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SERVICES: Missing government servant, spouse eligible for pension: High Court …

Missing government servant, spouse eligible for pension: High Court
Officers to face action for delay in GPF payments
Government employees needn’t file asset details under Lokpal for now
NCST has no power to direct grant of promotion: High Court
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(Representative Photo)

Missing government servant, spouse eligible for pension: High Court

Feb 3, 2017
HYDERABAD: Stating that if a government servant goes missing and remains untraceable for seven years, it should be presumed that the person died, the Hyderabad High Court has directed the central government to pay pension and all other relevant benefits to the spouse of a missing government servant who remained untraceable for more than seven years. …

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Officers to face action for delay in GPF payments

New Delhi, Jan 29 (PTI). Action will be taken against the officers concerned in cases of delay in processing payment of General Provident Fund (GPF) to retiring employees, the Centre has said. …

Employees to get promotion in pendency of appeals in courts


Government employees needn’t file asset details under Lokpal for now

“All public servants will henceforth be required to file the declarations as may be prescribed by the fresh set of rules,” an order issued by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) said.
January 15, 2017
New Delhi, Jan 15 :  The Centre has extended indefinitely the deadline to file details of assets and liabilities by central government employees under a mandatory provision of Lokpal Act. A new format and fresh set of rules are being finalised by the government in this regard. The last date for filing such details was December 31. “There is no requirement for filing of declarations of assets and liabilities by public servants now. The government is in the process of finalising a fresh set of rules. …

(Representative Photo)

NCST has no power to direct grant of promotion: High Court

January 12, 2017
The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) has no power to pass orders directing the Centre to grant promotion to an employee, the Delhi High Court has said. The court said this while allowing a petition filed by the Centre challenging the April 30, 2015 order passed by the NCST directing that Ram Kishore Meena, an employee of the National Crime Records Bureau, be promoted to the post of lower division clerk from 2006. …

Pregnant woman
Image used for representational purpose only (Pixabay Image)

Govt Servant, Who Has Begotten Child By Surrogacy, Entitled To Maternity Leave: Chhattisgarh HC [Read Judgment]

January 10, 2017
There cannot be any discrimination between a natural mother and a mother who has begotten child by surrogacy procedure, the Chhattisgarh High Court has observed while holding that a female government servant, who has begotten a child by procedure of surrogacy, is entitled to avail of maternity leave under Rule 38 of the Chhattisgarh Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2010. …

Government jobs are not lollipops: High Court

Dec 23, 2016
CHANDIGARH: The Punjab and Haryana high court has held that ex gratia or compensatory appointments cannot be treated like lollipops, which the court can give to a crying adult to pacify. …

Govt servant benefits not for brothers older than 18

Dec 16, 2016
The terminal benefits, including death-cum-retirement gratuity, due to a government servant, cannot be given to her/his brothers if they are 18 at the time of being nominated to receive them, the Madras high court has ruled. …

Equality Before LawDenial of ACR breaches Article 14

Dec 05, 2016
The Annual Confidential Report (ACR) system is an old system started in the 1940s but is still used in the public sector organizations of many middle- and low-income countries (MLICs) such as India, Swaziland (Africa), and Sri Lanka. …

pensionPension cases of Central Government employees to be mandatorily processed through ‘Bhavishya’ from Jan 01

Nov 29, 2016 : Dtf.in
It has been decided by the Government of India (Department of Pensions and Pensioners’ Welfare)  that all Heads of Offices will henceforth mandatorily process all pension cases only through Bhavishya. In this, where necessary, they will assist the retiring employee to submit the online application form. The Pay and Accounts Offices will process cases generated through Bhavishya through the pension module in COMPACT till the Public Financial Management System(PFMS) is made operational and integrated with Bhavishya.
It is to be noted that all authorities will strictly follow the timelines prescribed under the CCS (Pension) Rules and in no case will the pension case be delayed on account of electronic processing through Bhavishya. These orders will take effect from 1st  January, 2017.

To see copy of orders, click here.

Now, Pensioners can track status via SMS and online

Sep 14, 2016

IAS Prelims 2016: Download admit card at upsconline.nic.in, Exam on August 7

July 01, 2016
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the IAS Prelims 2016 admit card on its website.
The IAS prelims examination is scheduled to take place on August 7, 2016 and Main examination on December 03, 2016. …

Running Train
(Pixabay Image)

LTC norms eased; government employees to get reimbursement for rail fare of children

Government will now reimburse full train fare incurred by its employees on purchase of tickets for their children aged between five and 12 years.
May 05, 2016
Relaxing Leave Travel Concession (LTC) rules, the Centre will now reimburse full train fare incurred by its employees on purchase of tickets for their children aged between five and 12 years. …

Share insights and pictures on return from LTC trip, Govt tells employees

World's finest beaches in Andamans
World’s finest beaches in Andamans (Image Courtesy: Andamans.gov.in)
Sea in Andamans
Sea in Andamans (Image Courtesy: Andamans.gov.in
Airport (Pixabay Image)

Dtf.in : Feb 22, 2016
New Delhi. The Central Government employees may be encouraged to share interesting insights and pictures, if any, of the destination he/she visited while availing LTC, on an appropriate forum. (cf. para 5 of the DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2016).
To remove the bottlenecks in the processing of the LTC claims, it has been decided by the Department of Personnel & Training to simplify the procedure of application and make the procedure of processing of LTC claims time-bound. The following time-limits shall be followed while processing the LTC applications/claims of the Government servants.

S.No.     Course of action                 Time limit
1     Leave Sanction                         5 working days + 3 working days*
2    Sanction of LTC advance/       5 working days + 3 working days*
      Leave Encashment
3   Time taken by Administration  10 working days + 3 working days*
for verification of LTC claim
after the LTC bill is submitted by
the Government employee for
4   Time taken by DDO                  5 working days + 3 working days*
5   Time taken by PAO                  5 working days + 3 working days*
* (a) Additional 3 days transit-time may be allowed where the place of posting of the Government employees is away from their Headquarters. The Government employee may proceed on LTC after action on S.No.1.
(b) Efforts should be made to reduce the duration of processing of LTC application/claims at the earliest. The maximum time limit should be strictly adhered to and non-compliance of time limit should be adequately explained. 
The Government servants are required to inform their Controlling Officer before the journey(ies) on LTC to be undertaken.
It has been decided by that Department that the Leave Sanctioning Authority shall obtain a self-certification from the employee regarding the proposed LTC journey. The pro forma for self-certification has been annexed to the aforesaid DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2016.
It has also been decided by that Department that whenever a Government servant applies for LTC, he/she may be provided with a copy of the guidelines (enclosed with the aforesaid O.M. dated 18.02.2016) which needs to be followed while availing LTC.
More: DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2016 – CCS (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 – Fulfillment of procedural requirements >>> LTC Rules

Note:- The above information is for general information only and may not be construed as legal advice. It is also subject to the Disclaimer of Dtf.in.

Maharashtra Govt. to allow 180 days maternity leave in surrogacy cases
Maharashtra Govt. to allow 180 days maternity leave in surrogacy cases (Representative Pixabay Image)

Maharashtra first state to grant 180 days maternity leave in surrogacy cases   

Jan 21, 2016
Maharashtra will be the first state in the country where women employees in government jobs can avail up to 180 days’ maternity leave while having a baby through surrogacy. …

Seine River, Paris
Seine River, Paris (Pixabay Image)

New rule limits babus’ foreign trips to four a year   

Jan 15, 2016
NEW DELHI: Bureaucrats can go on a maximum of four overseas trips in a year, the finance ministry has directed in fresh guidelines which also say secretaries should only undertake foreign travel when no one else can be deputed. …

No suspension of IAS officers without PM nod   

Dec 31, 2015
NEW DELHI: IAS officers working under the central government can now be placed under suspension only with approval of the Prime Minister, according to new All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Amendment Rules, 2015. …
More: DoPT Notification dated 21.12.2015 – Amendments to the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 >>> AIS – Rules/Circulars

Verify employees service 5 years before retirement: Government to departments

September 21, 2015
All central government departments have been asked to verify services of employees working under them mandatorily five years before retirement in order to check delay in processing pension cases. …

More: DPPW O.M. dated 16.09.2015 – Verification of qualifying service after 18 years service and 5 years before retirement >>> Pension Rules 

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