2016 - Training Course for Chief Vigilance Officers - reg. (1,013.7 KiB, 1,574 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2016 - Inquiry proceedings pending before the IOs - regarding (229.2 KiB, 3,087 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 25.04.2016 - Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs, etc. for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (States) (54.0 KiB, 952 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.04.2016-Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. for the FY 2016-17 - reg. (125.5 KiB, 2,655 hits)

  CVC letter dated 10.03.2016 - Lecture by Shri Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser on 21st March, 2016 regarding (219.5 KiB, 3,767 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 29.02.2016 - Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (Ministries) (55.6 KiB, 2,995 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 29.02.2016 - Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (States/UTs) (54.4 KiB, 2,847 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.02.2016-Seeking information about the actual data of perks,allowances given to the CVOs in CPSEs for the FYs 2013-14 & 2014-15 (161.2 KiB, 2,775 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.02.2016-Nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs and other organisations for the financial year 2016-17-reg. (38.9 KiB, 3,195 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.02.2016 - Inviting nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs for the financial year 2016-17 - reg. (47.1 KiB, 2,535 hits)

  CVC letter dated 09.02.2016 - Lecture by Shri Ranjit Kumar, Solicitor General of India on 19th February 2016 - regarding (194.9 KiB, 2,551 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.01.2016 - Meeting of the Committee for reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs & other orgns. and rationalization of pay, incentive etc. of CVOs (51.4 KiB, 3,886 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 22.01.2016 - Inviting nominations for the posts of CVO in CPSEs (81.2 KiB, 2,599 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.01.2016 - Lecture by Shri Shashi Kant Sharma, C&AG on 27th January 2016-regarding (246.4 KiB, 3,521 hits)

  Guidelines for Intensive Examination of Public Procurement Contracts by CVOs (As on CVC website-19.01.2016) (126.9 KiB, 3,739 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.01.2016 - Pendency of cases with CVOs - regarding (265.8 KiB, 2,321 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 16.12.2015 - Lecture by Shri Bibek Debroy, Member, Niti Aayog on Making Governance Effective on 30th December, 2015 - regarding (242.9 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  CVC - Training Course for CVOs from 30.11.2015 to 03.12.2015 (As on CVC website-01.12.2015) (293.3 KiB, 1,499 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 01.12.2015 - Training related inputs - regarding (Reminder-3) (416.4 KiB, 1,477 hits)

  DOPT O.M. letter dated 19.11.2015 – Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVO in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (Ministries) (37.7 KiB, 2,254 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.11.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (Ministries) (190.4 KiB, 2,601 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.11.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (States/UTs) (203.8 KiB, 2,706 hits)

  DOPT Meeting Notice dated 10.11.2015 - Meeting of the committee for rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs & other organizations & the pay, incentive, etc. (39.9 KiB, 2,419 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 01.10.2015 - Training Course for Chief Vigilance Officers (Request to be forwarded by 7.10.2015) (66.8 KiB, 622 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.09.2015 - Training related inputs - regarding (243.3 KiB, 1,855 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (33.1 KiB, 2,082 hits)

  Vacant posts of CVOs as on 17.08.2015 (As on DoPT website-20.08.15) (66.6 KiB, 2,153 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.08.2015 - Pendency of cases with CVOs - regarding (299.1 KiB, 1,414 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.08.2015 - CVO positions in CPSEs and pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues - Meeting regarding (28.3 KiB, 2,713 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (24.3 KiB, 813 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.08.2015-Meeting of the Committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances, etc. (32.8 KiB, 2,762 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.08.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (Reminder) (19.8 KiB, 2,366 hits)

  Monthly Report of Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) in Electronic Form (As on CVC website-24.07.2015) (158.6 KiB, 2,135 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.07.2015 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVO in CPSEs (23.6 KiB, 5,030 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2015 - Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances, etc. related issues (75.4 KiB, 1,627 hits)

  DoPT O.M. 14.05.2015-Procedure for forwarding the proposal for extension of tenure, premature repatriation, non-extension of tenure, etc. (after tenure of 3 yrs.) of CVOs (27.3 KiB, 3,916 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.01.2015 - Entrustment of additional charge of a CVO in a CPSE appointed by DoPT to another CPSE by the Ministry of CPSE/s concerned (35.2 KiB, 2,377 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 28.01.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (Ministries) (339.5 KiB, 2,169 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 28.01.2015 - Nominations of officers invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVOs in CPSEs, etc. (Non-CSS posts) (States/UTs) (357.9 KiB, 1,954 hits)

  CVC letter dated 15.12.2014 - Submission of Annual Report of vigilance work by CVOs (78.9 KiB, 1,927 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.09.2014 - Filling up the vacant post of CVOs in CPSEs etc. in different locations for the financial year 2014-15 (71.8 KiB, 2,304 hits)

  Letter dated 10.12.2013 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (235.8 KiB, 878 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.08.2013 - Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authority for the Confidential Report in respect of Chief Vigilance Officers working in the Public Sector Undertakings/Organisations (81.7 KiB, 3,077 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.02.2013 - Conduct of CVOs functioning in Banks & other organizations - regarding (59.2 KiB, 817 hits)

  Letter dated 21.11.2012 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (234.2 KiB, 918 hits)

  Letter dated 09.02.2011- Appointment of CVOs/VOs in Organisations other than Ministries/Departments/PSUs/PSBs and Insurance Companies, along with letter dated 15.10.2009 (184.6 KiB, 1,168 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.07.2012 - Creation of post of Chief Vigilance Officer and status, facilities, perks and perquisites in CPSEs (126.0 KiB, 1,384 hits)

  Letter dated 16.02.2012 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (570.8 KiB, 1,007 hits)

  Letter dated 14.12.2011- Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (202.7 KiB, 1,038 hits)

  Course Schedule for Training Course of CVOs (4 to 8 July, 2011) (554.5 KiB, 1,103 hits)

  Letter dated 07.06.2011 - Training Course for CVOs in CVC (759.4 KiB, 1,043 hits)

  Circular dated 05.04.2011 - Format for review of vigilance work or matters by Chief Executives/HODs with CVOs of Organisations/Departments (360.1 KiB, 1,781 hits)

  Letter dated 09.02.2011- Appointment of CVOs/VOs in Organisations other than Ministries/Departments/PSUs/PSBs and Insurance Companies, along with letter dated 15.10.2009 (184.6 KiB, 1,168 hits)

  Letter dated 02.02.2011- Assessment of performance of CVOs (549.3 KiB, 1,193 hits)

  Circular dated 05.01.2011 - Submission of Annual Report of vigilance work by CVOs (1.4 MiB, 994 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.12.2010 - Vigilance functionaries on deputation to CPSEs to draw pay either in CPSE pay-scale or parent cadre pay plus deputation duty allowance - reg. (918.9 KiB, 3,113 hits)

  Circular dated 30.11.2010 - Frauds perpetrated on Banks by using passwords of other employees (248.9 KiB, 939 hits)

  Letter dated 27.10.2010 - All CVOs to furnish their official e-mail IDs & phone, fax numbers to the Commission (222.6 KiB, 1,018 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.10.2010 - Vigilance functionaries on deputation to CPSEs to draw pay either in CPSE pay-scale or parent cadre pay plus deputation duty allowance - reg. (46.1 KiB, 1,267 hits)

Classification of Posts

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.12.2017 - Classification of Posts under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965. (132.8 KiB, 4,219 hits)


  Office Order dated 23.05.2012 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - Regarding (66.2 KiB, 1,066 hits)

  Office Order dated 26.03.2012 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - regarding (307.9 KiB, 996 hits)

  Office Order dated 26.03.2012 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds (ABBCFF) - regarding-I. (305.8 KiB, 915 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 03.03.2010 - Constitution of the Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds - regarding (533.0 KiB, 965 hits)

  Office Order dated 01.02.2010 - Constitution of Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds - Regarding (1.8 MiB, 1,046 hits)

  Office Order dated 1.2.2010 - Constitution of Advisory Board on Bank, Commercial and Financial Frauds - Regarding (19.1 KiB, 899 hits)

Complaints / Handling of Complaints

Anonymous/pseudonymous Complaints * Complaint Handling Mechanism (Comprehensive Guidelines) / Complaints / Handling of Complaints * Expeditious Disposal of Complaints

— Anonymous/pseudonymous Complaints

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments/Organizations of Govt. of India (663.0 KiB, 1,249 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 24.09.2020 - Action on anonymous/pseudonymous complaints (328.7 KiB, 8,483 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.03.2016 - Action on Anonymous/Pseudonymous Complaints-reg. (1.0 MiB, 14,428 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.12.2014 - CVC Circulars regarding action on anonymous/pseudonymous complaints and second stage consultation with the CVC (1,020.9 KiB, 2,675 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.11.2014 - Action on anonymous/pseudonymous complaints (294.6 KiB, 2,505 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.06.2014 - Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments (40.4 KiB, 2,295 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.10.2013 - Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments (61.1 KiB, 1,535 hits)

— Complaint Handling Mechanism (Comprehensive Guidelines) / Complaints / Handling of Complaints

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments/Organizations of Govt. of India (663.0 KiB, 1,249 hits)

  CVC Circular 06.04.2023 - Handling of Complaints in the Commission-seeking factual report-reg. (242.5 KiB, 5,791 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.11.2022 - Amendment to comprehensive guidelines for Complaint Handling Mechanism (650.6 KiB, 6,002 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.09.2022 - Consolidated Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments (1.1 MiB, 9,965 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 11.02.2022 - Procedure for Handling of complaints sent for necessary action to the organistions concerned-reg. (Committee formed by Commission) (835.4 KiB, 5,780 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 24.12.2021 - Comprehensive guidelines on Complaint Handling Mechanism (9.4 MiB, 6,681 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.05.2020–Complaints against CMDs,/Chief Executives/Functional Dirs./Non-Official Dirs., etc. of CPSEs/Public Sec. Banks (PSBs)/FIs & Insurance Cos. (Amendment to OM dated 11.12.17) (101.8 KiB, 11,911 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.10.2018 - Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments (270.1 KiB, 3,715 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.12.2017-Complaints against CMDs/Chief Executives/Functional Directors/Non official Directors (NoDs) etc. of CPSEs, PSBs, FIs and PSICs (2.9 MiB, 13,242 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 10.01.2017 - Complaints pending for investigation and report with CVOs - regarding (217.4 KiB, 2,735 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.03.2016 - Action on Anonymous/Pseudonymous Complaints-reg. (1.0 MiB, 14,428 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 31.03.2015 - Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments, along with O.Ms. dated 18.10.13 & 18.6.14 (82.1 KiB, 8,550 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.03.2015 - Referring matters of alleged commission of criminal offences and frauds, etc. in CPSEs to CBI-Special Chapter for Vigilance Management in CPSEs (233.5 KiB, 2,143 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 23.01.2015 - Procedure for dealing with complaints - regarding (333.5 KiB, 2,367 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.12.2014 - CVC Circulars regarding action on anonymous/pseudonymous complaints and second stage consultation with the CVC (1,020.9 KiB, 2,675 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.11.2014 - Action on anonymous/pseudonymous complaints (294.6 KiB, 2,505 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.06.2014 - Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments (40.4 KiB, 2,295 hits)

  DOPT O.M. 16.06.2014 - Amendment of GOI's Resolution No.89 published in the Gazette of India commonly known as the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution - regarding (554.5 KiB, 2,020 hits)

  Railway Board letter dated 01.04.2014 - Guidelines regarding handling of complaints (69.5 KiB, 2,188 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.10.2013 - Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments (61.1 KiB, 1,535 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.09.2013 - Amendment to Resolution dated 21.04.2004, authorising the CVC as the Designated Agency for handling of complaints under PIDPI (188.3 KiB, 1,464 hits)

  Circular dated 12.06.2012 - Reporting of fraud cases to police / State CIDs / Eco. Offences Wing of State police by public sector banks (270.9 KiB, 1,365 hits)

  Circular dated 29.03.2012 - IT enabled application in CVC for the Core Processes (289.4 KiB, 886 hits)

  Circular dated 13.02.2012 - GoI Resolution on the Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers (PIDPI) - Guidelines thereon (360.9 KiB, 1,064 hits)

  Circular dated 14.03.2011 - Complaints against Secretaries to the Govt. of India and chief executives of Public Sector Enterprises and CMDs of Public Sector Banks and financial institutions (551.9 KiB, 1,282 hits)

  CVC - Complaint Handling Policy (As on CVC Website - 21.04.2014) (124.2 KiB, 1,253 hits)

  Circular dated 17.08.2010 - Reporting of fraud cases to police / State CID / Eco. Offenses Wing of State Police by public sector banks (69.2 KiB, 1,154 hits)

  Circular dated 27.07.2010 - Recent Govt. of India circular setting up Committees to handle complaints against Secretaries, etc. - Clarification (256.4 KiB, 1,150 hits)

  Office Order dated 19.05.2010 - Adherence to time limits for investigation of complaints - reg. (202.9 KiB, 1,397 hits)

  Circular dated 05.05.2010 - Recent GOI Circulars setting up Committees to handle complaints against Secretaries, etc. - CVC's Clarification (208.5 KiB, 1,094 hits)

  Circular dated 16.03.2010 - Forensic Sciences - Capabilities (520.0 KiB, 1,042 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 11.03.2010 - Complaints against Chief Executives of PSEs and CMDs of Public Sector Banks & Financial Institutions (As on DPE website-16.4.24) (1.6 MiB, 1,581 hits)

  Office Order dated 28.1.2010 - Clarification regarding making reference to the Commission for advice on complaints and second stage advice cases (359.3 KiB, 1,585 hits)

— Expeditious Disposal of Complaints

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments/Organizations of Govt. of India (663.0 KiB, 1,249 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 19.04.2021 - Expeditious disposal of complaints received against employees, having bearing on Vigilance Clearance - Suitable monitoring mechanism - Reg. (1.5 MiB, 4,894 hits)

Earlier Circulars/Orders

  Circular dated 11.10.2002 - Improving vigilance administration - Action on anonymous or pseudonymous complaints (7.9 KiB, 1,428 hits)

Complaint Management System Application

  CVC Circular dated 13.08.2020 - Action taken by CVOs on complaints sent for necessary action and updation of status in Complaint Management System application by CVOs (433.4 KiB, 2,611 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 15.02.2023 - Commission's Circular dated 13.01.2013 (257.4 KiB, 6,588 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 13.01.2023 - Engagement of retired Officials to conduct investigation and perform other vigilance functions (491.3 KiB, 7,199 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 23.01.2017 - Systemic Improvement Guidelines - Engagement of Consultants - regarding (1.6 MiB, 2,880 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.05.2016 - Engagement pf Consultant for Development of an Integrity Index for Public Organisations-Request for Proposals (1.1 MiB, 1,799 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.12.2015 - Appointment in the grade of Sr. PPS of CSSS for the Select List Year 2015(Part) (58.6 KiB, 864 hits)

  Circular dated 24.06.2011 - Selection and employment of Consultants (235.6 KiB, 969 hits)

Consultation with CVC

First Stage Advice * Consultation with CVC in Prosecution Case (recommended by CBI) * Difference from/Non-Acceptance of CVC Advice * Disagreement between DA & CVC in Prosecution Case * Reconsideration of CVC’s Advice * Reporting of Deviations from CVC’s Advice * Retired Officers of PSBs * Rule 19(1) of the CCA Rules * Second Stage Consultation * Second Stage Consultation of CVC where UPSC is to be Consulted * Supply of CVC advice to the CO

— First Stage Advice

  CVC Circular dated 25.11.2021 - Time limit and procedure for seeking reconsideration of Central Vigilance Commission's First Stage Advice-reg. (Ref. Para 1.6.4 of CVC Manual, 2021) (620.4 KiB, 5,206 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 09.09.2020 - Reference to the Commission for reconsideration of its advice - Dispensing with reconsideration of 2nd stage advice - reg. (582.5 KiB, 4,618 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.08.2020 - Reference to the Commission for reconsideration of the advice - reg. (510.8 KiB, 2,425 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 28.11.2017 -Reference to the Commission for advice - documents/information to be furnished - regarding (4.1 MiB, 3,392 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 27.04.2015 - Consultation with CVC for first stage advice - revised procedure - reg. (631.7 KiB, 5,286 hits)

  Circular dated 11.12.2014 - References to the Commission for advice - Procedure regarding (551.7 KiB, 2,846 hits)

  O.M. Dated 28.04.2011 - Consultation process of the CVC and advice for clarity about disciplinary rules and authorities for the faculty & employees of autonomous bodies, universities, etc. (111.2 KiB, 1,292 hits)

  Office Order dated 28.1.2010 - Clarification regarding making reference to the Commission for advice on complaints and second stage advice cases (359.3 KiB, 1,585 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 28.09.2000 - Consultation with the CVC - Making available a copy of the CVC's advice to the conerned employee (15.4 KiB, 991 hits)

Consultation with CVC in Prosecution Case (recommended by CBI)

  CVC O.O. dated 21.01.2022 - Procedure for seeking Commission's advice in cases where CBI has recommended sanction for prosecution - regarding (582.2 KiB, 5,720 hits)

— Difference from/Non-Acceptance of CVC Advice 

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.09.2019 - Central Vigilance Commission - cases of Difference from/non-acceptance of the advice of - procedure for consultation with the DoPT (41.2 KiB, 499 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.09.1978 - Central Vigilance Commission - Cases of differences from/non-acceptance of the advice of - Procedure for consultation with the Department of Personnel & A.R. (52.4 KiB, 478 hits)

— Disagreement between DA & CVC in Prosecution Case 

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 18.07.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution (28.6 KiB, 475 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution - regarding (2.8 MiB, 2,429 hits)

  RBI Circular dated 28.11.2019 - Repurchase Transactions (Repo) (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2018 - Amendment (408.8 KiB, 568 hits)

 —Reconsideration of CVC’s Advice

  CVC Circular dated 25.11.2021 - Time limit and procedure for seeking reconsideration of Central Vigilance Commission's First Stage Advice-reg. (Ref. Para 1.6.4 of CVC Manual, 2021) (620.4 KiB, 5,206 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 09.09.2020 - Reference to the Commission for reconsideration of its advice - Dispensing with reconsideration of 2nd stage advice - reg. (582.5 KiB, 4,618 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.08.2020 - Reference to the Commission for reconsideration of the advice - reg. (510.8 KiB, 2,425 hits)

— Reporting of Deviations from CVC’s Advice

  CVC Circular dated 15.09.2021 - Reporting of cases of deviations from the Central Vigilance Commission's advice - reg. (535.0 KiB, 5,341 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 23.06.2021 - Reporting of cases of deviations from the Central Vigilance Commission's advice - reg. (776.4 KiB, 1,299 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.07.2020 - Reporting cases of deviations by Appellate/Reviewing Authorities by Chief Vigilance Officers (in QPRs) (384.7 KiB, 3,726 hits)

— Retired Officers of PSBs

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2018 - Consultation with the Commission in respect of Retired officers of Public Sector Banks - clarifications reg. (387.1 KiB, 1,946 hits)

— Rule 19(1) of the CCA Rules 

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.04.2005 - Consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission in cases where action taken under Rule 19 (i) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (79.2 KiB, 662 hits)

  — Second Stage Consultation

  CVC O.O. dated 09.09.2020 - Reference to the Commission for reconsideration of its advice - Dispensing with reconsideration of 2nd stage advice - reg. (582.5 KiB, 4,618 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.08.2020 - Reference to the Commission for reconsideration of the advice - reg. (510.8 KiB, 2,425 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.12.2014 - Second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases - Amendment to the Vigilance Manual - regarding (660.3 KiB, 3,376 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.12.2012 - Second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases involving consultation with UPSC - Amendment to the Vigilance Manual (199.9 KiB, 1,231 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2011 - Dispensing with second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases (13.3 KiB, 1,614 hits)

  Office Order dated 28.1.2010 - Clarification regarding making reference to the Commission for advice on complaints and second stage advice cases (359.3 KiB, 1,585 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 28.09.2000 - Consultation with the CVC - Making available a copy of the CVC's advice to the conerned employee (15.4 KiB, 991 hits)

— Second Stage Consultation with CVC where UPSC is to be Consulted

  CVC Circular dated 08.03.2021 - Second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases involving consultation with UPSC (712.7 KiB, 1,822 hits)

— Supply of CVC advice to the CO

  CVC Letter dated 28.09.2000 - Consultation with the CVC - Making available a copy of the CVC's advice to the conerned employee (15.4 KiB, 991 hits)

— Uncategorised

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.09.2019 - Central Vigilance Commission - cases of Difference from/non-acceptance of the advice of - procedure for consultation with the DoPT (41.2 KiB, 499 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 18.07.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution (28.6 KiB, 475 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution - regarding (2.8 MiB, 2,429 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.03.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution (1.5 MiB, 430 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 10.07.2018-Second stage Consultation with CVOs of Departments/Organizations in disciplinary cases of Category ‘B’ officers – reg. (443.6 KiB, 4,038 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2018 - Consultation with the Commission in respect of Retired officers of Public Sector Banks - clarifications reg. (387.1 KiB, 1,946 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 28.11.2017 -Reference to the Commission for advice - documents/information to be furnished - regarding (4.1 MiB, 3,392 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 27.04.2015 - Consultation with CVC for first stage advice - revised procedure - reg. (631.7 KiB, 5,286 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.04.2015-Delay in finalisation of vigilance cases arising out of Intensive Examination conducted by CETO - regarding (320.1 KiB, 4,905 hits)

  Circular dated 11.12.2014 - References to the Commission for advice - Procedure regarding (551.7 KiB, 2,846 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.12.2014 - Second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases - Amendment to the Vigilance Manual - regarding (660.3 KiB, 3,376 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.12.2012 - Second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases involving consultation with UPSC - Amendment to the Vigilance Manual (199.9 KiB, 1,231 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2011 - Dispensing with second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases (13.3 KiB, 1,614 hits)

  O.M. Dated 28.04.2011 - Consultation process of the CVC and advice for clarity about disciplinary rules and authorities for the faculty & employees of autonomous bodies, universities, etc. (111.2 KiB, 1,292 hits)

  Office Order dated 28.1.2010 - Clarification regarding making reference to the Commission for advice on complaints and second stage advice cases (359.3 KiB, 1,585 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.04.2005 - Consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission in cases where action taken under Rule 19 (i) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (79.2 KiB, 662 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 28.09.2000 - Consultation with the CVC - Making available a copy of the CVC's advice to the conerned employee (15.4 KiB, 991 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.09.1978 - Central Vigilance Commission - Cases of differences from/non-acceptance of the advice of - Procedure for consultation with the Department of Personnel & A.R. (52.4 KiB, 478 hits)

Consultation with CVO

  CVC Circular dated 10.07.2018-Second stage Consultation with CVOs of Departments/Organizations in disciplinary cases of Category ‘B’ officers – reg. (443.6 KiB, 4,038 hits)

Consultation with DoPT 

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.09.2019 - Central Vigilance Commission - cases of Difference from/non-acceptance of the advice of - procedure for consultation with the DoPT (41.2 KiB, 499 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.03.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution (1.5 MiB, 430 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.04.2005 - Consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission in cases where action taken under Rule 19 (i) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (79.2 KiB, 662 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.09.1978 - Central Vigilance Commission - Cases of differences from/non-acceptance of the advice of - Procedure for consultation with the Department of Personnel & A.R. (52.4 KiB, 478 hits)

Consultation with UPSC

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.12.2018 - Departmental proceedings against Government Servants - Procedure for consultation with the UPSC (1.8 MiB, 10,536 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.03.2017-Procedure for dealing with cases of disagreement between Disciplinary Authority and CVC-Consultation with UPSC (97.9 KiB, 2,224 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.07.2016 - CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965-Advice of the UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Govt. servant-clarification (97.3 KiB, 5,887 hits)

  O.M. dated 19.11.2014 - CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Advice of the UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Government servant - Amendment regarding (294.4 KiB, 2,292 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.03.2014 - Supply of copy of UPSC advice to the charged Officer (30.4 KiB, 2,565 hits)

  O.M. dated 06.01.2014 - Rule 32 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Advice of the UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Government servant with the final order of penalty - Amendment - regarding (110.6 KiB, 2,264 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.05.2012 - Departmental proceedings against Government servants - Procedure for consultation with the UPSC (75.1 KiB, 1,199 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.05.2011 - Departmental proceedings against Govt. servants - consultation with the UPSC for advice (81.9 KiB, 1,202 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.11.2010 - Departmental proceedings against Govt. servants - Consultation with the UPSC for advice (119.2 KiB, 1,470 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.09.2010 - Departmental proceedings against Govt. servants - Consultation with UPSC for advice (180.0 KiB, 1,192 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.5.2010 - Departmental proceedings against Govt. servants - Procedure for consultation with the UPSC (132.0 KiB, 1,263 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.01.2010 - Departmental proceedings against Govt. servants-Procedure for consultation with the UPSC (31.7 KiB, 840 hits)

Earlier Circulars/Orders

  Circular dated 6.8.2009 - Procedure for seeking 1st stage advice of CVC (1.8 MiB, 1,665 hits)

  Circular dated 11.10.2002 - Improving vigilance administration - Action on anonymous or pseudonymous complaints (7.9 KiB, 1,428 hits)

  CVC letter dated 12.03.1998 - Action on CBI reports - Revised time limit for furnishing comments to the CVC (659.4 KiB, 867 hits)

Contractual Appointment/Assignment/Consultancy of Retired Group A Officers

  CVC Circular dated 03.06.2021 - Procedure for offering/accepting post retirement contractual employment/assignment or consultancy, etc. - reg. (1.0 MiB, 13,600 hits)

Court Judgement (Reg. Period of Stay) 

  CVC Circular dated 22.12.2020 - Judgement dated 28.03.2018 in Criminal Appeal No.1375-1376 of 2013 passed by Supreme Court of India (reg. period of stay) (665.5 KiB, 3,494 hits)

COVID-19 Related Orders

  CVC Circular dated 24.08.2020 - Completion of disciplinary proceeding through Video Conferencing in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic (DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020) (461.4 KiB, 3,162 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020 - Completion of disciplinary proceeding through Video Conferencing in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic - reg. (39.6 KiB, 5,783 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.06.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 regarding (208.4 KiB, 11,212 hits)

Criminal Laws (New)

  The Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 (As on BPRD website-03.02.2024) (1.9 MiB, 4,736 hits)

  The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 (As on BPRD website-03.02.2024) (1.3 MiB, 4,693 hits)

  The Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 (As on BPRD website-03.02.2024) (1.2 MiB, 4,676 hits)

Departmental Enquiries Act

  O.M. dated 14.10.2013 - Recommendations of the Hota Committee - Amendments to the Departmental Enquiries (Enforcement of Attendance of Witnesses and Production of Documents) Act, 1972 (59.7 KiB, 1,268 hits)

Deviation of Appellate/Reviewing Authority

  CVC Circular dated 20.07.2020 - Reporting cases of deviations by Appellate/Reviewing Authorities by Chief Vigilance Officers (in QPRs) (384.7 KiB, 3,726 hits)

—Delay in Filing Immovable/Movable Property Return

  CVC O.O. dated 23.11.2020 - Filing of Immovable/Movable Property Return by officers/officials (142.7 KiB, 6,787 hits)

— False SC/ST/OBC Certificate

  O.M. dated 10.01.2013 - Action against Government servants who get appointment on the basis of false of SC, ST or OBC certificates (52.2 KiB, 10,588 hits)

Recovery of Wrongful/Excess Payments

  O.M. dated 06.02.2014 - Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants (113.5 KiB, 2,663 hits)

— Unauthorized Absence

  O.M. dated 28.03.2013 - Consolidated instructions relating to action against Govt. servants remaining away from duty without authorization / grant of leave (131.5 KiB, 2,589 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.06.2010 - Consolidated instructions on regularization of unauthorised absence (88.2 KiB, 2,999 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 19.05.2014 - Need for self-contained speaking and reasoned order to be issued by the authorities exercising disciplinary powers (372.1 KiB, 2,356 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 04.04.2013 - Delhi High Court's decision in LPA No.618 of 2012 dated 06.11.2012 in the matter of disclosure of information under the RTI Act, relating to disciplinary matters (670.5 KiB, 5,626 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.12.2012 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (60.4 KiB, 1,267 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.11.2012 - Guidelines for monitoring and expeditous disposal of the disciplinary proceeding cases-reg. (167.4 KiB, 1,682 hits)

  Letter dated 23.08.2012 - Communicating tentative reasons for disagreement under Rule 9(2) of the AIS (D&A) Rules, 1969 (39.0 KiB, 1,091 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.05.2012 - Departmental proceedings against Government servants - Procedure for consultation with the UPSC (75.1 KiB, 1,199 hits)

  O.M. Dated 28.04.2011 - Consultation process of the CVC and advice for clarity about disciplinary rules and authorities for the faculty & employees of autonomous bodies, universities, etc. (111.2 KiB, 1,292 hits)

  Circular dated 11.03.2011 - Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly (324.0 KiB, 1,032 hits)

  Circular dated 23.06.2010 - Guidelines in checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution on CBI reports (376.2 KiB, 1,140 hits)

  Circular dated 02.06.2010 - Delay in initiating disciplinary proceedings (400.6 KiB, 1,165 hits)

  Office Order dated 9.3.2010 - Timely completion of Departmental Inquiries - Improving Vigilance Administration (1.3 MiB, 1,298 hits)

  Office Order dated 3.3.2010 - Definition of term 'stiff' or 'severe' penalty - Regarding (296.8 KiB, 1,125 hits)

  Office Order dated 28.1.2010 - Clarification regarding making reference to the Commission for advice on complaints and second stage advice cases (359.3 KiB, 1,585 hits)

Disciplinary/Departmental Proceedings

CCS/CSSS Gp ‘A’ Officers * Disagreement * Disciplinary/Departmental/Inquiry Proceedings * Disciplinary Jurisdiction of CAT/Election Commission of India * Disciplinary Proceedings in Sexual Harassment Case * Documents from CBI for DI * Hota Committee * IAS Officers (Reg. Complaints, Suspension, Departmental Proceedings, Vig. Clearance, etc.) * Important of Due Process * Petition of Bias by Charged Officer * Single Window System in DoPT * Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action * Time-Limits

— CCS/CSSS Gp ‘A’ Officers

  DoPT O.M. dated 15.03.2021-Single Window System in DoPT for proposals for initiation of disc. proceedings/sanction of prosecution under the PC Act, 1988 against Gr 'A' officers of CSS & CSSS (1.8 MiB, 3,047 hits)

— Disagreement

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution - regarding (2.8 MiB, 2,429 hits)

Disciplinary/Departmental/Inquiry Proceedings/DI through Video Conferencing

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.03.2024 - Handling of Disciplinary Proceedings in respect of Central Civilian employees (611.1 KiB, 4,127 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 21.02.2024 - Strict compliance of guidelines issued by CVC and DoPT for timely disposal of Disciplinary Proceedings - reg. (5.8 MiB, 5,217 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 13.02.2024 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (803.7 KiB, 4,507 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.03.2023 - Handling of Disciplinary Proceedings in respect of Central Civilian employees (629.6 KiB, 5,669 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.12.2022 - Procedural aspects during the course of inquiry under Rule 14 of the CCS (CCA) Rules (252.0 KiB, 8,032 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.01.2022 - Obtaining documents from CBI for the purpose of departmental inquiry proceedings - regarding (263.4 KiB, 5,628 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.12.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (688.8 KiB, 4,488 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.12.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (745.9 KiB, 4,509 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.11.2021 - Aid to processing of departmental proceedings under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Simplification regarding (262.1 KiB, 1,722 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.10.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (685.3 KiB, 4,518 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 14.12.2020 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings-improving vigilance administration (776.2 KiB, 7,900 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 01.10.2020 - Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly (395.6 KiB, 3,461 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 10.09.2020 - Expeditious disposal of vigilance cases - regarding (588.6 KiB, 2,590 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 24.08.2020 - Completion of disciplinary proceeding through Video Conferencing in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic (DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020) (461.4 KiB, 3,162 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020 - Completion of disciplinary proceeding through Video Conferencing in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic - reg. (39.6 KiB, 5,783 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.06.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 regarding (208.4 KiB, 11,212 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules (Exclusion of lockdown period) (693.2 KiB, 8,600 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.03.2017-Expeditious finalisation of departmental proceedings pendings with the Ministries/Departments/Organisations - regarding (4.8 MiB, 2,075 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 10.01.2017 - Expeditious finalisation of departmental proceedings pending with the Ministries/Deptts. - regarding (498.8 KiB, 2,672 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.08.2016 - CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965-Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-Sheet - regarding (103.6 KiB, 4,618 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 21.06.2016 - Processing of priority cases on Fast Track basis - regarding (513.4 KiB, 984 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2016 - Inquiry proceedings pending before the IOs - regarding (229.2 KiB, 3,087 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 18.01.2016 - Timely completion of disciplinary proceedings/departmental inquiry proceedings-improving vigilance administration (1.7 MiB, 13,192 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.03.2014 - Supply of copy of UPSC advice to the charged Officer (30.4 KiB, 2,565 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.02.2014 - Circulation of Check-List for disciplinary cases against IAS Officers and initiation of Single Window System (251.1 KiB, 2,090 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.10.2013-Recommentions of the Committee of Experts on Disc. & Vig. Inquiries-Para 48 of Committee's Report on conclusion of major penalty proceedings within 18 months (709.5 KiB, 151 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.10.2013 - Recommendations of the Hota Committee - Submission of draft charge sheet while seeking first stage advice of CVC, etc. - Acceptance by Government (56.3 KiB, 1,104 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.04.2013 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (116.9 KiB, 1,079 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 04.04.2013 - Delhi High Court's decision in LPA No.618 of 2012 dated 06.11.2012 in the matter of disclosure of information under the RTI Act, relating to disciplinary matters (670.5 KiB, 5,626 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.12.2012 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (60.4 KiB, 1,267 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.11.2012 - Guidelines for monitoring and expeditous disposal of the disciplinary proceeding cases-reg. (167.4 KiB, 1,682 hits)

— Disciplinary Jurisdiction of CAT/Election Commission of India

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.11.2022 - Disciplinary Jurisdiction of CAT/Election Commission of India (105.4 KiB, 6,648 hits)

Disciplinary Proceedings in Sexual Harassment Case

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.08.2016 - CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965-Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment of women at the workplace-regarding (106.4 KiB, 16,623 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2004 - Addition of Proviso to Rule 14(2) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (212.5 KiB, 780 hits)

— Documents from CBI for DI

  CVC Circular dated 12.01.2022 - Obtaining documents from CBI for the purpose of departmental inquiry proceedings - regarding (263.4 KiB, 5,628 hits)

— Hota Committee

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.04.2017-Action taken in compliance with the Hota Committee's recommendations as indicated in O.M. dated 04.12.2012 (Reminder) (203.4 KiB, 3,614 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 25.07.2016 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (Reminder) (281.0 KiB, 3,428 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.04.2016 - Recommendations of the Committee on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (264.7 KiB, 2,781 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.03.2015 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (112.2 KiB, 3,044 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.09.2014 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (Reminder) (67.6 KiB, 1,954 hits)

IAS Officers (Reg. Complaints, Suspension, Departmental Proceedings, Vig. Clearance, etc.)

  DoPT Letter dated 05.08.2020-Circulation of Check-List for forwarding disciplinary proceedings proposals/cases to DoPT against IAS Officers under Single Window System under OM dated 10.02.2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,875 hits)

  FAQs in respect of AVD-I (DOPT-August, 2012) (86.9 KiB, 1,948 hits)

— Importance

  O.M. dated 18.02.2015 - Importance of following the due process in disciplinary proceedings - regarding (65.4 KiB, 3,868 hits)

Petition of Bias by Charged Officer

  CVC Circular dated 19.02.2024 - Considering petition of bias by Charged Officers - reg. (1.9 MiB, 4,580 hits)

Single Window System in DOPT

  DoPT O.M. dated 15.03.2021-Single Window System in DoPT for proposals for initiation of disc. proceedings/sanction of prosecution under the PC Act, 1988 against Gr 'A' officers of CSS & CSSS (1.8 MiB, 3,047 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 05.08.2020-Circulation of Check-List for forwarding disciplinary proceedings proposals/cases to DoPT against IAS Officers under Single Window System under OM dated 10.02.2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,875 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.02.2014 - Introduction of Single Window System in DOP&T for receiving proposals for initiation of disciplinary proceedings against the Group 'A' Officers of the CBI (83.1 KiB, 1,830 hits)

  O.M. dated 24.02.2014 - Introduction of Single Window System in DOP&T for receiving proposals for initiation of disciplinary proceedings against the Group 'A' Officers of CSS & CSSS (156.4 KiB, 2,070 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.02.2014 - Circulation of Check-List for disciplinary cases against IAS Officers and initiation of Single Window System (251.1 KiB, 2,090 hits)

— Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.11.2022 - Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action (131.9 KiB, 973 hits)

—Timeline/Time-Limits [

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.03.2024 - Handling of Disciplinary Proceedings in respect of Central Civilian employees (611.1 KiB, 4,127 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 21.02.2024 - Strict compliance of guidelines issued by CVC and DoPT for timely disposal of Disciplinary Proceedings - reg. (5.8 MiB, 5,217 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 13.02.2024 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (803.7 KiB, 4,507 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.12.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (688.8 KiB, 4,488 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.12.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (745.9 KiB, 4,509 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.11.2021 - Aid to processing of departmental proceedings under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Simplification regarding (262.1 KiB, 1,722 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.10.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (685.3 KiB, 4,518 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 14.12.2020 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings-improving vigilance administration (776.2 KiB, 7,900 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules (Exclusion of lockdown period) (693.2 KiB, 8,600 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.12.2017- Frequently Asked Questions on timeline for completing Disciplinary proceeding in time bound manner under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (185.0 KiB, 4,364 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules (Exclusion of lockdown period) (693.2 KiB, 8,600 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.06.2017 - Amendment to Rules 14 and 16 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (168.5 KiB, 6,539 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.10.2013-Recommentions of the Committee of Experts on Disc. & Vig. Inquiries-Para 48 of Committee's Report on conclusion of major penalty proceedings within 18 months (709.5 KiB, 151 hits)


  Guidelines to curb practice of Assns. formed,patronized by CPSE,PSB officials, spouses, etc. obtaining donations from those having commercial relations,official dealings (As on CVC website-3.8.16) (7.1 KiB, 2,464 hits)

Engagement of Retired Officials to Conduct Investigation/Discharge Vigilance Functions

  CVC Circular dated 15.02.2023 - Commission's Circular dated 13.01.2013 (257.4 KiB, 6,588 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 13.01.2023 - Engagement of retired Officials to conduct investigation and perform other vigilance functions (491.3 KiB, 7,199 hits)

FAQs in respect of AVD-I

  FAQs in respect of AVD-I (DOPT-August, 2012) (86.9 KiB, 1,948 hits)

Forwarding of applications for other posts 

  O.M. dated 23.12.2013 - Consolidated instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government servants for Outside Employment-regarding (234.3 KiB, 16,589 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.07.1993 - Forwarding of applications for other posts - principles regarding (666.5 KiB, 9,167 hits)

  O.M. dated 22.07.1990 - Forwarding of applications - Retention of lien in the parent Department (599.3 KiB, 8,967 hits)

Guidelines for Intensive Examination

  Guidelines for Intensive Examination of Public Procurement Contracts by CVOs (As on CVC website-19.01.2016) (126.9 KiB, 3,739 hits)

Handbook for IOs and Disciplinary Authorities

  ISTM's Handbook for Inquiry Officers and Disciplinary Authorities (28.09.2013) (4.1 MiB, 2,496 hits)

Hiring of  Vehicles

  Systems improvement - Guidelines regarding hiring of vehicles by Government offices (As on CVC website-23.12.2016) (132.0 KiB, 22,779 hits)


  MoF O.M. dated 24.10.2017 - Hospitality by suppliers/vendors to the Government Officials - reg. (195.9 KiB, 4,133 hits)

Hota Committee

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 25.07.2016 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (Reminder) (281.0 KiB, 3,428 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.04.2016 - Recommendations of the Committee on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (264.7 KiB, 2,781 hits)

  O.M. dated 08.09.2014 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (Reminder) (67.6 KiB, 1,954 hits)

Immovable/Movable Property Returns (Filing of)

  CVC O.O. dated 23.11.2020 - Filing of Immovable/Movable Property Return by officers/officials (142.7 KiB, 6,787 hits)

Independent External Monitors (IEMs)

  Panel of eminent persons eligible for appointment as IEMs (Independent External Monitors) (As on CVC website-25.06.2024) (515.7 KiB, 1,858 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 05.01.2024 - Revision of panel for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of Integrity Pact (7.1 MiB, 2,204 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 21.12.2022-Revision of panel for consideration for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of Integrity Pact (1.8 MiB, 3,329 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.01.2022 - Adoption and implementation of Integrity Pact - revision of eligibility criteria and process of nomination of Independent External Monitors (643.9 KiB, 3,446 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 14.09.2021-Preparation of panel for consideration for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of the concept of Integrity Pact (549.2 KiB, 1,509 hits)

  Panel of eminent persons eligible for appointment as Independent External Monitors as on 10.10.2019 (As on CVC website-18.10.2019) (249.3 KiB, 1,890 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 13.01.2017 - Appointment of Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in Ministries,Departments,Organisations (100.8 KiB, 463 hits)

Inquiry Officer/Presenting Officer

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.10.2023 - Requirement of completing/clearing a course related to procedural steps for holding DPs/DIs by Inquiring Authorities/Inquiry Officers, on iGOT Platform (242.8 KiB, 6,522 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 05.12.2022 - Grant of honorarium to Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers in the departmental inquiries-reg. (along with DoPT O.M. dated 16.11.2022) (2.0 MiB, 8,602 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.11.2022 - Grant of honorarium to Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers in the departmental inquiries conducted by the Ministries/Deptts. (downloaded from CVC Circular dt. 05.12.2022) (1.7 MiB, 6,690 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 27.07.2018 - CVO to closely monitor presentation of case by Presenting officer before the IO (659.3 KiB, 608 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 15.09.2017-Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries-reg. (270.0 KiB, 2,290 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.01.2016 - Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries-reg. (213.0 KiB, 2,780 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.10.2015 - Procedure for empanelment and appointment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries-reg. (226.8 KiB, 2,220 hits)

  O.M. dated 23.06.2014 - Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IOs)/Presenting Officers (PO) (180.6 KiB, 2,664 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.01.2014 - Directions of Hon'ble High Court, New Delhi in the matter of Shri K.K.S. Sirohi & Ors. vs. UOI - IOs to be made aware of the procedures of law (195.8 KiB, 2,229 hits)

  ISTM's Handbook for Inquiry Officers and Disciplinary Authorities (28.09.2013) (4.1 MiB, 2,496 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2012 - Grant of honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IOs) / Presenting Officers (POs) - Consolidated instructions regarding (206.0 KiB, 1,712 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2011 - Appointment of Inquiry Officers (IOs) and Presenting Officers (POs) in discipinary cases (13.0 KiB, 1,196 hits)

  O.M. dated 27.7.2009 - Grant of honorarium to IOs and POs (91.9 KiB, 1,936 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2004 - Addition of Proviso to Rule 14(2) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (212.5 KiB, 780 hits)

Integrity Pact

Independent External Monitors * Integrity Pact-SOP/Revised SOP * Unorganised

— Independent External Monitors

  Panel of eminent persons eligible for appointment as IEMs (Independent External Monitors) (As on CVC website-25.06.2024) (515.7 KiB, 1,858 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 05.01.2024 - Revision of panel for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of Integrity Pact (7.1 MiB, 2,204 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 21.12.2022-Revision of panel for consideration for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of Integrity Pact (1.8 MiB, 3,329 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.01.2022 - Adoption and implementation of Integrity Pact - revision of eligibility criteria and process of nomination of Independent External Monitors (643.9 KiB, 3,446 hits)

Integrity Pact-SOP/Revised SOP 

  CVC Letter dated 16.04.2024 - Implementation of Integrity Pact - regarding (564.2 KiB, 2,386 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 05.01.2024 - Revision of panel for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of Integrity Pact (7.1 MiB, 2,204 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 05.09.2023 - Adherence to the provisions of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of Integrity Pact-regarding (558.0 KiB, 2,348 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 11.11.2022 - Adoption and Implementation of Integrity Pact (573.0 KiB, 2,999 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.01.2022 - Adoption and implementation of Integrity Pact - Revised Standard Operating Procedure - regarding (1.0 MiB, 2,715 hits)

— Unorganized

  CVC Circular dated 20.12.2021 - Adherence to the provisions of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of Integrity Pact-regarding (494.5 KiB, 1,228 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 14.09.2021-Preparation of panel for consideration for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of the concept of Integrity Pact (549.2 KiB, 1,509 hits)

  CVC Corri. dated 14.09.2021 - Adoption of Integrity Pact-Revised Standard Operating Procedure (reg. Para 5.13 of Circular dated 03.06.2021) (266.8 KiB, 2,956 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.06.2021 - Adoption of Integrity Pact-Revised Standard Operating Procedure - reg. (3.7 MiB, 2,850 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.10.2020 - Adoption of Integrity Pact-Revised Standard Operating Procedure (Amendment of Paras 5.2, 5.3 and 5.7 of Circular dated 13.01.2017) (366.8 KiB, 2,671 hits)

  Panel of eminent persons eligible for appointment as Independent External Monitors as on 10.10.2019 (As on CVC website-18.10.2019) (249.3 KiB, 1,890 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 28.09.2018 - Adoption of Integrity Pact (IP) - regarding (2.1 MiB, 1,671 hits)

  List of Health Care Organizations (HCOs) empanelled under CGHS, Delhi & NCR w.e.f. 01.10.2014 as per OM dated 01.10.2014 and further added/updated till 15.10.2020 (As on CGHS website-23.10.2020) (524.6 KiB, 2,125 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 13.01.2017 - Appointment of Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in Ministries,Departments,Organisations (100.8 KiB, 463 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.02.2015 - Adoption of Integrity Pact in Public Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/FIs - regarding (1.9 MiB, 2,410 hits)

  Circular dated 23.07.2012 - Adoption of Integrity Pact - Standard Operating Procedure (233.3 KiB, 1,240 hits)

  Circular dated 18.5.2009 - Adoption of Integrity Pact - Standard Operating Procedure-reg. (189.1 KiB, 1,230 hits)

 More circulars under the heading, “Tenders/Contract/Integrity Pact”

Intensive Examination  

  CVC Circular dated 05.09.2022 - Revised Guidelines on Intensive Examination of Public Procurement Contracts 2022 - reg. (5.6 MiB, 2,652 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 12.02.2019 - Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Internship Scheme - Inviting Application for engaging Interns for the Financial Year 2019 -20 (4.4 MiB, 1,912 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.02.2018 - Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Internship Scheme - Inviting Application or engaging Interns for the Financial Year 2018-19 (152.6 KiB, 1,969 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 13.04.2017-Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Internship Scheme - Inviting Application for engaging Interns for the Financial Year 2017-18 (305.4 KiB, 1,439 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.05.2016 - Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Internship Scheme, 2016 (94.8 KiB, 1,713 hits)


Investigation by CBI * Investigation by CVO/Department

Investigation by CBI

  O.M. dated 11.06.2013 - Investigation by the CBI in respect of JS rank and above officers serving the Central Govt. Sec. 6A of DSPE Act, 1946 - Corrigendum (44.9 KiB, 1,044 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2011 - Permission to initiate investigation by CBI in respect of officers of the rank of JS and above - Provisions of section 6A of DSPE Act, 1946 (14.8 KiB, 1,066 hits)

  CVC letter dated 12.03.1998 - Action on CBI reports - Revised time limit for furnishing comments to the CVC (659.4 KiB, 867 hits)

Investigation/Enquiry by CVO/Department

  CVC Circular dated 01.09.2022 - Clarification regarding the enquiry/investigation to be conducted against officers on deputation (545.7 KiB, 3,780 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 14.08.2020 - Adherence to time limits for investigation of complaints referred by the CVC to CVOs of Deptts./Organisations (429.7 KiB, 2,753 hits)

Jurisdiction of CVC

  CVC Circular dated 01.12.2022 - Commission's Jurisdiction over Officers of Public Sector Insurance Companies and Public Sector Undertakings, clarification-reg. (957.6 KiB, 7,235 hits)

  Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission Over PSU Executives. (As on DPE Website - 13.08.2018) (149.4 KiB, 1,878 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.08.2015-CVC's jurisdiction and vigilance administration in regulatory authorities like TRAI, IRDA, etc.-issue of notification under CVC Act-Meeting reg. (29.6 KiB, 2,143 hits)

  O.M. dated 01.02.2013 - Central Vigilance Commission's jurisdiction over employees of Multi-State Cooperative Societies like NAFED, KRIBHCO etc. (42.4 KiB, 1,192 hits)

  Notification dated 12.09.2007 - Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission (216.2 KiB, 957 hits)

Lapses of authorities discharging judicial/quasi-judicial functions

  CVC Circular dated 24.10.2016-Criteria to be followed while evaluating the lapses of authorities exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions-regarding (755.2 KiB, 4,648 hits)

  Circular dated 01.11.2007 - Examination of lapses of authoriries exercising quasi-judicial powers - Criteria laid down by Supreme Court (696.7 KiB, 1,307 hits)

  SC Judgment dated 27.01.1993 - Union of India Vs. K.K. Dhawan (46.1 KiB, 3,392 hits)

Lecture/Webcast (in CVC)

  CVC Circular dated 21.05.2019 - Lecture by SH. S.P. Singh Parihar, Chairman, CPCB on 30th May, 2019 at 04.30 pm (455.7 KiB, 1,956 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 21.05.2019 - Lecture by SH. S.P. Singh Parihar, Chairman, CPCB on 30th May, 2019 at 04.30 pm - regarding (384.3 KiB, 1,909 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.04.2019 - Lecture by Sh. Subhash Chandra Khuntia, Chairman, IRDA on 22nd April, 2019 (383.8 KiB, 2,138 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.04.2019 - Lecture by Sh. Subhash Chandra Khuntia, Chairman, IRDA on 22nd April, 2019 (465.4 KiB, 2,022 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 15.03.2019 - Lecture by Sh. Ashok Kumar Gupta, Chairperson, CCI on 25th March, 2019 (555.5 KiB, 2,247 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 15.03.2019 - Lecture by Sh. Ashok Kumar Gupta, Chairperson, CCI on 25th March, 2019 - regarding (453.7 KiB, 2,124 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.02.2019 - Lecture by Justice L. Narasimha Reddy, Chairman, CAT on 26th February, 2019 (470.1 KiB, 2,030 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.02.2019 - Lecture by Justice L. Narasimha Reddy, Chairman, CAT on 26th February, 2019 - regarding (499.4 KiB, 1,942 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 30.01.2019 - Postponement of Lecture - regarding (259.7 KiB, 1,148 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 24.01.2019 - Lecture by Justice L. Narasimha Reddy, Chairman, CAT on 30th January, 2019 - regarding (367.4 KiB, 1,128 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.12.2018 - Lecture by Shri R S Sharma, Chairman, TRAI on 20th December, 2018 (388.9 KiB, 1,385 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.12.2018 - Lecture by Shri R S Sharma, Chairman, TRAI on 20th December, 2018 - regarding (346.4 KiB, 1,201 hits)

  CVC Circular dated - - Lecture by Shri Hemant G Contractor, Chairman, PFRDA on 26th November, 2018 (323.4 KiB, 1,439 hits)

  Lecture by Dr. T.M. Bhasin, Vigilance Commissioner 31st October, 2018 (As on CVC Website - 24.10.2018) (353.4 KiB, 1,561 hits)

  Lecture by Dr. T.M. Bhasin, Vigilance Commissioner 31st October, 2018. (As on CVC Website - 24.10.2018) (390.8 KiB, 1,485 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 15.10.2018 - Postponement of Lecture - regarding (269.2 KiB, 1,531 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 10.10.2018 - Lecture by Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Vice-Chancellor, Ashoka University on 16th October, 2018 (348.9 KiB, 1,572 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.09.2018 - Timing of 35th Lecture Series - regarding (267.0 KiB, 1,596 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.09.2018 - Lecture by Dr. Urjit R.Patel, Governor, RBI on 20th September, 2018 (413.8 KiB, 1,491 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.09.2018 - Lecture by Dr. Urjit R.Patel, Governor, RBI on 20th September, 2018 - regarding (337.6 KiB, 1,447 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.08.2018 - Lecture by Shri M. Damodaran, Chairperson, Excellence Enablers Private Ltd. on 21st August, 2018 - regarding (383.5 KiB, 1,687 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.07.2018 - Lecture by Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog on 26th July, 2018-regarding (98.0 KiB, 1,500 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.07.2018 - Lecture by Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog on 26th July, 2018 (106.8 KiB, 1,458 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.06.2018 - Lecture by Shri Surjit S. Bhalla, Member of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council on 19th June 2018 (369.8 KiB, 1,610 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.06.2018 - Lecture by Shri Surjit S. Bhalla, Member of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council on 19th June 2018. (430.0 KiB, 1,629 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 11.05.2018 - Lecture by Dr. Ashima Goyal, Member of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council & Professor at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research on 28th May, 2018 (473.7 KiB, 1,848 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 10.05.2018 - Lecture by Dr. Ashima Goyal, Member of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council & Professor at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research on 28th May, 2018-reg. (402.1 KiB, 1,591 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 16.04.2018 - Lecture by Sh. Shaktikanta Das, Member, Finance Commission of India on 24th April, 2018 (361.8 KiB, 1,723 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 16.04.2018 - Lecture by Sh. Shaktikanta Das, Member, Finance Commission of India on 24th April, 2018 (26.4 KiB, 1,623 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.03.2018 - Lecture by Dr. Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO, UIDAI on 26th March, 2018 (464.5 KiB, 6,624 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.02.2018 - Lecture by Dr. Rathin Roy, Director, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy on 27th February, 2018 (300.0 KiB, 1,912 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.-1.2018 - Lecture by Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Hon'ble Speaker Lok Sabha on 18th January, 2018 (345.4 KiB, 2,112 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 26.12.2017 - Lecture by Sh. Ashok Arora, Author and Motivational Speaker on 29th December, 2017 (329.4 KiB, 2,169 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 26.12.2017 - Lecture by Sh. Ashok Arora, Author and Motivational Speaker on 29th December, 2017 (444.8 KiB, 2,161 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 17.11.2017 - Lecture by Sh. Radha Krishna Mathur, Chieff Information Commissioner, Central Information Commission on 29th November, 2017 (484.1 KiB, 945 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 21.06.2017-Lecture by Dr. Nasim Zaidi, Chief Election Commissioner on 29th June 2017-regarding (367.2 KiB, 1,520 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 04.05.2017 - Lecture by Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State(PP) on 9th May 2017 - regarding (354.7 KiB, 1,474 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.02.2017-Lecture by Prof. Ashish Nanda, Director, Indian Institute of Management Ahmadabad on 16th February 2017- regarding (381.3 KiB, 1,795 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.08.2016 - Lecture by Shri Vinod Rai, Chairman, Banks Board Bureau on 16.08.2016 - regarding (355.6 KiB, 1,833 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 26.07.2016 - Lecture by Shri Devender K. Sikri, Chairperson, Competition Commission of India on 29th July, 2016 (341.8 KiB, 1,394 hits)

  CVC letter dated 24.05.2016 - Lecture by Shri J.M. Vyas, DG, Gujarat Forensic Science University, on 27th May, 2016 (1.2 MiB, 1,647 hits)

  CVC letter dated 12.04.2016 - Lecture by Shri Arvind Panagriya, Vice Chairman NITI Aayog on 26.04.2016 - regarding (1.0 MiB, 1,567 hits)

  CVC letter dated 10.03.2016 - Lecture by Shri Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser on 21st March, 2016 regarding (219.5 KiB, 3,767 hits)

  CVC letter dated 09.02.2016 - Lecture by Shri Ranjit Kumar, Solicitor General of India on 19th February 2016 - regarding (194.9 KiB, 2,551 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.01.2016 - Lecture by Shri Shashi Kant Sharma, C&AG on 27th January 2016-regarding (246.4 KiB, 3,521 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 16.12.2015 - Lecture by Shri Bibek Debroy, Member, Niti Aayog on Making Governance Effective on 30th December, 2015 - regarding (242.9 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 13.11.2015 - Lecture by Hon'ble Attorney General Shri Mukul Rohatgi on 20.11.2015 (218.9 KiB, 1,260 hits)

Limitation Period

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.06.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 regarding (208.4 KiB, 11,212 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules (Exclusion of lockdown period) (693.2 KiB, 8,600 hits)

List of Organizations

  CVC Circular dated 17.09.2021 - Providing list of organizations covered under the administrative control of ministries/departments of Govt. of India (information required by 30.09.2021) (1.2 MiB, 1,455 hits)

Lokpal of India 

Lokpal of India * References from Lokpal of India

— Lokpal of India >>> Lokpal – Rules/Orders

— References from Lokpal of India

  CVC Circular dated 18.06.2021 - Procedure for handling references received from Lokpal of India (reg. tenure of IO, etc.) (346.2 KiB, 8,352 hits)

Manuals on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy, etc.

CVC Circular regarding Manuals * Manuals on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy, etc.

— CVC Circular regarding Manuals 

  CVC Circular dated 11.07.2022 - Updation of Manuals on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy, etc. (823.1 KiB, 6,384 hits)

— Manuals on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy, etc. 

  Manual for Procurement of Works (Updated June 2022) (as on MoF website-02.07.2022) (50.0 MiB, 9,492 hits)

  Manual for Procurement of Consultancy & Other Services (Updated June 2022) (as on MoF website-02.07.2022) (49.3 MiB, 9,277 hits)

  Manual for Procurement of Goods (Updated June 2022) (as on MoF website-02.07.2022) (67.4 MiB, 9,141 hits)

Meetings (in CVC)

  CVC Circular dated 11.08.2023 - Meeting of Commission with the full time CVOs (reg. Vigilance Awareness Week 2023) (463.9 KiB, 2,735 hits)

  Schedule for Annual Sectoral Review Meeting-2016 with Secretaries/Chief Executives/CVOs during Phase-III(As on CVC website-19.01.2017) (187.3 KiB, 1,922 hits)

  Schedule for Annual Sectoral Review Meeting-2016 with Secretaries,Chief Executives,CVOs during Phase-III(As on CVC website-26.12.2016) (227.8 KiB, 1,725 hits)

  Schedule for Annual Sectoral Review Meeting 2015 with CVOs of the Ministries/Deptts./Organizations (As on CVC website-12.11.15) (83.3 KiB, 1,232 hits)

  Schedule for Annual Sectoral Review Meeting-2015 with CVOs of the Ministries/Departments/Organizations (As on CVC website-3.8.15) (73.0 KiB, 1,941 hits)

  CVC - Schedule for Annual Sectoral Review Meeting 2015 with CVOs of the Ministries/Departments/Organizations (As on CVC website-24.03.15) (61.1 KiB, 656 hits)

  CVC - Schedule for Annual Zonal/Sectoral Review Meeting -2014 with CMDs/Chief Executives and CVOs of the Ministries/Departments/Organizations (23.06.2014) (55.8 KiB, 1,730 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.09.2012 - Annual Zonal & Sectoral Review Meetings-2012 with CVOs of remaining 9 groups of Ministries, Deptts. & Organisations (158.5 KiB, 891 hits)

  Office Order dated 5.3.2010 - Monthly and Quarterly structured meetings for review of vigilance work - reg. (671.6 KiB, 895 hits)

National Learning Week

  CVC Circular dated 22.10.2024 - National Learning Week - Regarding (19th October to 25th October 2024) (1.7 MiB, 727 hits)

Officers/Public Servants Due to Retire

  CVC O.O. dated 01.10.2020 - Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly (395.6 KiB, 3,461 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 12.05.2020 - Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly (2.1 MiB, 1,776 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 23.07.2019 - Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly (414.6 KiB, 2,106 hits)

Old Pending Cases

  CVC Circular dated 30.12.2020 - Disposal of old pending cases (783.2 KiB, 2,262 hits)


Clarification/Interpretation of Penalties * Effect of Penalties * Explanation in Rule 11 * Implementation of Second Penalty Imposed During Currency of the First Penalty * Penalty Order/Final Penalty Order * Penalty of Reduction to Lower Grade/Post/Time-Scale * Penalty Order/Final Penalty Order * Regulation of Pay

— Clarification/Interpretation of Penalties

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.12.2022 - Clarification/Interpretation of penalties under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (174.8 KiB, 7,062 hits)

— Effect of Penalties

  O.M. dated 28.04.2014 - Guidelines on treatment of effect of penalties on promotion - role of Departmental Promotion Committee (175.6 KiB, 11,650 hits)

— Explanation in Rule 11

  Notification dated 19.11.2014 - Insertion of item (ix) after item (viii) in the Explanation in Rule 11 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (65.4 KiB, 2,074 hits)

Penalty of Reduction to Lower Grade/Post/Time-Scale

  O.M. dated 30.01.2015 - Ntfn. dated 02.01.2015 for further amendment of FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (26.4 KiB, 4,181 hits)

  Notification dated 02.01.2015 - Amendment to FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (96.9 KiB, 3,843 hits)

— Regulation of Pay

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.06.2019 - Regulation of pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (559.1 KiB, 3,148 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.01.2018 - Regulation of Pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - comments regarding (717.6 KiB, 4,031 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 06.02.2014 - Regulation of pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (327.4 KiB, 777 hits)

Penalty Order/Final Penalty Order 

  CVC Circular dated 21.03.2022 - Implementation of final penalty orders issued by the Competent Authority and submission of compliance report (by CVO) (581.8 KiB, 5,803 hits)


  CVC O.M. dated 23.05.2017 - Pendency with the Ministries/Departments/Organisations-regarding (304.2 KiB, 2,654 hits)


  Department of Posts Letter dated 26.11.2021 - Non-disclosure of the identity of the sender under PIDPI (368.8 KiB, 4,992 hits)

  CVC Public Notice dated 30.07.2021 - Processing of PIDPI Complaints by the Screening Committee of the Commission - reg. (400.4 KiB, 1,197 hits)

  CVC's Public Notice - Processing of PIDPI complaints by the Screening Committee of the Commission (As on CVC website-25.04.2019) (343.3 KiB, 1,997 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 28.09.2018 - Government of India Resolution on Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers' - reg. (404.6 KiB, 1,580 hits)

  Notice dated 18.07.2014 - Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution to be followed by the CVOs of Ministries/Departments (895.7 KiB, 2,113 hits)

  DOPT O.M. 16.06.2014 - Amendment of GOI's Resolution No.89 published in the Gazette of India commonly known as the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution - regarding (554.5 KiB, 2,020 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.09.2013 - Amendment to Resolution dated 21.04.2004, authorising the CVC as the Designated Agency for handling of complaints under PIDPI (188.3 KiB, 1,464 hits)

Post-Dated Cheques 

  DoPT Order dated 20.06.2017-Posting of 2 Under Secretaries of CSS (51.8 KiB, 931 hits)

Post Retirement Contractual Appointment/Assignment/Consultancy, etc.

  CVC Circular dated 03.06.2021 - Procedure for offering/accepting post retirement contractual employment/assignment or consultancy, etc. - reg. (1.0 MiB, 13,600 hits)

Prevention of Corruption Act

Prevention of Corruption Act * SOPs for Processing Cases under Section 17-A of the PC Act

— Prevention of Corruption Act

  DoPT Notification dated 26.07.2018 - Amendments to the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (1.0 MiB, 995 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.07.2018 - Appointed date for enforcement of the PC (Amendment) Act, 2018 (95.2 KiB, 8,696 hits)

  The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (As on DoPT website-07.08.2019) (373.2 KiB, 8,677 hits)

— SOPs for Processing Cases under Section 17-A of the PC Act

  DoPT Letter dated 03.09.2021 - Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for processing of cases under Section 17A of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 - regarding (208.6 KiB, 2,578 hits)

Preventive Vigilance

  Booklet on Preventive Vigilance Initiatives-2019 (As on CVC website-20.05.2020) (13.4 MiB, 2,089 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 22.08.2019 - Write-ups for Booklet on Preventive Vigilance for Vigilance Awareness Week 2019 (Reminder) (321.0 KiB, 1,833 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 06.08.2019 - Write-ups for Booklet on Preventive Vigilance for Vigilance Awareness Week 2019 (1.3 MiB, 1,921 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 19.07.2018 - Booklet on Preventive Vigilance and outreach activities for VAW 2018 (412.1 KiB, 1,796 hits)

  CVC Corrigendum-II dated 19.07.2018 - Vacancies of Technical Examiner, Assistant Technical Examiners & Junior Technical Examiners on deputation basis in CVC (61.6 KiB, 1,607 hits)

  Initiatives in Preventive Vigilance 2017 Booklet (As on CVC Website - 14.06.2018) (3.2 MiB, 4,364 hits)

  CVC's Booklet - Initiatives in Preventive Vigilance (As on CVC website-21.11.2016) (8.2 MiB, 4,489 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 30.07.2015 - Misuse of user ids and passwords in organisation - preventive vigilance measures (330.8 KiB, 2,929 hits)

  Project Funded by World Bank etc.

  CVC Circular dated 06.04.2018-Applicability of Commission's guidelines on post tender negotiations with regard to projects funded by World Bank, etc. (811.0 KiB, 6,548 hits)

 Promotion on Exoneration after Retirement

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.01.2016 - Promotion of Govt. servants exonerated after retirement-Procedure and Guidelines to be followed-Regarding (134.9 KiB, 5,827 hits)


Cases Pending for Sanction * CVC Advice in Prosecution Case (recommended by CBI) * Prosecution Sanction * Single Window System for CSS/CSSS Gp ‘A’ Officers

— Cases Pending for Sanction

  Ministry/Department-wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over 4 months as on 31.07.2020 (As on CVC website-11.09.2020) (146.5 KiB, 1,918 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over 4 months as on 30.06.2020 (As on CVC website-07.08.2020) (130.7 KiB, 873 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over 4 months as on 31.05.2020 (As on CVC website-15.07.2020) (145.2 KiB, 2,226 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over 4 months as on 30.04.2020 (As on CVC website-26.06.2020) (288.9 KiB, 2,296 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over 4 months as on 31.03.2020 (As on CVC website-20.05.2020) (261.6 KiB, 1,717 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 30.11.2019 (As on CVC Website - 03.01.2020) (267.0 KiB, 3,423 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.10.2019 (As on CVC Website - 03.12.2019) (253.2 KiB, 2,060 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 30.09.2019 (As on CVC Website - 01.11.2019) (635.4 KiB, 1,974 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.08.2019 (As on CVC Website - 01.10.2019) (255.0 KiB, 1,991 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.07.2019 (As on CVC Website - 02.09.2019) (256.3 KiB, 1,879 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 30.06.2019 (As on CVC Website - 06.08.2019) (244.6 KiB, 1,784 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.05.2019 (As on CVC Website - 04.07.2019) (263.1 KiB, 1,923 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 30.04.2019 (As on CVC Website - 31.05.2019) (262.8 KiB, 1,929 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.03.2019 (As on CVC Website - 02.05.2019) (246.1 KiB, 2,070 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.01.2019 (As on CVC Website - 01.03.2019) (239.8 KiB, 2,239 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.12.2018 (As on CVC Website - 02.02.2019) (233.2 KiB, 1,915 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 30.11.2018 (As on CVC Website - 04.01.2019) (237.2 KiB, 1,409 hits)

  Ministry/Department wise summary of cases pending sanction for prosecution over four months as on 31.10.2018 (As on CVC Website-04.12.2018) (68.4 KiB, 1,297 hits)

— CVC Advice in Prosecution Case (recommended by CBI)

  CVC O.O. dated 21.01.2022 - Procedure for seeking Commission's advice in cases where CBI has recommended sanction for prosecution - regarding (582.2 KiB, 5,720 hits)

— Prosecution Sanction

  CVC Circular dated 29.07.2022 - Intimation to CVC & CBI in cases pending for sanction for prosecution - reg. (396.9 KiB, 6,045 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution - regarding (2.8 MiB, 2,429 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.03.2019 - Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution (1.5 MiB, 430 hits)

  CVC Cicular dated 25.05.2015-Guidelines to be followed by authorities competent to accord prosecution sanctiuon under PC Act, 1988-Hon'ble Supreme Court judgment in CA No.1838 of 2013 (797.8 KiB, 4,613 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 16.04.2015-Difference of opinion pertaining to requests for sanction for prosecution sought by CBI/other investigating agencies-reg. (737.6 KiB, 4,955 hits)

  DoPT Office Order dated 01.04.2015 - Constitution of Committee of Experts for scrutiny of prosecution sanctions (672.1 KiB, 3,369 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 26.03.2015 - Hon'ble Supreme Court's guidelines regarding sanction of prosecution (69.4 KiB, 2,571 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.08.2014 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (Reminder) (96.3 KiB, 2,143 hits)

  Letter dated 28.07.2014 - Introduction of Single Window System in DOPT for receiving proposals for sanction for prosecution under the PC Act - comments of the administrative authority (209.4 KiB, 2,017 hits)

  Letter dated 28.07.2014 - Introduction of Single Window System in DOPT for receiving proposals for sanction for prosecution under the PC Act - regarding (152.2 KiB, 1,992 hits)

  CVC's Office Order dated 14.07.2014 - Constitution of Committee of Experts for scrutiny of prosecution sanctions (279.5 KiB, 1,917 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.07.2012 - Guidelines for checking delays in grant of sanction of prosecution - strict compliance thereof (69.2 KiB, 1,165 hits)

  Office Order dated 29.06.2012 - Constitution of Committee of Experts for scrutiny of prosecution sanctions (713.5 KiB, 1,257 hits)

  O.M. dated 03.05.2012 - Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution (114.8 KiB, 1,176 hits)

  Circular dated 29.03.2012 - Sanction for prosecution requests under the PC Act, 1988 against AIS Officers - procedure regarding (574.6 KiB, 1,301 hits)

  Circular dated 28.03.2012 - Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution (992.1 KiB, 1,169 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.01.2012 - Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution (22.6 KiB, 993 hits)

  Circular dated 28.09.2010 - Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution-reg. (212.3 KiB, 1,136 hits)

— Single Window System for CSS/CSSS Gp ‘A’ Officers

  DoPT O.M. dated 15.03.2021-Single Window System in DoPT for proposals for initiation of disc. proceedings/sanction of prosecution under the PC Act, 1988 against Gr 'A' officers of CSS & CSSS (1.8 MiB, 3,047 hits)

Public Procurement

  CVC Circular dated 16.06.2017-Presentation/Discussion on Salient Features of Manuals for Procurement of Goods and Consultancy & Other Services 2017 & how they are different (201.9 KiB, 1,747 hits)

  CVC - Illustrative Check Points for Various Stages of Public Procurement (As on CVC website-24.12.2014) (377.5 KiB, 1,949 hits)

Quarterly Return/Progress Report (to CVC)

  CVC Circular dated 23.08.2021 - Submission of online Quarterly Reports by CVOs (312.6 KiB, 1,607 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 20.07.2020 - Reporting cases of deviations by Appellate/Reviewing Authorities by Chief Vigilance Officers (in QPRs) (384.7 KiB, 3,726 hits)

Recognizing Work Leading to Prevention of Misappropriation, etc.

  CVC O.M. dated 11.08.2022 - Nomination for recognizing the work of officials/personnel who have been vigilant/alert in their assigned tasks leading to prevention of misappropriation of funds, etc. (745.2 KiB, 2,446 hits)

Retired Officers 

  CVC Circular dated 02.05.2018 - Consultation with the Commission in respect of Retired officers of Public Sector Banks - clarifications reg. (387.1 KiB, 1,946 hits)

Recovery of Overpayment/Excess Payment

  MoF O.M. dated 01.04.2024 - Waiver of excess payment made to Govt. employees - General instructions for Ministries/Departments - reg. (137.0 KiB, 4,769 hits)

  DoPT Instructions dated 19.09.2022 - Recovery/waiver of the wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants (As on DoPT website-19.09.2022) (280.8 KiB, 6,563 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.03.2016 - Recovery of wrongful,excess payments made to Government servants (178.6 KiB, 3,556 hits)

Referring Cases of Criminal Misconduct, Fraud to CBI

  CVC Circular dated 14.06.2017-Reporting of fraud cases to Police/State CIDs/EOW of State Police by Public Sector Banks (326.4 KiB, 2,479 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.03.2015 - Referring matters of alleged commission of criminal offences and frauds, etc. in CPSEs to CBI-Special Chapter for Vigilance Management in CPSEs (233.5 KiB, 2,143 hits)

Reporting of Fraud Cases to the Police/State CID/EOW of State Police by Banks 

  CVC Circular dated 09.05.2018 - Reporting of fraud cases to police/State CIDs/Economic Offences Wing of State Police by Public Sector Banks – clarifications reg. (26.4 KiB, 8,289 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 20.07.2020 - Reporting cases of deviations by Appellate/Reviewing Authorities by Chief Vigilance Officers (in QPRs) (384.7 KiB, 3,726 hits)

  Monthly Report of Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) in Electronic Form (As on CVC website-24.07.2015) (158.6 KiB, 2,135 hits)

  Letter dated 21.11.2012 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (234.2 KiB, 918 hits)

  Circular dated 30.07.2012 - Revised threshold values for submission of Quarterly Progress Report - QPR (613.1 KiB, 1,488 hits)

  Letter dated 16.02.2012 - Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (570.8 KiB, 1,007 hits)

  Letter dated 14.12.2011- Submission of Annual Report of Vigilance Work by CVOs (202.7 KiB, 1,038 hits)

  Circular dated 05.04.2011 - Format for review of vigilance work or matters by Chief Executives/HODs with CVOs of Organisations/Departments (360.1 KiB, 1,781 hits)

  Office Order dated 22.11.2010 - Submission of Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) to Commission (266.2 KiB, 1,051 hits)


  Circular dated 30.07.2012 - Revised threshold values for submission of Quarterly Progress Report - QPR (613.1 KiB, 1,488 hits)

  Circular dated 05.04.2011 - Format for review of vigilance work or matters by Chief Executives/HODs with CVOs of Organisations/Departments (360.1 KiB, 1,781 hits)

  Format of Monthly Report of the CVO (578.6 KiB, 1,112 hits)

  Format of Annual Report of Vigilance Work (722.7 KiB, 963 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 04.04.2013 - Delhi High Court's decision in LPA No.618 of 2012 dated 06.11.2012 in the matter of disclosure of information under the RTI Act, relating to disciplinary matters (670.5 KiB, 5,626 hits)

Rule 14(19) (Defence Brief)

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.09.1978 - Procedure to be followed under rule 14(19) thereof (reg. written defence brief) (104.4 KiB, 435 hits)

Sealed Cover Procedure

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.01.2017-Instructions on sealed cover procedure-where Govt. servant has been acquitted but appeal is contemplated/pending-clarification reg. (99.2 KiB, 5,723 hits)

Simultaneous Action/Simultaneous Departmental Proceedings

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.11.2022 - Simultaneous action of prosecution and initiation of departmental proceedings (117.5 KiB, 6,886 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.07.2016 - Simultaneous action of prosecution and initiation of departmental proceedings (297.8 KiB, 3,786 hits)

  O.M. dated 01.08.2007 - Simultaneous prosecution in court and departmental proceedings (539.2 KiB, 1,529 hits)

Social Media

  CVC Circular dated 02.08.2016 - Use of Social Media for the Central Vigilance Commission-Operation of official Twitter Account for the Commission (277.0 KiB, 1,653 hits)

Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.11.2022 - Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action (131.9 KiB, 973 hits)

Speaking Order

  CVC Circular dated 19.05.2014 - Need for self-contained speaking and reasoned order to be issued by the authorities exercising disciplinary powers (372.1 KiB, 2,356 hits)

Superintendence over CBI

  CVC O.M. dated 29.01.2015 - Directive under Section 8(1)(b) of CVC Act, 2003 - Mechanism for exercising superintendence over the functioning of CBI (2.1 MiB, 1,721 hits)


Information Document on Suspension * State Govt. Official on Deputation * Suspension

— Information Document on Suspension

  Information Document on Suspension (Updated as on 04.11.2022) (As on DoPT website) (429.5 KiB, 9,850 hits)

— State Govt. Official on Deputation

  CVC Letter dated 02.07.2018 - Disciplinary action against officials of State Government for misconducts committed while they were on deputation to the Central Government/organisations (721.1 KiB, 1,119 hits)


  DoPT Notification dated 19.10.2022 - Amendment - Substitution of provisos in Rule 10(7) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (Reg. suspension) (170.2 KiB, 6,174 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.06.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 regarding (208.4 KiB, 11,212 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules (Exclusion of lockdown period) (693.2 KiB, 8,600 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.05.2016-Procedure to be followed for suspension of AIS officers posted in Ministries/Departments/State Govts. under the AIS (D&A) Rules, 1969 (423.2 KiB, 5,104 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.03.2016 - Suspension of Group 'A' Officers of CSS/CSSS (47.8 KiB, 3,138 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.07.2015 - CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965-instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-Sheet-regarding (58.2 KiB, 4,321 hits)

  O.M. dated 18.11.2014 - CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Instruction regarding timely review of suspension (89.1 KiB, 2,123 hits)

  Instructions dated 02.01.2014 - Consolidated instructions on suspension (As on DOPT website) (255.3 KiB, 5,429 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.11.1982 - CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965-Opportunity to the suspended Govt. servant to appeal against suspension (118.6 KiB, 6,519 hits)


eProcurement * Integrity Pact * Integrity Pact – Standard Operating Procedure * Negotiations with L-1 * Shortcomings in Bid Documents * Transparency

— eProcurement

  CVC Circular dated 16.06.2017-Presentation/Discussion on Salient Features of Manuals for Procurement of Goods and Consultancy & Other Services 2017 & how they are different (201.9 KiB, 1,747 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.02.2015 - Adoption of Integrity Pact in Public Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/FIs - regarding (1.9 MiB, 2,410 hits)

  CVC - Illustrative Check Points for Various Stages of Public Procurement (As on CVC website-24.12.2014) (377.5 KiB, 1,949 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 11.12.2012 - Transparency in Works, Purchase & Consultancy contracts awarded on nomination basis (894.8 KiB, 2,127 hits)

  Circular dated 12.01.2012 - Guidelines for compliance to Quality Requirements of eProcurement Systems (300.5 KiB, 926 hits)

  Circular dated 23.07.2012 - Adoption of Integrity Pact - Standard Operating Procedure (233.3 KiB, 1,240 hits)

  Circular dated 13.01.2012 - Consideration of Indian Agents (309.1 KiB, 907 hits)

  Circular dated 28.10.2011 - Applicability of CVC's guidelines on post tender negotiations with regard to projects funded by World Bank and other international funding agencies like IFM, ADB, etc. (301.7 KiB, 902 hits)

  Circular dated 12.09.2011 - Recoveries arising out of intensive examination conducted by Chief Technical Examiner Organisation of the CVC (256.6 KiB, 807 hits)

  Circular dated 11.02.2011 - Transparency in Tendering System (611.7 KiB, 1,180 hits)

  Circular dated 13.08.2010 - Adoption of Integrity Pact-Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - reg. (40.1 KiB, 1,012 hits)

  Circular dated 23.06.2010 - Leveraging of technology for improving vigilance administration in the National E-Governance Plan (200.9 KiB, 1,016 hits)

  Office Order dated 19.5.2010 - Transparency in works, purchase and consultancy contracts awarded on nomination basis (232.5 KiB, 1,245 hits)

  Circular dated 26.04.2010 - Implementation of e-tendering solutions - check list (695.8 KiB, 1,039 hits)

  Circular dated 19.4.2010 - Integrity Pact - Selection and recommendation of independent external monitors (IEMs) (185.2 KiB, 970 hits)

  Circular dated 20.1.2010 - Tendering Process - Negotiations with L1 (263.4 KiB, 1,237 hits)

— Integrity Pact

  CVC Letter dated 16.04.2024 - Implementation of Integrity Pact - regarding (564.2 KiB, 2,386 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 05.01.2024 - Revision of panel for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of Integrity Pact (7.1 MiB, 2,204 hits)

  CVC Notice dated 21.12.2022-Revision of panel for consideration for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the Organizations for implementation of Integrity Pact (1.8 MiB, 3,329 hits)

  List of Health Care Organizations (HCOs) empanelled under CGHS, Delhi & NCR w.e.f. 01.10.2014 as per OM dated 01.10.2014 and further added/updated till 15.10.2020 (As on CGHS website-23.10.2020) (524.6 KiB, 2,125 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.02.2015 - Adoption of Integrity Pact in Public Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/FIs - regarding (1.9 MiB, 2,410 hits)

  Circular dated 23.07.2012 - Adoption of Integrity Pact - Standard Operating Procedure (233.3 KiB, 1,240 hits)

  Circular dated 13.08.2010 - Adoption of Integrity Pact-Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - reg. (40.1 KiB, 1,012 hits)

  Circular dated 19.4.2010 - Integrity Pact - Selection and recommendation of independent external monitors (IEMs) (185.2 KiB, 970 hits)

— Integrity Pact – Standard Operating Procedure

  CVC Letter dated 16.04.2024 - Implementation of Integrity Pact - regarding (564.2 KiB, 2,386 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 05.09.2023 - Adherence to the provisions of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of Integrity Pact-regarding (558.0 KiB, 2,348 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 14.06.2023 - Adoption and implementation of Integrity Pact-Revised Standard Operating Procedure - reg. (1.1 MiB, 3,188 hits)

— Negotiations with L-1

  Circular dated 03.03.2007 - Tendering process - negotiations with L-1 (50.5 KiB, 1,270 hits)

  Circular dated 03.10.2006 - Tendering process - negotiations with L-1 (12.9 KiB, 939 hits)

  Circular dated 25.10.2005 - Tendering process - negotiations with L-1 (57.0 KiB, 1,008 hits)

  Circular dated 16.05.2005 - Issues pertaining to negotiation with L-1 (i.e. lowest tenderer) (177.3 KiB, 1,288 hits)

  Circular dated 12.04.2005 - Issues pertaining to negotiation with L-1 (i.e. lowest tenderer) (172.5 KiB, 997 hits)

— Shortcomings in Bid Documents

  CVC Circular dated 29.04.2014 - Shortcomings in bid documents (117.2 KiB, 1,962 hits)

 — Transparency

  CVC Circular dated 11.07.2018 - Transparency in Works/Purchases/Consultancy contracts awarded on nomination basis – reg. (361.1 KiB, 1,539 hits)

  Tendering Process in CPSEs

  DPE O.M. dated 05.08.2020 – Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on tendering - regarding (862.0 KiB, 1,445 hits)

Timeline for Disciplinary Proceeding

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.03.2024 - Handling of Disciplinary Proceedings in respect of Central Civilian employees (611.1 KiB, 4,127 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.12.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (688.8 KiB, 4,488 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.12.2021 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - improving vigilance administration (745.9 KiB, 4,509 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.11.2021 - Aid to processing of departmental proceedings under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Simplification regarding (262.1 KiB, 1,722 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 14.12.2020 - Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings-improving vigilance administration (776.2 KiB, 7,900 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 01.10.2020 - Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly (395.6 KiB, 3,461 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.06.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 regarding (208.4 KiB, 11,212 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 12.05.2020 - Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly (2.1 MiB, 1,776 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2020 - Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules (Exclusion of lockdown period) (693.2 KiB, 8,600 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 26.07.2018 - Adherence to time limits in processing of disciplinary cases. (597.5 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.12.2017- Frequently Asked Questions on timeline for completing Disciplinary proceeding in time bound manner under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (185.0 KiB, 4,364 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.10.2013-Recommentions of the Committee of Experts on Disc. & Vig. Inquiries-Para 48 of Committee's Report on conclusion of major penalty proceedings within 18 months (709.5 KiB, 151 hits)

Together Against Corruption (Poster/Video Competition)

  CVC Letter dated 28.05.2019-International Youth Contest of Social Anti-Corruption Advertising 'Together Against Corruption' ... hosting of poster/video competition in India (01.06.19 to 30.09.19) (2.4 MiB, 1,907 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 03.10.2023 - Training Related Inputs - regarding (for CVOs) (2.2 MiB, 2,916 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 21.12.2020 - Workshop on 'Reforms in Public Procurement' at Vigyan Bhawan on 16th and 18th December 2020 - request for submission of feedback (134.0 KiB, 3,426 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.12.2019-Nomination for Vigilance related training prog. for officers in Public Sector Banks/Financial Organizations from 06 to 10 January, 2020 at GFSU, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) (1.1 MiB, 2,054 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.06.2019 - Nomination for the one week workshop on 'Vigilance Administration' - regarding (447.6 KiB, 1,925 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 27.06.2019 - Nomination for Vigilance related training programme at GFSU, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) (2.5 MiB, 2,031 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 05.02.2018 - Training Related Inputs-regarding (341.0 KiB, 2,041 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.12.2017 - Nomination for one week training programme on 'Vigilance Administration' - regarding (414.9 KiB, 1,877 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.12.2017 - Nomination for the 2 days workshop on 'Drafting of Charge-Sheet' - regarding (441.5 KiB, 1,772 hits)

  CVC Corrigendum Letter dated 10.08.2017 - Training Related Inputs (237.5 KiB, 1,608 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.08.2016 - Foreign Training Programme for Group 'A' officers of CVC and CVOs - regarding cooling off period (55.9 KiB, 2,915 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 09.05.2016 - Training Course for Chief Vigilance Officers - reg. (1,013.7 KiB, 1,574 hits)

  CVC - Training Course for CVOs (15 to 19 October, 2012) (101.8 KiB, 973 hits)

Transfer/Rotation of Officials in Sensitive Posts/Vig. Unit

  CVC Circular dated 25.10.2022 - Rotation of officials working in sensitive posts - reg. (589.6 KiB, 5,483 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 03.02.2022 - Transfer,posting of officers/officials working in Vigilance Unit of the organisation-reg. (982.3 KiB, 5,773 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 05.04.2021 - Transfer of officers/officials working in Vigilance Unit of the organisation - reg. (1,018.5 KiB, 3,338 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 23.08.2018 - Rotation of officers working in sensitive posts - regarding. (807.2 KiB, 7,945 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.09.2015 - Review of Mechanisms to ensure probity among Government servants (26.6 KiB, 4,267 hits)

  Circular dated 11.09.2013 - Rotation of officials working in sensitive posts - regarding (341.3 KiB, 1,857 hits)

  Circular dated 04.01.2012 - Rotation of officials working in sensitive posts - regarding (116.6 KiB, 1,615 hits)

  Letter dated 15.04.1999 - Rotation of officials working in sensitive posts (64.4 KiB, 1,915 hits)

Transparency in Works/Purchase/Consultancy contracts

  CVC Circular dated 06.04.2021 - Transparency in Works/Purchase/Consultancy contracts awarded on nomination basis (688.8 KiB, 1,278 hits)

United Nations

  Statement by CVC at the 8th Session of the Implementation Review Group of the U.N. Convention Against Corruption (As on CVC website-20.06.2017) (542.4 KiB, 518 hits)

Updation of Circulars/Guidelines/Manuals

  CVC Circular dated 06.10.2023 - Updation of Circulars/Guidelines/Manuals (status report to be furnished by 30.10.2023) (655.2 KiB, 2,340 hits)


  DoPT letter dated 30.08.2018-Appointment of DS, Director working under CSS to Non-CSS posts in CVC on shift basis(Extn of date) (103.9 KiB, 1,532 hits)

  CVC Corrigendum-II dated 19.07.2018 - Vacancies of Technical Examiner, Assistant Technical Examiners & Junior Technical Examiners on deputation basis in CVC (61.6 KiB, 1,607 hits)

  Vacancy Circular for the posts of TE/ATE/JTE in the CVC (As on CVC Website - 10.04.2018) (1.6 MiB, 1,015 hits)

VIGEYE VANI – CVC Newsletter

  Vigeye Vani - CVC Newsletter-Special issue on Banking Sector-Oct to Dec 2020 (As on CVC website-20.05.2020) (14.9 MiB, 1,771 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 07.02.2019 - Entries require for publication in the Commission's Quarterly Magazine 'VIGEYE VANI' from Jan to Mar, 2019 (5.4 MiB, 2,011 hits)

  Entries required for publication in the Commission's Quarterly Magazine 'VIGEYE VANI' from Oct to Dec, 2018 (As on CVC Website - 23.11.2018) (194.0 KiB, 1,276 hits)

  Contributions invited for Vigeye Vani, The Newsletter of the Commission (As on CVC website-12.05.2015) (54.7 KiB, 2,722 hits)

  Vigeye Vani - CVC's Quarterly Newsletter, December 2014 (As on CVC website-01.01.2015) (5.2 MiB, 1,849 hits)

  CVC's Monthly Newsletter - Vigeye Vani for Oct. & Nov., 2013 (11.02.2014) (2.6 MiB, 877 hits)

  CVC letter dated 07.01.2013 - Monthly Newsletter VIGEYE VANI released by Central Vigilance Commission - regarding (263.8 KiB, 758 hits)

Vigilance Administration

  CVC Circular dated 10.07.2018 - Nomination for the one week workshop on 'Vigilance Administration' - regarding (354.1 KiB, 1,437 hits)

 Vigilance Angle

  CVC Circular dated 29.08.2022 - Amendment/Modification to Para 8.1 of Chapter VIII of Vigilance Manual, 2021 - Vigilance Angle in Public Sector Banks - Reg. (1.1 MiB, 3,789 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 16.12.2014 - Determination of vigilance angle in Banking Sector - regarding (282.1 KiB, 2,194 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.3.2009 - Vigilance angle in Banking Sector - modification regarding (318.1 KiB, 969 hits)

  Office Order dated 21.12.2005 - Definition of vigilance angle - partial modification (101.7 KiB, 1,359 hits)

  Office Order dated 15.04.2004 - Vigilance angle - Determination in Banking Sector (5.6 KiB, 1,209 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 13.04.2004 - Vigilance angle - definition of (10.0 KiB, 983 hits)



  Jingles for Vigilance Awareness Week 2024 dated 16.10.2024 (as on CVC website) (171.6 KiB, 1,001 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 28.08.2024 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week (Theme: Culture of Integrity for Nation's Prosperity) (2.6 MiB, 1,887 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 01.08.2024 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2024 (1.6 MiB, 2,041 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 11.09.2023 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 (Theme, 'Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation') (4.5 MiB, 3,472 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 11.08.2023 - Meeting of Commission with the full time CVOs (reg. Vigilance Awareness Week 2023) (463.9 KiB, 2,735 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.08.2023 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2023 - regarding (329.7 KiB, 3,442 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.08.2023 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2023 (3.0 MiB, 3,377 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 08.09.2022 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022 (31.10.2022 to 06.11.2022) (7.1 MiB, 3,018 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 11.08.2022 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022 (from 31.10.2022) - Regarding (128.3 KiB, 2,451 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 25.07.2022 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022 (from 31.10.2022) (2.6 MiB, 4,459 hits)


  CVC Letter dated 11.11.2021 - Action Taken Report on the activities undertaken during the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2021 (by 30.11.2021) (244.8 KiB, 1,167 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 28.09.2021 to CVOs regarding Joint Conference - Vigilance Awareness Week 2021 (77.8 KiB, 1,301 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 01.09.2021 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2021 (5.1 MiB, 1,537 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 12.07.2021 - Inviting suggestions on the activities to be taken place during observation of Vigilance Awareness Week-2021 - reg. (247.8 KiB, 1,613 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 01.12.2020 - Action Taken Report on the activities undertaken during the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2020 (1.1 MiB, 2,256 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 08.09.2020 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2020. 'सतर्क भारत, समृद्ध भारत-Satark Bharat, Samariddh Bharat (Vigilant India, Prosperous India' (2.2 MiB, 2,056 hits)

  Prime Minister’s message dated 31.10.2019 - Vigilance Awareness Week (28.10.2019-02.11.2019) (As on CVC website-05.11.2019) (342.3 KiB, 1,535 hits)

  Home Minister’s message regarding Vigilance Awareness Week (28.10.2019-02.11.2019) (As on CVC website-01.11.2019) (716.1 KiB, 1,598 hits)

  President's message dated 25.10.2019 - Vigilance Awareness Week (28.10.2019-02.11.2019) (528.6 KiB, 1,638 hits)

  Vice President's message dated 23.10.2019 - Vigilance Awareness Week (28.10.2019-02.11.2019) (323.9 KiB, 1,496 hits)

  MOS (Personnel)'s Message - Vigilance Awareness Week (28.10.2019-02.11.2019) (697.1 KiB, 1,465 hits)

  CVC Message dated 16.10.2019 for Vigilance Awareness Week 2019.(As on CVC website) (1.8 MiB, 1,865 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.08.2019 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2019 (5.6 MiB, 1,883 hits)

  President's Message dated 24.10.2018 on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week (As on CVC Website - 26.10.2018) (652.7 KiB, 1,585 hits)

  CVC Message dated 11.10.2018 - Vigilance Awareness Week (316.9 KiB, 1,514 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 24.09.2018 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2018 (2.0 MiB, 2,838 hits)

  CVC D.O. Letter dated 25.06.2018 - Vigilance awareness week - submission of views/ideas on innovative activities (628.4 KiB, 2,391 hits)

  Message from Hon'ble President of India on the occasion of VAW-2017 (as on CVC website-16.10.2017) (331.1 KiB, 2,743 hits)

  Activity Plan format for Vigilance Awareness Week - 2017 (As on CVC website-16.10.2017) (13.8 KiB, 2,721 hits)

  CVC DO Letter dated 13.10.2017 - Invitation for the Inaugural Function of VAW-2017 on 30th Oct 2017 (899.8 KiB, 2,565 hits)

  Intergrity Pledge (As on CVC Website-28.09.2017) (350.0 KiB, 1,529 hits)

  CVC D.O. Letter dated 12.06.2017 - Vigilance Awareness Week-2017 - Views,Suggestions solicited (557.0 KiB, 1,504 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 14.03.2017 - Vigilance Awareness Week - Integrity Pledge - regarding (350.8 KiB, 1,799 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 23.09.2016 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2016 (133.7 KiB, 1,440 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.09.2016 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2016 (Oct 31 to Nov 5, 2016) (1.5 MiB, 1,518 hits)

  CVC Message dated 05.10.2015 - Vigilance Awareness Week - 26th October to 31st October 2015 (As on CVC website) (395.1 KiB, 1,941 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 31.08.2015 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2015 (26 to 31 October, 2015) (863.4 KiB, 1,765 hits)

  CBSE Circular dated 13.10.2014 - Celebration of Vigilance Awareness Week (12.4 KiB, 1,798 hits)

  Circular dated 30.09.2014 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2014 (27.10.2014 to 01.11.2014) (909.0 KiB, 1,791 hits)

  Circular dated 26.09.2013 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2013 (1.8 MiB, 896 hits)

  Circular dated 28.09.2012 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2012 (29.10.2012 to 3.11.2012) (872.4 KiB, 1,127 hits)

  CVC - Metrics to measure Vigilance Awareness (20.10.2010) (333.2 KiB, 889 hits)

  Circular dated 28.09.2010 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Period - 2010 (25.10.2010 to 1.11.2010) (355.9 KiB, 1,022 hits)

Vigilance Case(s) 

Vigilance Case(s) * Processing of Vigilance Cases

— Vigilance Case(s)

  CVC O.O. dated 10.09.2020 - Expeditious disposal of vigilance cases - regarding (588.6 KiB, 2,590 hits)

— Processing of Vigilance Cases 

  CVC Circular dated 19.02.2024 - Uniformity in levels of processing of vigilance cases - reg. (655.1 KiB, 5,031 hits)

Vigilance Clearance

Board-Level Appointments/Incumbents * Empanelment for Senior Level Posts/IPS Officers * Expeditious Disposal of Complaints * For Passport * Guidelines for Central Civil Services/Posts * Guidelines for AIS Officers * Online Vigilance Clearance Promotion *  Railway Employees * Related Circulars * Retired Group A Officers Before Being Offered Contractual Appointment/Assignment or Consultancy, etc. * Revised Pro Forma for Seeking Vigilance Clearance/Vigilance Clearance reg. Point 13 from CVC

— Board-Level Appointments/Incumbents

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding grant of 'Vigilance Clearance' to AIS Officers & Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts (1.3 MiB, 1,694 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.10.2014 - Policy guidelines for extension of tenure of Board level incumbents where vigilance clearance is not available (75.5 KiB, 7,936 hits)

  Circular dated 11.08.2005 - Grant of Vigilance Clearance - regarding interim additional/concurrent charge (60.7 KiB, 7,825 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 12.07.1999 - Guidelines for obtaining vigilance clearance from the Commission in respect of candidates recommended for Board Level appointments in PSEs (15.8 KiB, 7,375 hits)

Empanelment For Senior Level Posts/IPS Officers

  CVC O.M. dated 16.03.2022 - Confirmation of timely submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) in the proposals seeking the Commission's input on vigilance status of officers for empanelment (1.0 MiB, 7,810 hits)

  MHA letter dated 20.09.2011 - Empanelment of IPS Officers for various levels at the Centre - Furnishing of particulars in the prescribed format suggested by CVC (511.3 KiB, 7,164 hits)

— Expeditious Disposal of Complaints

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments/Organizations of Govt. of India (663.0 KiB, 1,249 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 19.04.2021 - Expeditious disposal of complaints received against employees, having bearing on Vigilance Clearance - Suitable monitoring mechanism - Reg. (1.5 MiB, 4,894 hits)

— For Passport

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2020 - Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport (78.3 KiB, 11,604 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.03.2018 - Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport (107.5 KiB, 19,710 hits)

  MEA O.M. dated 26.05.2015 - Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Govt. servants, PSU/Autonomous body employees, et al (3.4 MiB, 4,288 hits)

— Guidelines for AIS Officers

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding grant of 'Vigilance Clearance' to AIS Officers & Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts (1.3 MiB, 1,694 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.09.2022 - Consolidated Guidelines regarding grant of 'Vigilance Clearance' to AIS Officers & Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts (238.7 KiB, 14,082 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 07.01.2021-Guidelines regarding grant of 'Vigilance Clearance' to AIS Officers (reg. adherence to guidelines in para 3 in DoPT O.M. dated 29.10.2007) (1.7 MiB, 5,893 hits)

  O.M. dated 07.09.2011 - Guidelines regarding grant of Vigilance Clearance to AIS officers (28.6 KiB, 7,842 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.10.2007 - Guidelines regarding grant of Vigilance Clearance to AIS Officers (77.9 KiB, 9,371 hits)

— Guidelines for Central Civil Services/Posts

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding grant of 'Vigilance Clearance' to AIS Officers & Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts (1.3 MiB, 1,694 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.09.2022 - Consolidated Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments (1.1 MiB, 9,965 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.06.2013-Guidelines for grant of vigilance clearance to members of the Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts (262.0 KiB, 10,421 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.09.2011 - Guidelines regarding grant of vigilance clearance to members of Central Civil Services/Posts (12.3 KiB, 10,707 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.12.2007-Guidelines regarding grant of vigilance clearance to members of the Central Civil Services/Posts (1.9 MiB, 11,151 hits)

— Online Vigilance Clearance

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2024 - Revised Guidelines regarding grant of 'Vigilance Clearance' to AIS Officers & Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts (1.3 MiB, 1,694 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 27.10.2020 - Online proposals for vigilance clearance (in respect of Board-level officers & AIS officers/civil services officers for appointment, promotion, etc.) (83.2 KiB, 7,470 hits)

— Promotion

  DoPT O.M. dated 06.12.2016-CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965-Clarification regarding effect of warning, censure, etc. on promotion (99.1 KiB, 12,372 hits)

  O.M. dated 23.01.2014 - Comprehensive review of instructions pertaining to vigilance clearance for promotion - clarifications (46.6 KiB, 12,979 hits)

  O.M. dated 02.11.2012 - Comprehensive review of instructions pertaining to vigilance clearance for promotion - regarding (256.0 KiB, 10,668 hits)

— Railway Employees

  Railways Vigilance Manual 2006-Chapter VII - Vigilance Clearance for Management Decisions (21.06.2014) (69.5 KiB, 2,269 hits)

  Railway Board letter dated 04.04.2013 - Vigilance clearance of officers working in Workshop projects (22.3 KiB, 848 hits)

Related Circulars

  O.M. dated 7.7.2008-Promotion-Effect of warnings, etc. on promotion (124.7 KiB, 8,120 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.12.2004 - Promotion of persons undergoing a penalty (27.5 KiB, 9,928 hits)

Vigilance Clearance and Vigilance Clearance Certificate 

— Retired Group A Officers Before Being Offered Contractual Appointment/Assignment or Consultancy, etc.

  CVC Circular dated 03.06.2021 - Procedure for offering/accepting post retirement contractual employment/assignment or consultancy, etc. - reg. (1.0 MiB, 13,600 hits)

— Revised Pro Forma for Seeking Vigilance Clearance /Vigilance Clearance reg. Point 13 from CVC

  CVC Circular dated 06.09.2024 - Pro forma for furnishing details of officers by the Cadre Controlling Authorities while seeking vigilance clearance (13-Point revised pro forma) (1.6 MiB, 2,174 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 16.03.2022 - Revised Pro forma for furnishing details of the officers by Cadre Controlling Authorities while seeking vigilance clearance-modification of Point No.13-reg. (504.6 KiB, 7,885 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.03.2022 - Engagement of Consultants in the office of Development and Welfare Board for De-notified, Namade and Semil-Nomanidic Communities - New Delhi (Last date= 27.04.2022) (99.3 KiB, 295 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 02.02.2022 - Revised Pro forma for furnishing details of the officers while seeking vigilance clearance (from CVC) - reg. (1.2 MiB, 8,081 hits)

  CVC O.M. dated 03.09.2021 - Revised pro forma for furnishing details of the officer by the Cadre Controlling Authorities while seeking vigilance clearance (from CVC) - reg. (1.3 MiB, 8,901 hits)

Vigilance Excellence Award

  Clarification from Central Vigilance Commission regarding Vigilance Excellence Award (As on CVC Website - 24.02.2018 (315.5 KiB, 6,851 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 02.08.2018 - Nominations for the Vigilance Excellence Award - reg. (10.2 MiB, 1,753 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 06.09.2017 - Nominations for the Vigilance Excellence Award - reg (3.8 MiB, 1,639 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 09.08.2017-Nominations for the Vigilance Excellence Award-reg (3.4 MiB, 1,679 hits)

  Vigilance Excellence Award (As on CVC website-16.06.2017) (695.2 KiB, 1,911 hits)

Vigilance Manual/Amendments

  CVC Circular dated 29.08.2022 - Amendment/Modification to Para 8.1 of Chapter VIII of Vigilance Manual, 2021 - Vigilance Angle in Public Sector Banks - Reg. (1.1 MiB, 3,789 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 29.08.2022 - Uploading of Commission's Circulars/Guidelines, subsequent to release of Vigilance Manual 2021 - Reg. (1.3 MiB, 3,580 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 29.08.2022 - Amendment/Modification to Para 8.1 of Chapter VIII of Vigilance Manual, 2021 - Vigilance Angle in Public Sector Banks - Reg. (1.1 MiB, 3,789 hits)

  Vigilance Manual (updated 2021) - Central Vigilance Commission (as on CVC website-25.10.2021) (7.2 MiB, 4,538 hits)

  Vigilance Manual 2017 (As on CVC website-14.09.2017) (4.0 MiB, 2,137 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 19.03.2015 - Referring matters of alleged commission of criminal offences and frauds, etc. in CPSEs to CBI-Special Chapter for Vigilance Management in CPSEs (233.5 KiB, 2,143 hits)

  CVC - Vigilance Manual, Vol. I - Sixth Edition (2005) (407.3 KiB, 1,014 hits)

  CVC - Vigilance Manual, Vol. I - Fifth Edition (1991) (51.2 KiB, 1,011 hits)

Vigilance Policy for CPSEs

  DPE Corri. dated 13.11.2024 - Consolidated & revised guidelines regarding Vigilance Policy for CPSEs (352.3 KiB, 888 hits)

  DPE O.M. dated 29.07.2024 - Consolidated & revised guidelines regarding Vigilance Policy for CPSEs (2.9 MiB, 654 hits)

Vigilance Set-Up/Division/Unit/Cell

Management Audit of Vigilance Unit * Vigilance Set-Up/Division/Unit/Cell

— Management Audit of Vigilance Unit

  CVC Circular dated 26.10.2022 - Management Audit of Vigilance Units (MAVU) (3.1 MiB, 3,898 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 23.12.2021 - Management Audit of Vigilance Unit (MAVU) (3.0 MiB, 1,326 hits)

— Vigilance Set-Up/Division/Unit/Cell

  CVC Circular dated 05.04.2021 - Transfer of officers/officials working in Vigilance Unit of the organisation - reg. (1,018.5 KiB, 3,338 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.11.2012 - Strengthening of Vigilance set-up in Ministries & Departments-reg. (102.5 KiB, 939 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 03.09.2012 - Strengthening of vigilance set-up in Ministries or Departments (Reminder) (48.0 KiB, 868 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 08.08.2012 - Strengthening of vigilance set-up in Ministries / Departments (30.4 KiB, 856 hits)

  DOPT D.O. letter dated 17.07.2012 - Strengthening of vigilance set-up in Ministries/Departments (129.9 KiB, 906 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.07.2012 - Creation of post of Chief Vigilance Officer and status, facilities, perks and perquisites in CPSEs (126.0 KiB, 1,384 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.09.2011 - Strengthening of Vigilance set-up in Ministries/Departments (14.3 KiB, 977 hits)

  Letter dated 09.02.2011- Appointment of CVOs/VOs in Organisations other than Ministries/Departments/PSUs/PSBs and Insurance Companies, along with letter dated 15.10.2009 (184.6 KiB, 1,168 hits)

  Circular dated 30.11.2010 - Frauds perpetrated on Banks by using passwords of other employees (248.9 KiB, 939 hits)

  CVC - Metrics to measure Vigilance Awareness (20.10.2010) (333.2 KiB, 889 hits)

  O.M. dated 12.10.2010 - Vigilance functionaries on deputation to CPSEs to draw pay either in CPSE pay-scale or parent cadre pay plus deputation duty allowance - reg. (46.1 KiB, 1,267 hits)

  Circular dated 28.09.2010 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Period - 2010 (25.10.2010 to 1.11.2010) (355.9 KiB, 1,022 hits)

  Circular dated 15.07.2010 - Non-disclosure of movement or tour details of officials working Vigilance Departments of Govt. organizations (540.2 KiB, 1,568 hits)


  DoPT Letter dated 18.04.2017-Online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs (678.9 KiB, 4,056 hits)

  DoPT Meeting Notice dated 13.02.2017-Presentation-online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs - Inviting CVOs (75.0 KiB, 2,785 hits)



  O.M. dated 03.09.2013 - Amendment to Resolution dated 21.04.2004, authorising the CVC as the Designated Agency for handling of complaints under PIDPI (188.3 KiB, 1,464 hits)

— Whistleblower

  The Whistleblowers Protection Act, 2011 (12.05.2014) (125.5 KiB, 4,184 hits)


  O.M. dated 24.01.2013 - Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) (91.5 KiB, 1,112 hits)

  Circular dated 28.09.2012 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2012 (29.10.2012 to 3.11.2012) (872.4 KiB, 1,127 hits)

  Circular dated 12.09.2011 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2011 (279.4 KiB, 665 hits)

  Circular dated 24.06.2011 - Selection and employment of Consultants (235.6 KiB, 969 hits)

  O.M. Dated 28.04.2011 - Consultation process of the CVC and advice for clarity about disciplinary rules and authorities for the faculty & employees of autonomous bodies, universities, etc. (111.2 KiB, 1,292 hits)

  Vigeye Vani Monthly Letter of CVC – April, 2011 (5.2 MiB, 769 hits)

  CVC Scheme for instituting Satarkata Samman Awards for CVOs/Vigilance functionaries/other public servants contributing significantly to Vigilance Management (28.04.2011) (95.3 KiB, 773 hits)


II. The CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the Schedule

CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the Schedule * Amendments to CCA Rules * Amendments to the Schedule *  Classification of Posts

Please go to page >>> CCA/Discipline Rules

— CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the Schedule

  The Central Civil Services (CCA) Rules, 1965 (As on DoPT website-30.11.2022) (606.4 KiB, 3,018 hits)

  The Central Civil Services (CCA) Rules, 1965 (As on DoPT website-04.02.2021) (1.3 MiB, 6,593 hits)

  Schedule (Annexed to the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965) Part-I - List of Central Civil Services, Group 'A' (As on DoPT website-12.05.21) (9.9 KiB, 5,104 hits)

  Schedule (Annexed to the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965) Part-II - List of Central Civil Services, Group 'B' (As on DoPT website-12.05.21) (57.2 KiB, 6,796 hits)

  Schedule (Annexed to the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965) Part-III - List of Central Civil Services, Group 'C' (As on DoPT website-12.05.21) (25.2 KiB, 6,071 hits)

  Schedule (Annexed to the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965) Part-IV - List of Central Civil Services, Group 'D' (As on DoPT website-12.05.21) (11.4 KiB, 5,709 hits)

  Schedule (Annexed to the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965) Part-V - Civil Posts in Defence Services (As on DoPT website-12.05.21) (33.0 KiB, 6,119 hits)

  केंद्रीय सिविल सेवाएं (वर्गीकरण, नियंत्रण और अपील) नियमावली, 1965 (As on DOPT website- 07.04.2017)) (1.0 MiB, 2,975 hits)

— Amendments to CCA Rules

  DoPT Notification dated 18.02.2021 - Amendment to the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 [reg. Schedule, Part II (S.No.33)] (1.2 MiB, 217 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.06.2017 - Amendment to Rules 14 and 16 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (168.5 KiB, 6,539 hits)

  Notification dated 31.10.2014 - Amendment to Rule 15 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (110.6 KiB, 2,373 hits)

  O.M. dated 06.01.2014 - Rule 32 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Advice of the UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Government servant with the final order of penalty - Amendment - regarding (110.6 KiB, 2,264 hits)

  Notification dated 05.12.2011 - Amendment to Rule 14 of the CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (110.6 KiB, 1,748 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.08.2004 - Amendment to Rule 11 (184.9 KiB, 436 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2004 - Addition of Proviso to Rule 14(2) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (212.5 KiB, 780 hits)

— Amendments to the Schedule

  DoPT Notification dated 10.01.2023 - Amendment in Schedule, Part V [against S.Nos.1 & 2, in Col.(2) in para (B)(xi) and corresponding entries relating thereto in cols. (3), (4) and (5) omitted] (1.1 MiB, 2,405 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.02.2021 - Amendment to the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 [reg. Schedule, Part II (S.No.33)] (1.2 MiB, 217 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.11.2018 - Substitution of S.No.(1) in sub-paragraph (xi), Paragraph B in Part V of the Schedule (Ordnance Factories) (310.8 KiB, 393 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.9.2017 - Amendment of the Schedule in respect of Naval Headquarters (156.0 KiB, 658 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.1.2009 - Amendment to the Schedule (101.1 KiB, 431 hits)

— Classification of Posts

  DoPT notification dated 09.08.2018 - Order regarding classification of civil posts under the Union (reg. Rule 6 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965) (338.5 KiB, 6,627 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.11.2017 - Classification of Posts under the Union (52.0 KiB, 636 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.01.2014 - Classification of Posts under the Union (129.1 KiB, 431 hits)

(Note:- This part of the post (below) is under maintenance.)

II. CVC Guidelines/Orders/Circulars (Prior to 01.01.2010) – Archive

  Letter dated 11.12.2009 - Submission of Annual Report of vigilance work by CVOs (51.3 KiB, 961 hits)

  Circular dated 9.11.2009 - Review of Purchase Preference Policy for Products and Services of CPUs (819.2 KiB, 1,116 hits)

  Circular dated 23.9.2009 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2009 (559.1 KiB, 887 hits)

  Circular dated 17.9.2009 - Implementation of e-tendering solutions (1.9 MiB, 817 hits)

  Circular dated 17.9.2009 - CV0s training or visits abroad-regarding (358.7 KiB, 1,103 hits)

  Circular dated 28.8.2009 - Constitution of Committee of Experts for scrutiny of prosecution sanctions (275.9 KiB, 790 hits)

  Circular dated 11.8.2009 - Adoption of Integrity Pact - Periodical regarding (41.8 KiB, 960 hits)

  Circular dated 11.8.2009 - Intensive examination of CTE - Steps for early finalisation of pending vigilance references with CVOs - Reg. (1.1 MiB, 1,129 hits)

  Circular dated 6.8.2009 - Procedure for seeking 1st stage advice of CVC (1.8 MiB, 1,665 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.7.2009 - Posting of details on award of tenders and contracts on websites (119.5 KiB, 818 hits)

  O.M. dated 6.7.2009 - Information regarding private foreign visits by Govt. employees (217.0 KiB, 1,085 hits)

  O.M. datd 1.7.2009 - Access of complaints to the CVOs (214.4 KiB, 1,168 hits)

  Circular dated 5.6.2009 - Display of standard notice board by Departments-organisations-Reg. (50.4 KiB, 2,199 hits)

  O.M. dated 29.5.2009 - Deficienties in QPRs (1.0 MiB, 893 hits)

  Circular dated 25.5.2009 - Common observations in the Vigilance Audits of Banks by the Commission (1.8 MiB, 901 hits)

  Circular dated 18.5.2009 - Adoption of Integrity Pact - Standard Operating Procedure-reg. (189.1 KiB, 1,230 hits)

  Circular dated 12.5.2009 - Delay in submission of investigation report on PIDPI complaints (812.4 KiB, 1,000 hits)

  Circular dated 1.4.2009 - Preparation of charge-sheets for RDA in CBI cases (24.0 KiB, 1,287 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.3.2009 - Vigilance angle in Banking Sector - modification regarding (318.1 KiB, 969 hits)

  Circular dated 27.2.2009 - Public Interest Disclosures & Protection of Informer (264.6 KiB, 959 hits)

  Circular dated 18.2.2009 - CVC advice - organisation's recommendations-regarding (259.0 KiB, 1,121 hits)

  CVC Circular dated 15.1.2009 - Self-contained, speaking and reasoned order to be issued by Disciplinary Authorities (531.5 KiB, 1,104 hits)

  Circular dated 13.1.2009 - Implementation of e-tendering solutions (539.6 KiB, 875 hits)

  Circular dated 1.12.2008 - Information to be enclosed while consulting the Commission (272.1 KiB, 1,143 hits)

  Circular dated 6.11.2008 - Time-bound processing of procurement (301.8 KiB, 1,028 hits)

  Circular dated 5.8.2008 - Adoption of integrity pact in major Govt. procurement activities (42.2 KiB, 844 hits)

  Circular dated 19.5.2008 - Adoption of integrity pact in major Govt. procurement activities (86.2 KiB, 868 hits)

  Circular dated 24.4.2008 - Reference for reconsideration of Commission's advice (45.2 KiB, 849 hits)

  Circular dated 24.3.2008 - Committee of Experts for scruitny of prosecution sanctions (46.3 KiB, 1,070 hits)

  Office Order dated 15.2.2008 - Addl. charge to board-level functionaries in PSUs (359.9 KiB, 891 hits)

  Circular dated 3.1.2008 - Reporting of fraud cases to police, etc. by public sector banks (53.8 KiB, 979 hits)

  Office Order dated 28.12.07 - Adoption of Integrity Pact in major Govt. procurement activities (134.9 KiB, 955 hits)

  Circular dated 28.12.2007 - Amendment of CDA Rules of PSUs to enable imposition of penalty after retirement (406.0 KiB, 1,153 hits)

  Circular dated 01.11.2007 - Examination of lapses of authoriries exercising quasi-judicial powers - Criteria laid down by Supreme Court (696.7 KiB, 1,307 hits)

  Office Order dated 18.10.2007 - Jurisdiction of CVC over employees of PSUs, Insurance companies, RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, societies and other local authorities (1.6 MiB, 948 hits)

  Notification dated 12.09.2007 - Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission (216.2 KiB, 957 hits)

  Circular dated 03.03.2007 - Tendering process - negotiations with L-1 (50.5 KiB, 1,270 hits)

  Circular dated 03.10.2006 - Tendering process - negotiations with L-1 (12.9 KiB, 939 hits)

  Circular dated 9.5.2006 - Transparency in works, purchase and consultancy contracts awarded on nomination basis (42.8 KiB, 957 hits)

  Circular dated 13.03.2006 - Reference to the Commission for its 1st stage advice (66.5 KiB, 1,094 hits)

  Office Order dated 21.12.2005 - Definition of vigilance angle - partial modification (101.7 KiB, 1,359 hits)

  Office Order dated 28.11.2005 - Vigilance Manual - Sixth Edition-2004 - Clarification regarding (51.0 KiB, 945 hits)

  Circular dated 25.10.2005 - Tendering process - negotiations with L-1 (57.0 KiB, 1,008 hits)

  Circular dated 01.02.2011- Guidelines on Outsourcing of Activities by Insurance Companies (161.0 KiB, 4,022 hits)

  Circular dated 16.05.2005 - Issues pertaining to negotiation with L-1 (i.e. lowest tenderer) (177.3 KiB, 1,288 hits)

  Circular dated 12.04.2005 - Issues pertaining to negotiation with L-1 (i.e. lowest tenderer) (172.5 KiB, 997 hits)

  Office Order dated 13.08.2004 - Pro forma for Vigilance Audit for Banking Sector (38.3 KiB, 1,002 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2004 - Addition of Proviso to Rule 14(2) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (212.5 KiB, 780 hits)

  Office Order dated 15.04.2004 - Vigilance angle - Determination in Banking Sector (5.6 KiB, 1,209 hits)

  CVC O.O. dated 13.04.2004 - Vigilance angle - definition of (10.0 KiB, 983 hits)

  Office Order dated 06.04.2004 - Powers and functions of the CVC in relation to public sector banks (6.5 KiB, 915 hits)

  Circular dated 24.7.2003 - Commission's jurisdiction over the employees of organizations which have 50% or less Govt.'s equity (5.1 KiB, 965 hits)

  CVC Letter dated 28.09.2000 - Consultation with the CVC - Making available a copy of the CVC's advice to the conerned employee (15.4 KiB, 991 hits)

  Circular dated 12.7.1999 - Guidelines for obtaining vigilance clearance from the Commission for candidate recommended for Board-level apptt. in PSEs (15.8 KiB, 3,960 hits)

  Letter dated 15.04.1999 - Rotation of officials working in sensitive posts (64.4 KiB, 1,915 hits)

Note:- It may be noted that the information in this website is subject to the Disclaimer of Dtf.in. If you have a complaint with respect to any content published in this website, it may kindly be brought to our notice for appropriate action to remove such content as early as possible or publish the latest/updated content/event, if any, at info[at]dtf.in.

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