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SERVICES: Contributory Pension Scheme …

Contributory Pension Scheme
7th Pay Commission report on revised allowances: Announcement likely after April 12
Women fighting harassment entitled to 90 days paid leave under the Leave Rules
GPF Withdrawal Rules Liberalized
Bombay HC Upholds Principle Of “No Work No Pay”, Refuses Relief To State Government Employee
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Contributory Pension Scheme

Mar 18, 2017
The New Pension Scheme works on defined contribution basis and will have two tiers – Tier-I and II. Contribution to Tier-I is mandatory for all government servants joining government service on or after 1-1-2004 (except the armed forces in the first stage), whereas Tier-II will be optional and at the discretion of government servants. …

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GPF Withdrawal Rules Liberalized

New Delhi, March 08, 2017 : Dtf.in  
After a review the General Provident Fund Rules have been liberalized by the Government of India. It has been decided by the Government to permit withdrawals from the fund by the subscriber for the following purposes:
(i) Education – This will include primary, secondary and higher education, covering all streams and institutions,
(ii) Obligatory Expenses, viz. betrothal, marriage, funerals, or other ceremonies of self or family members and dependants,
(iii) Illness of self, family members or dependants,
(iv) Purchase of consumer durables.
It has been decided by the Government to permit withdrawal of up to twelve months’ pay or three-fourth of the amount standing at credit, whichever is less. For illness, the withdrawal may be allowed up to 90% of the amount standing at credit of the subscriber. A subscriber may seek withdrawal after completion of ten years of service.
(v) Housing including building or acquiring a suitable-house or a ready-built flat for his residence,
(vi) Repayment of outstanding housing loan,
(vii) Purchase of house site for building a house,
(viii) Constructing a house on a site acquired,
(lx) Reconstructing or making additions on a house already acquired,
(x) Renovating, additions or alterations of ancestral house.
A subscriber may be allowed to withdraw up to ninety percent of the amount standing at credit for the above purposes. It is also decided do away with the present instructions which lay down that subsequent to the sale of house for which GPF withdrawal has been availed, the amount. withdrawn has to be deposited back. GPF withdrawal for housing purpose will no longer be linked with the limits prescribed under HBA rules. A subscriber may be permitted to avail the facility at any time during his service.
(xi) Purchase of motor car/motor cycle/ scooter, etc., or repayment of loan already taken for the purpose,
(xii) Extensive repairs /overhauling of motor car,
(xiii) Making deposit to book a motor car/motor cycle/scoter, moped, etc.
Further, a subscriber may be permitted to withdraw three-fourth of the amount standing at credit or cost of the vehicle, whichever is less for the above purposes. Withdrawal for the above purpose will be permitted after completion of 10 years of service.
Presently, withdrawal of up to 90% of balance without assigning reasons is allowed for Government servants who are due for retirement on superannuation within a year. It is proposed that this may be allowed for up to two years before superannuation.
In all cases of withdrawal from the fund by the subscriber, the declared Head of Department is competent to sanction withdrawal. No documentary proof will be required to be furnished by the subscriber. A simple declaration form by the subscriber explaining the reasons for withdrawal would be sufficient.
As per the GPF(CS) Rule 1960, no time limit has been prescribed for sanction and payment of withdrawal amount. Therefore, it has been decided by the Government to prescribe a maximum time limit of fifteen days for sanction and payment of withdrawal from the Fund. In case of emergencies like illness etc., the time limit may be restricted to seven days.
Necessary amendment to the GPF(Central Service)Rules 1960, giving effect to the above provisions will be issued in due course.
See the original DPPW O.M. >>> Pension Rules

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Bombay HC Upholds Principle Of “No Work No Pay”, Refuses Relief To State Government Employee

March 6, 2017
Bombay High Court refused to grant relief to a MSEDCL (Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd) employee who was charged with accepting a bribe of Rs.5000 in 2007. The concerned employee was a Junior Engineer with MSEDCL, he sought.
The concerned employee was a Junior Engineer with MSEDCL, he sought directions from the court to his employers to pay a sum of Rs.20 lakhs (approx.) towards his salary and other allowances from December 2008 to February 2012. …

Now, IAS, IPS officers must file performance report online

Mar 1, 2017
NEW DELHI: The Centre has decided to amend rules to allow online filing of performance reports of IAS and IPS officers.
The move will help in checking delayed submission of the confidential reports and claims of bias in giving low ratings to an officer to affect his or her career growth.
“Performance Appraisal Report shall be generated and written by the officer reported upon electronically as prescribed by the central government,” as per the draft rules formed by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). …

See copy of DoPT’s Letter dated 01.03.2017 > DoPT Letter dated 01.03.2017 – Proposal to amend AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 >>> AIS – Rules/Circulars

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Extraordinary leave is not matter of right: Delhi HC

February 26, 2017
‘Employee cannot be allowed to work at her convenience’
Legal entitlement to leave is with regard to leave which is authorised, like maternity leave or child care leave. However, extraordinary leave is not a matter of right, the Delhi High Court has said. Justice Valmiki Mehta has held that the “grant of extraordinary leave is not a matter of legal right and every employer, before granting extraordinary leave, has to balance various aspects, including the working requirement of the employer not being affected on account of leave sought by an employee”. …

UPSC cannot reject candidates for trivial slips, rules SC

NEW DELHI: Feb 19, 2017
The Supreme Court has said the Union Public Service Commission cannot reject a candidate for misspelling or entering a wrong date of birth on the job application.
A bench of Justices Adarsh Kumar Goel and U U Lalit dismissed a special leave petition filed by the UPSC against a Delhi High Court judgement, directing the country’s highest recruitment body to clear the selection of Ajay Kumar Mishra to the National Defence Academy. …

Govt employee gets 7-yr-jail for depositing public money in daughter’s account

Feb 17, 2017
New Delhi: A 63-year-old retired government servant has been awarded a seven-year jail term by a special court for depositing Rs 13.67 lakh of public money into her daughter’s bank account, using her as a ghost employee.
Special CBI Judge Gurdeep Singh, who also imposed a fine of over Rs 15 lakh on CGHS staffer Neelam Sehgal, awarded a five-year-jail term to her 77-year-old husband Jagdish Sehgal, a retired government servant too, for being part of the criminal conspiracy in the offence. …

‘CAT can have a say in transfer of govt staff’

Feb 16, 2017
CHENNAI: Can the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) ask government to reconsider a transfer of a government employee? Yes, said the Chennai bench of CAT recommending the authorities concerned to consider an officer’s representation to stay transfer on the basis of some health conditions in his family. …

Image used for representational purpose only.

Public servants can’t show gifts as income from legal sources, says SC

Feb 16, 2017
NEW DELHI: In its judgment deflating Sasikala’s ambition to become CM of Tamil Nadu, the Supreme Court has dealt a blow to gift-loving public servants by ruling that presents could not be counted as income from lawful sources.
A bench of Justices Pinaki Chandra Ghose and Amitava Roy said: “Gifts to Jayalalithaa, a public servant in the context of Sections 161to 165A of Indian Penal Code now integrated into the Prevention of Corruption Act, are visibly illegal and forbidden by law. The endeavour to strike a distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘unlawful’ as sought to be made to portray gifts to constitute a lawful source of income is thus wholly misconstrued.” …

Govt warns employees of action for misusing LTC

Representational Photo

India today.intoday.in
February 13, 2017
New Delhi, Feb 13 (PTI) Central government employees found misusing Leave Travel Concession (LTC) will face disciplinary action, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has warned.
A government employee gets reimbursement of tickets for to-and-fro journey, in addition to leaves, when he avails LTC.  …

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Missing government servant, spouse eligible for pension: High Court

Feb 3, 2017
HYDERABAD: Stating that if a government servant goes missing and remains untraceable for seven years, it should be presumed that the person died, the Hyderabad High Court has directed the central government to pay pension and all other relevant benefits to the spouse of a missing government servant who remained untraceable for more than seven years. …

Officers to face action for delay in GPF payments

New Delhi, Jan 29 (PTI). Action will be taken against the officers concerned in cases of delay in processing payment of General Provident Fund (GPF) to retiring employees, the Centre has said. …

Employees to get promotion in pendency of appeals in courts


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NCST has no power to direct grant of promotion: High Court

January 12, 2017
The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) has no power to pass orders directing the Centre to grant promotion to an employee, the Delhi High Court has said. The court said this while allowing a petition filed by the Centre challenging the April 30, 2015 order passed by the NCST directing that Ram Kishore Meena, an employee of the National Crime Records Bureau, be promoted to the post of lower division clerk from 2006. …

Pregnant woman
Image used for representational purpose only (Pixabay Image)

Govt Servant, Who Has Begotten Child By Surrogacy, Entitled To Maternity Leave: Chhattisgarh HC [Read Judgment]

January 10, 2017
There cannot be any discrimination between a natural mother and a mother who has begotten child by surrogacy procedure, the Chhattisgarh High Court has observed while holding that a female government servant, who has begotten a child by procedure of surrogacy, is entitled to avail of maternity leave under Rule 38 of the Chhattisgarh Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2010. …

Government jobs are not lollipops: High Court

Dec 23, 2016
CHANDIGARH: The Punjab and Haryana high court has held that ex gratia or compensatory appointments cannot be treated like lollipops, which the court can give to a crying adult to pacify. …

Govt servant benefits not for brothers older than 18

Dec 16, 2016
The terminal benefits, including death-cum-retirement gratuity, due to a government servant, cannot be given to her/his brothers if they are 18 at the time of being nominated to receive them, the Madras high court has ruled. …

Denial of ACR breaches Article 14

Dec 05, 2016
The Annual Confidential Report (ACR) system is an old system started in the 1940s but is still used in the public sector organizations of many middle- and low-income countries (MLICs) such as India, Swaziland (Africa), and Sri Lanka. …

New rule limits babus’ foreign trips to four a year   

Jan 15, 2016
NEW DELHI: Bureaucrats can go on a maximum of four overseas trips in a year, the finance ministry has directed in fresh guidelines which also say secretaries should only undertake foreign travel when no one else can be deputed. …

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