Home » Court Judgements » DIVORCE/MAINTENANCE: SC: Right to maintenance of a wife absolute…; Qualified woman can’t claim maintenance: Court

DIVORCE/MAINTENANCE: SC: Right to maintenance of a wife absolute…; Qualified woman can’t claim maintenance: Court

SC: Right to maintenance of a wife absolute
Qualified woman can’t claim maintenance: Court

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* Consideration for promotion a fundamental right. – SC Judgment dated 09.01.2014 – Major General H.M. Singh, VSM Vs. Union of India and Anr. * The charge sheet/charge memo having not been approved by the disciplinary authority was non est in the eye of law – SC Judgment dated 05.09.2013 – Union of India & Ors. Vs. B.V. Gopinath * The Court or police/CBI cannot impound a passport. – SC Judgment dated 24.01.2008 – Suresh Nanda Vs. C.B.I.

■ A practice did not acquire sanction of religion simply because it was permitted. Such a practice could be regulated by law without violating Article 25. – SC Judgment dated 09.02.2015 – Khursheed Ahmad Khan Vs. State of U.P. & Ors. (Second marriage during the currency of first marriage)
■ The amended definition of the expression “NPA” under Section 2(1)(o) of the SARFAESI Act is constitutionally valid. – SC Judgment dated 28.01.2015 – Keshavlal Khemchand and Sons Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Union of India & Others
■ Mere expression of any words without any intention to cause alarm would not be sufficient to bring in the application of section 503 of IPC. But material has to be placed on record to show that the intention is to cause alarm to the complainant. “…in exercise of its jurisdiction under Section 482 Cr.P.C., the court should be extremely cautious to interfere with the investigation or trial of a criminal case and should not stall the investigation, save except when it is convinced beyond any manner of doubt that the FIR does not disclose commission of offence and that continuance of the criminal prosecution would amount to abuse of process of the court.” –  SC Judgment dated 20.01.2015 – Manik Taneja & Anr. Vs. State of Karnataka & Anr.
■ Once the Labour Court has exercised the discretion judicially, the High Court can interfere with the award, only if it is satisfied that the award of the Labour Court is vitiated by any fundamental flaws. – SC Judgment dated 14.01.2015 – K.V.S. Ram Vs. Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corp.

SC: Right to maintenance of a wife absolute, Section 125 of CrPC applicable on divorced women   Timesofndia.indiatimes.com
Apr 7, 2015
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday said the right to maintenance of a wife was absolute and no exceptions could be made, ruling that Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which embodies this rule, would apply to divorced Muslim women as well. …

Qualified woman can’t claim maintenance: Court   Timesofndia.indiatimes.com
Mar 8, 2015 MUMBAI: A family court has observed that a well-qualified woman cannot claim maintenance from her husband. …

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