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RTI: Haryana Information Commission rules that Students can seek Photocopies of Answer Sheets …


Haryana Information Commission rules that Students can seek Photocopies of Answer Sheets
Compensation to be paid by teacher, school if kids subjected to corporal punishment
Info panel fines ‘arrogant’ officer
High Court seeks Centre’s reply on notary’s plea against CIC order
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Haryana Information Commission rules that Students can seek Photocopies of Answer Sheets

Amit University Students awaken patriotic poems of the Nation (Image Courtesy: Amity.edu)
Amit University Students awaken patriotic poems of the Nation (Image Courtesy: Amity.edu)

New Delhi. August 12 (ENA). State Information Commission of Haryana has ruled that students seeking photocopies of their answer sheets under the Right to Information (RTI) Act cannot be denied permission by universities.

According to the ruling of the information commission even if university rules don’t permit the distribution of photocopies of answer sheets to students on demand, the rules under the RTI Act supersedes any university rule thereby giving students the right to demand and get photocopies of their answer sheets. …

Compensation to be paid by teacher, school if kids subjected to corporal punishment 

    School should be made a place of pleasant learning for kids, free from assaults and humiliations.
School should be made a place of pleasant learning for kids, free from assaults and humiliations. (Pixabay Image)

July 25, 2016 : Dtf.in

The Central Information Commission (CIC) has on last Friday held that the teacher and the school also shall be liable to pay compensation to the injured child according to law.
As per the order of the Information Commissioner, the denial of information by the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) was unwarranted.
The information was denied by the CPIO on the ground that it was third party information. The applicant submitted that he needed the information so that his daughter could secure custody of children in her marital dispute against husband Yagya Dutt Arya. The Information Commissioner has decided that “Even if Section 8(1)(j) is assumed to be invoked, the school should have considered that imposing corporal punishment on children is against several laws including Juvenile Justice Act, 2000, is a public wrong, its disclosure has relationship with public activity and it will be in public interest, the revelation of which would not cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the individual, besides larger public interest is involved in disclosure only.”
The Information Commissioner has, inter alia, passed the following order:-

“28. The teacher and the school also shall be liable to pay compensation to the injured child according to law. The Commission directs the KVS, headquarters and regional directors to voluntarily disclose whether they have framed policy as advised by the NCPCR to eliminate the corporal punishment in their schools, details of incidents of corporal punishments and action taken against liable teachers, compensation to be paid and amount of compensation paid to the victims etc, every year, beginning with 2015-16, within three months. The Commission recommends that each school shall publish such a report every year, which shall be the model for other school. It will go a long way in making school a place of pleasant learning free from assaults and humiliations. The KVS also should have a policy of paying some amount as compensation to the victim children and that amount should be deducted from the salary of liable teacher. The public authority is directed to collect details of teachers punished for corporal assaults on children including the case of Mr. Yagya Dutt Arya. The Commission directs the KVS headquarters to circulate copy of this order to all schools and regional offices. Disposed of.”

See CIC Order dated 22.07.2016 >>> CIC Decision dated 22.07.2016 on Appeal filed by Bhramanand Mishra Vs. PIO, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan, Lucknow
[Sections 4(1)(a) & 8(1)(j); RTE Act, JJ Act; Art. 21,21A & 39(e) of the Constitution of India; Inquiry Report, School] >>> CIC Decisions

Consumer Forum

Info panel fines ‘arrogant’ officer

Jul 17, 2016
Chandigarh: Taking cognizance of “carelessness and arrogance” of a senior woman officer of Haryana labour department in dealing with an RTI application, the state information commission has imposed a penalty of Rs 25,000 on her. …

High Court seeks Centre’s reply on notary’s plea against CIC order

In the interim, the court extended till the next date the time for payment of the first installment of the penalty and also stayed CIC’s direction to the notary to pay Rs 1000 as compensation to RTI applicant Nand Lal.
July 7, 2016
New Delhi, Jul 7 : Delhi High Court has sought the Centre’s response on a notary’s plea challenging Central Information Commission’s (CIC) order declaring her to be a deemed Public Information Officer (PIO) and imposing a fine of Rs 25,000 for not furnishing records sought under RTI. Apart from the Centre, Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva also issued notice to the RTI applicant, who had under the Right to Information Act (RTI) sought details of attestations made by the notary from 2008 to 2013, seeking his reply by the next date of hearing on July 13. In the interim, the court extended till the next date the time for payment of the first installment of the penalty and also stayed CIC’s direction to the notary to pay Rs 1000 as compensation to RTI applicant Nand Lal. …

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Report CardGovt asks all departments to upload report cards on websites every month

Jun 27, 2016
This small step could go a long way to raise the transparency bar.
The Modi government has told all central departments to go public with a report card of its activities and achievements on a monthly basis. …

Training on RTIComing soon: IGNOU to offer diploma course on Right to Information

Jun 11, 2016
In order to encourage people to understand societal relevance of the Right to Information Act and its nuances, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has decided to introduce certificate and diploma courses in the subject. …

Right to Information

Private colleges, schools under RTI ambit

Shimla, June 9, 2016
To ensure transparency in the functioning of private educational institutions, the government has decided to bring all private colleges, senior secondary and high schools under the RTI Act 2005 with immediate effect. However, the Act will not cover medical and nursing colleges and schools affiliated to the CBSE and the ICSE. …

CIC wants RTI activist punished for misuse of law

Apr 21, 2016
NEW DELHI: In an unusual move, the Central Information Commission (CIC) has recommended action against an RTI applicant for misusing the law to harass his colleagues in a Delhi college.

CIC bans appearance of lawyer, HC stays order

Apr 3, 2016
New Delhi, Apr 3 () An Information Commissioner has “banned” the appearance of a counsel for the External Affairs Ministry before his bench on the ground that he was not discharging his duties as an advocate, an order which has been stayed by the Delhi High Court. …

Osmania University PIO fined 10,000 for failure to reply to query

May 24, 2016
Hyderabad: The Public Information Officer (PIO) of Osmania University was fined Rs 25,000 on Monday, for “non compliance” of Telangana Information Commission’s orders and for his failure to provide information to the appellant even after six months. …

Huda official delays RTI reply, fined 25,000

May 15, 2016|
Gurgaon: The chief information commissioner of Haryana has imposed a penalty of Rs 25,000 on estate officer-II of Huda, Gurgaon for delaying a piece of information sought under the RTI Act for over 11 months. …

Officials reduce RTI Act to a farce?

Apr 17, 2016
Hyderabad: The Right to Information Act (RTI) has been enacted with a lofty goal of ensuring transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority and is considered a powerful instrument in the hands of citizens to expose corruption.

Central Information Commission does away with need of hard copies for online appeals

March 15, 2016
New Delhi: In a major procedural change, the Central Information Commission has done away with the mandatory provision of sending signed hard copy of appeals through post even though the appellant approached it online. …

Ministers are answerable under RTI Act, Central Information Commission says

Mar 13, 2016
NEW DELHI: Ministers in the Union and state cabinets are “public authorities” liable to answer public questions addressed to them under the Right to Information Act, the Central Information Commission has ruled. …

Penny wise, pound foolish? New CIC resurrects Rs 2 absurdity of RTI Act  

Feb 15, 2016
Should a government department spend Rs 27 to get an RTI applicant to pay a fee of Rs 8?

Yes, said chief information commissioner RK Mathur in a controversial decision this week, overruling a “common sense” decision delivered by his predecessor, Satyananda Mishra. …

Don’t disclose students’ information without consulting parents: CIC    

In a warning to the RTI applicant, Acharyulu said, “The Commission records its admonition against the appellant for misuse of RTI against the school child and warns him against such misuse in future.
January 26, 2016
The Commission admonished the principal of RD Public School and Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) of Directorate of Education (DoE) of Delhi government for disclosing information about a student to his relatives who had a dispute with the student’s family. …

Disclosure of Govt Email IDs National Security Threat: CIC   

New Delhi | Jan 03, 2016
Email IDs of all government officials cannot be provided under the Right to Information Act as it could cause a serious security threat, the Central Information Commission has ruled. …

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