DA increase by 6%; 7th CPC; Take timely action to avoid prolonging of cases: Govt to departments
LTC: Centre Allows Non-entitled Employees To Travel By Air
7th Pay Commission: If not hefty pay hike, govt likely to restore allowances
Share insights and pictures on return from LTC trip, Govt tells employees
Maharashtra first state to grant 180 days maternity leave in surrogacy cases
More …
Go to NEWS.
- DoPT O.M. dated 16.03.2016-Court orders against GOI instructions on service matters-consultation with Min. of Law & DoPT on question of filing appeals
- >>> Other Govt. Orders/Circulars
- DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2016 – CCS (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 – Fulfillment of procedural requirements >>> LTC Rules
- Highlights of Railway Budget 2016-17 (As on MOR website-25.02.2016) • Economic Survey 2015-16 –Please click here.
- CVC Circular dated 18.01.2016 – Timely completion of disciplinary proceedings/departmental inquiry proceedings-improving vigilance administration >>> > DoPT’s Vigilance-Related Orders
- MOF O.M. dated 05.01.2016 – Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Govt. of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries
- DoPT Notification dated 21.12.2015 – Amendments to the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 >>> AIS – Rules/Circulars

– DA increase by 6%
– 7th Pay Commission
– Take timely action to avoid prolonging of cases: Government to departments
Mar 17, 2016
NEW DELHI: All central government departments have been asked to take timely action at each stage of a litigation and take unified stand in defending them so as to avoid prolonging of cases filed by employees. …
LTC: Centre Allows Non-entitled Employees To Travel By Air
March 08, 2016
New Delhi: All non-entitled central government employees have been allowed to travel by air while availing Leave Travel Concession (LTC) with a condition that reimbursement in such cases shall be restricted to the fare of their entitled class of train or actual expense. …
You may like to click on any of the following links:-
* Latest DOPT / CVC / RTI / MOF / CGHS / DPE Orders/Circulars
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* Right to Information (RTI) – Rules/Orders/Circulars
* Decisions of Central Information Commission – Section-Wise
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7th Pay Commission: If not hefty pay hike, govt likely to restore allowances
March 7, 2016
New Delhi: Some good news for government employees anticipating Centre’s response to their demands on salary hike! As per reports, government may agree to reinstate some of the allowances that were subsumed by the 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations. …
Rail Budget 2016: Highlights
Feb 25, 2016
NEW DELHI: Presenting his second budget, Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on Thursday unveiled pillars of strategy that would reflect the new thought process for the railways. Here are the highlights of the Rail Budget 2016 …
Share insights and pictures on return from LTC trip, Govt tells employees : Feb 22, 2016
New Delhi. The Central Government employees may be encouraged to share interesting insights and pictures, if any, of the destination he/she visited while availing LTC, on an appropriate forum. (cf. para 5 of the DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2016).
To remove the bottlenecks in the processing of the LTC claims, it has been decided by the Department of Personnel & Training to simplify the procedure of application and make the procedure of processing of LTC claims time-bound. The following time-limits shall be followed while processing the LTC applications/claims of the Government servants.
S.No. Course of action Time limit
1 Leave Sanction 5 working days + 3 working days*
2 Sanction of LTC advance/ 5 working days + 3 working days*
Leave Encashment
3 Time taken by Administration 10 working days + 3 working days*
for verification of LTC claim
after the LTC bill is submitted by
the Government employee for
4 Time taken by DDO 5 working days + 3 working days*
5 Time taken by PAO 5 working days + 3 working days*
* (a) Additional 3 days transit-time may be allowed where the place of posting of the Government employees is away from their Headquarters. The Government employee may proceed on LTC after action on S.No.1.
(b) Efforts should be made to reduce the duration of processing of LTC application/claims at the earliest. The maximum time limit should be strictly adhered to and non-compliance of time limit should be adequately explained.
The Government servants are required to inform their Controlling Officer before the journey(ies) on LTC to be undertaken.
It has been decided by that Department that the Leave Sanctioning Authority shall obtain a self-certification from the employee regarding the proposed LTC journey. The pro forma for self-certification has been annexed to the aforesaid DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2016.
It has also been decided by that Department that whenever a Government servant applies for LTC, he/she may be provided with a copy of the guidelines (enclosed with the aforesaid O.M. dated 18.02.2016) which needs to be followed while availing LTC.
More: DoPT O.M. dated 18.02.2016 – CCS (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 – Fulfillment of procedural requirements >>> LTC Rules
Note:- The above information is for general information only and may not be construed as legal advice. It is also subject to the Disclaimer of

Maharashtra first state to grant 180 days maternity leave in surrogacy cases
Jan 21, 2016
Maharashtra will be the first state in the country where women employees in government jobs can avail up to 180 days’ maternity leave while having a baby through surrogacy. …

New rule limits babus’ foreign trips to four a year
Jan 15, 2016
NEW DELHI: Bureaucrats can go on a maximum of four overseas trips in a year, the finance ministry has directed in fresh guidelines which also say secretaries should only undertake foreign travel when no one else can be deputed. …
No quota in promotion in PSU banks: SC
Jan 9, 2016
NEW DELHI: Exactly a year after holding that officers belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes can claim reservation in promotion from level 1 to level VI grade, the Supreme Court on Friday admitted that it had committed a mistake while passing the verdict and clarified that there can be no reservation in promotion. …
No suspension of IAS officers without PM nod
Dec 31, 2015
NEW DELHI: IAS officers working under the central government can now be placed under suspension only with approval of the Prime Minister, according to new All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Amendment Rules, 2015. …
More: DoPT Notification dated 21.12.2015 – Amendments to the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 >>> AIS – Rules/Circulars

Government Considers Gratuity To Employees Under National Pension System
December 22, 2015
New Delhi: Government is considering a proposal to provide gratuity to its employees covered under National Pension System (NPS) on retirement, Parliament was informed today. …
Why implementing the Seventh Pay Commission recommendation is a herculean challenge
20 Dec, 2015
Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, a former Supreme Court judge and chairman of the Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC), has returned to his home town Jodhpur in Rajasthan after spending two years in Delhi and submitting a 900-page humongous report recommending a hike in pay, allowances and pension for 47 lakh government employees and 52 lakh pensioners. …

Central govt employees to enjoy adventure activities; tourism to grow
Central government employees will now enjoy adventure tourism, under special casual leave, granted by the Government of India …
December 9, 2015

Non-gazetted posts: In line with PM’s resolve, only online tests
December 1, 2015
A month after Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared his government’s resolve to do away with interviews for non-gazetted jobs in the central government from January 1, online tests are set to replace the objective-type written examinations as a “viable and practical alternative”. …
All 50000 retiring babus in 2016 to get dues, pension orders on day of retirement
Nov 27, 2015
NEW DELHI: Remember the iconic scene in the Munnabhai sequel of movies where a senior citizen strips in an office to get his pension? Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) Jitendra Singh did not have to do that but did concede on Thursday that he too had to wait for a year for his pension to start after taking voluntary retirement. …
RTI replies should be timely, transparent and trouble-free: PM Modi
16 October 2015
“RTI replies should be timely, transparency and trouble- free. It will help in reducing possibilities of errors,” he said at the function which was boycotted by leading RTI activists, including Aruna Roy, after authorities restricted the invitations to some activists citing security reasons. …
Now, retired babus to probe serving ones in the govt
Oct 9, 2015
NEW DELHI: It is often seen that departmental enquiries against government servants involved in illegal activities don’t make much headway. However, to make sure that enquiries are conducted in a fair manner, the government has decided to engage retired officers with “impeccable integrity” and a “clean service record” to probe serving officers. …
Spouses may mislead, say bureaucrats against asset disclosure norms
Oct 09, 2015
Security fears, dowry demands and the possibility of their spouses giving misleading information about their assets were some of the reasons cited by desperate bureaucrats trying to avoid disclosing their as well as immediate family’s wealth. …
Verify employees service 5 years before retirement: Government to departments
September 21, 2015
All central government departments have been asked to verify services of employees working under them mandatorily five years before retirement in order to check delay in processing pension cases. …
Government forms expert panel to review civil services exam pattern
Sep 27, 2015
NEW DELHI: An expert committee has been formed by the government to examine various issues related to age relaxation, eligibility, syllabus and pattern of civil services examination to select IAS and IPS officers. …
More: DPPW O.M. dated 16.09.2015 – Verification of qualifying service after 18 years service and 5 years before retirement >>> Pension Rules
Government to compulsorily retire officers with bad reputation or inefficient
Sep 17, 2015
NEW DELHI: Sending a clear message that inefficiency or a bad reputation on account of probity would mean retirement kicking in almost a decade in advance for senior government officials, the Narendra Modi government has now strengthened the review processes to compulsorily retire such officers. …
More: DoPT O.M. dated 14.09.2015 – Review of Mechanisms to ensure probity among Government servants * DoPT O.M. dated 11.09.2015 – Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 >>> FRs/SRs
Treat paramilitary forces as organized services: HC
Sep 4, 2015
NEW DELHI: In a landmark verdict which will benefit thousands of Group A paramilitary personnel, the Delhi High Court Thursday paved the way for their smooth career progression by declaring them to be “organized services.”.…
Don’t complain directly to PM, officers told
Sep 2, 2015
With many officers, including those from the Army and paramilitary forces, continuing to address representations on service matters directly to the prime minister and ministers, the department of personnel and training (DoPT) has reiterated a June 2013 order prescribing disciplinary action against such officers. …
More: DoPT O.M. dated 31.08.2015 – Representation from Government servant on service matters – reiteration of instructions-regarding >>> Acts and Rules
Lokpal Act: Government servants can file revised assets details by October 15
12 Jul, 2015
NEW DELHI: All central government employees will have to file revised details of their assets and liabilities by October 15 this year under the provisions of the Lokpal Act. …
Delhi too hot? 56 IAS officers opt for states, just 4 come to Centre
Jul 10, 2015
NEW DELHI: At least 56 IAS officers have left their central postings prematurely for their respective state cadres since May 2014 when the Narendra Modi-led BJP government took office. …

Officials dispatched to states to inspect toilets in schools
Jul 9, 2015
NEW DELHI: Over 300 senior officials of Central government of the rank of director and deputy secretary have been dispatched to states for “spot inspection” of toilets in schools and they have been asked to submit the report by next week. …
Babus flying abroad must give fund info
Jul 1, 2015
NEW DELHI: If you are a central government official planning a trip abroad, henceforth, you will have to let your employer know whether you handle large amounts of cash or if your department is privy to sensitive information. …
UPSC allows blind candidates to use scribes
June 21, 2015
Candidates suffering from blindness, locomotor disability and cerebral palsy can use scribes to write civil services preliminary and main examination, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has said. …
Government employees to participate in Yoga Day event
Jun 14, 2015
NEW DELHI: A large number of central government employees are expected to participate in International Yoga Day celebrations to be held at Rajpath on June 21 here, to make the event a grand success. …
Beno Zephine becomes first 100% blind officer in IFS
Jun 15, 2015
CHENNAI: The phone hasn’t stopped ringing since the night of June 12 for NL Beno Zephine. …
Mystery of the missing IAS dozen
New Delhi, June 13: Twelve IAS officers have been “missing” from the country for years and are believed to be surreptitiously working with private organisations abroad for more lucrative pay packets. …
30% IPS Officers Ignore Property Disclosure
June 5, 2015
New Delhi: More than 30% officers of Indian Police Service (IPS) and about 15% officers of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) have not disclosed details of their immovable property for the year 2014, according to government data. …
Centre relaxes gift policy for babus
April 20, 2015
NEW DELHI: Civil servants can now accept gifts up to Rs 25,000 from relatives and personal friends on occasions such as weddings etc, without reporting the same to the government. …
More: DoPT Notification dated 10.04.2015 – Amendments to Rule 11 of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968 >>> AIS – Rules/Circulars
Centre can no longer stall trial of corrupt babus
Apr 18, 2015
NEW DELHI: The Central Vigilance Commission has amended the process of granting sanction to fast-track trial against government officials under probe by CBI and other agencies for corruption charges, reducing delays in deciding on such requests. …
Rotate officials to prevent leaks: Home ministry
Apr 13, 2015
NEW DELHI: The home ministry has asked all ministries and departments to carry out periodic rotation of officials among different sections in order to prevent leak of sensitive information. …
Private mail in government office: India finally acts
March 3, 2015
Officials in the government using private emails without even understanding the consequences has become a common practice. …
Don’t deny leave to disabled employees: Government tells departments
26 February 2015
“Any leave debited for the period after a government servant is declared incapacitated shall be remitted back into his or her leave account,” the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) said in an order. Leave applied on medical certificate in connection with disability of a government employee should not be refused or revoked, the Centre has said. …
More: DOPT O.M. dated 25.02.2015 – Amendment to the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 – PWD Act, 1995-regarding >>> Leave Rules
Govt bans Gmail for official work, to monitor staff’s online activities
28 Feb, 2015
NEW DELHI: The government will be monitoring online activities of bureaucrats on official computers, block content which it feels is adversely affecting the productivity of the babus and also have a right to delete e-mails or internet history on such computers after intimating the user. …
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