Delhi court asks government servants to show conduct for others to emulate
Babu makes train take unscheduled 8-minute tea break
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Delhi court asks government servants to show conduct for others to emulate
Oct 12, 2015
NEW DELHI: Government officials should show conduct which others should emulate, a Delhi court has observed while sentencing a woman public servant to three months jail term in a cheque bounce case. …
Babu makes train take unscheduled 8-minute tea break
Sep 1, 2015
BAREILLY: A long-distance express train without a scheduled stop at Bareilly was forced to take an eight-minute break, just so the intense craving that a senior railways official had for tea could be satisfied. …
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Govt officials cannot blame court: Madras High Court
March 18, 2015 Madurai: Madras High Court Bench on Wednesday observed that government officials should not blame the court, which fixes a time frame for officials, for skipping statutory procedures before initiating action against subordinates. …
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