Standard Form of show cause notice for imposing penalty to be issued on a Government servant on his conviction
[Under Rule ……….. of the …………………………… Rules]Ministry/Department/(Name of organization)
No…… Dated…………
WHEREAS Shri/Smt./Ms.…………………………………(here enter name and designation of the Government servant) has been convicted on a criminal charge under section ……………………(here enter the section or sections under which the Government servant was convicted) of …………………………. (here enter the name of the statute concerned) and has been awarded a sentence of……………………….(here enter the sentence awarded by the Criminal Court) by the ……………………………(here enter the name of the Criminal Court) in ……………………No………………dated the …………………
AND WHEREAS the President of India/undersigned proposes to impose the penalty of
………………………..(here enter the penalty) specified in Rule ___ of the ……………..(name of Rules) Rules, … (year of Rules), on the basis of facts which have led to his/ her conviction in the said Criminal Court;
NOW, THEREFORE, Shri/Smt./Ms.……………………………………(here enter the name of the Government Servant) is hereby given an opportunity of making representation on the penalty as proposed above under Rule ___ of the ………………. (name of Rules), ….. (year of Rules). Any representation which he/she may wish to make against the penalty proposed, will be considered by the President of India/undersigned. Such a representation, if any should be made in writing and submitted so as to reach the undersigned not later than fifteen days from the date of receipt of Memorandum by Shri/Smt./Ms. ……………………………..(here enter the name of the Government servant)
The receipt of this Memorandum should be acknowledged.
Name and designation of the Competent Authority
(To be signed by an Officer authorised to authenticate on behalf of the President where the President is the disciplinary authority. In other cases, it is to be signed by the competent disciplinary authority concerned.)
Note: In the above form, portions not required should be struck out/modified according to the circumstances of each case.
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