Dalit lawyer threatened by upper caste inmates in jail
Dichotomisation of Caste and Class
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Dalit lawyer threatened by upper caste inmates in jail
Jan 2, 2017
AHMEDABAD: Navchetan Parmar, an accused in the murder of a police constable, during dalit protests post the Una flogging episode in July 2016, has alleged that some upper caste prisoners had threatened him to keep mum about atrocities, when he was lodged in Amreli jail. Parmar is one of the accused in the murder of Pankaj Amreliya, who was injured when a protest by dalits, on July 19, turned violent in Amreli. …
Dichotomisation of Caste and Class
Nov 11, 2016

Denied water, tribal woman in UP digs her own well
Jul 13, 2016
Lucknow: A tribal woman in Uttar Pradesh’s parched Bundelkhand has dug a well almost single-handedly for 40 families after her upper caste neighbours denied them access to a hand-pump.
“We are tribals and lived in Duddhi village. But we were not allowed to use the hand-pump by the upper caste residents. Arranging for a pot of drinking water was an everyday battle we had to face for the quest of survival,” said Kasturi. …
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Crime rising against India’s lowest castes
Jul 06, 2016
In the prosperous district of Kannur in one of India’s most prosperous states, Kerala, Eramangalathu Chitralekha, 39, was the first Dalit woman to drive an autorickshaw in 2005. Her new profession immediately angered the upper castes, who taunted her and threatened violence. One day, that year, her autorickshaw was set ablaze. In 2013, it was damaged beyond repair. The district collector gifted her a new autorickshaw in June 2014, but on March 4, 2016, it was destroyed again. …
Reservations don’t make access to resources easier for lower-caste students
Social stigma, lack of awareness, bureaucratic hurdles prevent students from making use of quotas
June 10, 2016
Students from backward castes and tribal communities are often disparaged for not being good enough and using the reservation system to gain admissions. A recent paper from the UN University World Institute for Development Economics Research shows students from these strata strive just as hard for seats in colleges and government jobs, but despite that face a social stigma. …

Dalits can’t draw water from well here
Apr 14, 2016
Becharaji (Mehsana): On a sweltering afternoon, a dozen-odd women of Bechar village in Mehsana sit a few steps away from the well with their pots. …
Tamil Nadu: Dalit man hacked to death in full public view for marrying Thevar girl in Tirupur
Mar 14, 2016
In yet another incident of caste violence in Tamil Nadu, a newly-wed couple was beaten up by goons in full public view in Udumalpet, Tirupur, on Sunday, after which the culprits then hacked the man to death. …

The women who refuse to do India’s dirtiest job
March 01, 2016
Ranikumari Khokar is campaigning to end a caste-based practice that condemns women to cleaning human waste by hand
Every morning I would take a broom and tin plate to the homes of the upper caste thakurs to pick up their faeces. I would collect the waste in a cane basket and later throw it in a dumping ground outside the village.” …

I was asked my caste at Dwarka temple: Kumari Selja
Dec 1, 2015
NEW DELHI: Congress MP Kumari Selja created a stir in Rajya Sabha on Monday by claiming that she was asked about her caste when she visited the Dwarka temple in Gujarat as a Cabinet minister. …
Rajasthan: Dalit student beaten for touching utensil in school
Oct 04, 2015
A 10-year-old Dalit student of a government school in Osian tehsil sustained minor injuries after his teacher allegedly thrashed him for touching utensil when the mid-day meal was being served inside the school premises, the police said on Saturday. …
‘Barbers refuse to cut hair of Dalits’ Thehindu.com
May 03, 2015
After the recent incident of Dalits being denied haircuts at salons at Panjiganahalli in Sira taluk, a similar case has surfaced in Kadagathur, Madhugiri taluk. …
Mention of caste-based abuse sans details can’t attract provisions of SC/ST Act: HC Indianexpress.com
April 30, 2015
Mere mention of an allegation in the FIR that the complainant was referred to with caste-based remarks is not enough to take cognisance of the offence made under the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act (commonly known as the SC/ST Act), the Allahabad High Court has ruled. …
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