Ex-servicemen body seeks review of SC judgement on rulings of Armed Forces Tribunal Court’s ‘AFT only’ verdict wounds defence personnel SC: HCs can’t entertain plea against AFT order |
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* Disability Pension – “A soldier cannot be asked to prove that the disease was contracted by him on account of military service or was aggravated by the same.” … “Since the disability has in each case been assessed at more than 20%, their claim to disability pension could not have been repudiated by the appellants.” – SC Judgment dated 13.02.2015 – Union of India & Anr. Vs. Rajbir Singh
* Second marriage during the currency of first marriage – A practice did not acquire sanction of religion simply because it was permitted. Such a practice could be regulated by law without violating Article 25. – SC Judgment dated 09.02.2015 – Khursheed Ahmad Khan Vs. State of U.P. & Ors. More: Court Judgements on Service Matters
Ex-servicemen body seeks review of SC judgement on rulings of Armed Forces Tribunal Economictimes.indiatimes.com
Apr 25, 2015
NEW DELHI: A body representing ex-servicemen has sought a review of the Supreme Court judgement that rulings of the Armed Forces Tribunal can be challenged only in the apex court and not in high courts. …
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Court’s ‘AFT only’ verdict wounds defence personnel Timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Mar 24, 2015
CHANDIGARH : Resentment is brewing in serving and retired defence personnel after a recent Supreme Court verdict made Armed Forces Tribunals (AFTs) the only forum for them to redress their grievances. Many feel their legal right to appeal against AFT orders has been unfairly curtailed. …
SC: HCs can’t entertain plea against AFT order Indianexpress.com
March 4, 2015 The Supreme Court Wednesday ruled that an appeal against an order of the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) cannot be entertained by a High Court and that the apex court was the only appropriate forum. …
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