Yoga guru fined $6.5 million for sexual harassment
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Sexual harassment: SC Judgment dated 18.12.2014 – Additional District and Sessions Judge ‘X’ Vs. Registrar General, High Court of Madhya Pradesh and others – “The Chief Justice of the High Court, having assumed a firm position, in respect of certain facts contained in the complaint filed by the petitioner, ought not to be associated with the “inhouse procedure” in the present case. …” >>> Supreme Court Judgements

Yoga guru fined $6.5 million for sexual harassment
Jan 27, 2016
WASHINGTON: After ordering celebrity yoga guru Bikram Choudhury to pay $924,500 in compensatory damages in a lawsuit for sexually harassing and firing a female employee, a US court has told Choudhury to pay $6.47 million in punitive damages. …
IAS officer arrested for raping, molesting minor girls
March 20, 2015
A 58-year-old IAS officer has been arrested for allegedly raping and molesting four minor girls, police said on Friday. …
You may like to click on any of the following links:-
* Latest DOPT/CVC/RTI/MOF/CGHS/DPE OrdersCirculars
* Sexual Harassment – Govt. Orders/Circulars
* The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
* Vigilance Clearance
* Right to Information (RTI) – Rules/ Notifications/Circulars/Guidelines (Subject-Wise)
* Decisions of Central Information Commission – Section-Wise
* CGHS Circulars/Empanelled Hospitals/Package Rates
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