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Dtf.in (Information Portal) is intended to be a comprehensive, up-to-date resource for –

(i) rules/orders/guidelines related, or relevant, to Central Government/Public Sector service, aggregated from the websites of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and  Pensions, Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Finance, CGHS, ECHS, and Central Vigilance Commission, including that for reservation in services,

(ii) Court judgments on service matters and other subjects,

(ii) Right to Information Rules and decisions (section-wise and subject-wise), and

(iii) News on diverse subjects.


All information in this website is completely free for the present.

The information/data in Dtf.in includes the following:-

Acts/Rules >>> Constitution of India, Acts and Rules

Estt. Matters Latest DOPT/CVC/RTI/MOF/CGHS/DPE – Orders/Circulars * ACP Scheme * ACR/APAR * Ad Hoc Appointment/Promotion * Appointment/Selection/Probation/Confirmation * Compassionate Appointment * AIS Rules * IAS Rules * Indian Revenue Service * IES Rules * IFS Rules * IPS Rules * DANICS/DANIPS Rules * CAT-Act and Rules * CCA/Disc. Rules * Central Civil Services–Orders * CGHS Circulars * Conduct Rules * CSS/CSCS Rules * CSSS Rules * CVC Circulars/Guidelines * 6th Central Pay Commission * 5th Central Pay Commission * DA Orders * Deputation/Foreign Service/Tenure/Foreign Assignment * DFPRs/GFRs * DOP&T – Vigilance-Related Rules * Foreign Tour/Deputation/Visits Abroad * FRs/SRs * HRA/Res. Accommodation * Leave Rules * LTC Rules * Pay & Allowances Rules * Pension/GPF Rules * Promotion/DPC & FCS Rules * Railway Service Rules * Recruitment Rules * Seniority * Sexual Harassment * TA Rules/Domestic Travel Rules * Staff Car Rules  Computer/Laptop/Telephone/Internet Facility * Other Govt. Circulars/Orders/Rules * Court Judgments

Reservation/Relaxations/Concessions in Services 

* SCs/STs/OBCs and SCs/STs * OBCs/PWDs (Handicapped) * Ex-Servicemen * Women

Right to Information >>> Right to Information Circulars/Orders/Decisions


Under Maintenance

Other Matters >>> Budget * Demands/Supplementary Demands for Grants * Outcome Budget

CPSE/Bank Service Circulars >>> * CPSE Rules * Banks – Service Rules

Training/Workshop in India and Abroad >>> Training Programmes/Workshops

Consumer Rights >>> Act and Rules * NCDRC Judgements

Human Rights >>> Act/Rules

Court Judgements >>> SC/HC judgements

General >>> Annual ReportsOther Govt. Orders/Circulars

Use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions, set out in its “Disclaimer”.

Contact: info[at]dtf[dot]in or dtf [dot]in[dot]rk[at]gmail[dot]com