Rs 1 lakh security deposit illegal? Landlords can take only one month’s rent as advance, rules court |
Rs 1 lakh security deposit illegal? Landlords can take only one month’s rent as advance, rules court
Aug 14, 2015
In a ruling that is likely to have an effect in cities across India, a Chennai court has ruled that landlords can only take one month’s advance from tenants. …
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New law framed to do away with tenancy troubles, rental housing all set to grow
New Delhi|, Jun 17, 2015
Landlords need no longer fear squatting tenants and those living in rented accommodation should not be constantly afraid of untimely eviction as interests of both parties will be safeguarded in a bold tenancy law drafted by the Union government. …
‘Tenants can’t dictate terms’
Mar 2, 2015
NEW DELHI: Tenants cannot dictate terms to landlords, a trial court has said while allowing eviction petition of a landlady. …
Creditor can’t oust tenants from mortgaged property: SC
Apr 4, 2014
NEW DELHI: In a relief to traders and restaurateurs operating from rented premises in Mumbai, the Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the securitization law didn’t permit creditors to throw out tenants from mortgaged premises if the tenancy lease pre-dated owners’ loan agreements. …
SC relief for long-time tenants in public buildings
Feb 12, 2014
MUMBAI: The Supreme Court on Tuesday came to the rescue of thousands of residents of houses owned by public companies by limiting the application of a tough eviction law. …
Things to remember before you sign a rent agreement
Mar 11, 2013
When Kshitij Nadekarfinalised the house he wanted to rent in Pune a year ago, he thought he would stay there for 2-3 years till he bought his own house. “The place was in a reasonably good condition and was very close to my office. So, I immediately signed the agreement with the landlord,” says the 37-year-old management executive. Nadekar had agreed to pay a monthly rent of Rs 5,000 and furnished Rs 50,000 as deposit money. …
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