Home » Civil Services Rules » Central Pay Commission » SERVICES: Discontinuance of overtime allowance except for operational staff; SC/ST quota in promotions also applies to states; Private Sector Professionals Can Be Bureaucrats; Medical Reimbursement …
Services News

SERVICES: Discontinuance of overtime allowance except for operational staff; SC/ST quota in promotions also applies to states; Private Sector Professionals Can Be Bureaucrats; Medical Reimbursement …

Discontinuance of overtime allowance except for operational staff
SC/ST quota in promotions also applies to states: Centre
Private Sector Professionals Can Be Bureaucrats, 10 Senior Posts Open
CGHS: Consideration of medical reimbursement claims in excess of approved rates; High Powered Committee for Grievance redressal pertaining to medical claims
More …

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7th Central Pay CommissionDiscontinuance of overtime allowance except for operational staff

June 26, 2018 : Dtf.in
According to the Department of Personnel & Trg.’s O.M. dated 19.06.2018, it has been clarified by the Dept. of Expenditure that the Government has decided that given the rise in the pay over the years, the recommendations of the 7th CPC to discontinue OTA for categories other than Operational Staff and industrial employees who are governed by statutory provisions may be accepted. Accordingly, it has been decided to implement the aforesaid decision of the Government on Overtime Allowance across all the Ministries/ Departments and attached and subordinate office of the Government of India. The following definition shall be used to define Operational Staff.
“All non-ministerial non-gazetted Central Government servants directly involved in smooth operation of the office including those tasked with operation of some electrical or mechanical equipment.”
The concerned Administration Wing of the Ministries/ Departments will prepare a list of operational Staff with full justification based on the above parameters for inclusion of a particular category of staff in the list of operational staff with the approval of JS (Admn.) and Financial Adviser of the concerned Ministry / Department. The grant of OTA may be linked to biometric attendance subject to the conditions mentioned below.
“a)  OTA should be paid only when his/ her senior officer directs the concerned employee(s) in writing for staying back in office to attend urgent nature of work.
b) The OTA will be calculated on the basis of biometric attendance.
c) The OTA for Staff Car Drivers should be linked with biometric system as normally, the designated parking is allotted in the office building. However,  in cases where the parking lot is provided far from  office,  the  Staff  Car  Driver would mark his/ her attendance wJ:t.ile leaving from his office and a grace time of not exceeding 2 hours should be allowed to cover the distance travelled after leaving office, including the µme to drop the officer and then  reaching  the parking  In such cases, calculation can be  done from log books, duly verified by the officer concerned.
d) The OTA to field officials should be calculated on the basis of biometric attendance, as normally, such officers are given facility of official transport to attend the field work. Such officers are supposed to report in office before proceeding to field. In cases, where officials are required to attend the field work directly from home, they may be extended facility of official transport from home in lieu of transport allowance and OTA may be given on the basis of the log book of that vehicle, duly verified by their senior officers.”

To see copy of the DoPT O.M. dated 19.06.2018, please click here. >>> Pay & Allowances-Orders

Reservation NewsSC/ST quota in promotions also applies to states: Centre

Jun 14, 2018
NEW DELHI: The personnel department will issue a direction to all states to follow reservation for SC/STs in promotions in government jobs, Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan said on Wednesday, announcing a decision taken by an informal group of ministers.
Paswan said the Supreme Court’s nod to the Centre to resume quotas in promotions will be applicable to government jobs at the Centre and in states. “There was some confusion following queries as to whether the SC’s direction will be applicable only to the Central government. There is no confusion now. Both the Centre and states will follow the procedure of reservation in promotion,” the minister said. …

ExecutivesPrivate Sector Professionals Can Be Bureaucrats, 10 Senior Posts Open

The notification from the Department of Personnel Training says it is looking for 10 “outstanding individuals” who are willing to contribute towards nation building.
June 10, 2018
New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government has now opened the doors of bureaucracy to skilled people from the private sector, inviting applications for 10 senior-level posts. The post of the joint secretary — crucial to policy making and implementation of government programmes — is filled by career bureaucrats, who usually join the service after passing exams conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.
The idea of lateral entry into bureaucracy has been under discussion on and off for years, but this is the first time it has been acted upon. The government has said it is keen on it to bring in “fresh ideas and new approaches to governance”. …

CGHS: Consideration of medical reimbursement claims in excess of approved rates; High Powered Committee for Grievance redressal pertaining to medical claims

May 26, 2018 : DTF.in

Consideration of medical reimbursement claims in excess of approved rates

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare have issued instructions in modification of the instructions, contained in para 2 of its O.M. No.4-18/2005- C&P [Vol. 1-Pt (1)], dated the 20th February 2009, as under:

a) The requests for full reimbursement which fall under the following defined criteria shall be examined by Directorate General of CGHS and submitted to AS&DG (CGHS) for consideration of approval. After the recommendation of AS&DG (CGHS), the concurrence of Internal Finance Division and approval of Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are required for reimbursement in excess of CGHS rates:

1)  Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency and the patient was admitted by others when the beneficiary was unconscious or severely incapacitated and was hospitalized for a prolonged period.
2)  Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency and was admitted for prolonged period for treatment of Head Injury, Coma , Septicemia, Multi­ organ failure , etc.
3)  Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency for treatment of advanced malignancy.
4)  Treatment was taken under emergency in higher type of accommodation as rooms as per his/her entitlement are not available during that period.
5)  Treatment was taken in higher type of accommodation under specific conditions for isolation of patients to avoid contacting infections
6)  Treatment was obtained in a pri vate unrecognized  hospital  under emergency when there is a strike in Govt. hospitals.
7)  Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency while on official tour to non-CGHS covered area.

b) The requests from CGHS beneficiaries, having a valid CGHS Card at the time of treatment, in respect of the following conditions shall be considered by a High Powered Committee constituted by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare:

(i)  Settlement of medical claims in relaxation of rules
(ii)  Approval for air-fare with or without attendant on the advice of treating doctor for treatment in another city even though he/she is not eligible for air travel / treatment facilities are available in city of residence
(iii)  Representations from  CGHS  beneficiaries  seeking  full  reimbursements  under special Circumstances, which are not notified.

c) The other terms and conditions mentioned in the OM No.4-18/2005- C&P[Vol. 1-Pt(l)] dated the 20th February 2009 shall remain unchanged.

MoH&FW O.M. dated 22.05.2018 – Relaxation of Rules for consideration of reimbursement in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims >>> CGHS Circulars

High Powered Committee for Grievance redressal pertaining to medical claims

A High Powered Committee for Grievance redressal of CGHS beneficiaries pertaining to their medical claims has been constituted by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in compliance of the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in their Judgement in the WP(Civil) No. 694 of 2015 filed by Sh. Shiva Kant Jha Vs Uol delivered on 13th April 2018, as per the details given under:

i. Special Director  General   ………………………………………………Chairperson
ii. Directorate General, CGHS or his nominee ……………………. Member
iii. Additional Director, CGHS(HQ) / …………………………………Member
      Addl. DDG(HQ), CGHS
iv. Addl. Director, CGHS(R&H) …………………………………………Member Secretary
v. One Government Specialist ……………………………………………Member 
(of concerned Speciality)    

2. The High Powered Committee shall however, consider the representations of only those CGHS beneficiaries having a valid CGHS Card.
3. High Powered Committee shall meet once in a month and action on the decisions taken shall be completed within seven days of meeting, with the concurrence of the IFD, wherever, it is deemed necessary.
4. The High Powered Committee shall consider the grievances pertaining to the settlement of medical claims of CGHS beneficiaries holding a valid CGHS card at the time of treatment and to examine the requests pertaining to approval of reimbursement under the following conditions:

a) Settlement of medical claims in relaxation of rules
b) Approval for air-fare with or without attendant on the advice of treating doctor for treatment in  another  city  even  though  he/she is  not  eligible  for  air  travel / treatment facilities are available in city of residence
c) Representations from CGHS beneficiaries seeking full reimbursement under special Circumstances, which are not notified.

MoH&FW O.M. No.Z.15025/38/2018 /DIR/CGHS/EHS dated 22nd May, 2018 – Constitution of High Powered Committee for Grievance redressal of CGHS beneficiaries  pertaining to medical claims >>> CGHS Circulars

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* Latest DOPT / CVC / RTI / MOF / CGHS / DPE Orders/Circulars
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* Latest DOPT/CVC/RTI/MOF/CGHS/DPE Orders/Circulars
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* Right to Information (RTI) – Rules/Orders/Circulars
* Decisions of Central Information Commission – Section-Wise 
* CGHS Circulars/Empanelled Hospitals/Package Rates

IAS officers may get cadre only after course

Times of India
May 21, 2018
NEW DELHI: The PMO wants a major change in the policy related to allocation of services and cadre for 1,000-odd candidates selected every year in All India Civil Services Examination + . It has suggested that their cadre and services should be allocated only after the three-month foundation course. …

Anubhav Awardees 2017 (Image Credit: DPPW website)
Anubhav Awardees 2017 (Image Credit: DPPW website)

No selfies please, this is a pension form, government tells retiring employees

Times of India
May 14, 2018 
NEW DELHI: Selfies can’t be used as photographs in pension forms, the personnel ministry has told central government employees readying for retirement. 
Issuing a fresh set of dos and don’ts for civil pensioners, the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has also ruled out photographs with coloured and dark glasses and long hair covering the eyes. …

Medical Reimbursement Claims of pensioners cannot be denied merely because treatment was in non-empanelled hospital: SC

MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS OF PENSIONERS: The Supreme Court has decided that in the facts and circumstances of the case, they are of opinion that the treatment of the petitioner in non-empanelled hospital was genuine because there was no option left with him at the relevant time. The respondent-State has been directed to pay the balance amount of Rs.4,99,555/- to the writ petitioner. They have also made it clear that the said decision is confined to this case only. Further, Hon’ble Supreme Court has also directed the concerned Ministry to device a Committee for grievance redressal of the retired pensioners consisting of Special Directorate General, Directorate General, 2 (two) Additional Directors and 1 (one) Specialist in the field which shall ensure timely and hassle free disposal of the claims within a period of 7 (seven) days. In their opinion, after submitting the relevant papers for claim by a pensioner, the same shall be reimbursed within a period of 1 (one) month.  – SC Judgement dated 13.04.2018 – Shiva Kant Jha Vs. Union of India >>> SUPREME COURT JUDGEMENTS

Pensioner to furnish 3 copies of joint photographs (or separate photographs) with wife or husband

DPPW O.M. dated 06.04.2018 – Furnishing three copies of joint photographs (or separate photographs) with wife or husband by the Pensioner to Head of Office while filling up/uploading the pension forms

CVC to take Aadhaar route to detect bureaucratic corruption

CVC to take Aadhaar route to detect bureaucratic corruption

Apr 1, 2018
NEW DELHI: The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) on Sunday said since Aadhaar was being made mandatory for numerous financial transactions and property deals, it could be used effectively in tracking the ill-gotten wealth of corrupt bureaucrats. …

Retirement age of employees in Madhya Pradesh raised to 62

Mar 31, 2018
Bhopal: After showering sops on farmers, Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Friday announced a big bonanza for employees of his government ahead of the year-end assembly polls in the state, by extending the retirement age for them by two years to 62. …

Amendments to Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

MoL Notification dated 29.03.2018 – Amendments to Section 2 of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972  * MoL&E Notification dated 29.03.2018 – Coming into force of the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018  >>> Pension Rules

Vigilance Clearance

Officers under probe for graft won’t get passports: Government

Times of India 
Mar 30, 2018
NEW DELHI: The government has decided to deny passports to officers being investigated or prosecuted in corruption cases or facing FIR registered by a government entity after a preliminary enquiry. Such officers will not be given vigilance clearance needed for grant of passport, according to revised guidelines.
Vigilance clearance may also be denied to an officer under suspension or where a chargesheet has been issued against the officer in pending disciplinary proceedings. …
More:  DoPT O.M. dated 28.03.2018 – Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport >>> Vigilance Clearance Certificate

(Representative Photo)

SC: Replace ‘khichdi’ of pension orders with one rule

Times of India 
Mar 23, 2018 
NEW DELHI: Observing that a plethora of instructions issued by the central government on granting pension created confusion among retired government officials, the Supreme Court on Thursday asked it to frame a law to regulate the retirement benefit. …

7th Central Pay Commission7th Pay Commission: Parliament passes Bill to double tax-free gratuity to Rs 20 lakh

Mar 22, 2018
New Delhi: Parliament on Thursday passed a key bill that will empower the government to fix the amount of tax free gratuity and the period of maternity leave with an executive order.
After the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, the ceiling of gratuity amount for central government employees was doubled to Rs 20 lakh.
The Rajya Sabha, which has failed to transact any significant business over the last fortnight due to protests by various parties, today passed the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill without discussion. …

7th Central Pay Commission

DA for Central Govt. employees hiked to 7% from 5%

Mar 18, 2018 : Dtf.in 
It has been decided by the Central Government that the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 5%  to  7%  of  the  basic pay with  effect  from  151January, 2018 . 
The payment of arrears of Dearness Allowance will not be made before the date of disbursement of salary of March, 2018.
These orders shall also apply to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Services Estimates and the expenditure will be chargeable to the relevant head of the Defence Services Estimates. In respect of Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees, separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways, respectively. Insofar as the employees working in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued with the  concurrence  of  the  Comptroller  & Auditor General of India. …
More: MoF O.M. dated 15.03.2018 – Grant of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees-Revised rates effective from 1.1.2018 >>> DA Orders


7th Pay commission: Govt move to help lower-level staff

Feb 16, 2018
Modi government is reportedly working on a strategy to help lower-level employees of pay matrix level 1 to 5 under 7th Pay Commission.
The development was confirmed by a Finance Minister official who was reportedly quoted saying that the government was committed to increasing the minimum wage of central government employees and is likely to turn lives of 48 lakh government employees into better positions. …

Disciplinary proceedings are not human rights violation: Delhi HC

February 8, 2018
Disciplinary proceedings are not human rights violation and security agencies, exempted from the purview of the RTI Act, need not provide information on such issues, the Delhi High Court has ruled. The ruling by Justice Vibhu Bakhru came on a CBI plea challenging a Central Information Commission (CIC) order directing the agency to provide one of its officers the status and details of disciplinary proceedings against him. …


(Representative Photo)

HC ruling gives government servants relief

Jan 13, 2018 
PANAJI: The high court of Bombay at Goa has held that a judicial magistrate did not have the jurisdiction to order a first information report (FIR) against a police officer for an alleged offence, in absence of government sanction to prosecute him.
The order comes as a relief to those public servants who have to face criminal cases for action taken against members of the general public in the course of discharging their duties….

7th Pay Commission: Salaries to be adjusted when DA crosses 50 per cent

January 10, 2018
The 7th Pay Commission recommendations have for long now been a subject matter of debate and bone of contention. For the 50 lakh Central Government employees, the wait has been a long one and one must add desperate and frustrating. …

Plan your vacations.

Nainital, Uttarakhand (Pixabay Image)
Nainital, Uttarakhand (Pixabay Image)

OMG! There are 16 LONG WEEKENDS in 2018 and we can’t keep calm!

December 11, 2017
2017 wasn’t very generous about giving us long weekends. But fret not, folks! 2018 is going to shell out. As we have begun our countdown to the year, we have already calculated the number of long weekends the year is going to bless us with. And we have got freaking 16 this time! So, get on to vacation planning and ticket booking. Pre-planning never harmed anyone, has it? The bonus it provides: You save half your costing! …


7th Central Pay Commission

7th Pay Commission Could be Last CPC, Government Mulling Pay Hike When DA Crosses 50%

December 8, 2017 
New Delhi, Dec 8: The 7th Pay Commission or 7th CPC could be the last commission to formulate salaries and pension of central government employees as the Centre may not form any pay commission in future. The government is also mulling to revise salaries of its 4.8 million employees and 5.2 million pensioners when Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 50 per cent. Notably, the 7th Pay Commission had recommended that the government should review the salary of central government employees every year rather than forming new pay commission after the long period of ten years. …

7th pay commission: Two-fold increase in deputation allowance for central government employees

Nov 25, 2017
November 28, 2017 
Finally, a spot of good news for central government employees, reportedly numbering around Rs 48 lakh: Their deputation (duty) allowance is going to jump up significantly. According to an order issued by the Department of Personnel and Training, the allowance has been more than doubled to Rs 4,500 from the existing Rs 2,000 per month, in case of deputation within the same station. This move is based on the recommendation of the 7th central pay commission.
“In case of deputation within the same station, the allowance will be payable at the rate of 5% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs 4,500 per month,” said a statement from the ministry. The order, issued last Friday, also mentioned that deputation allowance will be payable at the rate of 10% of basic pay, subject to a maximum of Rs 9,000 per month, for deputations in another station. Previously, the celling for deputation in a different city was Rs 4,000. “The ceilings will further rise by 25% each time dearness allowance is increased by 50 per cent,” it added. …

 House Building Advance Rules (HBA) Rules, 2017: Advance hiked to Rs.25 lakhs

Representational Image
(Image Courtesy: http://www.3dpower.in)

Nov 12, 2017 : Dtf.in 
New Delhi. The Government has revised the House Building Advance (HBA) rules for Central Government Employees incorporating the accepted recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission.  Following are the salient features of the new rules:-

  1. The total amount of advance that a central government employee can borrow from government has been revised upwards. The employee can up to borrow 34 months of the basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs (Rs. Twenty Five Lakhs only), or cost of the house/flat, or the amount according to repaying capacity, whichever is the least for new construction/purchase of new house/flat.  Earlier this limit was only Rs.7.50 lakhs.
  2. Similarly, the HBA amount for expansion of the house has been revised to a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs or 34 months of basic pay or cost of the expansion of the house or amount according to repaying capacity, whichever is least. This amount was earlier Rs.1.80 lakhs.
  3. The cost ceiling limit of the house which an employee can construct/purchase has been revised to Rs.1.00 crore with a proviso of upward revision of 25% in deserving cases. The earlier cost ceiling limit was Rs.30 lakhs.
  4. Both spouses, if they are central government employees, are now eligible to take HBA either jointly, or separately.  Earlier only one spouse was eligible for House Building Advance.
  5. There is a provision for individuals migrating from home loans taken from Financial Institutions/ Banks to HBA, if they so desire.
  6. The provision for availing ‘second charge’ on the house for taking loans to fund balance amount from Banks/ Financial Institutions has been simplified considerably. ‘No Objection Certificate’ will be issued along with sanction order of HBA, on employee’s declaration.
  7. Henceforth, the rate of Interest on Housing Building Advance shall be at only one rate of 8.50% at simple interest (in place of the earlier four slabs of  bearing interest rates ranging from 6% to 9.50% for different slabs of HBA which ranged from Rs.50,000/- to Rs.7,50,000/-) .
  8. This rate of interest shall be reviewed every three years.  All cases of subsequent tranches/ installments of HBA being taken by the employee in different financial years shall be governed by the applicable rate of interest in the year in which the HBA was sanctioned, in the event of change in the rate of interest.  HBA is admissible to an employee only once in a life time.
  9. The clause of adding a higher rate of interest at 2.5% (two point five percent) above the prescribed rate during sanction of House Building Advance stands withdrawn. Earlier the employee was sanctioned an advance at an interest rate of 2.5%  above the scheduled rates with the stipulation that if conditions attached to the sanction including those relating to the recovery of amount are fulfilled completely,  to the satisfaction of the competent authority, a rebate of interest to the extent of 2.5% was allowed.
  10. The methodology of recovery of HBA shall continue as per the existing pattern recovery of principal first in the first fifteen years in 180 monthly instalments and interest thereafter in next five years in 60 monthly instalments.
  11. The house/flat constructed/purchased with the help of House Building advance can be insured with the private insurance companies which are approved by Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA).
  12. This attractive package is expected to incentivize the government employee to buy house/ flat by taking the revised HBA along with other bank loans, if required. This will give a fillip to the Housing infrastructure sector.(Source: pib website)

More: MoH&UA O.M. dated 09.11.2017 – House Building Advance Rules, 2017 >>> HBA Rules

7th Pay Commission: Government Hikes Education Allowance For Differently-abled Kids of Employees

November 2, 2017
New Delhi, Nov 2: The government on Thursday hiked education allowance for differently-abled children of central government employees, under the 7th Pay Commission or 7th CPC. The education allowance for differently-abled children has been increased from Rs 30,000 to Rs 54,000 annually, following a recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission. …

The Union Minister for Defence, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, the Chief of Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat and other senior Defence & Army officers coming out after witnessing firing of ATAGS and MBT Arjun, at Pokhran Field Firing Range, Rajasthan on September 23, 2017. (Image Courtesy: PIB website)
The Union Minister for Defence, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, the Chief of Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat and other senior Defence & Army officers coming out after witnessing firing of ATAGS and MBT Arjun, at Pokhran Field Firing Range, Rajasthan on September 23, 2017. (Image Courtesy: PIB website)Status equivalence: Another panel to look at military-civil officers’ parity

October 25, 2017
The Defence Ministry will soon announce the formation of another expert committee to look into the controversial issue of status equivalence between military officers and their civilian counterparts. This follows the rising disquiet among serving military officers — exhibited on social media platforms — that the Army had agreed to an existing committee’s recommendations on status equivalence. …





Dharna Notice from Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers for Sep 19 and Oct 17

Sep 19, 2017 : Dtf.in
As per the Department of Personnel & Training O.M. dated September 19, 2017, it has been brought to the notice of the Government that Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers has decided to observe dharna at district headquarters across the country on 19th September. 2017 followed by similar protest at all State capitals on 17th October. 2017. The proposed protests are in support of pay and service related demands.
Attention in this regard has been drawn to the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training, that prohibit the Government servants from participating in any form of strike including mass casual leave. go slow, sit-down etc. or any action that abet any form of strike in violation of Rule 7 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, and other Government instructions on the subject.
All officers have been requested not to sanction Casual Leave or other kind of leave to the officers and employees if applied for, during the period of proposed dharn and ensure that the willing employees are allowed hindrance free entry into the office premises.
In case employees go on dhama, all divisional heads are required to forward a report indicating the number and details of employees who are absent from duty on the day of strike, i.e. 19.09.2017 and 17.10.2017.
More: Go to the relevant page, containing copy of the O.M. dated 19.10.2017 >>> Conduct Rules

Reservation NewsHC relief for OBCs denied UPSC quota

Sep 17, 2017 
NEW DELHI: The Madras high court has slammed the Centre’s method of calculating the “creamy layer” for wards of PSU and private sector employees as “discriminatory”, a development that may help over 60 OBC youngsters join the elite civil services after being denied permission. 
The high court has said the principle for determining “creamy layer” — the well-off among OBCs who are not eligible for Mandal reservations — should be the same for PSUs/private sector and government services. While the HC order pertains to two candidates,  …

7th Central Pay Commission

7th Pay Commission: Pay revision of employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)

Aug 21, 2017 
Consequent to the issue of the Notification dated 25.07.2016 by the Department of Expenditure on the revision of pay scales of the Central Government employees w.e.f. 01.01.2006, the Department of Public Enterprises has decided that the pay scales in respect of the Public Sector employees following the CDA pattern of pay in 69 Public Sector Enterprises would also be revised w.e.f. 01.01.2006. Accordingly, the pay scales of the employees of CPSEs following the CDA pattern will be revised as per the Notification dated 25.07.2006 and the rates of Dearness Allowance would be as per the DoE O.Ms. dated 04.11.2006 and 30.03.2007. 
The revised rates of a number of allowances have also been made applicable as per the respective O.Ms. of Department of Expenditure with effect from 01.07.2017. Any subsequent amendments made by the Department of Expenditure  in respect of those allowances for Central Government employees would be automatically applicable to these employees also. 
Further, as per the DPE O.M. dated 07.08.2017, the benefit of pay revision may be allowed only to employees of those CPSEs that are not loss making and are in a position to absorb the additional expenditure on account of pay revision from their own resources without any budgetary support from the Government. The Board of Directors would consider the proposal of pay revision of all employees of CPSEs, keeping in mind the affordability and capacity of the CPSE to pay. Thereafter, they will submit a proposal to their Administrative Ministry / Departments, which will approve the proposal with the concurrence of its Financial Advisor.

See copy of the Orders:  DPE O.M. dated 17.08.2017-Pay revision of employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – reg. >>> CPSEs – Orders

7th Pay Commission: Bunching calculation, how to determine it, detailed order

August 08, 2017 
Following the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, the government has issued a detailed clarification order on bunching calculation. The provisions giving effect to the recommendations of the pay panel on extending the benefit on account of bunching were notified vide DoE O.M. dated 07.09.2016.
Benefits on account of bunching have been extended during the initial fixation of pay in the revised pay structure while implementing the recommendations of earlier pay commissions also. …
More: MoF O.M. dated 03.08.2017-Recommendations of 7th CPC – Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under the Revised Pay Rules 


7th Pay Commission: Have central govt employees, defence personnel benefited from HRA, allowances revision?

June 29, 2017 
The union cabinet granted a wish long overdue when it convened yesterday. The Narendra Modi-led Cabinet approved the allowance structure awarded by the Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) for central government employees.
Every allowance revised has been increased than what the preceding pay panel ordained. The 7th Pay Commission had predicted the combined additional financial implication at Rs 30,748.23 crore per annum. … 

Prime Minister presents awards, addresses civil servants on Civil Services Day

10 awards under the five Priority Programmes and 2 awards under Innovation category presented

Civil Services Day

“April 21, 2017
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, presented awards for Excellence in Implementation of Priority Programmes and addressed Civil Servants on the occasion of the eleventh Civil Services Day here today.
The Prime Minister presented a total of 12 awards, which include 10 under the five Priority Programmes and 2 under Innovation category. These awards were given in three Groups, the first group consisting of eight North-Eastern States and the three Hill States of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, second group comprising of the seven Union Territories and the remaining 18 States constituting the third group. 
Under Innovation category, Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh was awarded for initiative “Cashless Village Palnar“ and Dungarpur district of Rajasthan was given award for initiative “Solar Urja Lamps Project”. Under the Priority Programme Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, Siaha district of Mizoram was awarded in North East and Hill states category and Banaskantha district of Gujarat was awarded under the category of other states. Under the Priority Programme Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, the awards were given to Gomati district of Tripura in North East and Hill states category and Jalna district of Maharashtra under the category of other states. Under the Priority Programme e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM), Solan district of Himachal Pradesh was awarded in North East and Hill states category and Nizamabad district of Telangana was awarded under the category of other states. Under the Priority Programme Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana, the awards were given to Sivasagar district of Assam in North East and Hill states category and Nalanda district of Bihar under the category of other states. For Start-Up India, the award was given to Gujarat state under other states category and for Stand-Up India, the award was given to North and Middle Andaman of Andaman & Nicobar islands under Union Territories category.
The Prime Minister also released two books “New Beginning” on Innovations for the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence and “Fostering Excellence” for initiatives under identified Priority Programmes.
During the function, “Making New India-2017”, a film by DARPG was also screened. 
Addressing the Civil Servants on the occasion, the Prime Minister described this day as one of “rededication,” and said that civil servants are well aware of their strengths and capabilities, challenges and responsibilities.
He said conditions prevailing today are quite different from about two decades ago, and would evolve much further over the next few years. Elaborating on this, the Prime Minister said that earlier, Government was almost the sole provider of goods and services, which left a lot of scope for ignoring one’s shortcomings. However, now, very often, people perceive that the private sector offers better services than Government. The Prime Minister said that with alternatives now being available in several areas, the responsibilities of Government officers have increased. He added that this increase is not in terms of scope of work, but in terms of the challenge.
The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of competition, which brings qualitative change. He said that the sooner the attitude of Government can change from regulator to enabler, the faster this challenge of competition will become an opportunity.
The Prime Minister said that while the absence of Government in a sphere of activity should be perceptible, its presence in a sphere of activity should not become a burden. He asked civil servants to strive towards such arrangements.
Noting the quantum jump in the applications for Civil Service Day awards, from less than 100 last year to over 500 this year, the Prime Minister said that the focus should now be on improving quality, and making excellence a habit.
The Prime Minister urged senior officers to ensure that experience does not become a burden that stifles innovation of younger officers.
Shri Narendra Modi said that anonymity is one of the greatest strengths of the civil services. He cautioned officers that the use of social media should not lead to a decline in this strength, even as social media and mobile governance are leveraged for connecting people to benefits and government schemes.
Speaking in the context of “reform, perform and transform”, the Prime Minister said that political will is needed for reform, but the “perform” part of this formulation must come from civil servants, while transformation is enabled by people’s participation.
The Prime Minister said that civil servants must ensure that every decision is taken keeping national interest in mind, and this should be their touchstone for taking a decision. 
Recalling that the year 2022 would mark 75 years of independence, he urged civil servants to play the role of catalytic agents in fulfilling the dreams of freedom fighters.
The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the celebration of Civil Services Day has undergone a considerable change during the last three years and has now emerged as an effective platform for mutual exchange of best practices. He said that this year, 599 districts participated in the PM Awards competition, as compared to 74 districts last year. He said that this shows the trend towards competitive federalism and now more and more districts are competing for these awards by improving their performance in various Priority Programmes. The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances made an elaborate exercise through a platform for young officers and 615 IAS officers of four batches (2013-2016) spent about 2000 hours and provided their inputs on this platform, he added. The Minister said that this year’s theme of CSD is ‘Making New India’, which is on the lines of the Prime Minister’s vision of New India. Without good Civil Servants, we can never achieve good governance, he added. He also emphasised on the Maximum Governance and Minimum Government.
Earlier, the Cabinet Secretary, Shri P.K. Sinha in his welcome address highlighted the entire process involved in the selection of awardees through different committees for initiatives under the various Priority Programmes. The Department organised workshops at different places for replication of identified good governance initiatives of the Government, he added.
Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Shri Nripendra Misra, Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr P. K.  Mishra, Secretary, DARPG Shri C. Viswanath, former Cabinet Secretaries were also present on the occasion, in addition to senior officers from the Central and State Governments.
The two-day Civil Services Day programme was inaugurated by the Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh here yesterday. The inaugural session was followed by a Plenary Session on the topic ‘Creating value through Human Capital Management in Government’ and three Breakaway Sessions on subjects related to Agriculture, Energy and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship were also held.
The links of the two books which were released during the function are:

* http://darpg.gov.in/sites/default/files/Book-on-Success-stories-released-by-Hon’ble-PM-on-CSD,2017.pdf
* http://darpg.gov.in/sites/default/files/Book-on-Innovations-released-by-Hon’ble-PM-on-CSD,2017.pdf

The link of the film ‘Making New India-2017’ is
(SOURCE: pib website)

GPF Withdrawal Rules Liberalized

New Delhi, March 08, 2017 : Dtf.in  
After a review the General Provident Fund Rules have been liberalized by the Government of India. It has been decided by the Government to permit withdrawals from the fund by the subscriber for the following purposes:
(i) Education – This will include primary, secondary and higher education, covering all streams and institutions,
(ii) Obligatory Expenses, viz. betrothal, marriage, funerals, or other ceremonies of self or family members and dependants,
(iii) Illness of self, family members or dependants,
(iv) Purchase of consumer durables.
It has been decided by the Government to permit withdrawal of up to twelve months’ pay or three-fourth of the amount standing at credit, whichever is less. For illness, the withdrawal may be allowed up to 90% of the amount standing at credit of the subscriber. A subscriber may seek withdrawal after completion of ten years of service.
(v) Housing including building or acquiring a suitable-house or a ready-built flat for his residence,
(vi) Repayment of outstanding housing loan,
(vii) Purchase of house site for building a house,
(viii) Constructing a house on a site acquired,
(lx) Reconstructing or making additions on a house already acquired,
(x) Renovating, additions or alterations of ancestral house.
A subscriber may be allowed to withdraw up to ninety percent of the amount standing at credit for the above purposes. It is also decided do away with the present instructions which lay down that subsequent to the sale of house for which GPF withdrawal has been availed, the amount. withdrawn has to be deposited back. GPF withdrawal for housing purpose will no longer be linked with the limits prescribed under HBA rules. A subscriber may be permitted to avail the facility at any time during his service.
(xi) Purchase of motor car/motor cycle/ scooter, etc., or repayment of loan already taken for the purpose,
(xii) Extensive repairs /overhauling of motor car,
(xiii) Making deposit to book a motor car/motor cycle/scoter, moped, etc.
Further, a subscriber may be permitted to withdraw three-fourth of the amount standing at credit or cost of the vehicle, whichever is less for the above purposes. Withdrawal for the above purpose will be permitted after completion of 10 years of service.
Presently, withdrawal of up to 90% of balance without assigning reasons is allowed for Government servants who are due for retirement on superannuation within a year. It is proposed that this may be allowed for up to two years before superannuation.
In all cases of withdrawal from the fund by the subscriber, the declared Head of Department is competent to sanction withdrawal. No documentary proof will be required to be furnished by the subscriber. A simple declaration form by the subscriber explaining the reasons for withdrawal would be sufficient.
As per the GPF(CS) Rule 1960, no time limit has been prescribed for sanction and payment of withdrawal amount. Therefore, it has been decided by the Government to prescribe a maximum time limit of fifteen days for sanction and payment of withdrawal from the Fund. In case of emergencies like illness etc., the time limit may be restricted to seven days.
Necessary amendment to the GPF(Central Service)Rules 1960, giving effect to the above provisions will be issued in due course.
See the original DPPW O.M. >>> Pension Rules

Note:- The above information is subject to the Disclaimer of Dtf.in.

(Representative Photo)

Bombay HC Upholds Principle Of “No Work No Pay”, Refuses Relief To State Government Employee

March 6, 2017
Bombay High Court refused to grant relief to a MSEDCL (Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd) employee who was charged with accepting a bribe of Rs.5000 in 2007. The concerned employee was a Junior Engineer with MSEDCL, he sought.
The concerned employee was a Junior Engineer with MSEDCL, he sought directions from the court to his employers to pay a sum of Rs.20 lakhs (approx.) towards his salary and other allowances from December 2008 to February 2012. …

Now, IAS, IPS officers must file performance report online

7th Pay Commission: Tomorrow’s Meeting Likely To Give Clues On Allowances

The Ashok Lavasa committee on allowances, which examined the 7th pay commission’s recommendations on allowances, submitted its report to the finance ministry on April 27.

May 02, 2017

With the allowance report already submitted to the finance minister, all eyes are on when it will be taken up by the Cabinet. Employee union leaders are scheduled to meet top government officials tomorrow, an union leader told NDTV, adding that they are likely to enquire about the progress on the allowance report. Officials from the finance ministry are also likely to be also present at the meeting, he added. The Ashok Lavasa committee on allowances, which examined the 7th pay commission’s recommendations on allowances, submitted its report to the finance ministry on April 27. …

UPSC cannot reject candidates for trivial slips, rules SC

NEW DELHI: Feb 19, 2017
The Supreme Court has said the Union Public Service Commission cannot reject a candidate for misspelling or entering a wrong date of birth on the job application.
A bench of Justices Adarsh Kumar Goel and U U Lalit dismissed a special leave petition filed by the UPSC against a Delhi High Court judgement, directing the country’s highest recruitment body to clear the selection of Ajay Kumar Mishra to the National Defence Academy. …

Govt employee gets 7-yr-jail for depositing public money in daughter’s account

Feb 17, 2017
New Delhi: A 63-year-old retired government servant has been awarded a seven-year jail term by a special court for depositing Rs 13.67 lakh of public money into her daughter’s bank account, using her as a ghost employee.
Special CBI Judge Gurdeep Singh, who also imposed a fine of over Rs 15 lakh on CGHS staffer Neelam Sehgal, awarded a five-year-jail term to her 77-year-old husband Jagdish Sehgal, a retired government servant too, for being part of the criminal conspiracy in the offence. …

‘CAT can have a say in transfer of govt staff’

Feb 16, 2017
CHENNAI: Can the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) ask government to reconsider a transfer of a government employee? Yes, said the Chennai bench of CAT recommending the authorities concerned to consider an officer’s representation to stay transfer on the basis of some health conditions in his family. …

Image used for representational purpose only.

Public servants can’t show gifts as income from legal sources, says SC

Feb 16, 2017
NEW DELHI: In its judgment deflating Sasikala’s ambition to become CM of Tamil Nadu, the Supreme Court has dealt a blow to gift-loving public servants by ruling that presents could not be counted as income from lawful sources.
A bench of Justices Pinaki Chandra Ghose and Amitava Roy said: “Gifts to Jayalalithaa, a public servant in the context of Sections 161to 165A of Indian Penal Code now integrated into the Prevention of Corruption Act, are visibly illegal and forbidden by law. The endeavour to strike a distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘unlawful’ as sought to be made to portray gifts to constitute a lawful source of income is thus wholly misconstrued.” …

(Representative Photo)

Missing government servant, spouse eligible for pension: High Court

Feb 3, 2017
HYDERABAD: Stating that if a government servant goes missing and remains untraceable for seven years, it should be presumed that the person died, the Hyderabad High Court has directed the central government to pay pension and all other relevant benefits to the spouse of a missing government servant who remained untraceable for more than seven years. …

Officers to face action for delay in GPF payments

New Delhi, Jan 29 (PTI). Action will be taken against the officers concerned in cases of delay in processing payment of General Provident Fund (GPF) to retiring employees, the Centre has said. …

Employees to get promotion in pendency of appeals in courts


(Representative Photo)

NCST has no power to direct grant of promotion: High Court

January 12, 2017
The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) has no power to pass orders directing the Centre to grant promotion to an employee, the Delhi High Court has said. The court said this while allowing a petition filed by the Centre challenging the April 30, 2015 order passed by the NCST directing that Ram Kishore Meena, an employee of the National Crime Records Bureau, be promoted to the post of lower division clerk from 2006. …

Pregnant woman
Image used for representational purpose only (Pixabay Image)

Govt Servant, Who Has Begotten Child By Surrogacy, Entitled To Maternity Leave: Chhattisgarh HC [Read Judgment]

January 10, 2017
There cannot be any discrimination between a natural mother and a mother who has begotten child by surrogacy procedure, the Chhattisgarh High Court has observed while holding that a female government servant, who has begotten a child by procedure of surrogacy, is entitled to avail of maternity leave under Rule 38 of the Chhattisgarh Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2010. …


Govt servant benefits not for brothers older than 18

Dec 16, 2016
The terminal benefits, including death-cum-retirement gratuity, due to a government servant, cannot be given to her/his brothers if they are 18 at the time of being nominated to receive them, the Madras high court has ruled. …

Denial of ACR breaches Article 14

Dec 05, 2016
The Annual Confidential Report (ACR) system is an old system started in the 1940s but is still used in the public sector organizations of many middle- and low-income countries (MLICs) such as India, Swaziland (Africa), and Sri Lanka. …

New rule limits babus’ foreign trips to four a year   

Jan 15, 2016
NEW DELHI: Bureaucrats can go on a maximum of four overseas trips in a year, the finance ministry has directed in fresh guidelines which also say secretaries should only undertake foreign travel when no one else can be deputed. …

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