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Human Rights – Act/Rules
& Court Judgements
I. Human Rights – Act/Rules
II. Human Rights – Court Judgements
I. Human Rights – Act/Rules and Form of complaint to the NHRC
(As on – 11.12.2017)
In order to live with dignity certain basic rights and freedoms are necessary, which all Human beings are entitled to, these basic rights are called Human Rights.
What are human rights?
In order to live with dignity certain basic rights and freedoms are necessary, which all Human beings are entitled to, these basic rights are called Human Rights
Human rights demand recognition and respect for the inherent dignity to ensure that everyone is protected against abuses which undermine their dignity, and give the opportunities they need to realize their full potential, free from discrimination.
Human rights include civil and political rights, such as:
# The right to freedom of expression
# The right to freedom of religion or conscience
# The right to property
# The right to freedom of assembly
# The right to privacy
# The right to vote.
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Format for filing a complaint with the NHRC (As on NHRC website-15.12.2014) (29.2 KiB, 1,663 hits)
Operative Guidelines for Filing Online Complaint with the NHRC (As on NHRC website-15.12.2014) (13.1 KiB, 980 hits)
The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 (As on NHRC website - 15.12.2014) (873.2 KiB, 687 hits)
II. Human Rights – Court Judgements
Judgement dated 2.7.2009 (414.6 KiB, 1,328 hits)
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