Walking posture: Right and wrong
Why you need to wash your underwear separately
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Walking posture: Right and wrong
January 21, 2017
Why you need to wash your underwear separately
January 13, 2017
6 reasons you must wash your underwear separately
We all are often too lazy to care for laundry etiquettes. We throw everything together in the laundry bag, from our white tees, our grandmother’s woollen socks, to our new Forever 21 jacket and even our latest jockeys or BVDs. While there are so many things to keep in mind for washing your clothes the right way, here we look into what happens when you wash your unders along with the other laundry. And believe us when we say this: These long and short johns in your machine can be the biggest culprits for spreading infections. …
Uncovered: Spicy Indian pepper has powerful anti-cancer properties
January 14, 2017
New Delhi: The role of herbs and spice in cancer prevention is becoming more important as researchers and the public are turning to alternative treatments.
Since time immemorial, herbs and spices have been used for their flavor-enhancement characteristics and for their medicinal properties. …

Heart disease: Five simple ways to prevent it!
January 7, 2017
New Delhi: Heart disease has now become the leading cause of mortality in in our country. It remains to be the top killer of both men and women in the world.
Heat disease is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. Though some people are born with heart disease, but there are many things which you can do to protect your heart and blood vessels by leading a healthy lifestyle. …
Good habits that are bad for you
Jan 05, 2017
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Your ATM dispenses bacteria
Painkillers turning poison pills
Sep 16, 2016
New Delhi: NSAIDS, or the common painkillers, are not advisable for dengue patients because they are known to quicken internal bleeding. However, doctors have been prescribing them to relieve joint pain in suspected or confirmed cases of chikungunya. Now, in a worrying trend, these drugs have been found to be counterproductive even in chikungunya patients. …
Warning! Never Reheat These 10 Foods, They Can kill Your Family
Nov 02, 2015
1. Things you don’t know
Reheating dinner is a way of life. Whether it’s Friday night and you need to clean out your fridge, or you want to turn your leftovers from last night into a whole new meal, our microwaves are our handy kitchen companions. But research shows that reheating some of your favorite foods can be dangerous to your health. Take a look at these foods that can give you food poisoning (or worse). …
A glass of water contains ten million bacteria!
28 Dec, 2015
London: A glass of clean drinking water contains ten million ‘good’ bacteria which may help purify the water and keep it safe, a new study has claimed. …
Easy ways to cure acidity
This is what ready to eat meals do to you
Nov 25, 2015
This is what ready to eat meals do to you
Ready meals can raise risk of memory loss, says scientific study.
There’s more reason to grouse. Apart from preservatives and additives affecting your physical health, ready meals can raise your risk of memory loss, a new study has found. …
Frequent Breaks, Not Exercise, Best to Cut Long Sitting Hours
September 22, 2015
London: If you want to remain fit and healthy, try to go for frequent breaks from prolonged sitting at workplace or home as daily morning exercise alone may not help you ward off the ill-effects of sitting for long hours. …
Don’t sit at one place, just hop around your workplace! Economictimes.indiatimes.com
13 May, 2015
Every morning, after arriving at her office in Adyar, Divya Mohandoss heads to her department where she can choose from a Japanese-style low seating area, hanging rope chairs or comfortable seats at the coffee shop. …
Avoid sitting for long hours for a healthy heart
Mar 8, 2015
Sitting for long hours everyday is associated with increased coronary artery calcification that can increase the risk of a heart attack, new research says. …
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