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FRs & SRs

FRs & SRs

More:  Latest DOPT / CVC / RTI / MOF / CGHS / DPE  Circulars / Orders * Apptt./Selection- Orders/Crculars  * Compassionate Appointment  * Pension Rules – Circulars/Orders/Instructions and Gratuity Act/Rules – Part I  Right to Information Circulars/Orders/Decisions  *  CGHS Circulars/Empanelled Hospitals/Package Rates * Autonomous Bodies – Orders/Circulars


 I. FRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions
II. FRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions (Subject-Wise), including Joining Time Rules
III. SRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions
IV. FRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions (Archive)

I. FRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions


  DoPT O.M. dated 26.07.2024 - Periodic Review of employees for strengthening of administration under FR(j)/(l) & Rule 42 of the Pension Rules, 2021 - reg. (148.6 KiB, 734 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.03.2024-Periodic Review of employees under FR 56(j),(l) & Rule 42 of Pension Rules-Revised composition of Representation Committee (278.5 KiB, 1,089 hits)


  CVC Circular dated 05.12.2022 - Grant of honorarium to Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers in the departmental inquiries-reg. (along with DoPT O.M. dated 16.11.2022) (2.0 MiB, 8,602 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.12.2022 - Superannuation, extension in service, re-employment, premature retirement and VRS (119.3 KiB, 2,494 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.09.2022 - Combination of appointments (FR 49) (495.9 KiB, 514 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.09.2022-Periodic Review of Employees under FR 56(j)/(l) and Rule 42 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 - Revised Composition of Representation Committee-reg. (30.4 KiB, 1,210 hits)

Prior to 2022

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.08.2021 - Review of CSS Officers (DS.Director) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (Reminder) (338.8 KiB, 1,281 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 06.08.2021 - Review of CSS Officers (DS/Director) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rules (data/input by 20.08.2021) (809.2 KiB, 1,127 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.07.2021 - Review of CSS Officers (Under Secretaries) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rules - Request for information - reg. (163.4 KiB, 1,077 hits)

  Compilation of FR and SR (Part-I) (As on DoPT website-04.02.2021) (19.4 MiB, 5,372 hits)

See earlier orders under the heading, “ FRs & SRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions (Archive)“, below.

II. FRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions (Subject-Wise)

FRs & SRs * FR 15/Pay Fixation on Transfer to Lower Post * FR 22 * FR 29(2) – Imposition of Penalty of Reduction to lower Grade/Post/Time-Scale* FR 35 * FR 49 * FR 56/Premature Retirement/Compulsory Retirement * Honorarium/Fee * Joining Time Rules * Pay Fixation * Lien

FRs & SRs

  Compilation of FR and SR (Part-I) (As on DoPT website-04.02.2021) (19.4 MiB, 5,372 hits)

FR 15/Pay Fixation on Transfer to Lower Post

  DoPT O.M. dated 31.03.2017-Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)-clarification regarding (102.2 KiB, 7,154 hits)

FR 22
— FR 22(a)(1) (Split Option)

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.08.2020-Exercise of Split Option under Saving Clause of FR-22(1)(a)(1) by officers of all grades of Central Sectt. Service (CSS) cadre (77.5 KiB, 4,514 hits)

— Uncategorized

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020-Protection of pay consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre through DR under FR 22(B)(1) in the 7th CPC scenario (229.1 KiB, 3,852 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.11.2018 - Amendment to FR 22 (I) (92.7 KiB, 7,135 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 26.06.2014 - Applicability of FR 22(I)(a)(1), etc. (130.2 KiB, 1,368 hits)

FR 29(2) – Imposition of Penalty of Reduction to Lower Grade/Post/Time-Scale

  O.M. dated 30.01.2015 - Ntfn. dated 02.01.2015 for further amendment of FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (26.4 KiB, 4,181 hits)

  Notification dated 02.01.2015 - Amendment to FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (96.9 KiB, 3,843 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.12.2013 – Ntfn. for amendment of FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (115.5 KiB, 750 hits)

  Notification dated 27.10.2013 - Amendment to Rule 29(2) of Fundamental Rules, 1922 (65.4 KiB, 668 hits)

FR 35

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.02.2019 - Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 in the context of CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 (172.4 KiB, 7,637 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.12.2013 - Restrictions of officiating pay under FR 35 - clarification (34.7 KiB, 773 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.12.2013 - Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 - Clarification regarding (38.2 KiB, 740 hits)

FR 49

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.09.2022 - Combination of appointments (FR 49) (495.9 KiB, 514 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.04.2015 -Clarification regarding application of FR 49 - regarding (39.6 KiB, 2,545 hits)

FR 56 

Extension of Service of Scientists * FR 56/Premature Retirement/Compulsory Retirement * Representation Committee

Extension of Service of Scientists 

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.09.2014 - Re-constitution of DPRC for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (D/o DRD) (37.1 KiB, 565 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.09.2014 - Grant of extension/re-employment to Central Government servants beyond the age of superannuation (42.6 KiB, 578 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.05.2014-Re-constitution of DPRC for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation(D/o E&IT) (27.9 KiB, 898 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.03.2014 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering the cases of extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (35.2 KiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.07.2013 - Re-constitution of DPRC for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation(DSIR) (44.4 KiB, 534 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.06.2013 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (D/o Sc.& IR) (34.2 KiB, 773 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.06.2013 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (MoE&F) (31.8 KiB, 676 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.06.2013 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering cases for extension of service of Scientists (Min. of Earth Sciences) (34.2 KiB, 690 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.06.2013 - Constitution of the Committee for extension of service of Scientists beyond 62 years and up to 64 years of age (49.5 KiB, 738 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.05.2011 - Grant of extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation - Issue of instructions regarding (93.1 KiB, 1,199 hits)

FR 56/Premature Retirement/Compulsory Retirement

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.07.2024 - Periodic Review of employees for strengthening of administration under FR(j)/(l) & Rule 42 of the Pension Rules, 2021 - reg. (148.6 KiB, 734 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.06.2024 - Periodic Review of employees for strengthening of administration under FR 56(j)/(l) & Rule 42 of the Pension Rules, 2021 - reg. (549.7 KiB, 699 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.03.2024-Periodic Review of employees under FR 56(j),(l) & Rule 42 of Pension Rules-Revised composition of Representation Committee (278.5 KiB, 1,089 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.12.2022 - Superannuation, extension in service, re-employment, premature retirement and VRS (119.3 KiB, 2,494 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.08.2021 - Review of CSS Officers (DS.Director) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (Reminder) (338.8 KiB, 1,281 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 06.08.2021 - Review of CSS Officers (DS/Director) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rules (data/input by 20.08.2021) (809.2 KiB, 1,127 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.07.2021 - Review of CSS Officers (Under Secretaries) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rules - Request for information - reg. (163.4 KiB, 1,077 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.08.2020-Periodic Review of Central Govt. Employees under FR 56(j)(I) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (355.8 KiB, 2,387 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.01.2020 - Review of PPS/PPS (ad-hoc) of CSSS under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (132.8 KiB, 5,192 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.12.2019 - Review of PPS/PPS (ad-hoc) of CSSS under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (157.1 KiB, 5,285 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.11.2019 - Review of PPS/PPS (ad-hoc) of CSSS under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (324.6 KiB, 1,484 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.08.2019 - Review of Performance of Group-I Officers of CSS (DS/Director) under FR 56 (j) and Rule 48 of CSS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (468.6 KiB, 1,209 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.06.2019 - Strengthening of administration - Periodic review of Central Government Employees under Fundamental Rule (FR) 56(j)/(I) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (97.9 KiB, 4,610 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.12.2018 - Review of CSS Officers (Deputy Secretary/Director) under FR 56 (j) and Rule 48 of CCS Pension) Rules, 1972 (203.2 KiB, 837 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.08.2018 - Amendment to FR56 (age of superannuation of Doctors as 62) (1.7 MiB, 6,899 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.01.2018 - Amendment to FR56(bb) - regarding (49.4 KiB, 4,828 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.03.2017 - Amendment to FRs56 (39.9 KiB, 6,698 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.01.2017-Review of CSSS Officers in the grade of PA under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CSS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (Reminder) (139.7 KiB, 1,635 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.11.2016 - Review of CSSS Officers in the Grade of Private Secretary (PS) and PA under FR(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (55.7 KiB, 7,190 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.08.2016 - Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rules-Composition of Representation Committee (66.6 KiB, 5,877 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.06.2016 - Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Composition of Representation Committee (69.8 KiB, 4,997 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 04.04.2016-Review of CSS and CSSS Officers under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CSS Pension Rules, 1972 regarding (72.2 KiB, 1,756 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.03.2016 - Review of CSS and CSSS Officers under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 regarding (263.6 KiB, 2,925 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.03.2016 - Strengthening of administration by periodical review under FR 56(j) - Autonomous Institutions-reg. (62.5 KiB, 7,649 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.03.2016 - Strengthening of administration - Periodical Review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Composition of Representation Committee (71.2 KiB, 2,554 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 19.01.2016 - Review of CSS Officers (Dy. Secretary) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (644.9 KiB, 2,801 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.09.2015 - Review of CSSS Officers (PSO) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (1.0 MiB, 1,708 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.09.2015 - Review of CSSS Officers (PSO) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (108.1 KiB, 2,272 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.09.2015 - Review of Mechanisms to ensure probity among Government servants (26.6 KiB, 4,267 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.09.2015 - Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (127.1 KiB, 2,908 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.03.2014 - Strengthening of administration - Periodical review under FR 56/Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules (153.3 KiB, 1,678 hits)

  O.M. dated 27.02.2014 - Voluntary retirement under FR 56 (k), etc. and amendment of Rules (171.2 KiB, 946 hits)

  Notification dated 17.01.2014 - Amendment to FR 56 (66.8 KiB, 864 hits)

  Extracts of FR 56 (14.01.2011) (222.2 KiB, 1,995 hits)

— Representation Committee

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.03.2024-Periodic Review of employees under FR 56(j),(l) & Rule 42 of Pension Rules-Revised composition of Representation Committee (278.5 KiB, 1,089 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.09.2022-Periodic Review of Employees under FR 56(j)/(l) and Rule 42 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 - Revised Composition of Representation Committee-reg. (30.4 KiB, 1,210 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.08.2020-Periodic Review of Central Govt. Employees under FR 56(j)(I) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (355.8 KiB, 2,387 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020-Periodic Review of Central Government Employees for strengthening of administration under FR 56(j),(l) and Pension Rule 48-Composition of Representation Committee (291.4 KiB, 4,847 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.08.2017-Periodical Review under FR 56 (j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rule-Composition of Representation Committee (66.4 KiB, 1,364 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.06.2016 - Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Composition of Representation Committee (69.8 KiB, 4,997 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.03.2016 - Strengthening of administration - Periodical Review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Composition of Representation Committee (71.2 KiB, 2,554 hits)

Honorarium / Fee 

  CVC Circular dated 05.12.2022 - Grant of honorarium to Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers in the departmental inquiries-reg. (along with DoPT O.M. dated 16.11.2022) (2.0 MiB, 8,602 hits)

  O.M. dated 23.09.2014 - Honorarium to Guest Faculty (702.3 KiB, 2,385 hits)

  O.M. dated 23.06.2014 - Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IOs)/Presenting Officers (PO) (180.6 KiB, 2,664 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2012 - Grant of honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IOs) / Presenting Officers (POs) - Consolidated instructions regarding (206.0 KiB, 1,712 hits)

  O.M. dated 06.07.2012 - Payment of honorarium / fee to Master Trainers and Recognized Trainers for conducting courses sponsored by DOP&T (86.8 KiB, 1,229 hits)

Joining Time Rules

  DoPT's Consolidated Instructions dated 12.09.2022 - Central Civil Services (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 (107.1 KiB, 4,119 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.03.2015-Amendments to the CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 (46.0 KiB, 2,065 hits)

  O.M. dated 17.11.2014 - Amendment of provisions of the CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 (612.9 KiB, 1,139 hits)

  Notification dated 10.03.1989 -Amendment to the CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 (34.8 KiB, 1,292 hits)

  The CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 (Schedule V to FR&SR) (As on DoPT website-04.02.2021) (984.3 KiB, 50,113 hits)


  O.M. dated 26.12.2013 - Consolidated instructions on Technical Resignation and Lien - regarding (143.2 KiB, 5,233 hits)

  Notification dated 09.02.1998 - Amendment to FRs 9(13), 12A, 13, 14A, 14B and 15 - Lien regarding (85.2 KiB, 1,006 hits)

III. SRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions

SR 12

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.09.2022 - Instructions regarding acceptance of fees by employees (other than acceptance of fees by Medical Doctors)- regarding (583.2 KiB, 6,458 hits)

TA Rules

  O.M. dated 10.2.2012 - Concession to persons re-employed in Govt. Service - Payment of Travelling Allowance (976.8 KiB, 1,595 hits)

IV. FRs – Rules/Orders/Instructions (Archive)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.08.2020-Periodic Review of Central Govt. Employees under FR 56(j)(I) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (355.8 KiB, 2,387 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.08.2020-Exercise of Split Option under Saving Clause of FR-22(1)(a)(1) by officers of all grades of Central Sectt. Service (CSS) cadre (77.5 KiB, 4,514 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020-Protection of pay consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre through DR under FR 22(B)(1) in the 7th CPC scenario (229.1 KiB, 3,852 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.08.2020-Periodic Review of Central Government Employees for strengthening of administration under FR 56(j),(l) and Pension Rule 48-Composition of Representation Committee (291.4 KiB, 4,847 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.01.2020 - Review of PPS/PPS (ad-hoc) of CSSS under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (132.8 KiB, 5,192 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.12.2019 - Review of PPS/PPS (ad-hoc) of CSSS under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (157.1 KiB, 5,285 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.11.2019 - Review of PPS/PPS (ad-hoc) of CSSS under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (324.6 KiB, 1,484 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.08.2019 - Review of Performance of Group-I Officers of CSS (DS/Director) under FR 56 (j) and Rule 48 of CSS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (468.6 KiB, 1,209 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.06.2019 - Strengthening of administration - Periodic review of Central Government Employees under Fundamental Rule (FR) 56(j)/(I) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (97.9 KiB, 4,610 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 28.02.2019 - Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 in the context of CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 (172.4 KiB, 7,637 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.11.2018 - Amendment to FR 22 (I) (92.7 KiB, 7,135 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.08.2018 - Amendment to FR56 (age of superannuation of Doctors as 62) (1.7 MiB, 6,899 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.01.2018 - Amendment to FR56(bb) - regarding (49.4 KiB, 4,828 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.08.2017-Periodical Review under FR 56 (j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rule-Composition of Representation Committee (66.4 KiB, 1,364 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.03.2017 - Amendment to FRs56 (39.9 KiB, 6,698 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 31.03.2017-Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)-clarification regarding (102.2 KiB, 7,154 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.01.2017-Review of CSSS Officers in the grade of PA under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CSS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (Reminder) (139.7 KiB, 1,635 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.11.2016 - Review of CSSS Officers in the Grade of Private Secretary (PS) and PA under FR(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (55.7 KiB, 7,190 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.08.2016 - Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the Pension Rules-Composition of Representation Committee (66.6 KiB, 5,877 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.06.2016 - Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Composition of Representation Committee (69.8 KiB, 4,997 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 04.04.2016-Review of CSS and CSSS Officers under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CSS Pension Rules, 1972 regarding (72.2 KiB, 1,756 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.03.2016 - Review of CSS and CSSS Officers under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 regarding (263.6 KiB, 2,925 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.03.2016 - Strengthening of administration by periodical review under FR 56(j) - Autonomous Institutions-reg. (62.5 KiB, 7,649 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 01.03.2016 - Strengthening of administration - Periodical Review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Composition of Representation Committee (71.2 KiB, 2,554 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 19.01.2016 - Review of CSS Officers (Dy. Secretary) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (644.9 KiB, 2,801 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.09.2015 - Review of CSSS Officers (PSO) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (1.0 MiB, 1,708 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 22.09.2015 - Review of CSSS Officers (PSO) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972-reg. (108.1 KiB, 2,272 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.09.2015 - Review of Mechanisms to ensure probity among Government servants (26.6 KiB, 4,267 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.09.2015 - Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (127.1 KiB, 2,908 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 16.04.2015 -Clarification regarding application of FR 49 - regarding (39.6 KiB, 2,545 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.01.2015 - Ntfn. dated 02.01.2015 for further amendment of FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (26.4 KiB, 4,181 hits)

  Notification dated 02.01.2015 - Amendment to FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (96.9 KiB, 3,843 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.09.2014 - Re-constitution of DPRC for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (D/o DRD) (37.1 KiB, 565 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.09.2014 - Grant of extension/re-employment to Central Government servants beyond the age of superannuation (42.6 KiB, 578 hits)

  O.M. dated 23.09.2014 - Honorarium to Guest Faculty (702.3 KiB, 2,385 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 26.06.2014 - Applicability of FR 22(I)(a)(1), etc. (130.2 KiB, 1,368 hits)

  O.M. dated 23.06.2014 - Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IOs)/Presenting Officers (PO) (180.6 KiB, 2,664 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.05.2014-Re-constitution of DPRC for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation(D/o E&IT) (27.9 KiB, 898 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.03.2014 - Strengthening of administration - Periodical review under FR 56/Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules (153.3 KiB, 1,678 hits)

  O.M. dated 05.03.2014 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering the cases of extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (35.2 KiB, 789 hits)

  O.M. dated 27.02.2014 - Voluntary retirement under FR 56 (k), etc. and amendment of Rules (171.2 KiB, 946 hits)

  Notification dated 17.01.2014 - Amendment to FR 56 (66.8 KiB, 864 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.12.2013 - Restrictions of officiating pay under FR 35 - clarification (34.7 KiB, 773 hits)

  O.M. dated 11.12.2013 - Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 - Clarification regarding (38.2 KiB, 740 hits)

  O.M. dated 10.12.2013 – Ntfn. for amendment of FR 29(2) - Imposition of penalty of reduction to lower grade/post/time-scale (115.5 KiB, 750 hits)

  Notification dated 27.10.2013 - Amendment to Rule 29(2) of Fundamental Rules, 1922 (65.4 KiB, 668 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.07.2013 - Re-constitution of DPRC for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation(DSIR) (44.4 KiB, 534 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.06.2013 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (D/o Sc.& IR) (34.2 KiB, 773 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.06.2013 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation (MoE&F) (31.8 KiB, 676 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.06.2013 - Re-constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering cases for extension of service of Scientists (Min. of Earth Sciences) (34.2 KiB, 690 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.06.2013 - Constitution of the Committee for extension of service of Scientists beyond 62 years and up to 64 years of age (49.5 KiB, 738 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2012 - Grant of honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IOs) / Presenting Officers (POs) - Consolidated instructions regarding (206.0 KiB, 1,712 hits)

  O.M. dated 06.07.2012 - Payment of honorarium / fee to Master Trainers and Recognized Trainers for conducting courses sponsored by DOP&T (86.8 KiB, 1,229 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.05.2011 - Grant of extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation - Issue of instructions regarding (93.1 KiB, 1,199 hits)

  Extracts of FR 56 (14.01.2011) (222.2 KiB, 1,995 hits)

  Notification dated 21.01.2010 - Amendment to FR 49(iv) (56.3 KiB, 942 hits)

  Notification dated 26.10.2010 - Amendment to FR 56 (333.5 KiB, 952 hits)

  Notification dated 26.05.2010 - Amendment to FR 56 (363.8 KiB, 958 hits)

  Extracts of FR 56 (As on 30.6.2009) (1.3 MiB, 1,947 hits)

  Notification dated 17.10.2007 - Amendment to FR 56 (234.4 KiB, 909 hits)

  Notification dated 15.01.2007 - Amendment to FR 56 (1.0 MiB, 1,029 hits)

  Notification dated 29.05.2006 - Amendment to FR 56 (173.8 KiB, 782 hits)

  Notification dated 27.09.2005 - Amendment to FR 56 (26.6 KiB, 718 hits)

  Notification dated 30.01.2001 - Amendment to FR 22 (211.6 KiB, 883 hits)

  Notification dated 09.02.1998 - Amendment to FRs 9(13), 12A, 13, 14A, 14B and 15 - Lien regarding (85.2 KiB, 1,006 hits)

  Notification dated 30.08.1989 - Amendment to FRs (400.1 KiB, 824 hits)

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