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HEALTHCARE: How deadly is your butter chicken?; How is yogurt different from curd? …

How deadly is your butter chicken? How is yogurt different from curd? Avoid sitting for long hours for a healthy heart Even for gym-goers too much sitting linked to heart disease

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How deadly is your butter chicken?   Timesofindia.indiatimes.com Mar 29, 2015 The next time you bite into a juicy drumstick, you might need to worry about whether it’s making you resistant to antibiotics. …

How is yogurt different from curd?   Timesofindia.indiatimes.com Mar 27, 2015 You’re not alone if you have ever wondered, “What’s the difference between yogurt and curd?” …

Avoid sitting for long hours for a healthy heart   Timesofindia.indiatimes.com Mar 8, 2015 Sitting for long hours everyday is associated with increased coronary artery calcification that can increase the risk of a heart attack, new research says. …

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