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Indian Administrative Service (IAS) – Rules/Orders


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Jan-Jun 2025

Jul-Dec 2024

Jan-Jun 2024

   I. IAS – Rules/Regulations/Orders/Instructions (including appointment orders)
 II. IAS – Rules/Regulations/Orders/Instructions (including appointment orders) (Subject-Wise)
III. IAS – Rules/Regulations/Orders/Instructions (ARCHIVE)
IV. IAS Rules/Amendment Rules/Regulations

I. IAS – Rules/Regulations/Orders/Instructions (including appointment orders)

Jan-Jun 2025

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.01.2025 - Filing of IPR (Immovable Property Return) by IAS Officers for the year 2024 as on 01.01.2025 - Reminder (Secretaries) (1.4 MiB, 235 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 20.01.2025 - Filing of IPR (Immovable Property Return) by IAS Officers for the year 2024 as on 01.01.2025 - Reminder (Chief Secretaries) (1.0 MiB, 229 hits)

Jul-Dec 2024

  DoPT DO Letter dated 19.12.2024 - Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2024 (as on 01.01.2025) by IAS officers (States/UTs) (410.5 KiB, 673 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 19.12.2024 - Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2024 (as on 01.01.2025) by IAS officers (Secretaries) (570.5 KiB, 676 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of Group 'A' Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (994.5 KiB, 985 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of IAS Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (960.2 KiB, 930 hits)

Jan-Jun 2024

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 29.04.2024 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for F.Y. 2023-24 (Ministries) (963.0 KiB, 1,334 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 29.04.2024 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for F.Y. 2023-24 (States) (468.0 KiB, 238 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 05.04.2024 - Amendment in the IAS (Probationers' Final Examination) Regulations, 1955 (123.7 KiB, 1,452 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.04.2024 - Circular inviting nominations from IAS & Group 'A' Services for appointment to DS/Director & JS and equi. level posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO for 2023 (393.9 KiB, 1,944 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 18.01.2024 - Filing of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2023 - reminders - reg. (Ministries/Deptts.) (1.0 MiB, 1,936 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 18.01.2024 - Filing of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2023 - reminders - reg. (State Govts.) (890.4 KiB, 824 hits)

[Appointment/Promotion/Training Orders (Except Training Policy Orders) Up To 04.08.2022 Only] Please see the earlier orders/circulars under the heading, “III. IAS – Rules/Regulations/Orders/CircularsARCHIVE“, below.

II. IAS – Rules/Regulations/Orders/Instructions (including Appointment Orders) (Subject-Wise)

Advance Increment * AGMU IAS Civil List * Allocation of Cadres * Annual Health Check-Up * Induction/Appointment to IAS/Induction Training * Appointment/Posting as Asstt. Secretary in Central Sectt. * Appointment under Central Staffing Scheme * Cadre Allocation * Cadre Strength * Central Prabhai Officer * Central Staffing Scheme * Change of Cadre * Change of Name * Civil List * Civil Services Examination Result * Confirmation * COVID-19 Related Orders * CVO * DCRB Rules * Deemed Resignation * Deputation Guidelines * Deputation to Posts under CSS and Posts of  CVOs * Digital Signature Certificate * Disciplinary Proceedings * Empanelment for Appointment at the Centre * e-Sign * Executive Record of IAS Officers * Fixation of Cadre Strength * Foundation Course * Guidelines for Resignation * IAS Cadre Rules * Induction Training * In-Service Training * Inter-Cadre Deputation * Inter-Se Seniority * IPR Rules & IPR Pro Forma * Lateral Recruitment to JS/Director Level Posts * Limitation Period * Lokpal and Lokayukta Act/Rules * Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) / Other Training Programmes * Non-Functional Upgradation * Orientation Programme * Panel of Retired IAS Officers to Conduct Departmental Enquiries Against Serving IAS Officers * Pay Rules-Pay/Allowances * Pension * Performance Appraisal Rules (PAR Rules)/APAR & PAR Pro Forma * Probation Rules * Pro forma Promotion & Pay Fixation * Promotion/Promotion Guidelines * Prosecution * Review Committee * SCS/NSCS Officers * Seniority Order * SPARROW * Study Leave * Training Plan * Vacancies/Vacancies in Promotion 

Advance Increment

  Letter dated 07.11.2012 - Grant of advance increments to IAS Officers - regarding (68.8 KiB, 1,006 hits)

AGMU IAS Civil List

  AGMU IAS & IPS Civil Lists (As on 1.12.2009) (482.4 KiB, 16,988 hits)

Allocation of Cadres

  Allocation of Cadres to Candidates allocated to IAS on the basis of CSE 2015 (As on DoPT website-25.7.2016) (628.7 KiB, 3,890 hits)

Annual Health Check-Up

  DoPT letter dated 08.05.2018 - The AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check up of IAS officers - reg. (455.3 KiB, 2,262 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.05.2016 - The AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Annual Health Check-Up of IAS officers (365.2 KiB, 1,210 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 28.04.2015 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Annual Health Check - IAS Officers (25.4 KiB, 657 hits)

  Letter dated 16.02.2015 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS Officers (54.9 KiB, 594 hits)

  Letter dated 21.02.2014 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS Officers (136.9 KiB, 714 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.05.2012 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual medical check up for IAS officers (32.6 KiB, 917 hits)

  Letter dated 21.02.2012 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up for IAS officers (45.5 KiB, 880 hits)

  Letter dated 18.01.2012 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS officers (16.6 KiB, 713 hits)

Appointment as Secretaries/ASs/JSs

  DoPT Order dated 25.03.2021 - Appointments at the level of Secretary/Additional Secretary in the Government of India (206.0 KiB, 756 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.01.2021 - Appointment of Special Secretaries/Secretaries to the Govt. of India (588.6 KiB, 1,158 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.05.2017-Appointment of Secretaries to the Government of India (61.0 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.12.2016 - Joint Secretary/equivalent level appointments (120.5 KiB, 2,241 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.08.2016 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Secretaries/Spl. Secretaries or equi. in the Govt. of India (67.4 KiB, 985 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.07.2016 - Appointment of 15 IAS Officers as Secretaries in the Ministries/Departments (106.9 KiB, 996 hits)

 Appointment/Notional Appointment/Induction to IAS

Appointment/Induction to IAS * Notional Appointment to the IAS

— Appointment/Induction to IAS

  DoPT Notification dated 03.08.2022 - Appointment of SCS Officers of erstwhile J&K to the IAS (erstwhile J&K Cadre) - Select Lists of 2013 up to 2018 (1.6 MiB, 888 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2022 - Appointment of SCS Officers of Andhra Pradesh to the IAS - Select Lists of 2020 and 2021 (987.9 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2022 - Appointment of 18 SCS Officers of Assam to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (977.9 KiB, 532 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.07.2022 - Appointment of SCS Officer of Assam to the IAS (Assam Segment of Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.6 MiB, 2,956 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.07.2022 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officers of Rajasthan to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Select List of 2021 (984.7 KiB, 3,079 hits)

  Letter dated 06.10.2010 - IAS (Pay) 12th Amendment Rules 2010-IPS (Pay) 26th Amendment Rules 2010 & IFS (Pay) 5th Amendment Rules 2010-regarding (171.0 KiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.05.2022 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers of Karnataka Govt. to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) - Select List of 2016 (1.0 MiB, 451 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.05.2022 - Appointment of 7 SCS Officers of Chhattisgarh State Govt. to the IAS (Chhatisgarh Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (1.1 MiB, 429 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.05.2022 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers of Mizoram to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (475.9 KiB, 505 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.04.2022 - Notional Appointment to IAS Cadre of Tripura (656.8 KiB, 228 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.04.2022 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (450.0 KiB, 266 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.03.2022 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Tripura Cadre) (486.6 KiB, 248 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2022 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (452.7 KiB, 218 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.03.2022 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Kerala Cadre)-Select List 2020 (429.6 KiB, 258 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2022 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre)-Select List 2020 (546.9 KiB, 340 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.02.2022 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre)-Select List 2020 (659.8 KiB, 249 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.02.2022 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre)-Select List 2020 (SCS) (429.6 KiB, 423 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2022 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Manipur Cadre)-Select List 2020 (379.2 KiB, 253 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.01.2022 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officers to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (450.9 KiB, 252 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.01.2022 - Appointment of 11 SCS Officers to the IAS (Orissa Cadre)-Select List 2020 (507.3 KiB, 411 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2022 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (TN Cadre)-Select List 2020 (467.3 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.01.2022 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (UP Cadre) - Select List 2020 (429.2 KiB, 235 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.01.2022 - Appointment of 17 SCS Officers to the IAS (MP Cadre)-Select List 2020 (654.1 KiB, 269 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.01.2022 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre)-Select List of 2020 (471.3 KiB, 221 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Karnataka Cadre appointed to the IAS (665.9 KiB, 240 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (770.7 KiB, 264 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.01.2022 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (429.4 KiB, 293 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 02.12.2021 - Partial modification of Notification dated 11.09.2018 (42.0 KiB, 246 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.11.2021 - Appointment of 11 SCS Officers to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (473.5 KiB, 466 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2021 - Appointment of 10 SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (474.3 KiB, 325 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.10.2021 - Appointment of 25 SCS Officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (556.7 KiB, 507 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.07.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS officer to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) - Select List 2019 (502.5 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.07.2021 - Appointment of 9 SCS officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) - Select List 2019 (684.4 KiB, 718 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 13.04.2021 - Partial modification of the Order dated 07.04.2021 reg. fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Odisha Cadre promoted to the IAS (196.5 KiB, 775 hits)

  CGHS OM dated 26.03.2021 - Guidelines regarding administration of COVID Vaccine for CGHS beneficiaries (1.6 MiB, 8,108 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Arunachal Pradesh Goa Mizoram UTs Cadre) (830.8 KiB, 482 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2021 - Appointment of 4 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (898.5 KiB, 498 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.03.2021 - Appointment of members of SCS of Goa to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 488 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.03.2021 - Appointment of 5 members of SCS of Meghalaya (select list of 2019) to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (460.7 KiB, 641 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (990.0 KiB, 532 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.02.2021 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) - Select List of 2018 (924.5 KiB, 550 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.02.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (510.8 KiB, 440 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.02.2021 - Notional appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 514 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2021 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (981.9 KiB, 475 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.01.2021 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (994.5 KiB, 550 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.01.2021 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) - Select Lists of 2016,2017,2018 and 2019 (1.4 MiB, 723 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.01.2021 - Appointment of 7 SCS Officers to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (1,006.3 KiB, 710 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2020 - Appointment of 25 SCS Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) - Select Lists of 2016 and 2017 (1.5 MiB, 795 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.12.2020 – Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) – Select List of 2018 (1.0 MiB, 896 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.12.2020 – Appointment of 7 SCS Officers to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) – Select List of 2019 (1.0 MiB, 911 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 09.11.2020 in respect of Notification dated 06.11.2020 (426.8 KiB, 500 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.11.2020 - Appointment of 18 SCS Officers to the IAS (MP Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (1.1 MiB, 558 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.10.2020 - Appointment of 14 SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (955.8 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.10.2020 - Re-appointment of the Civil Service Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Review Select Lists 2013 up to 2018 (1.7 MiB, 540 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2020 - Appointment of 12 SCS Officers of to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (873.6 KiB, 600 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.09.2020 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officers (Select List of 2019) to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (491.3 KiB, 647 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.09.2020 - Appointment of SCS Officer (Select List of 2018) to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (940.2 KiB, 759 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2020 - Appointment of 23 SCS Officers (Select List of 2018) to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (898.9 KiB, 1,449 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.08.2020 - Appointment of 8 SCS Officers (Select List of 2019) to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (554.5 KiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.06.2020 - Notional appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (968.4 KiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.06.2020 - Appointment,re-appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS for the Review Select Lists from 2007 to 2012 (Raj. Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 661 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.03.2020 - Appointment of 9 SCS Officers to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) for Select List of 2018 (487.9 KiB, 625 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.02.2020 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (454.9 KiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.01.2020 - Appointment of 8 SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (459.1 KiB, 652 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.01.2020 - Appointment of 4 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (511.1 KiB, 750 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.01.2020 - Appointment of 4 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (450.7 KiB, 709 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.01.2020 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Tripura Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 670 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.01.2020 - Appointment of 19 SCS Officers to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (550.5 KiB, 645 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.01.2020 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (505.9 KiB, 730 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.12.2019 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (549.8 KiB, 754 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.12.2019 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (Mizoram Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 569 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.11.2019 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 621 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.11.2019 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officer to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (978.4 KiB, 577 hits)

  DoPT Order 24.10.2019 - Notional Appointment of 1 IAS Officer (J&K Cadre) (568.5 KiB, 491 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 524 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 915 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.10.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 535 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.09.2019 - Appointment of 13 SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 959 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.09.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.08.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 465 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.08.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 587 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (587.4 KiB, 738 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.07.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 846 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.06.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (806.8 KiB, 812 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.05.2019 - Appointment of 23 SCS Officers to the IAS (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (807.5 KiB, 584 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.05.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (648.0 KiB, 614 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.05.2019 – Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 699 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.05.2019 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (624.8 KiB, 944 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.05.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 987 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.05.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Telangana Cadre) (800.2 KiB, 1,320 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.05.2019 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (577.7 KiB, 702 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.05.2019 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (606.2 KiB, 654 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.04.2019 – Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (576.1 KiB, 742 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.03.2019 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (481.6 KiB, 706 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 28.02.2019 - Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations (98.3 KiB, 3,006 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.02.2019 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (541.0 KiB, 916 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.02.2019 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (535.1 KiB, 667 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2019 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (536.0 KiB, 690 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.02.2019 - Appointment of 3 Non- SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (591.7 KiB, 575 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS officer to the IAS (UP Cadre) (665.4 KiB, 664 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers of the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (584.0 KiB, 591 hits)

  DoPT corrigendum dated 31.01.2019 – Partial modification of order dated 21.12.2018 (470.3 KiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT corrigendum dated 31.01.2019 – Partial modification of order dated 08.02.2018 (411.7 KiB, 561 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.01.2019 - Appointment of 2 IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (573.3 KiB, 654 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.01.2019 - Appointment of 13 IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) (684.7 KiB, 684 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.12.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) (26.4 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (644.1 KiB, 705 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.12.2018 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officer to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (615.1 KiB, 632 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.11.2018 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officer to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (631.2 KiB, 640 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.11.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (877.5 KiB, 807 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.10.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (551.8 KiB, 739 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2018 - Appointment of 9 SCS Officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (359.9 KiB, 1,093 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.09.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Meghalaya Cadre) (273.1 KiB, 645 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.09.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Mizoram Cadre) (239.6 KiB, 668 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.09.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (321.9 KiB, 655 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.09.2018 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (431.2 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.09.2018 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (292.5 KiB, 755 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.08.2018 - Appointment of 17 SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (406.5 KiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.08.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (583.3 KiB, 630 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.08.2018 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (516.7 KiB, 727 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.08.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (525.5 KiB, 623 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.08.2018 - Appointment of 1 IAS of Andhra Pradesh Cadre (1.2 MiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.07.2018 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (730.7 KiB, 800 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.06.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (579.8 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.06.2018 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS officer to the IAS (584.3 KiB, 758 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.06.2018 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in the Central Secretariat for a period of three months-terms and conditions of appointment regarding. (1.6 MiB, 781 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.05.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (927.1 KiB, 934 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.04.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 779 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.04.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (80.4 KiB, 1,352 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (605.5 KiB, 1,565 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 1,013 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (729.8 KiB, 788 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (A.P. Cadre) (825.7 KiB, 973 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.01.2018 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (561.8 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  DoPT Notification Dated 07.01.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (MP Cadre) (74.4 KiB, 545 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (72.1 KiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (76.4 KiB, 801 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.12.2017 - Appointment of SCS officers to the IAS (AGUMT Cadre) (90.1 KiB, 651 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.12.2017-Appointment of 2 SCS officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (85.3 KiB, 689 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2017-Appointment of SCS officer to the IAS (Joint Assam Meghalaya Cadre) (75.6 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Corregendium dated 04.12.2017 - Partial modification of DoPT Order dated 12th October, 2017 (36.8 KiB, 768 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.12.2017-Appointment of 17 SCS officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (105.5 KiB, 1,095 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.12.2017-Appointment of SCS officers to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (83.4 KiB, 689 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.11.2017-Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (67.1 KiB, 826 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.10.2017-Appointment of 10 SCS Officer of the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (87.8 KiB, 777 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (93.6 KiB, 809 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.10.2017 - Appointment of 9 SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (85.7 KiB, 806 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.10.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (72.3 KiB, 881 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.09.2017 - Appointment of 1 officers of SCS to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (70.3 KiB, 627 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.09.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (102.7 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 17.07.2018 - Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee IAS officers - regarding (1.4 MiB, 814 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.06.2018 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in the Central Secretariat for a period of three months-terms and conditions of appointment regarding. (1.6 MiB, 781 hits)

  Circular dated 26.09.2013 - Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2013 (1.8 MiB, 896 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (605.5 KiB, 1,565 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 1,013 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (729.8 KiB, 788 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.01.2018 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (561.8 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.01.2018 -Fixation of Seniority 1 IAS Officer (UP Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 1,054 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.11.2017-Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (67.1 KiB, 826 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (93.6 KiB, 809 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.09.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (102.7 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.08.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (HP Cadre) (93.9 KiB, 732 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.08.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (70.2 KiB, 638 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.08.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (TN Cadre) (119.1 KiB, 2,295 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 17.04.2017-Induction Training for IAS Officers at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 03.07.2017 to 11.08.2017 (2.1 MiB, 994 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2017-Appointment of IAS officers (Bihar Cadre) from Non-SCS cateagary (843.0 KiB, 835 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.02.2017 - Appointment of 1 IAS Officer (Kerala Cadre) from Non-SCS cateagory (230.1 KiB, 976 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.01.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (924.9 KiB, 1,049 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.12.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (68.0 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2016 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) (815.3 KiB, 933 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.11.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (SCS) to the IAS (U.P.) (123.8 KiB, 846 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.11.2016 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (252.2 KiB, 771 hits)

  RBI Circular dated 13.12.2016 - Preservation of CCTV recordings (15.9 KiB, 1,233 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.11.2016 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (105.7 KiB, 707 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.10.2016 - Appointment,re-appointment of Officer (SCS) to the IAS (Tripura) (78.8 KiB, 702 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.09.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (SCS) to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (807.2 KiB, 854 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.09.2016 - Partial modification of Notification dated 02.06.2016 (U.P. Cadre) (50.2 KiB, 512 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.09.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (81.4 KiB, 557 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.09.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (SCS) to the IAS (Assam-Medhalayya Cadre) (60.4 KiB, 628 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.08.2016 - Partial modification of Notification dated 14.01.2016-Appointment of Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (56.0 KiB, 726 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.08.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (65.9 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.08.2016 - Appointment of 3 Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (64.4 KiB, 755 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.08.2016 - Appointment of one Officer to the IAS (UP Cadre) from SCS (131.3 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated August.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (69.0 KiB, 857 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (66.5 KiB, 701 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 11.07.2016 - Induction Training Programme for IAS Officers inducted from SCS and other services (1.4 MiB, 888 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Mah. Cadre) (848.6 KiB, 1,328 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Mah. Cadre) (848.6 KiB, 843 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura Cadre) (815.8 KiB, 958 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (905.2 KiB, 891 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.07.2016 - Appointment of Officer (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (900.7 KiB, 803 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (M.P. Cadre) (970.1 KiB, 899 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.06.2016 - Appointment of Officer (SCS) to the IAS (U.P. Cadre) (56.8 KiB, 815 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.05.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (UP Cadre) (199.4 KiB, 730 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.05.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (78.4 KiB, 776 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 03.05.2016 - Induction Training for 90 Officers inducted into IAS at ATI, West Bengal from 20.06.16 to 29.07.16 (2.8 MiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.04.2016 - Appointment of Officer (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) (67.8 KiB, 663 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.04.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (WB Cadre) promoted from SCS (171.1 KiB, 775 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.04.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (73.9 KiB, 746 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.04.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (82.6 KiB, 883 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 31.03.2016 - Induction Training for Officers inducted into IAS from SCS and other services (26.04.16 to 03.06.16) (2.1 MiB, 663 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.03.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Mah Cadre) (128.2 KiB, 734 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.03.2016 - Appointment of 2 Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (59.7 KiB, 955 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 10.03.2016 - Partial amendment to the Notification dated 29.03.2004 reg. change in the date of birth-Member of IAS (Mah.) (38.7 KiB, 862 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 01.03.2016 - Induction Training for Officers inducted into IAS from SCS and other services (28.03.16 to 06.05.16) (2.1 MiB, 899 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.02.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (61.8 KiB, 830 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.02.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura Cadre) (56.8 KiB, 731 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.02.2016 - Appointment of members of the Non-SCS of Tamil Nadu to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (68.1 KiB, 964 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.02.2016 - Fixation of senioirty,year of allotment in respect of Officer (Non-SCS) in IAS (Chattisgarh Cadre) (214.9 KiB, 850 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 15.02.2016 - Amendment to Notification dated 10.02.2015 reg. apptt. of members of SCS of Assam to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (41.1 KiB, 745 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2016 - Appointment of 14 members of the SCS of Assam to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (73.3 KiB, 836 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.02.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Karnataka to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (62.3 KiB, 1,150 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.02.2016 - Notional appointment of Shri Rabi Narayan Nanda to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (118.1 KiB, 897 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.01.2016 - Apptt. of 1 member of the SCS of Meghalaya to the IAS (Assam-Mehalaya Cadre) (65.0 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.01.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer promoted from SCS category Goa Segment (86.4 KiB, 676 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 20.01.2016 - Partial modification of order dated 28.12.2015-IAS (SCS category)-Rectificcation of Select Lists-Rajasthan (490.3 KiB, 896 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 20.01.2016 - Partial modification of order dated 27.10.2015-IAS (SCS category)-SLs of Joint AGMUT Cadre (151.6 KiB, 732 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Odisha to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (57.7 KiB, 579 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2016 - Appointment of member of the Non-SCS of Odisha to the IAS (57.7 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.01.2016 - Appointment of 2 members of the Non-SCS of Punjab Cadre to the IAS (41.6 KiB, 667 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.01.2016 - Appointment of members of the SCS of Bihar to the IAS (121.9 KiB, 862 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 13.01.2016 - Induction Training for Officers inducted into IAS from SCS (28.03.16 to 06.05.16) (1.2 MiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.01.2016 - Appointment of 2 members of Non-SCS of Bihar to the IAS (62.8 KiB, 642 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2015 - Appointment of 12 members of the SCS of Gujarat to the IAS (55.6 KiB, 822 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.12.2015 - Appointment of 1 member of the SCS of Chhattisgarh to the IAS (69.0 KiB, 689 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.12.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers to be held at Hyderabad from 15.02.2016 to 25.03.2016 (2.4 MiB, 979 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.12.2015 - Appointment of members of the Non-SCS of M.P. Cadre to the IAS (63.6 KiB, 716 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.12.2015 - Appointment of members of the SCS of M.P. Cadre to the IAS (69.9 KiB, 617 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.12.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers at the ATIs of West Bengal and Mysore from 01.02.2016 and 08.02.2016, respectively (6.9 MiB, 1,015 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.12.2015 - Appointment of 6 members of the SCS of Himachal Pradesh to the IAS (65.7 KiB, 922 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.12.2015 - Appointment of member of the SCS of U.P. Cadre to the IAS (56.8 KiB, 773 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 17.11.2015 - Fixation of pay of IAS officers inducted from SCS/Non-SCS officers on appointment to IAS-reg. (53.0 KiB, 582 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 10.11.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (from SCS)-regarding additional nomination at ATI Mysore (1.0 MiB, 1,064 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 10.11.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (from SCS)-regarding additional nomination at IMG Kerala (1.3 MiB, 701 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.10.2015 - Appointment of members of the SCS of Rajasthan to the IAS (76.7 KiB, 599 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.10.2015 - Re-appointment/appointment of members of the SCS of Rajasthan to the IAS (62.6 KiB, 540 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.10.2015 - Appointment of 1 member of the SCS of West Bengal to the IAS (57.3 KiB, 697 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.10.2015 - Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS grade of CSSS-Select List Year 2014-regarding(Reminder-III) (957.3 KiB, 514 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.10.2015-Apptt. of officers to the IAS on the basis of CSE 1013 between A.P. and Telangana (52.3 KiB, 539 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.09.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Uttar Pradesh to the IAS (77.6 KiB, 597 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 21.09.2015 - Addl. list of IAS Officers (promotees) for Induction training at IMG Kerala (2.11.15 to 11.12.15) & ATI West Bengal (23.11.15 to 2.1.16) (5.6 MiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.09.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Manipur to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura Cadre) (26.4 KiB, 491 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 20.08.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (07.09.2015 to 16.10.2015) - Additional list of Officers (3.7 MiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 10.08.2015-Induction training of IAS Officers inducted from SCS at IMG Kerala during 7.9.2015 to 16.10.2015-Regarding additional nomination (2.3 MiB, 1,296 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 05.08.2015 - Induction training of IAS Officers inducted from SCS and Non-SCS (6.5 MiB, 837 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 03.08.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (17.08.2015 to 25.09.2015) (3.9 MiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) (3.8.15 to 11.9.15) (1.3 MiB, 747 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (TN) (3.8.15 to 11.9.15) (1.3 MiB, 907 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (WB) (3.8.15 to 11.9.15) (1.1 MiB, 643 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for officers who are inducted into the IAS from State Civil Services of Gujarat (500.1 KiB, 630 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.06.2015-Apptt. of 8 members of the SCS of West Bengal to the IAS (WB Cadre) (38.9 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.06.2015-Apptt. of 6 members of the Non-SCS of Karnataka to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (39.7 KiB, 2,165 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.06.2015-Apptt. of 1 member of the SCS of Sikkim to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (37.3 KiB, 1,483 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 17.06.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (5.3 MiB, 1,488 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 22.04.2015-Revision of para 2.1 each of the Select Lists of 2009 and 2012 (SCS category)-Tamil Nadu (39.5 KiB, 766 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 22.04.2015-Revision of para 2.1 of the Select List of 2009 (Non-SCS category)-Tamil Nadu (21.0 KiB, 508 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.04.2015 - Re-fixation of seniority in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Nagaland) (50.3 KiB, 529 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.04.2015-Apptt. of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Tripura to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura) (23.5 KiB, 443 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.04.2015-Apptt. of 2 members of the SCS of Mizoram to the IAS (AGMUT cadre) (25.5 KiB, 459 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.04.2015-Apptt. of 1 member of the SCS of Rajasthan to the IAS (Raj.) (32.5 KiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.03.2015 - Appointment of 2 members of the Non-SCS to the IAS (Jharkhand cadre) (23.6 KiB, 542 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2015 - Appointment of 7 members of the SCS to the IAS (Tamil Nadu cadre) (40.3 KiB, 627 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2015 - Appointment of one member of the Non-SCS to the IAS (Tamil Nadu cadre) (34.4 KiB, 915 hits)

  Notification dated 01.01.2015 - Appointment of 5 members of the SCS of H.P. to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh) (58.2 KiB, 575 hits)

  DOPT's Notice - Comments on Increase in maximum age of induction of State Civil Service Officers into IAS, IPS or IFos (As on DOPT website-27.12.2014) (12.1 KiB, 1,147 hits)

  Report of the Committee to Review the Content and Duration of Induction Training of IAS Officers (Feb, 2014) (1.2 MiB, 1,411 hits)

  Revised Scheme in the method of induction of SCS/Non-SCS/SPS/SFoS officers to IAS/IPS/IFoS (Comments required by DOPT by 23.01.2014)(17.01.2014) (275.0 KiB, 2,004 hits)

 — Notional Appointment to the IAS 

  DoPT Order dated 28.04.2022 - Notional Appointment to IAS Cadre of Tripura (656.8 KiB, 228 hits)

Appointment/Posting of IAS Officers as Asstt. Secretary in Central Sectt.

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.06.2022 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in Central Sectt. for the period from 11.07.2022 to 07.10.2022 - terms and conditions of appointment - reg. (117.2 KiB, 564 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.05.2021 - Temp. exclusion of 200 posts of SO from CSS for 13 weeks for upgradation as Assistant Secretary to be appointed from IAS (679.4 KiB, 2,935 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.09.2017 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (49.8 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.09.2017 - Appointment of two SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (59.0 KiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.08.2017-Appointment of SCS officer to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (107.4 KiB, 585 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.07.2017- Appointment of SCS Officers of Rajasthan to the IAS (107.3 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.02.2017-Fixation of Seniority in respect of IAS officer from Non-SCS (Kerala Cadre) (93.4 KiB, 925 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.09.2016-Appoinment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in Central Sectt. for 3 months-Fixation of pay-reg. (310.0 KiB, 838 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 15.06.2016-Appointment of IAS Officers as Asstt. Secretary in Central Sectt. for a period of 3 months-Terms and conditions of apptt. regarding (1.7 MiB, 941 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Odisha to the IAS (56.8 KiB, 477 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Uttar Pradesh to the IAS (135.6 KiB, 489 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.10.2015-Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in Central Sectt. for three months - Terms and conditions of appointment regarding (496.3 KiB, 520 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 08.09.2015 - Posting of IAS Officers of 2013 Batch as Assistant Secretary in Ministries/Departments for three months (411.2 KiB, 543 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.08.2015 - Posting of 158 IAS Officers of 2013 Batch as Assistant Secretary in Ministries/Departments for three months (272.9 KiB, 868 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.08.2015 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in the Central Se3ctt. for 3 months-Terms and conditions reg. (136.5 KiB, 1,399 hits)

Appointment under Central Staffing Scheme (for IAS)

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.04.2020-Nomination of officers from IAS & Group A Services for posts under CSS and for posts of CVO for the year 2019 (323.0 KiB, 945 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 17.12.2015 - Nominations of IAS Officers for appointment on deputation to posts under the Central Staffing Scheme for 2016 (387.5 KiB, 3,934 hits)

  Cadre Allocation

  IAS Cadre Allocation (CSE-2014) (As on DoPT website-01.09.2015) (5.2 MiB, 601 hits)

  DOPT's Corrigendum - Allocation of AIS Officers borne on the undivided cadre of AP between separate cadres of AP and Telangana (29.12.2014) (50.7 KiB, 742 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 - Provisional Distribution of IAS officers between Andhra Pradesh & Telangana (1.9 MiB, 546 hits)

  Cadre Allocation (IAS) Complete Cadre Allocation (CSE-2013) (As on DOPT website-25.11.2014) (620.1 KiB, 33,642 hits)

  Notification dated 30.05.2014 - Allocation of IAS Officers borne on the cadre of A.P. to the State of Telangana cadre of IAS w.e.f. 2.6.2014 (76.1 KiB, 671 hits)

  Cadre Allocation (Indian Administrative Service) (CSE-2012) - As on DOPT website - 19.03.2014 (284.4 KiB, 12,224 hits)

Cadre Strength

  DoPT Notification dated 13.03.2019 - IAS Punjab (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2019 (315.1 KiB, 251 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.03.2019 - IAS Punjab (Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2019 (335.2 KiB, 260 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2018 - IAS Haryana (Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2018 (357.7 KiB, 273 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2018 - IAS Haryana (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (326.9 KiB, 244 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2018 - IAS Haryana (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (352.1 KiB, 248 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2018 - IAS Gujarat (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (319.6 KiB, 268 hits)

Central Prabhai Officer

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2019 – Appointment of Central Prabhari Officer in respect of Districts under Aspirational District Programme- changes- regarding (568.2 KiB, 1,562 hits)

Central Staffing Scheme

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.05.2021-Circular inviting nomination from IAS and Group 'A' Services for posts under CSS and for posts of CVOs for the year 2020-reg. (260.9 KiB, 2,279 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 10.11.2014 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under the Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2015 (267.7 KiB, 733 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 10.11.2014 - Nominations of officers of the IAS for appointment to posts on Central Deputation during the year 2015 (350.0 KiB, 801 hits)

  Letter dated 20.06.2013 - Retention of names on offer for Central Deputation under the Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013 (164.2 KiB, 951 hits)

Change of Cadre

  O.M. dated 14.02.2014 - Guidelines regarding change of cadre of IAS Officers appointed against vacancies reserved for Physically Handicapped (PH) category (77.4 KiB, 1,030 hits)

Change of Name

  DoPT Notification dated 25.08.2021 - Permission to change name in respect of one IAS Officer (SCS-GJ-2012) (460.2 KiB, 527 hits)

Civil List
IAS Civil List 2021 (As on 01.01.2021) >>> Click Here.

  DoPT Letter dated 20.03.2019 - Publication of the IAS Civil List, 2019 (as on 01.01.2019) - reg. (51.2 KiB, 818 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 29.06.2018 - Inclusion of photos of the IAS officers in online version of the Civil List 2018-regarding (1.2 MiB, 640 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 14.02.2017 - Publication of the Civil List of the IAS officers for the year 2017 (as on 01.01.2017) (43.6 KiB, 950 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 22.02.2016 - Publication of the Civil List of the IAS officers for the year 2016 (as on 01.01.2016) (41.0 KiB, 715 hits)

Civil Services Examination Result

Civil Services Examination (CSE) Result

Allocation/Appointment to Various Cadres of AIS * Civil Services Examination (CSE) Result * Reserve List

— Allocation/Appointment to Various Cadres of AIS

  Allocation of Cadres to Candidates allocated to IAS on the basis of CSE 2015 (As on DoPT website-25.7.2016) (628.7 KiB, 3,890 hits)

  Allocation/distribution of AIS officers borne on the undivided cadre of A.P. between separate cadres of A.P. and Telengana (As on DOPT website - 11.10.2014) (39.4 KiB, 664 hits)

  DOPT's Notice - Allocation/distribution of AIS personnel borne on the joint cadre of Manipur & Tripura between two separate cadres (20.08.2014) (236.9 KiB, 745 hits)

  Letter dated 07.05.2013 - Change in scheme of the selection process for appointment by promotion / selection to the various cadres of AIS (77.5 KiB, 772 hits)

— Civil Services Examination (CSE) Result

  Civil Services Examination, 2020 Result – List of candidates recommended by UPSC for appointment to IAS, IFS, IPS & Central Services (As on UPSC website-25.09.2021) (190.7 KiB, 2,007 hits)

  Final Result of Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2019 (04.08.2020) (As on PIB website) (210.0 KiB, 2,461 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 03.12.2018 - Allocation of cadres to the candidates allocated to Indian Administrative Service (IAS) on the basis of Civil Services Examination(CSE) - 2017 (3.4 MiB, 1,532 hits)


  Civil Service Examination 2017-Service Allocation List (As on DoPT website-21.11.2018) (1.4 MiB, 8,348 hits)

  Allocation of services on the basis of CSE 2017 to IAS, IFS, IPS, Central Civil Services, Group A and Group B - service allocation list-4th Iteration (As on DoPT website-26.09.2018) (1.3 MiB, 5,768 hits)

  Allocation of services on the basis of CSE 2017 to IAS, IFS, IPS, Central Civil Services, Group A and Group B - service allocation list-3rd Iteration (As on DoPT website-27.08.2018) (1.0 MiB, 3,327 hits)

  Allocation of services on the basis of CSE 2017 to IAS, IFS, IPS, Central Civil Services, Group A and Group B - service allocation list-2nd Iteration (As on DoPT website-18.08.2018) (542.6 KiB, 4,292 hits)

  Civil Service Examination 2017-Service Allocation List (As on DoPT website-31.07.2018) (547.3 KiB, 10,448 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 31.08.2017 - CSE-2016 - Schedule for completion of Medical Examination in relation to Temporarily Unfit Candidates - regarding (46.0 KiB, 2,435 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 21.08.2017-92nd Foundation Course for recommended Group A Service candidates of CSE-2016 at LBSNAA (7.7 MiB, 1,869 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 03.05.2017 - Schedule for Appellate Medical Examination - regarding (95.1 KiB, 839 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.02.2017 - Rules for Civil Services Examination, 2017 (2.2 MiB, 16,743 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.12.2016-Supreme Court Order dated 28.11.2016 in WPs filed by Jogindher G. and Ors. etc. Vs. UOI & Ors. etc. (66.9 KiB, 4,684 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.11.2016 - CSE, 2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-regarding (60.7 KiB, 963 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 04.11.2016 - CSE 2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-regarding (67.8 KiB, 648 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 18.10.2016 - CSE, 2015 - Information for candidates declared as temporary unfit by Central Standing Medical Boards (CSMBs)-reg. (91.7 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 06.10.2016 - CSE 2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-regarding (57.9 KiB, 769 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 04.10.2016 - CSE, 2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-regarding (55.1 KiB, 887 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 15.09.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-reg. (58.0 KiB, 869 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 05.09.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-reg. (65.1 KiB, 993 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 24.08.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-reg. (59.3 KiB, 842 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 12.08.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-reg. (59.5 KiB, 715 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 12.08.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-regarding (59.7 KiB, 766 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 09.08.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates (57.2 KiB, 656 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.08.2016 - CSE-2015 - Joining instruction for the Officer Trainees of 91st Foundation Course scheduled to commence from 29.08.2016 (4.3 MiB, 705 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 01.08.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-reg. (55.5 KiB, 775 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 14.07.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates (64.0 KiB, 771 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 11.07.2016 - 91st Foundation Course for CSE-2015 candidates allocated to a Group 'A' service at LBSNAA, Mussourie, from 29.08.2016 to 09.12.2016 (1.2 MiB, 891 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 06.07.2016 - CSE-2015 - Change in the date for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates with respect to notice dated 04.07.16 (99.4 KiB, 738 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 06.07.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for Appellate Medical Examination regarding (66.7 KiB, 786 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 06.07.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-reg. (817.2 KiB, 786 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 05.07.2016 - CSE-2015 (Reserve List) - Provisional,Conditional status of candidates recommended by UPSC for service allocation-reg. (188.5 KiB, 806 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 04.07.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates (67.3 KiB, 642 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 30.06.2016 - CSE-2015 - Schedule for completion of medical examination in relation to temporarily unfit candidates-reg. (68.8 KiB, 611 hits)

  Press Note - Reserve List - Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2015 (As on DoPT website-29.06.2016) (27.4 KiB, 1,673 hits)

  DoPT Notice dated 28.06.2016 - CSE-2015 - Information for candidates declared temporary unfit by Central Standing Medical Board(s)-reg. (98.1 KiB, 942 hits)

  Service Allocation for CSE-2015 Candidates (As on DoPT website-23.06.2016) (1.8 MiB, 124,444 hits)

— Reserve List

  Civil Services Examination, 2019 - Reserve List, Dated 04.01.2021 (As on PIB website) (138.0 KiB, 1,279 hits)

Confirmation (DoPT Instructions)

  Information Document on the process of confirmation of Direct Recruit/Promotee officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) (Updated as on 07.10.2022) (As on DoPT website-08.10.22) (1.9 MiB, 1,358 hits)


  DoPT Notification dated 04.08.2022 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer of Maharashtra Cadre (2015 batch) (200.5 KiB, 579 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.07.2022 - Confirmation of 60 IAS Officers (2019 Batch) (1.1 MiB, 570 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.06.2022 - Confirmation of 2 IAS Officers (Haryana- 2011 Batch) (41.7 KiB, 329 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2022 - Confirmation of 65 IAS Officers (2019 Batch) (190.0 KiB, 342 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.06.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to West Bengal Cadre (553.2 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.04.2022 - Confirmation of 43 IAS Officers (2019 Batch) (117.3 KiB, 243 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2022 - Confirmation of 13 IAS Officers (2018 Batch) (700.2 KiB, 243 hits)

  Warning dated 18.11.2010 - ING Vysya Life Insurance Co. Ltd (30.0 KiB, 933 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.01.2022 - Confirmation of 15 IAS Officers (2018 Batch) (71.9 KiB, 180 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2021 - Confirmation of 46 IAS Officers (2018 Batch) (1.4 MiB, 342 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.11.2021 - Confirmation of 55 IAS Officers w.e.f. 27.08.2020 (1.6 MiB, 292 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.10.2021 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Kerala Cadre) (461.3 KiB, 351 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.09.2021 - Confirmation of six IAS Officers (2017 batch) (578.4 KiB, 267 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.08.2021 - Confirmation of 8 IAS Officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (693.2 KiB, 545 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.08.2021 - Confirmation of two IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (526.4 KiB, 363 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.07.2021 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Bihar Cadre) (444.4 KiB, 659 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2021 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Kerala Cadre) (469.1 KiB, 552 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.03.2021 - Confirmation in respect of 6 IAS Officers (2017 batch) (610.4 KiB, 388 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.03.2021 - Confirmation of 9 IAS Officers (WB Cadre) w.e.f. 06.09.2019 (770.4 KiB, 377 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.03.2021-Confirmation in respect of 25 IAS Officers in different State cadres (2017 batch) (1.1 MiB, 434 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2021 - Confirmation of 24 IAS Officers (2017 batch) (875.5 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2021-Confirmation in respect of 3 Officers in Chhattigarh Cadre (544.9 KiB, 468 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2021-Confirmation in respect of 95 IAS Officers in different State cadres (2017 batch) (1.1 MiB, 524 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.12.2020 - Confirmation of 7 IAS Officers (Jharkhand Cadre) w.e.f. 28.08.2019 (696.4 KiB, 505 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2019 - Confirmation of 109 IAS Officers (2016 Batch) w.e.f. 29.08.2018 (689.5 KiB, 327 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.02.2018 - Confirmation of 3 IAS Officers (56.4 KiB, 659 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.02.2018 - Confirmation of 2 IAS Officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (48.9 KiB, 869 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.10.2017 - Confirmation of 13 IAS Officers (Punjab Cadre) (72.5 KiB, 809 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.09.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer of Bihar Cadre (46.0 KiB, 672 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.09.2017 - Confirmation of 2 IAS Officers of 2014 batch (51.0 KiB, 683 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.09.2017 - Confirmation of 3 IAS Officers of 2014 batch(J&K Cadre) (56.9 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.08.2017 - Confirmation of 8 IAS Officers of 2014 batch (61.8 KiB, 599 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.03.2017- Confirmation of IAS Officers (66.7 KiB, 891 hits)

  DoPT notification dated 02.03.2017-Confirmation on 5 IAS officers (71.2 KiB, 919 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.02.2017 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (2013 Batch) (58.4 KiB, 931 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.01.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (42.2 KiB, 686 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.01.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (44.7 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.01.2017 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Bihar Cadre) (69.7 KiB, 763 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (2013 Batch) (156.9 KiB, 760 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Punjab) (166.1 KiB, 781 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.12.2016 - Confirmation of 87 IAS Officers of 2013 batch (280.1 KiB, 1,164 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.12.2016 - Confirmation of 20 IAS Officers (West Bengal Cadre) (83.6 KiB, 840 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.10.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Maharashtra: 2004) (65.4 KiB, 649 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.10.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh) (74.3 KiB, 684 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.07.2016 - Confirmation of three IAS Officers (2012 Batch) (56.3 KiB, 806 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.06.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers - MP and Haryana Cadres (57.8 KiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.03.2016 - Confirmation of 18 IAS Officers of 2012 batch (90.8 KiB, 737 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.01.2016 - Confirmation of 15 IAS Officers (94.0 KiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.12.2015 - Confirmation of two IAS Officers of 2008 batch (Gujarat Cadre) (46.3 KiB, 702 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.12.2015 - Confirmation of 12 IAS Officers of 2012 Batch (AGMUT Cadre) (51.8 KiB, 887 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 11.08.2015 - Confirmation of 95 IAS Officers of 2012 batch (103.0 KiB, 1,447 hits)

  Notification dated 09.03.2015 - Confirmation of 2 members of the IAS of 2011 batch (33.2 KiB, 543 hits)

  Notification dated 03.03.2015 - Confirmation of 3 members of the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (35.0 KiB, 562 hits)

  Notification dated 09.02.2015 - Confirmation of 2 members of the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (33.2 KiB, 545 hits)

  Notification dated 04.09.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (30.8 KiB, 627 hits)

  Notification dated 01.08.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) in the IAS (35.3 KiB, 668 hits)

  Notification dated 17.07.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (49.8 KiB, 865 hits)

  Notification dated 11.07.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (65.5 KiB, 662 hits)

  Notification dated 23.06.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (159.6 KiB, 768 hits)

COVID-19 Related Orders

  DoPT Letter dated 16.06.2021-Extension of timelines for recording of PAR for the year 2020-21 in respect of AIS Officers - reg. (1.5 MiB, 4,365 hits)


  DoPT O.M. dated 30.04.2020-Nomination of officers from IAS & Group A Services for posts under CSS and for posts of CVO for the year 2019 (323.0 KiB, 945 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.20 (555.7 KiB, 2,867 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.2020 (State Govts.) (495.5 KiB, 2,834 hits)

DCRB Rules

  DoPT Letter dated 10.06.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, IAS/IPS/IFoS Rules & Regulations & instructions thereunder (549.2 KiB, 8,929 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 31.03.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, etc. made under the AIS Act, 1951 (Exclusion of lockdown period) (1.5 MiB, 12,354 hits)

  Letter dated 22.08.2013 - Notification dated 12.07.2013 - Amendment to AIS (DCRB) Rules (449.8 KiB, 964 hits)

Deemed Resignation 

  DoPT Notification dated 22.07.2022 - Deemed resignation of an IAS Officer (West Bengal Cadre) in terms of Rule 7(2)(a) read with with 7(2)(b) of AIS (Leave) Rules, 1955 (332.0 KiB, 2,960 hits)

 Deputation/Foreign Service Guidelines

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.08.2022 - Transfer on deputation/foreign service of members of AIS/members of Organized Group A and Group B services of Central Government (reg. No Objection from cadre authority) (78.0 KiB, 2,372 hits)

  Letter dated 29.03.2012 - Revised standard terms and conditions for deputation of AIS officers to autonomous / other bodies and PSUs under IAS Rules and rules of IPS / IFS (92.2 KiB, 1,672 hits)

  Letter dated 11.1.2012 - Consolidated Deputation Guidelines for AIS officers dated 28.11.2007 (12.2 KiB, 1,380 hits)

Deputation to Posts under CSS and Posts of  CVOs

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of Group 'A' Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (994.5 KiB, 985 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 17.12.2024 - Nomination of IAS Officers for deputation to the posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations under various Ministries/Departments (960.2 KiB, 930 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.04.2024 - Circular inviting nominations from IAS & Group 'A' Services for appointment to DS/Director & JS and equi. level posts under CSS & for the posts of CVO for 2023 (393.9 KiB, 1,944 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2021 - Nomination for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations (by 31.01.22) (State Govts.) (368.1 KiB, 402 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.05.2021-Circular inviting nomination from IAS and Group 'A' Services for posts under CSS and for posts of CVOs for the year 2020-reg. (260.9 KiB, 2,279 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.06.2020 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the post of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments (1.7 MiB, 5,540 hits)

Digital Signature Certificate

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.08.2016-Digital Signature Certificate the form of eSign for authenticating the documents incl. PAR in SPARROW for IAS officers (89.2 KiB, 873 hits)

Disciplinary Proceedings (IAS Officers)

Check List for forwarding disciplinary proceedings proposals to DoPT * Disciplinary Proceedings * Retired IAS Officers as Inquiry Officers * Timeline

— Check List for forwarding disciplinary proceedings proposals to DoPT

  DoPT Letter dated 05.08.2020-Circulation of Check-List for forwarding disciplinary proceedings proposals/cases to DoPT against IAS Officers under Single Window System under OM dated 10.02.2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,876 hits)

— Disciplinary Proceedings, Complaints, Suspension, Vigilance Clearance, etc. 

  DoPT Letter dated 10.06.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, IAS/IPS/IFoS Rules & Regulations & instructions thereunder (549.2 KiB, 8,929 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 31.03.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, etc. made under the AIS Act, 1951 (Exclusion of lockdown period) (1.5 MiB, 12,354 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.12.2017- Frequently Asked Questions on timeline for completing Disciplinary proceeding in time bound manner under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 (185.0 KiB, 4,364 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 17.11.2015 - Instruction regarding timely submission of proposals for initiating disciplinary proceedings against IAS Officers to cadre controlling authority by Ministries/Deptts. (56.4 KiB, 7,074 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.02.2014 - Circulation of Check-List for disciplinary cases against IAS Officers and initiation of Single Window System (251.1 KiB, 2,090 hits)

  FAQs in respect of AVD-I (DOPT-August, 2012) (86.9 KiB, 1,949 hits)

— Retired IAS Officers as Inquiry Officers

  DoPT Circular dated 26.04.2023 - Inviting applications from retired IAS Officers for preparing a panel of Inquiry Officer for conducting DEs in disc. proceedings initiated against IAS Officers-reg. (2.9 MiB, 1,518 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 23.03.2023 - Inviting applications from retired IAS Officers for preparing a panel of Inquiry Officer for conducting DEs in disc. proceedings initiated against IAS Officers (2.0 MiB, 783 hits)

Empanelment for Appointment at the Centre

  Civil Service Examination 2017-Service Allocation List (As on DoPT website-31.07.2018) (547.3 KiB, 10,448 hits)

  DoPT Information Note dated 13.09.2017-Empanelment of 26 IAS Officers of 2000 batch for holding the post of JS/equi. (259.2 KiB, 747 hits)

  DoPT Information Note dated 04.05.2017-Empanelment of IAS Officers as Secretary/Secretary equivalent (51.4 KiB, 1,226 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 25.05.2015 - JS level empanelment of 1999 batch of IAS(Initial) - Requesting all State Cadres to inform and invite representations (583.4 KiB, 1,221 hits)

To see the latest Information Notes regarding empanelment of IAS Officers for empanelment at the Centre, you may click on the link >>> All India Services (AIS) – Rules/Regulations/Orders/Circulars

  Information Note dated 19.12.2014 - Empanelment of 4 IAS Officers for appointment as JS or equi. at the Centre (As on DOPT website-19.12.2014) (398.4 KiB, 557 hits)

  Information Note dated 19.12.2014 - Empanelment of 4 IAS Officers for appointment as JS or equi. at the Centre (As on DOPT website-19.12.2014) (355.7 KiB, 626 hits)

  Information Note dated 19.12.2014 - Empanelment of 4 IAS Officers for appointment as JS or equi. at the Centre (As on DOPT website-19.12.2014) (368.0 KiB, 743 hits)

  Information Note dated 19.12.2014 - Empanelment of 4 IAS Officers for appointment as JS or equi. at the Centre (As on DOPT website-19.12.2014) (373.1 KiB, 569 hits)

  Information Note dated 19.12.2014 - Empanelment of 4 IAS Officers for appointment as JS or equi. at the Centre (As on DOPT website-19.12.2014) (373.9 KiB, 564 hits)

  DOPT's Information Note dated 14.02.2014 – Empanelment of 61 IAS officers for appointment to JS or equivalent posts at the Centre (49.0 KiB, 688 hits)

x     x     x     x

  DOPT's Information Note dated 05.07.2013 - Empanelment of IAS officers for appointment to JS or equivalent posts in the Centre (15.8 KiB, 524 hits)

  DOPT's Information Note dated 27.05.2013 - Empanelment of IAS officers for appointment to AS / AS equivalent posts in the Centre (77.3 KiB, 763 hits)

*   *  *

  Information Note dated 11.10.2012 - Empanelment of IAS officers of 1993 batch for appointment to JS or equivalent posts in the Centre (34.7 KiB, 674 hits)

  Information Note dated 27.07.2012 - Empanelment of IAS officers of 1982 batch for appointment to Addl. Secy. and equivalent posts in the Centre (49.4 KiB, 719 hits)

  Communication dated 22.05.2012 - ACC approval for appointments of IAS Officers to Addl. Secretary or equivalent posts in the Centre (30.5 KiB, 601 hits)


  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.08.2016-Digital Signature Certificate the form of eSign for authenticating the documents incl. PAR in SPARROW for IAS officers (89.2 KiB, 873 hits)

 Executive Record of IAS Officers

  DoPT DO Letter dated 27.04.2023 - Updation of Executive Record (ER) Sheets of IAS Officers (251.6 KiB, 2,078 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 06.04.2022 - Regular updation of Executive Record (ER) Sheets of IAS Officers (by 18.04.2022) (243.0 KiB, 282 hits)

Fixation of Cadre Strength

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 1955 (Rajasthan) (444.1 KiB, 758 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.11.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 1955 (Chhattisgarh) (165.0 KiB, 665 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.12.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Jharkhand) (200.4 KiB, 946 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 25.08.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Sikkim) (56.6 KiB, 650 hits)

  Notification dated 16.02.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 1955 (Maharashtra) (72.7 KiB, 580 hits)

  Notification dated 13.10.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 2007 (State of Odisha) (89.4 KiB, 525 hits)

  Notification dated 18.07.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (A.P. - Telangana) (85.8 KiB, 885 hits)

  Notification dated 06.06.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (167.9 KiB, 712 hits)

  Notification dated 29.04.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (73.3 KiB, 660 hits)

  Notification dated 30.01.2013 - IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2013 (131.4 KiB, 721 hits)

  Notification dated 28.12.2012 - IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Third Amendment Regulations, 2012 (143.3 KiB, 720 hits)

Foundation Course

  DoPT Letter dated 14.08.2019 - 94th Foundation Course for IAS/IPS and Group ‘A’ service officers from 26.08.2019 to 06.12.2019 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (1.7 MiB, 28,601 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.09.2015 - 90th Foundation Course - regarding (71.0 KiB, 805 hits)

  Letter dated 11.11.2011 - Foundation Course of IAS probationers on the basis of CSE-2010 - Regarding (30.8 KiB, 615 hits)

 Guidelines for Resignation

  Letter dated 16.08.2011 - Guidelines for processing resignation tendered by AIS officers (85.6 KiB, 1,145 hits)

IAS Cadre Rules

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.10.2022 - Adherence to various provisions of IAS (Pay) Rules and IAS Cadre Rules (134.7 KiB, 407 hits)

Induction Training

  Information Document relating to exemption from Induction Training to the officers inducted into IAS (Updated as on 07.10.2022) (As on DoPT website-08.10.2022) (250.7 KiB, 1,443 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 10.02.2021 - Induction Training Programme (ITP) for SCS Officers promoted to the IAS from April 5 to May 14, 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (2.4 MiB, 941 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.01.2021-Resumption of 122nd Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS Officers from 01.02.2021 to 12.02.2021 (2.2 MiB, 639 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 20.12.2019 - 122nd Induction Training Programme for the officer promoted from the SCS into the IAS from 09.03.2010 to 19.04.2010 at LBSNAA Mussoorie (344.1 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.08.2019 - Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee IAS officers - regarding (1.2 MiB, 518 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 03.07.2019 – Induction Training Programme for SCS & other Officers inducted into the IAS from 04.11.2019 to 15.12.2019 at MGSIPA, Chandigarh (104.6 KiB, 1,088 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 10.05.2019 - Induction training programme for SCS/Others Officers inducted into the IAS at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 08.07.19 to 18.08.19 (1.5 MiB, 1,056 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 08.06.2018 - Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee IAS officers - regarding (784.5 KiB, 851 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.04.2018 - Induction Training for State Civil Service & other officers who are inducted into the IAS (3.7 MiB, 802 hits)

 In-Service Training

  DoPT Circular dated 29.11.2021-5-day Online In-Service Trg. Program for AIS officers/officers under CSS, CSS/CSSS Officers on 'Ethics in Public Services' - Deferred (22.6 KiB, 320 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 24.11.2021-3-day Online In-Service Trg. Program for AIS officers/officers under CSS, CSS/CSSS Officers on 'Capacity Building Program on Urban Development' (now from 2 to 4 Feb 22) (23.3 KiB, 312 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 24.11.2021-5-day Offline In-Service Trg. Program for AIS officers/officers under CSS, CSS/CSSS Officers on Social Impact Assessment (now from 17 to 21 January 2022) (27.5 KiB, 307 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.10.2021 - 62nd NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi (for IAS & CSS Officers) - commencing from 01st week of January 2022 (Ministries/Departments) (3.1 MiB, 408 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.10.2021 - 62nd NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi (for IAS Officers) - commencing from 01st week of January 2022 (State Govts./UTs) (2.7 MiB, 291 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.09.2021-1-Week In-Service Trg. Program (offline) and 3-5 day Online Program Calendar for AIS Officers/Officers under CSS & CSS/CSSS Officers for 21-22(Ministries) (1.8 MiB, 918 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.09.2021 - One-Week In-Service Trg. Program (offline/physical) and 3-5 day Online Program Calendar for AIS Officers/Officers under CSS & CSS/CSSS Officers for 2021-22 (1.8 MiB, 1,379 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.12.2019 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2019-20 (Second list) (903.6 KiB, 900 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 03.07.2019-One week In-Service Training Programme for AIS Officers working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers for 2019-20 (1.1 MiB, 1,697 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.07.2019 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2019-20 (1.1 MiB, 1,742 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 13.06.2019-1 Week In-service Trg. program for AIS officers working under the CSS and CSS/CSSS officers-inviting proposals for 2019-20 (792.7 KiB, 1,579 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 06.06.2019- 26th Joint Civil Military (JCM) Training Programme on National Security from August 04 to 09, 2019 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (850.4 KiB, 3,123 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.12.2018 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (Consolidated List). (2.0 MiB, 9,060 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 04.12.2108 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (04.02.2019 to 08.02.2019) (485.1 KiB, 9,082 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.08.2018 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (First List) (644.1 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 19.06.2017 - 1-week In-Service Training Program for IAS,IPS & IFoS working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers (States/UTs) (2.5 MiB, 2,510 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 19.06.2017-1-week In-Service Training Programme for IAS,IPS &IFoS working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers (Ministries) (2.3 MiB, 3,698 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.01.2016-1-week In-Service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS) working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers at IIM, Indore (509.1 KiB, 11,757 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 07.03.2014 - One week In-Service training for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme in current block of year 2014-16 (States&UTs) (1.6 MiB, 829 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 07.03.2014 - One week In-Service training for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme in current block of year 2014-16 (1.5 MiB, 1,077 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.11.2013 - 1-week in-service training programme for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-14 (501.7 KiB, 704 hits)

Inter-Cadre Deputation (IAS)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.01.2022 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K Cadre) (646.5 KiB, 196 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.11.2021 - Extenstion of Inter-Cadre Deputation of one IAS Officer for one year (to UT of J&K Cadre) (650.0 KiB, 246 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2021 - Extenstion of Inter-Cadre Deputation of one IAS Officer (to Bihar Cadre) (816.9 KiB, 350 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.09.2021 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to J&K segment of AGMUT Cadre for 3 years (429.4 KiB, 485 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Extension of Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (J&K segment) for two years (507.7 KiB, 413 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (J&K segment) for two years (496.7 KiB, 408 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Extension of tenure of inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (J&K segment) for two years (508.0 KiB, 435 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.06.2021 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to UT of J&K for three years (539.8 KiB, 1,166 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.03.2021 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation tenure in respect of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (542.9 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.03.2021 - Extention of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (530.7 KiB, 421 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.03.2021 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation tenure in respect of one IAS Officer (to Tamil Nadu Cadre) (413.2 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Maharashtra Cadre) (574.5 KiB, 640 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of two IAS Officers (to UT of J&K) (501.8 KiB, 475 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) (565.5 KiB, 626 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) -1 (485.3 KiB, 394 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) - 2 (536.6 KiB, 694 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.01.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Haryana Cadre) (510.6 KiB, 615 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Nagaland cadre) (421.6 KiB, 812 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.12.2020 - Extension of inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to TN Cadre) (522.0 KiB, 825 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Odisha cadre) (1.5 MiB, 670 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Bihar cadre) (424.1 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.11.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Maharashtra cadre) (548.9 KiB, 476 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.09.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) for one year (545.8 KiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) for 2 years beyond 21.09.2020 (519.8 KiB, 726 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Bihar Cadre) for 2 years beyond 02.07.2020 (784.3 KiB, 1,069 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) for one year beyond 04.07.2020 (811.7 KiB, 523 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.05.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Manipur Cadre) (822.5 KiB, 519 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (399.8 KiB, 855 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (426.8 KiB, 799 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Punjab Cadre) (485.7 KiB, 824 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Telangana Cadre) (552.4 KiB, 1,379 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.03.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (457.4 KiB, 1,054 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.03.2020 - Extension of Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (MH-2005) to Bihar Cadre (531.5 KiB, 495 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (552.3 KiB, 925 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (548.6 KiB, 894 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (559.9 KiB, 818 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (544.5 KiB, 543 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (563.2 KiB, 553 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (587.0 KiB, 445 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (568.6 KiB, 532 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (531.8 KiB, 412 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (815.7 KiB, 408 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (684.4 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (620.1 KiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (600.9 KiB, 440 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (675.2 KiB, 708 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (527.7 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (459.9 KiB, 591 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (782.0 KiB, 539 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (561.2 KiB, 729 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (539.4 KiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (521.2 KiB, 691 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (539.7 KiB, 549 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (538.2 KiB, 739 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.06.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (466.6 KiB, 672 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.06.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (460.6 KiB, 787 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.06.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (473.9 KiB, 861 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.05.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (713.5 KiB, 683 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.05.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (855.2 KiB, 680 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.05.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (838.7 KiB, 648 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.04.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (566.5 KiB, 584 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Maharashtra cadre) (1.2 MiB, 767 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Rajasthan cadre) (1.1 MiB, 851 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Uttar Pradesh cadre) (1.1 MiB, 687 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Karnataka cadre) (1.2 MiB, 805 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Karnataka cadre) (1.2 MiB, 677 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.12.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (1.1 MiB, 742 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (593.0 KiB, 636 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer. (586.2 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.06.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (592.0 KiB, 756 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.05.2018 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (595.6 KiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.03.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (629.8 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.03.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (530.6 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.02.2018 - Grant of leave to officers belonging to All India Services on completion of their tenures of Inter-cadre deputation - reg. (229.3 KiB, 790 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (75.1 KiB, 688 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer. (80.2 KiB, 750 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (75.0 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (72.6 KiB, 718 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2017 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (80.9 KiB, 768 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.10.2017 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (55.3 KiB, 720 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.10.2017 - Extension of Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (63.8 KiB, 994 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.07.2017-Inter Cadre deputation of 1 IAS officer from Assam-Meghalaya cadre to Bihar cadre for 3 years (1.4 MiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.07.2017-Extension of Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS officer (AGMUT Cadre) (955.4 KiB, 741 hits)

  Minutes of the meeting held under the chairmanship of the Secy., DoPT, on 21.09.2016 to consider cases of inter-cadre deputation,transfer, etc. (98.3 KiB, 539 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 22.09.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-28.09.15) (79.4 KiB, 545 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 31.07.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-03.08.15) (65.4 KiB, 811 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 02.07.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-07.07.15) (204.6 KiB, 991 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DoPT on 13.05.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation,transfer cases(As on DoPT website-19.5.15) (130.0 KiB, 886 hits)

  Status of Inter-Cadre Deputation Proposals of IAS Officers (As on DoPT website-28.4.15) (240.5 KiB, 840 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.11.2014 - Inter-cadre deputation of IAS Officers-policy regarding (16.5 KiB, 474 hits)

Inter-Cadre Transfer (IAS)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.07.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Andhra Pradesh Cadre (287.2 KiB, 2,996 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.07.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Karnataka Cadre (547.6 KiB, 649 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Andhra Cadre (561.8 KiB, 412 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Tamil Nadu Cadre (657.7 KiB, 717 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to UP Cadre (669.6 KiB, 414 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Maharashtra Cadre (673.9 KiB, 534 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.06.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Tamil Nadu Cadre (555.1 KiB, 520 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.06.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to West Bengal Cadre (553.2 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.06.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Punjab Cadre (826.5 KiB, 572 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Gujarat Cadre (662.4 KiB, 373 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Chhattisgarh Cadre (347.3 KiB, 327 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer (to Maharashtra Cadre) (555.6 KiB, 505 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.02.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (549.9 KiB, 445 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.02.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer (to Haryana Cadre) (353.5 KiB, 296 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (550.3 KiB, 354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.10.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Haryana Cadre (365.3 KiB, 485 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.10.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AP Cadre (445.7 KiB, 465 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.09.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Uttrakhand Cadre (372.2 KiB, 571 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to HP Cadre (458.7 KiB, 548 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to W.B. Cadre (435.2 KiB, 633 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Haryana Cadre (423.8 KiB, 804 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to MP Cadre (433.2 KiB, 1,134 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Telangana Cadre (439.8 KiB, 498 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.06.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (443.5 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Chhattisgarh Cadre) (458.5 KiB, 417 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.03.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Haryana Cadre) (461.6 KiB, 502 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Gujarat Cadre) (462.7 KiB, 621 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.01.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (446.3 KiB, 612 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP cadre) (826.1 KiB, 587 hits)

  RBI Circular dated 31.03.2020 - Short Term Crop Loans eligible for Interest Subvention Scheme and Prompt Repayment Incentive through KCC (116.5 KiB, 950 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.07.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to AP cadre) (654.8 KiB, 825 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.07.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Karnataka cadre) (460.0 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.07.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (452.5 KiB, 979 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to MP Cadre) (452.6 KiB, 601 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.06.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to AM Cadre) (472.3 KiB, 728 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.06.2020 - Inter-Transfer of one IAS Officer (to WB Cadre) (452.7 KiB, 647 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.05.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to MP Cadre) for 2 years beyond 01.06.2020 (512.3 KiB, 488 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to TN Cadre) (519.3 KiB, 1,121 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.02.2020 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (462.3 KiB, 452 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2019 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of two IAS Officers (471.5 KiB, 786 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.12.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (504.9 KiB, 510 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (477.5 KiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (474.5 KiB, 530 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (509.2 KiB, 521 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.10.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (478.5 KiB, 673 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (489.7 KiB, 727 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (510.8 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (478.3 KiB, 643 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (477.0 KiB, 517 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.08.2019 - Inter Cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (480.6 KiB, 598 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.08.2019 - Inter Cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (490.7 KiB, 822 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (472.0 KiB, 673 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (457.2 KiB, 717 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (470.1 KiB, 909 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (466.8 KiB, 695 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2019 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (753.4 KiB, 1,097 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.02.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Tamil Nadu Cadre to AGMUT cadre) (939.8 KiB, 790 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.02.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Rajasthan cadre) (927.7 KiB, 1,154 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.01.2019 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Maharashtra Cadre) (919.7 KiB, 809 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.10.2018 - Inter Cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer. (870.8 KiB, 847 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (509.5 KiB, 1,227 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (499.2 KiB, 724 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.08.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (507.7 KiB, 1,062 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (507.3 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2018 - Inter-cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (495.1 KiB, 884 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.04.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (459.0 KiB, 1,261 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.04.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (421.2 KiB, 774 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.04.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer. (459.2 KiB, 690 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.04.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (504.4 KiB, 533 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.03.2018 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (399.6 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2017 - Inter-cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (55.8 KiB, 1,541 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.12.2017 - Development of Software for inter cadre transfer/deputation and fixation of Seniority of promotee IAS officers - reg. (82.2 KiB, 648 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2017 - Inter-cadre transfer of two IAS Officers (73.9 KiB, 975 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 17,10.2017-Guidelines regarding change of cadre of IAS Officers appointed against vacancies reserved for Physically Handicapped (PH) category (63.6 KiB, 800 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.09.2017 - एक आईएएस अधिकारी की अंतर-संवर्गीय प्रतिनियुक्ति (40.4 KiB, 337 hits)

  Minutes of the meeting held under the chairmanship of the Secy., DoPT, on 21.09.2016 to consider cases of inter-cadre deputation,transfer, etc. (98.3 KiB, 539 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 22.09.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-28.09.15) (79.4 KiB, 545 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 31.07.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-03.08.15) (65.4 KiB, 811 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 02.07.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-07.07.15) (204.6 KiB, 991 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DoPT on 13.05.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation,transfer cases(As on DoPT website-19.5.15) (130.0 KiB, 886 hits)

  Status of Cadre Transfer Proposals of IAS Officer (As on DoPT website-28.4.15) (268.9 KiB, 864 hits)

Inter-Se Seniority

  DoPT Letter dated 27.12.2021 - Fixation of final inter-se seniority of 133 probationers of 2010 batch - reg. (599.2 KiB, 384 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 12.10.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of 181 IAS probationers of 2017 batch (Final) - reg. (7.9 MiB, 792 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.07.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2012 batch (Final) - reg. (1.2 MiB, 915 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.06.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2016 batch (Final) - reg. (1.4 MiB, 748 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 11.06.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2018 batch (Final) - reg. (1.3 MiB, 632 hits)

  Letter dated 12.11.2014 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2012 batch (Provisional) - Intimation regarding (4.7 MiB, 1,736 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 05.05.2014 - Inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2010 batch (276.8 KiB, 904 hits)

  Order dated 28.06.2013 - Inter-se seniority of some IAS Officers (Haryana Cadre) (49.2 KiB, 603 hits)

  Order dated 27.06.2013 - Inter-se seniority of some IAS Officers (86.0 KiB, 585 hits)

IPR Rules/Orders & IPR Pro Forma

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.01.2025 - Filing of IPR (Immovable Property Return) by IAS Officers for the year 2024 as on 01.01.2025 - Reminder (Secretaries) (1.4 MiB, 235 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 20.01.2025 - Filing of IPR (Immovable Property Return) by IAS Officers for the year 2024 as on 01.01.2025 - Reminder (Chief Secretaries) (1.0 MiB, 229 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 19.12.2024 - Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2024 (as on 01.01.2025) by IAS officers (States/UTs) (410.5 KiB, 673 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 19.12.2024 - Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2024 (as on 01.01.2025) by IAS officers (Secretaries) (570.5 KiB, 676 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 18.01.2024 - Filing of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2023 - reminders - reg. (Ministries/Deptts.) (1.0 MiB, 1,936 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 18.01.2024 - Filing of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2023 - reminders - reg. (State Govts.) (890.4 KiB, 824 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.12.2023 - Timely submission of IPR-2023 by IAS Officers (Ministries/Departments) (579.9 KiB, 832 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.12.2023 - Timely submission of IPR-2023 by IAS Officers (State Govts.) (417.2 KiB, 847 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.12.2022 - Facilitate implementation of online filing of IPRs in IPR mode of SPARROW (73.7 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.12.2022 - Timely submission of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2022 (Ministries/Departments) (225.1 KiB, 1,296 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.12.2022 - Timely submission of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2022 (States/UTs) (26.4 KiB, 1,225 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 28.06.2022 - Instructions for filing Immovable Property Return (IPR), subject to Note 4 of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016-reg. (232.4 KiB, 425 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.06.2022 - Instructions for filing Immovable Property Return (IPR), subject to Note 4 of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016-reg. (248.5 KiB, 391 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 11.01.2022 - Submission of IPRs online by IAS Officers in the IPR Module for the year 2021 (as on 01.01.2022) as per the prescribed timeline (Ministries/Deptts.) (271.2 KiB, 258 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 11.01.2022 - Submission of IPRs online by IAS Officers in the IPR Module for the year 2021 as per the prescribed timeline (States) (191.8 KiB, 227 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 26.11.2021 - Submission of IPRs online by IAS Officers in the IPR Module for the year 2021 (as on 01.01.2022) as per the prescribed timeline (Ministries/Deptts.) (193.2 KiB, 262 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 06.01.2021-Online submission of the IPR for the year 2020 by IAS Officers through the Module designed for the purpose by 31.01.2021 (to CSs) (206.5 KiB, 566 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 06.01.2021 - Online submission of the IPR for the year 2020 by IAS Officers through the Module designed for the purpose by 31.01.2021 (to Secretaries) (288.1 KiB, 415 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 07.02.2019 - Online filing of IPR by IAS officers in SPARROW platform for 2018 (as on 01.01.2019) (58.7 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 04.12.2018 - Submission of immovable property return by the IAS officers online in the IPR Module for the year ending 31.12.2018 (Timeline:31.01.2019)(Central Govt.) (483.1 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 04.12.2018 - Submission of immovable property return by the IAS officers online in the IPR Module for the year ending 31.12.2018 (Timeline:31.01.2019)(State Govt.) (425.1 KiB, 583 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 02.01.2018 - Filing of IPR-2018 by IAS officers. (85.3 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.12.2017 - Submission of Immovable Property Returns (IPRs) by IAS officers for the year 2017 (502.6 KiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.12.2017 - Submission of Immovable Property Returns (IPRs) by IAS officers for the year 2017 (476.4 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.10.2015-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.04.2016 (579.4 KiB, 3,145 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 30.04.2015 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (last date-15.10.2015) (State Govts.) (139.3 KiB, 2,085 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 30.04.2015 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (last date-15.10.2015) (151.6 KiB, 2,013 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.04.2015-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.10.15 (979.5 KiB, 3,729 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.03.2015 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities-Formats to be used for filing returns under section 44 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (263.5 KiB, 3,862 hits)

  Letter dated 23.01.2015 - Filing of IPRs under Rule 16 of AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968 and Annual Returns of Assets and Liabilities by AIS Officers in compliance with 2014 Rules (359.4 KiB, 4,098 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 29.12.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - AIS (State Govts.) (554.5 KiB, 1,815 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 29.12.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - AIS (Ministries) (565.6 KiB, 1,694 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 – Amendments to the Public Servants Furnishing of Information & Annual Returns of Assets & Liabilities Rules, 2014 (838.2 KiB, 3,770 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 - Amendments to the the Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,112 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.12.2014 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities by public servants under Sec. 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-extension of last date for filing of revised returns (421.2 KiB, 3,274 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Amendment to the Public Servants (Furnishing of Info. & and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities & the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 (93.3 KiB, 1,484 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Removal of Difficulty Amendment Order under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (160.6 KiB, 1,304 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (Ministries) (555.5 KiB, 1,228 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (State Govts./UTs) (501.3 KiB, 1,998 hits)

  The Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 (14.07.2014) (269.0 KiB, 1,287 hits)

  Order dated 14.07.2014 - Amendment of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 dated 15th February, 2014 for extending the time limit from 180 days to 270 days (63.3 KiB, 1,175 hits)

  The Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 (15.02.2014) (64.0 KiB, 2,241 hits)

  24.05.2011 - IPR Pro forma (80.0 KiB, 614 hits)

Lateral Recruitment to JS/Director Level Posts 

  UPSC Advertisement for online applications for lateral recruitment of Joint Secretary and Director level posts on contract basis (Last date- 22.03.2021) (As on UPSC website-08.02.2021) (209.8 KiB, 1,821 hits)

Lokpal and Lokayktas Act/Rules

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.04.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date-regarding (173.9 KiB, 6,019 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 11.04.2016 - Amendments to the Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and Limits for Exemption, etc. Rules, 2014 under Lokpal & Lokayktas Act (26.4 KiB, 11,768 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 04.04.2016-Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by IAS officers under Section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-regarding (486.7 KiB, 786 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.10.2015-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.04.2016 (579.4 KiB, 3,145 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 30.04.2015 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (last date-15.10.2015) (State Govts.) (139.3 KiB, 2,085 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 30.04.2015 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (last date-15.10.2015) (151.6 KiB, 2,013 hits)

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with proposed replies/information in respect of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (As on DoPT website-29.4.15) (170.0 KiB, 4,264 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 27.04.2015-Amendment to the Public Servants Furnishing of Information and Annual Returns of Assets and Liabilities Rules, 2014 (20.7 KiB, 3,652 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.04.2015-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.10.15 (979.5 KiB, 3,729 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.03.2015 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities-Formats to be used for filing returns under section 44 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (263.5 KiB, 3,862 hits)

  Letter dated 23.01.2015 - Filing of IPRs under Rule 16 of AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968 and Annual Returns of Assets and Liabilities by AIS Officers in compliance with 2014 Rules (359.4 KiB, 4,098 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 29.12.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - AIS (State Govts.) (554.5 KiB, 1,815 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 29.12.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - AIS (Ministries) (565.6 KiB, 1,694 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 – Amendments to the Public Servants Furnishing of Information & Annual Returns of Assets & Liabilities Rules, 2014 (838.2 KiB, 3,770 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 - Amendments to the the Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,112 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.12.2014 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities by public servants under Sec. 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-extension of last date for filing of revised returns (421.2 KiB, 3,274 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Amendment to the Public Servants (Furnishing of Info. & and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities & the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 (93.3 KiB, 1,484 hits)

  Ntfn. dated 08.09.2014 - Removal of Difficulty Amendment Order under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (160.6 KiB, 1,304 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (Ministries) (555.5 KiB, 1,228 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 08.09.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (State Govts./UTs) (501.3 KiB, 1,998 hits)

  The Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 (14.07.2014) (269.0 KiB, 1,287 hits)

  Order dated 14.07.2014 - Amendment of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 dated 15th February, 2014 for extending the time limit from 180 days to 270 days (63.3 KiB, 1,175 hits)

  The Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 (15.02.2014) (64.0 KiB, 2,241 hits)

Limitation Period

  DoPT Letter dated 10.06.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, IAS/IPS/IFoS Rules & Regulations & instructions thereunder (549.2 KiB, 8,929 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 31.03.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, etc. made under the AIS Act, 1951 (Exclusion of lockdown period) (1.5 MiB, 12,354 hits)

Meeting with MOS (PP) 

  DoPT letter dated 10.06.2015-Minutes of the Meeting by MOS (PP)/Secretary(P) with Principal Secretaries (P/GAD) of State Govts. held on 18.5.15-Reg. (412.8 KiB, 1,958 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 11.05.2015-Meeting by MOS (PP)/Secretary(P) with Principal Secretaries (P/GAD) of State Govts. to be held on 18.5.15 (378.8 KiB, 1,188 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 29.04.2015-Meeting by MOS (PP)/Secretary(P) with Principal Secretaries (P/GAD) of State Govts. to be held on 18.5.15 (22.4 KiB, 574 hits)

Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) / Other Training Programmes / Staff Course

  DoPT Letter dated 22.02.2022 - Nomination of IAS Officers for the 78th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College, Wellington - from 6th June 2022 (1.5 MiB, 211 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.10.2021 - 62nd NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi (for IAS & CSS Officers) - commencing from 01st week of January 2022 (Ministries/Departments) (3.1 MiB, 408 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.10.2021 - 62nd NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi (for IAS Officers) - commencing from 01st week of January 2022 (State Govts./UTs) (2.7 MiB, 291 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.08.2021 - 1st Common Mid Career Trg. Program (MCTP) for AIS & other Central Gp. 'A' services officers in the last week of Oct 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussorie (Ministries) (1.8 MiB, 932 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.08.2021 - 1st Common Mid Career Trg. Program (MCTP) for AIS & other Central Gp. 'A' services officers in last week of Oct 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussorie (State Govts.) (1.7 MiB, 907 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.08.2021 - 1st Common Mid Career Trg. Program (MCTP) for AIS & other Central Gp. 'A' services officers in last week of Oct 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussorie (All Cadre Authorities) (1.8 MiB, 896 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 21.06.2021 - 15th round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP for IAS Officers from 2-27 August 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussourie (6.3 MiB, 920 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.02.2021-Nomination of IAS Officers for 77th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College (Extended date: 12.03.2021) (191.2 KiB, 425 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.02.2021 - Nomination of IAS Officers for 77th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College, Wellington-Commencing from 07.06.2021 (by 03.02.2021) (1.1 MiB, 460 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 01.02.2021 - 17th Round of Phase-III mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme(MCTP) for 11 IAS Officers from 22 Feb to 19 Mar 2021 (766.6 KiB, 510 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 03.12.2020-17th round of Phase-III training of the MCTP, 2021 for IAS Officers from 22 Feb to 19 March 2021 at the LBSNAA, Mussourie (583.1 KiB, 1,508 hits)

  DoPT O.O. dated 15.04.2020 - 14th Round of Phase-V MCTP for IAS Officers of 26-28 years seniority (held in abeyance) (216.3 KiB, 1,433 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 11.09.2019 - 15th Round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP, 2019 for IAS officers is scheduled from 02nd December to 27th December, 2019 at the LBSNAA, Mussoorie (7.5 MiB, 1,723 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.07.2019 - Rescheduling of 14th round of Phase IV mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS Officers to 04.`11.2019-29.11.2019 (22.9 KiB, 815 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 11.10.2018 - Rescheduling of 14th Round of Phase III MCTP, 2018 for IAS officers to 19th November to 14th December, 2018-reg. (484.6 KiB, 1,190 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 03.07.2018 - The 13th round of Phase-IV training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2018) is scheduled from 24th September, 2018 to 19thOctober, 2018 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (2.8 MiB, 636 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 05.01.2018-13th round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP, 2018 for IAS officers from 09.04.2018 to 04.05.2018 at the LBSNAA, Mussoorie (15.5 MiB, 596 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 06/08.09.2017-12th round of Phase-III training of the MCTP for IAS officers from 20.11.2017 to 15.12.2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (5.3 MiB, 634 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 13.07.2017-11th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2017) from Sep. 25 to Oct. 13, 2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (8.4 MiB, 659 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated-31.03.2017-12th Round of Phase-IV Training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2017) from 5th June to 30th June, 2017 at LBSNAA (7.2 MiB, 1,079 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 25.01.2017 - Mid Career Training Programme Phase III for IAS officers from 10.04.2017 to 05.05.2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (4.0 MiB, 825 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.09.2016-10th round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2016) to be held from 28.11.2016 to23.12.2016 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie-additional nomination (1.1 MiB, 627 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.09.2016 - 10th round of Phase-V of the mandatory MCTP for IAS Officers (2016) from 3 to 21 October, 2016 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (418.5 KiB, 524 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 14.09.2016 - Mid Career Training Programme Phase III for IAS officers from 28.11.2016 to 23.12.2016 at LBSNAA Mussoorie (12.2 MiB, 555 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 22.07.2016 - 10th round of Phase-V of the mandatory MCTP for IAS Officers (2016) from 3 to 21 October, 2016 at LBSNAA, Mussourie (2.3 MiB, 680 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 05.05.2016 - 11th round of Phase-IV training of mandatory MCTP for IAS officers from 27th June to 22nd July, 2016 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (5.3 MiB, 792 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.05.2016 - Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS and other Group 'A' services-Policy regarding (2.3 MiB, 1,495 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.06.2015-9th Round of Phase-V MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (11 Oct to 6 Nov 2015) (3.4 MiB, 2,016 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 30.03.2015-Training of officers promoted into IAS from SCS for 9th Round of Phase-III training of the MCTP, scheduled to be started from 1.6.15 (2.0 MiB, 1,213 hits)

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  D.O. letter dated 04.03.2015-10th Round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (6.4.15 to 22.5.15) (2.8 MiB, 537 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 04.03.2015 - Enrolment of eligible IAS Officers with LBSNAA for 10th Round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP (6.4.15 to 22.5.15) (3.6 MiB, 472 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 26.12.2014-10th Round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (6.4.15 to 22.5.15) (6.4 MiB, 760 hits)

  Order dated 04.12.2014 - Fixation of seniority of IAS officers appointed on promotion from SCS on the basis in the select list of 2013 (State of Odisha) (56.6 KiB, 618 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 09.06.2014 - 9th Round of the mandatory Phase-IV Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers at LBS National Academy (23 June to 14 Aug 2014)-Reminder (1.5 MiB, 767 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 22.04.2014 - 8th Round of the mandatory Phase-III Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers at LBS National Academy (18th June to 10th Oct., 2014) (4.1 MiB, 918 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 06.03.2014 - 9th Round of the mandatory Phase-IV Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers at LBS National Academy (23 June to 14 Aug 2014) (1.4 MiB, 933 hits)

  O.M. dated 26.11.2013 - Provision of an ad hoc allowance of Rs.5000 for purchase of books, stationery, etc. to the IAS participants of NDC Course at the NDA, New Delhi (672.8 KiB, 579 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2013 - In-service training programmes for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for 2013-14 (222.4 KiB, 655 hits)

  Calendar for Mid-career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers – 2013-14 (DOPT) (14.0 KiB, 803 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 14.05.2013 - 7th round of Phase-V training of the Mandatory Mid Career Training Programme (2013) for IAS Officers (2013) (1.9 MiB, 793 hits)

  Letter dated 08.04.2013 - Phase III - Mid Career Training Programme (2013) for IAS Officers (2.0 MiB, 687 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2012 - In Service Training Programme for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2012-13 (2.0 MiB, 1,143 hits)

  Letter dated 19.06.2012 - 6th round of Phase-III of Mandatory MTCP for IAS Officers (2.7.12 to 24.8.12) - Approval of the Competent Authority (27.3 KiB, 648 hits)

  Letter dated 15.06.2012 - 6th round of Phase-III of Mandatory MTCP for IAS Officers (2.7.12 to 24.8.12) - Approval of the Competent Authority (46.6 KiB, 684 hits)

  25.05.2012 - 1-week in-service training programmes for IAS Officers and officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme (9.8 KiB, 545 hits)

  Letter dated 19.04.2012 - 7th round of Phase-IV mandatory MCTP for IAS Officers (30.4.12 to 22.6.12) - Approval of Competent Authority for those who have exhausted all three chances (34.1 KiB, 628 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 04.04.2012-6th Round of Phase-III training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (2.7.12 to 24.8.12) (489.8 KiB, 785 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 04.04.2012-6th Round of Phase-V training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (1.10.12 to 2.11.12) (433.6 KiB, 873 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 01.02.2012 - Mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS Officers - Implementation of Pay Rules (2.7 MiB, 723 hits)

  Letter dated 19.01.2012 - Nominations for 7th Round of Phase IV (2011) Mid Career Training Programme for IAS Officers (2012) during 30.4.2012-22.6.2012 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (500.7 KiB, 650 hits)

Non-Functional Upgradation

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.10.2023 - Non-functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'Á' Services (reg. IAS Officers) (644.3 KiB, 1,331 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.01.2023 - Non-functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'Á' services - regarding (39.6 KiB, 3,278 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.09.2021 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'A' Services (wrt para 1 (iv) of OM dt. 24.04.09) (42.5 KiB, 2,562 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.09.2015 - Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS grade of CSSS-Select List Year 2015-regarding (1.3 MiB, 687 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.07.2014 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organised Group A Services in PB-3 and PB-4 - IAS Officers (56.8 KiB, 983 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.05.2012 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organised Group A Services in PB-3 and PB-4 (59.2 KiB, 1,013 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.09.2009 - Non-functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'Á' Services in PB-3 and PB-4 - Clarifications (132.1 KiB, 127 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.04.2009 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'A' Services in PB-3 and PB-4 (196.4 KiB, 324 hits)

Orientation Programme

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.08.2021 - Online Orientation Programme (13-14 & 16-17 Sep 2021) for Dirs. & DSs joining Central Sectt. under the CSS, at the ISTM, New Delhi (Nomination by 13.09.21) (2.5 MiB, 1,391 hits)

Panel of Retired Officers to Conduct Departmental Enquiries Against Serving IAS Officers

  DoPT Circular dated 23.03.2023 - Inviting applications from retired IAS Officers for preparing a panel of Inquiry Officer for conducting DEs in disc. proceedings initiated against IAS Officers (2.0 MiB, 783 hits)

Pay Fixation

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.09.2022 - Pay fixation/placement of SCS/Non-SCS officers inducted to IAS consequent upon the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations (125.9 KiB, 346 hits)

Pay Rules – Pay/Allowance

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.10.2022 - Adherence to various provisions of IAS (Pay) Rules and IAS Cadre Rules (134.7 KiB, 407 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 10.06.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, IAS/IPS/IFoS Rules & Regulations & instructions thereunder (549.2 KiB, 8,929 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 31.03.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, etc. made under the AIS Act, 1951 (Exclusion of lockdown period) (1.5 MiB, 12,354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.03.2019 - IAS Punjab (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2019 (315.1 KiB, 251 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.03.2019 - IAS Punjab (Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2019 (335.2 KiB, 260 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 28.02.2019 - Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations (98.3 KiB, 3,006 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2018 - IAS Haryana (Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2018 (357.7 KiB, 273 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2018 - IAS Haryana (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (326.9 KiB, 244 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2018 - IAS Haryana (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (352.1 KiB, 248 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2018 - IAS Gujarat (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (319.6 KiB, 268 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.06.2017 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 (1.2 MiB, 1,328 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 07.04.2017-Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendation-reg (137.8 KiB, 1,034 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 (Rajasthan) (332.9 KiB, 725 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.11.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 (Chhattisgarh) (156.7 KiB, 692 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.09.2016 - Partial amendment of the Notification dated 08.09.2016 regarding The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 2016 (219.9 KiB, 662 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.12.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Jharkhand) (218.4 KiB, 634 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 25.08.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Sikkim) (62.0 KiB, 906 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 13.08.2015 - Concurrence of vacancies at various grades of IAS under Rule 3(2)(ii) of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007-reg. (55.5 KiB, 767 hits)

  Notification dated 16.02.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Maharashtra) (97.4 KiB, 715 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.01.2015 - Concurrence of vacancies in various Grades of IAS - Adherence to Rules under IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (127.4 KiB, 560 hits)

  Notification dated 31.12.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (U.P.) (170.2 KiB, 651 hits)

  Letter dated 05.12.2014 - Proposed amendment in the training duration for the training of the IAS Officers under IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (Reminder) (27.5 KiB, 465 hits)

  Notification dated 13.10.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (State of Odisha) (88.2 KiB, 522 hits)

  Notification dated 18.07.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (A.P. - Telangana) (77.9 KiB, 652 hits)

  Letter dated 16.06.2014 - Creation of ex cadre posts by State Governments beyond the permissible limit - Violation of Rules of Indian Administrative Service (321.8 KiB, 652 hits)

  Notification dated 06.06.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (175.4 KiB, 588 hits)

  Notification dated 29.04.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (74.4 KiB, 595 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Manipur-Tripura) (64.7 KiB, 620 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Manipur-Tripura)-I (71.0 KiB, 493 hits)

  Notification dated 30.01.2013 - IAS (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2013 (131.5 KiB, 641 hits)

  Notification dated 28.12.2012 - IAS (Pay) Third Amendment Rules, 2012 (103.7 KiB, 645 hits)

  Notification dated 01.03.2012 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (57.3 KiB, 691 hits)

  Letter dated 11.01.2012 - Stepping up of pay of senior member of AIS vis-a-vis pay his junior in the cadre (14.3 KiB, 1,313 hits)


  DoPT Letter dated 12.07.2019 - Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners after implementation of seventh Central pay Commissions recommendations-anomaly in determining notional pay (702.3 KiB, 9,124 hits)

  Letter dated 17.10.2013 - Notification regarding Indian Administrative Service (Commutation of Pensions) Amendment Regulations, 2013 (185.7 KiB, 710 hits)

Performance Appraisal Rules (PAR Rules)/APAR & PAR Pro Forma

APAR * Auto-Forwarding of PAR * Extension of Timelines for Generation/Recording of PAR * Performance Appraisal Rules (PAR Rules) & PAR Pro Forma


  DoPT O.M. dated 23.12.2022 - Facilitate implementation of online filing of APARs in SPARROW (72.4 KiB, 900 hits)

—Auto-Forwarding of PAR

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 29.04.2024 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for F.Y. 2023-24 (Ministries) (963.0 KiB, 1,334 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 29.04.2024 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for F.Y. 2023-24 (States) (468.0 KiB, 238 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 24.04.2023 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for FY 2022-23 (States) (359.2 KiB, 1,483 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 24.04.2023 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for FY 2022-23 (Ministries/Departments) (486.5 KiB, 1,461 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 06.05.2022 - Timelines for auto fowarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers from one level to next level (Ministries) (320.6 KiB, 446 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 06.05.2022 - Timelines for auto forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers from one level to next level (State Govts.) (232.2 KiB, 428 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 25.03.2021 - Auto-forwarding of PARs from the assessment year 2021-21 - reg. (41.8 KiB, 548 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.03.2021 - Auto-forwarding of PARs from the assessment year 2021-21 - reg. (for Ministries/Departments) (52.4 KiB, 550 hits)

— Extension of Timelines for Generation/Recording of PAR

  DoPT Letter dated 16.06.2021-Extension of timelines for recording of PAR for the year 2020-21 in respect of AIS Officers - reg. (1.5 MiB, 4,365 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 29.04.2021-Extension of timelines for generation, recording of PAR for the year 2020-21 in respect of AIS Officers by reporting/reviewing/accepting authorities (74.3 KiB, 3,468 hits)

— Performance Appraisal Rules (PAR Rules) & PAR Pro Forma

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2022 - Timely completion of APARs for the year 2021-22 of IAS officers (State Govts.) (199.8 KiB, 1,301 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2022 - Timely completion of APARs for the year 2021-22 of IAS officers (Ministries/Departments) (193.5 KiB, 757 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 14.12.2021 - Completion of the PARs online by IAS Officers pertaining to the Assessment Year 2020-21 as per the prescribed timelines (Ministries/Deptts.) (632.3 KiB, 239 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 14.12.2021 - Completion of the PARs online by IAS Officers pertaining to the Assessment Year 2020-21 as per the prescribed timelines (State Govts.) (658.7 KiB, 340 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 13.07.2020 - Further extension in timelines for recording of PAR for the year 2019-20 in respect of AIS Officers by the reporting/reviewing/accepting authority (794.8 KiB, 5,015 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.03.2020 - Amendment to AIS (PAR) Rules 2007 (to Secretaries of Ministries) (46.3 KiB, 1,378 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.03.2020 - Amendment to AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 (to Chief Secretaries of States/UTs) (38.1 KiB, 1,371 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 11.06.2018 - Proposal to modify PAR Form I & II applicable for IAS officers under Appendix I Schedule 2 of AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 (1.8 MiB, 729 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 28.06.2018-Appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Central Ministries/Departments (194.5 KiB, 1,954 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 08.12.2017 - Expediting recording of PARs of IAS officers - reg. (416.1 KiB, 723 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.12.2016 - Completion of writing of PARs of IAS officers for 2015-16 in SPARROW (82.4 KiB, 1,009 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.08.2016-Digital Signature Certificate the form of eSign for authenticating the documents incl. PAR in SPARROW for IAS officers (89.2 KiB, 873 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.05.2016 - The AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Annual Health Check-Up of IAS officers (365.2 KiB, 1,210 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.05.2016 - Online filing of PAR by IAS officers - issue of instructions regarding DSC - regarding (80.5 KiB, 665 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.04.2016 - Online filing of PAR by IAS officers - Issue of instructions regarding DSC -reg. (377.2 KiB, 875 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 28.04.2015 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Annual Health Check - IAS Officers (25.4 KiB, 657 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 21.04.2015 - Mandatory online filing of PAR by IAS Officers from the year 2014-15 (43.8 KiB, 483 hits)

  Letter dated 01.05.2014 - Extension of time line prescribed in schedule for completion of PAR appended to the PAR format (128.0 KiB, 564 hits)

  Minutes of Meeting held on 21.2.2014 with Jt. Secretary (Admn.) of all Central Ministries, Deptts. to demonstrate the software for online filing of PAR (As on DOPT website) (244.2 KiB, 562 hits)

  Letter dated 21.02.2014 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS Officers (136.9 KiB, 714 hits)

  Letter dated 20.02.2013 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Revised pro forma for annual health check up of IAS Officers and revised rates thereof (109.8 KiB, 915 hits)

  Letter dated 19.02.2013 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check up of IAS Officers (317.9 KiB, 863 hits)

  Letter dated 18.01.2012 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS officers (16.6 KiB, 713 hits)

  PAR Rules - PAR Pro forma (615.1 KiB, 704 hits)

Probation Rules

  DoPT Notification dated 09.03.2022 - Amendment of the IAS (Probationers' Final Examination) Regulations, 1955 (61.6 KiB, 123 hits)

  Notification dated 04.12.2014 - Amendment to Rule 5(2) of the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (45.6 KiB, 583 hits)

  Letter dated 14.11.2014 - Proposed amendment in the training duration for the training of the IAS Officers under IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (40.4 KiB, 1,359 hits)

  Letter dated 21.10.2014 - Proposed amendment in IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 - regarding (43.9 KiB, 1,324 hits)

  Proposal to amend the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (As on DOPT website - 21.10.2014) (44.3 KiB, 1,562 hits)

Pro forma Promotion & Pay Fixation

  DoPT O.M. dated 06.10.2022 - Grant of proforma promotion to IAS officers and pay fixation (106.8 KiB, 410 hits)

Promotion/Promotion Guidelines

  DoPT Letter dated 28.02.2019 - Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations (98.3 KiB, 3,006 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Punjab cadre (72.1 KiB, 236 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Tamil Nadu cadre (76.4 KiB, 236 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - AGMUT Cadre (90.1 KiB, 241 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Andhra Pradesh Cadre (26.4 KiB, 226 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre (75.6 KiB, 354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Uttar Pradesh Cadre (105.5 KiB, 223 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Joint AGMUT Cadre (83.4 KiB, 214 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.11.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Manipur Cadre (735.6 KiB, 496 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.11.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Sikkim Cadre (750.6 KiB, 287 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 15.10.2015 - Review of Promotion Guidelines for promotion of IAS Officers - clarifications - regarding (59.4 KiB, 463 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.09.2015 - Review of Promotion Guidelines for promotion of IAS Officers - Clarification regarding (46.8 KiB, 487 hits)


  DoPT O.M. dated 21.07.2016-Proposals/requests from private persons for sanction for prosecution of an IAS Officer serving in State/Central Govt. under the P.C. Act, 1988 (309.2 KiB, 1,968 hits)

Review Committee

  DoPT letter dated 03.02.2016 - AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958 - Guidelines for intensive review of records-Review Committees for IAS/IPS of AGMUT Cadre (54.6 KiB, 977 hits)

SCS/NSCS Officers

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.09.2022 - Pay fixation/placement of SCS/Non-SCS officers inducted to IAS consequent upon the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations (125.9 KiB, 346 hits)

Seniority Order (up to 01.08.2022 only)

  DoPT Order dated 01.08.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (725.9 KiB, 548 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.08.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (760.6 KiB, 597 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.07.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 2,985 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.06.2022 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (728.5 KiB, 413 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.06.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Jt. Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (915.2 KiB, 371 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.06.2022 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (830.0 KiB, 381 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.04.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Tripura Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 338 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.03.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Goa segment of Joint AGMUT Cadre) (1.9 MiB, 278 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.03.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (490.2 KiB, 260 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.03.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (483.0 KiB, 740 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (457.7 KiB, 289 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (UP Cadre) (465.9 KiB, 223 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (789.6 KiB, 230 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (507.3 KiB, 271 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (541.6 KiB, 235 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (774.3 KiB, 301 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (MP Cadre) (835.0 KiB, 338 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Karnataka Cadre promoted to the IAS (1.1 MiB, 381 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Maharashtra Cadre appointed to the IAS (741.0 KiB, 308 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Rajasthan Cadre appointed to the IAS (1.1 MiB, 251 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Maharashtra Cadre appointed to the IAS (500.8 KiB, 229 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Gujarat Cadre appointed to the IAS (613.4 KiB, 271 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Maharashtra Cadre appointed to the IAS (555.0 KiB, 256 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.11.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of J&K Cadre appointed to the IAS (462.7 KiB, 193 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.10.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Uttar Pradesh Cadre promoted to the IAS (812.2 KiB, 353 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.09.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Telangana Cadre (348.7 KiB, 493 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.09.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Rajasthan Cadre promoted to the IAS (523.8 KiB, 374 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.08.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Andhra Pradesh Cadre promoted to the IAS (513.4 KiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.08.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Chhattisgarh Cadre promoted to the IAS (407.7 KiB, 866 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.08.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Nagaland Cadre promoted to the IAS (493.1 KiB, 255 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.07.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2012 batch (Final) - reg. (1.2 MiB, 915 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.07.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Himachal Pradesh Cadre promoted to the IAS (555.6 KiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.04.2021 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Odisha Cadre promoted to the IAS (727.3 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.04.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Kerala Cadre promoted to the IAS (599.6 KiB, 668 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 23.03.2021 - Partial modification of Order dated 03.11.2020 reg. Select List of 2018 (SCS Category) - Maharashtra Cadre (222.8 KiB, 541 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.03.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Punjab Cadre promoted to the IAS (522.8 KiB, 473 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.03.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Gujarat Cadre promoted to the IAS (528.3 KiB, 376 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.03.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of SCS Officers of Meghalaya promoted to the IAS in Maghalaya Segment of Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre (485.9 KiB, 404 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.02.2021 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Nagaland Cadre) (539.8 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.12.2020 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer(s) (Bihar Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 493 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) from Review Select Lists 2013 up to 2018 and 2019 (1.3 MiB, 851 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) (Select List 2019)-SCS category) (697.6 KiB, 539 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (TN Cadre) (Select List 2019)-SCS category) (498.3 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (Select List 2019)-SCS category) (805.8 KiB, 618 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer(s) (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (837.7 KiB, 501 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.6 MiB, 515 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.10.2020 - Re-fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officer (Rajasthan Cadre) (813.6 KiB, 612 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.09.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Sikkim Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.09.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers promoted to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (943.9 KiB, 591 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.09.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officers promoted to the IAS (UP Cadre) (855.4 KiB, 576 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.07.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer (Assam Segment of Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 936 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.06.2020 - Fixation of seniority in respect of Non-SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (549.3 KiB, 459 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.06.2020 - Fixation of seniority in respect of SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (423.7 KiB, 541 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.06.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh) (1.2 MiB, 778 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 13.03.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Jt. Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 739 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.03.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 497 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (AGMUT Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 579 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (994.4 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (983.8 KiB, 483 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 26.02.2020-Fixation of senioirity of IAS Officer-Modification of Para 3.1 of Order dated 14.02.2020 (353.8 KiB, 486 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 558 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) (950.8 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.12.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers ( Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (926.0 KiB, 485 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 508 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (West Bengal Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 509 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Nagaland Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 717 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.09.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 811 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.08.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Rajasthan Cadre) (1.6 MiB, 456 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.08.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 506 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.07.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 616 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.06.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Haryana Cadre) (794.7 KiB, 528 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.06.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (626.2 KiB, 683 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.06.2019 – Allotment of seniority in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) (910.6 KiB, 587 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 31.05.2019- Allotment of seniority of IAS Officers (Nagaland Cadre) (Partial modification of Order dated 29.05.2019) (235.7 KiB, 424 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority=year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Nagaland Cadre) (857.0 KiB, 534 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Haryana Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 608 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Manipur Cadre) (766.6 KiB, 664 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Telangana Cadre) (2.0 MiB, 613 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.04.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.04.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 666 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Bihar Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 623 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officer (West Bengal Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 710 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (AGMUT Cadre) (503.8 KiB, 913 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Jharkhand Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 4,763 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Punjab Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 530 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 538 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Kerala Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 600 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Arunachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 557 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 584 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 716 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 760 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.12.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 755 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.12.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Mizoram Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 770 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.12.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 614 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.11.2018 - Fixation of Seniority of 1 IAS Officer (Gujarat Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 517 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.11.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (2.0 MiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.11.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 614 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.11.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.10.2018 – Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Odisha Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 720 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Manipur Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 805 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Mizoram Segment of Joint AGMUT Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 944 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 881 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 642 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Punjab Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (West Bengal Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 786 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.09.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 749 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.09.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 756 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.08.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.07.2018 - Revision of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Rajasthan Cadre for the Select Lists of 1994-95 to 2000- regarding (1.3 MiB, 768 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 26.07.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Odisha Cadre) (323.6 KiB, 552 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.07.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (864.7 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Order 09.07.2018 - Fixation seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat cadre) (26.4 KiB, 696 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.06.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (713.0 KiB, 699 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.06.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Jharkhand Cadre) (1.7 MiB, 842 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 17.05.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (715.4 KiB, 759 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.05.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (419.1 KiB, 936 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officers (MP Cadre) (956.8 KiB, 668 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 06.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (592.4 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Kerala Cadre) (730.8 KiB, 663 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.03.2018 - Seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (256.3 KiB, 681 hits)

  DoPT Order 08.02.2018 - Fixation seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu cadre) (408.2 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Order 08.02.2018 - Fixation seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (West Bengal cadre) (449.4 KiB, 729 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Jammu and Kashmir cadre) (377.9 KiB, 854 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra cadre) (253.9 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Chhattisgarh cadre ) (289.4 KiB, 807 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Karnataka cadre ) (26.4 KiB, 563 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tripura cadre) (288.3 KiB, 661 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Nagaland cadre) (224.5 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (518.3 KiB, 705 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (297.0 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Manipur Cadre) (327.2 KiB, 722 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (502.4 KiB, 678 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.01,2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (332.9 KiB, 639 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.01,2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Haryana Cadre) (265.3 KiB, 697 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Madhya Pradesh cadre) (398.4 KiB, 610 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Himachal Pradesh cadre) (202.4 KiB, 672 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Uttar Pradesh cadre) (1.0 MiB, 714 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Uttarakhand cadre (SCS category) for the select list of 2013 - regarding. (117.8 KiB, 866 hits)

  DoPT Order 09.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of promotee IAS officer viz Shri Arvind Pal Singh Sandhu for the select list of 2014 of Punjab cadre - reg. (115.2 KiB, 544 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Maharashtra cadre (SCS category) for the Select List of 2016 - reg. (35.7 KiB, 562 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of odisha cadre (Non-SCS category) for the select list of 2016 - regarding. (128.3 KiB, 627 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.10.2017 - Fixation of seniority of Non-SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (130.4 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.09.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS officers appointed on promotion from SCS category (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (114.3 KiB, 703 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.08.2017-Fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS officers promoted to the IAS (175.1 KiB, 894 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.08.2017-Fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS officers promoted to the IAS (168.3 KiB, 550 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.08.2017-Fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS officers promoted to the IAS (178.8 KiB, 517 hits)

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  DoPT Order dated 16.06.2017 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (MP Cadre) from SCS (1.8 MiB, 1,154 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.06.2017 - Fixation or seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer promoted from SCS (Maharashtra Cadre) (131.2 KiB, 974 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.03.2017- Fixation of seniority of promotee IAS officers against Review Select Lists of 2007-A, 2008 and 2009 of Tripura cadre (187.0 KiB, 830 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 13.02.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS officer from SCS (MP) (103.3 KiB, 912 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) from Non-SCS category (101.0 KiB, 1,020 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority, year of allotment of IAS Officers (Karnataka Cadre) from Non-SCS category for the SL year 2014 (105.3 KiB, 911 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority, year of allotment of IAS Officers (Karnataka Cadre) from Non-SCS category (104.3 KiB, 970 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (126.5 KiB, 700 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Assam-Meghalaya Jt. Cadre) (88.3 KiB, 722 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 02.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Haryana Cadre) (105.5 KiB, 750 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.11.2016 - Fixation of seniority of officers (Non-SCS) appointed to the IAS (Tamil Nadu) (116.7 KiB, 797 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of Non-SCS Officer appointed to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (94.2 KiB, 792 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (94.6 KiB, 746 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of Non-SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (90.3 KiB, 713 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (102.1 KiB, 849 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Tripura Cadre) (90.2 KiB, 552 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) promoted from SCS (123.8 KiB, 658 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Mah Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (111.3 KiB, 700 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Mah Cadre) promoted from SCS (121.1 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) promoted from SCS (96.5 KiB, 647 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (87.4 KiB, 597 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 25.07.2016 - Partial modification of the Order dated 18.04.2016 regarding fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (Mah Cadre) (34.7 KiB, 794 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.07.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (MP Cadre) promoted from SCS (126.8 KiB, 909 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (U.P. Cadre) promoted from SCS (100.6 KiB, 714 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (AP/Telangana) (137.2 KiB, 936 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (U.P. Cadre) promoted from SCS (175.0 KiB, 767 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.06.2016 - Fixation of senioirty in respect of IAS Officers (Non-SCS) - Govt. of West Bengal (95.4 KiB, 695 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (93.3 KiB, 687 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) promoted from SCS (97.7 KiB, 536 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Tripura Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (78.0 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) promoted from SCS (84.9 KiB, 775 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Meghalaya) promoted from Non-SCS (71.8 KiB, 633 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Bihar Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (113.1 KiB, 690 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.05.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) promoted from SCS (97.4 KiB, 651 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.04.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Mah. Cadre) promoted from SCS (1.7 MiB, 913 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.04.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (77.6 KiB, 533 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.04.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) promoted from SCS (114.8 KiB, 766 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (M.P. Cadre) (262.8 KiB, 853 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of Officer (SCS) in IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (147.6 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officer (SCS) in IAS (M.P. Cadre) (132.6 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of 1 Officer (SCS) in IAS (J&K Cadre) (133.8 KiB, 531 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.03.2016 - Fixation of senioirty/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (147.3 KiB, 802 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (147.4 KiB, 794 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.02.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (178.3 KiB, 763 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.02.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Bihar Cadre) (305.2 KiB, 656 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.02.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (95.8 KiB, 680 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.02.2016 - Amendment in Rule 3(3)(ii) of the IAS (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 (198.4 KiB, 943 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.01.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers promoted from SCS of Himachal Pradesh Cadre-Select List 2014 (123.7 KiB, 703 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.01.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of one IAS Officer promoted from SCS of Odisha Cadre-Select List 2013 (94.2 KiB, 654 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.12.2015 - Re-fixation of seniority year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS officers of Rajasthan Cadre (876.4 KiB, 655 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 18.12.2015 - Amendment to Seniority order dated 26.06.15 in respect of IAS Officers (Assam Cadre) fron SCS (25.5 KiB, 843 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 16.12.2015 - Seniority order dated 19.05.2015 in respect of SCS Officers (TN Cadre) (52.2 KiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.08.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officer (Non-SCS quota) (Jharkhand) (41.5 KiB, 1,121 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.08.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officer (SCS quota) (Sikkim) (42.2 KiB, 1,058 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.08.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officer (UT segment of AGMUT Cadre) (85.8 KiB, 1,118 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.07.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 8 IAS Officers (SCS) of 2013 batch (WB Cadre) (55.2 KiB, 746 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.07.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers of Non-SCS category (Kerala Cadre) (48.1 KiB, 747 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 02.07.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Arunachal Segment of AGMUT Cadre) (48.5 KiB, 862 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Assam Cadre) fron SCS (56.4 KiB, 859 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Tripura Cadre) fron Non-SCS (43.2 KiB, 953 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 4 IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) from SCS (46.4 KiB, 618 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) fron Non-SCS - I (46.4 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) fron SCS (47.8 KiB, 656 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (M.P. Cadre) fron SCS quota (61.1 KiB, 1,428 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Tamil Nadu Cadre) fron Non-SCS quota (41.1 KiB, 1,521 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers (Jharkhand Cadre) fron Non-SCS quota (47.6 KiB, 1,453 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Mizoram Segment of AGMUT Cadre) (40.7 KiB, 898 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.05.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Telangana) (43.1 KiB, 819 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.05.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Tamilnadu) (54.0 KiB, 799 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.05.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Nagaland) (72.8 KiB, 644 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.04.2015 - Fixation of seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Maharashtra) against SCS quota (38.8 KiB, 586 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.04.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers (Sikkim cadre) (33.2 KiB, 481 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.04.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Punjab) (32.1 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Tripura Cadre) (74.6 KiB, 536 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Tripura-Manipur) (41.4 KiB, 491 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) (49.3 KiB, 557 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Punjab Cadre) (52.4 KiB, 745 hits)


  DoPT O.M. dated 23.12.2022 - Facilitate implementation of online filing of IPRs in IPR mode of SPARROW (73.7 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.12.2022 - Facilitate implementation of online filing of APARs in SPARROW (72.4 KiB, 900 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 07.02.2019 - Online filing of IPR by IAS officers in SPARROW platform for 2018 (as on 01.01.2019) (58.7 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.12.2016 - Completion of writing of PARs of IAS officers for 2015-16 in SPARROW (82.4 KiB, 1,009 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.08.2016-Digital Signature Certificate the form of eSign for authenticating the documents incl. PAR in SPARROW for IAS officers (89.2 KiB, 873 hits)

Study Leave

  DoPT letter dated 16.01.2023 - Rationalizing the process of Central Government's approval for ex-India Study Leave by State Cadre in respect of IAS Officers under Study Leave Regulations (440.9 KiB, 1,499 hits)


  DoPT Letter dated 10.06.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, IAS/IPS/IFoS Rules & Regulations & instructions thereunder (549.2 KiB, 8,929 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 31.03.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, etc. made under the AIS Act, 1951 (Exclusion of lockdown period) (1.5 MiB, 12,354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.12.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Jharkhand) (218.4 KiB, 634 hits)

Training/Training Plan

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.11.2021 - 62nd NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi (for IAS & CSS Officers) from 01st week of January 2022 (Last date of nomination extended to 02.12.21) (160.0 KiB, 358 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 22.10.2020 - 61st NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi, commencing from Jan/Feb 2021 to Nov/Dec 2021 (Last date- 31.10.2020) (1.9 MiB, 602 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 14.11.2017-One-week In-Service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS) officers under the CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers at TISS, Mumbai (Cancellation) (370.9 KiB, 3,507 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.01.2017-One Week In-service Training programme for Officers of AIS (IAS,IPS & IFoS), officers working under CSS, officers of CSS/CSSS - 2017-18 (1.1 MiB, 3,174 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.01.2017-Nominations for 43rd Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at IIPA, New Delhi from 3rd July, 2017 to April, 2018 (6.1 MiB, 2,618 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.06.2015-Comments invited from IAS Officers and other stakeholders on the proposed 'Draft Policy Paper on Cadre Training Plan for IAS Officers' (2.1 MiB, 864 hits)

Vacancies/Vacancies in Promotion

  DoPT DO Letter dated 19.12.2019 - Request for Proposal for determination of vacancies to be filled under promotion quota in the year 2019-reg. (888.5 KiB, 260 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 26.12.2017 - Determination of number of vacancies in the promotion quota of IAS, both in SCS and Non SCS category in consultation with State Government (181.1 KiB, 599 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 20.05.2016-Category-wise and Insider & Outsider distribution of vacancies in IAS on the basis of CSE, 2015-reg. (134.4 KiB, 836 hits)

III. IAS – Rules/Regulations/Orders/Instructions ARCHIVE 

Jul-Dec 2023

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.12.2023 - Timely submission of IPR-2023 by IAS Officers (Ministries/Departments) (579.9 KiB, 832 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.12.2023 - Timely submission of IPR-2023 by IAS Officers (State Govts.) (417.2 KiB, 847 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.10.2023 - Non-functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'Á' Services (reg. IAS Officers) (644.3 KiB, 1,331 hits)

Jan-Jun 2023

  DoPT DO Letter dated 27.04.2023 - Updation of Executive Record (ER) Sheets of IAS Officers (251.6 KiB, 2,078 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 26.04.2023 - Inviting applications from retired IAS Officers for preparing a panel of Inquiry Officer for conducting DEs in disc. proceedings initiated against IAS Officers-reg. (2.9 MiB, 1,518 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 24.04.2023 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for FY 2022-23 (States) (359.2 KiB, 1,483 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 24.04.2023 - Auto-forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers for FY 2022-23 (Ministries/Departments) (486.5 KiB, 1,461 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 23.03.2023 - Inviting applications from retired IAS Officers for preparing a panel of Inquiry Officer for conducting DEs in disc. proceedings initiated against IAS Officers (2.0 MiB, 783 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.01.2023 - Non-functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'Á' services - regarding (39.6 KiB, 3,278 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.01.2023 - Rationalizing the process of Central Government's approval for ex-India Study Leave by State Cadre in respect of IAS Officers under Study Leave Regulations (440.9 KiB, 1,499 hits)

Sep-Dec 2022

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.12.2022 - Facilitate implementation of online filing of IPRs in IPR mode of SPARROW (73.7 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 23.12.2022 - Facilitate implementation of online filing of APARs in SPARROW (72.4 KiB, 900 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.12.2022 - Timely submission of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2022 (Ministries/Departments) (225.1 KiB, 1,296 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.12.2022 - Timely submission of IPRs by IAS officers for the year 2022 (States/UTs) (26.4 KiB, 1,225 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2022 - Timely completion of APARs for the year 2021-22 of IAS officers (Ministries/Departments) (193.5 KiB, 757 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.10.2022 - Adherence to various provisions of IAS (Pay) Rules and IAS Cadre Rules (134.7 KiB, 407 hits)

  Information Document relating to exemption from Induction Training to the officers inducted into IAS (Updated as on 07.10.2022) (As on DoPT website-08.10.2022) (250.7 KiB, 1,443 hits)

  Information Document on the process of confirmation of Direct Recruit/Promotee officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) (Updated as on 07.10.2022) (As on DoPT website-08.10.22) (1.9 MiB, 1,358 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 06.10.2022 - Grant of proforma promotion to IAS officers and pay fixation (106.8 KiB, 410 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.09.2022 - Pay fixation/placement of SCS/Non-SCS officers inducted to IAS consequent upon the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations (125.9 KiB, 346 hits)

Jul-Aug 2022

  DoPT O.M. dated 17.08.2022 - Transfer on deputation/foreign service of members of AIS/members of Organized Group A and Group B services of Central Government (reg. No Objection from cadre authority) (78.0 KiB, 2,372 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.08.2022 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer of Maharashtra Cadre (2015 batch) (200.5 KiB, 579 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.08.2022 - Appointment of SCS Officers of erstwhile J&K to the IAS (erstwhile J&K Cadre) - Select Lists of 2013 up to 2018 (1.6 MiB, 888 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.08.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (725.9 KiB, 548 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.08.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (760.6 KiB, 597 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2022 - Appointment of SCS Officers of Andhra Pradesh to the IAS - Select Lists of 2020 and 2021 (987.9 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2022 - Appointment of 18 SCS Officers of Assam to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (977.9 KiB, 532 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.07.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Andhra Pradesh Cadre (287.2 KiB, 2,996 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.07.2022 - Appointment of SCS Officer of Assam to the IAS (Assam Segment of Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.6 MiB, 2,956 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.07.2022 - Deemed resignation of an IAS Officer (West Bengal Cadre) in terms of Rule 7(2)(a) read with with 7(2)(b) of AIS (Leave) Rules, 1955 (332.0 KiB, 2,960 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.07.2022 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officers of Rajasthan to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Select List of 2021 (984.7 KiB, 3,079 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.07.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 2,985 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.07.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Karnataka Cadre (547.6 KiB, 649 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.07.2022 - Confirmation of 60 IAS Officers (2019 Batch) (1.1 MiB, 570 hits)

May-June 2022 

  DoPT Letter dated 28.06.2022 - Instructions for filing Immovable Property Return (IPR), subject to Note 4 of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016-reg. (232.4 KiB, 425 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.06.2022 - Instructions for filing Immovable Property Return (IPR), subject to Note 4 of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016-reg. (248.5 KiB, 391 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.06.2022 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in Central Sectt. for the period from 11.07.2022 to 07.10.2022 - terms and conditions of appointment - reg. (117.2 KiB, 564 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.06.2022 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (728.5 KiB, 413 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Andhra Cadre (561.8 KiB, 412 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.06.2022 - Confirmation of 2 IAS Officers (Haryana- 2011 Batch) (41.7 KiB, 329 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.06.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Jt. Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (915.2 KiB, 371 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Tamil Nadu Cadre (657.7 KiB, 717 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to UP Cadre (669.6 KiB, 414 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2022 - Confirmation of 65 IAS Officers (2019 Batch) (190.0 KiB, 342 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.06.2022 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer to Maharashtra Cadre (673.9 KiB, 534 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.06.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Tamil Nadu Cadre (555.1 KiB, 520 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.06.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to West Bengal Cadre (553.2 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.06.2022 - Confirmation of two IAS Officers (2017 Batch) of Karnataka Cadre (43.7 KiB, 411 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.06.2022 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers of Meghalaya to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (984.6 KiB, 424 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.06.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Punjab Cadre (826.5 KiB, 572 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.06.2022 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (830.0 KiB, 381 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.05.2022 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers of Karnataka Govt. to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) - Select List of 2016 (1.0 MiB, 451 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.05.2022 - Appointment of 7 SCS Officers of Chhattisgarh State Govt. to the IAS (Chhatisgarh Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (1.1 MiB, 429 hits)

xxx  xxx

  DoPT DO Letter dated 06.05.2022 - Timelines for auto fowarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers from one level to next level (Ministries) (320.6 KiB, 446 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 06.05.2022 - Timelines for auto forwarding of PARs in respect of IAS Officers from one level to next level (State Govts.) (232.2 KiB, 428 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.05.2022 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers of Mizoram to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (475.9 KiB, 505 hits)

Mar-Apr 2022 

  DoPT Order dated 28.04.2022 - Notional Appointment to IAS Cadre of Tripura (656.8 KiB, 228 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.04.2022 - Confirmation of 43 IAS Officers (2019 Batch) (117.3 KiB, 243 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Gujarat Cadre (662.4 KiB, 373 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to Chhattisgarh Cadre (347.3 KiB, 327 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.04.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Tripura Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 338 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.04.2022 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) - Select List of 2020 (450.0 KiB, 266 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 06.04.2022 - Regular updation of Executive Record (ER) Sheets of IAS Officers (by 18.04.2022) (243.0 KiB, 282 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.03.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Goa segment of Joint AGMUT Cadre) (1.9 MiB, 278 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.03.2022 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Tripura Cadre) (486.6 KiB, 248 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2022 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (452.7 KiB, 218 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.03.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (490.2 KiB, 260 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.03.2022 - Amendment of the IAS (Probationers' Final Examination) Regulations, 1955 (61.6 KiB, 123 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.03.2022 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Kerala Cadre)-Select List 2020 (429.6 KiB, 258 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.03.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (483.0 KiB, 740 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (457.7 KiB, 289 hits)

Jan-Feb 2022

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer (to Maharashtra Cadre) (555.6 KiB, 505 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (UP Cadre) (465.9 KiB, 223 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2022 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre)-Select List 2020 (546.9 KiB, 340 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2022 - Confirmation of 13 IAS Officers (2018 Batch) (700.2 KiB, 243 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 22.02.2022 - Nomination of IAS Officers for the 78th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College, Wellington - from 6th June 2022 (1.5 MiB, 211 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.02.2022 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre)-Select List 2020 (659.8 KiB, 249 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.02.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (549.9 KiB, 445 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.02.2022 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre)-Select List 2020 (SCS) (429.6 KiB, 423 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2022 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Manipur Cadre)-Select List 2020 (379.2 KiB, 253 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (789.6 KiB, 230 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (507.3 KiB, 271 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.02.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (541.6 KiB, 235 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.02.2022 - Transfer of one IAS Officer (to Haryana Cadre) (353.5 KiB, 296 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (774.3 KiB, 301 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (MP Cadre) (835.0 KiB, 338 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.01.2022 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officers to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (450.9 KiB, 252 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.01.2022 - Confirmation of 3 IAS Officers (2018 Batch) wef 27.08.2020 (521.3 KiB, 239 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.01.2022 - Appointment of 11 SCS Officers to the IAS (Orissa Cadre)-Select List 2020 (507.3 KiB, 411 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2022 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (TN Cadre)-Select List 2020 (467.3 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.01.2022 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (UP Cadre) - Select List 2020 (429.2 KiB, 235 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.01.2022 - Appointment of 17 SCS Officers to the IAS (MP Cadre)-Select List 2020 (654.1 KiB, 269 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.01.2022 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre)-Select List of 2020 (471.3 KiB, 221 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Karnataka Cadre appointed to the IAS (665.9 KiB, 240 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.01.2022 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) appointed to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (770.7 KiB, 264 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.01.2022 - Confirmation of 15 IAS Officers (2018 Batch) (71.9 KiB, 180 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 11.01.2022 - Submission of IPRs online by IAS Officers in the IPR Module for the year 2021 (as on 01.01.2022) as per the prescribed timeline (Ministries/Deptts.) (271.2 KiB, 258 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 11.01.2022 - Submission of IPRs online by IAS Officers in the IPR Module for the year 2021 as per the prescribed timeline (States) (191.8 KiB, 227 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.01.2022 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (429.4 KiB, 293 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.01.2022 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K Cadre) (646.5 KiB, 196 hits)

Nov-Dec 2021

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2021 - Confirmation of 46 IAS Officers (2018 Batch) (1.4 MiB, 342 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.12.2021 - Fixation of final inter-se seniority of 133 probationers of 2010 batch - reg. (599.2 KiB, 384 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Karnataka Cadre promoted to the IAS (1.1 MiB, 381 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 15.12.2021 - Nomination for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVO in CPSEs & other organisations (by 31.01.22) (State Govts.) (368.1 KiB, 402 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 14.12.2021 - Completion of the PARs online by IAS Officers pertaining to the Assessment Year 2020-21 as per the prescribed timelines (Ministries/Deptts.) (632.3 KiB, 239 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 14.12.2021 - Completion of the PARs online by IAS Officers pertaining to the Assessment Year 2020-21 as per the prescribed timelines (State Govts.) (658.7 KiB, 340 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Maharashtra Cadre appointed to the IAS (741.0 KiB, 308 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Rajasthan Cadre appointed to the IAS (1.1 MiB, 251 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Maharashtra Cadre appointed to the IAS (500.8 KiB, 229 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Gujarat Cadre appointed to the IAS (613.4 KiB, 271 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.12.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Maharashtra Cadre appointed to the IAS (555.0 KiB, 256 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 02.12.2021 - Partial modification of Notification dated 11.09.2018 (42.0 KiB, 246 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.11.2021 - Extenstion of Inter-Cadre Deputation of one IAS Officer for one year (to UT of J&K Cadre) (650.0 KiB, 246 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 29.11.2021-5-day Online In-Service Trg. Program for AIS officers/officers under CSS, CSS/CSSS Officers on 'Ethics in Public Services' - Deferred (22.6 KiB, 320 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 26.11.2021 - Submission of IPRs online by IAS Officers in the IPR Module for the year 2021 (as on 01.01.2022) as per the prescribed timeline (Ministries/Deptts.) (193.2 KiB, 262 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 26.11.2021 - Submission of IPRs online by IAS Officers in the IPR Module for the year 2021 (as on 01.01.2022) as per the prescribed timeline (States) (187.4 KiB, 188 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.11.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of J&K Cadre appointed to the IAS (462.7 KiB, 193 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.11.2021 - Appointment of 11 SCS Officers to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (473.5 KiB, 466 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 24.11.2021-3-day Online In-Service Trg. Program for AIS officers/officers under CSS, CSS/CSSS Officers on 'Capacity Building Program on Urban Development' (now from 2 to 4 Feb 22) (23.3 KiB, 312 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 24.11.2021-5-day Offline In-Service Trg. Program for AIS officers/officers under CSS, CSS/CSSS Officers on Social Impact Assessment (now from 17 to 21 January 2022) (27.5 KiB, 307 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (550.3 KiB, 354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.11.2021 - Confirmation of 55 IAS Officers w.e.f. 27.08.2020 (1.6 MiB, 292 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2021 - Appointment of 10 SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (474.3 KiB, 325 hits)

Sep-Oct 2021

  DoPT Notification dated 29.10.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Haryana Cadre (365.3 KiB, 485 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.10.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Uttar Pradesh Cadre promoted to the IAS (812.2 KiB, 353 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.10.2021 - 62nd NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi (for IAS & CSS Officers) - commencing from 01st week of January 2022 (Ministries/Departments) (3.1 MiB, 408 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.10.2021 - 62nd NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi (for IAS Officers) - commencing from 01st week of January 2022 (State Govts./UTs) (2.7 MiB, 291 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.10.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AP Cadre (445.7 KiB, 465 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.10.2021 - Appointment of 25 SCS Officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (556.7 KiB, 507 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 12.10.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of 181 IAS probationers of 2017 batch (Final) - reg. (7.9 MiB, 792 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2021 - Extenstion of Inter-Cadre Deputation of one IAS Officer (to Bihar Cadre) (816.9 KiB, 350 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.10.2021 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Kerala Cadre) (461.3 KiB, 351 hits)

  Civil Services Examination, 2020 Result – List of candidates recommended by UPSC for appointment to IAS, IFS, IPS & Central Services (As on UPSC website-25.09.2021) (190.7 KiB, 2,007 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 24.09.2021 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group 'A' Services (wrt para 1 (iv) of OM dt. 24.04.09) (42.5 KiB, 2,562 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.09.2021-1-Week In-Service Trg. Program (offline) and 3-5 day Online Program Calendar for AIS Officers/Officers under CSS & CSS/CSSS Officers for 21-22(Ministries) (1.8 MiB, 918 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.09.2021 - One-Week In-Service Trg. Program (offline/physical) and 3-5 day Online Program Calendar for AIS Officers/Officers under CSS & CSS/CSSS Officers for 2021-22 (1.8 MiB, 1,379 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.09.2021 - Premature Repatriation of one IAS Officer (MH-2006) to Maharashtra Cadre (partial modification of Ntfn. dated 25.03.2019) (353.8 KiB, 252 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.09.2021 - Confirmation of six IAS Officers (2017 batch) (578.4 KiB, 267 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.09.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Telangana Cadre (348.7 KiB, 493 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.09.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Rajasthan Cadre promoted to the IAS (523.8 KiB, 374 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.09.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Uttrakhand Cadre (372.2 KiB, 571 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.09.2021 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to J&K segment of AGMUT Cadre for 3 years (429.4 KiB, 485 hits)

Jul-Aug 2021

  DoPT Order dated 31.08.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Andhra Pradesh Cadre promoted to the IAS (513.4 KiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.08.2021 - Permission to change name in respect of one IAS Officer (SCS-GJ-2012) (460.2 KiB, 527 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.08.2021 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Chhattisgarh Cadre promoted to the IAS (407.7 KiB, 866 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.08.2021 - Confirmation of 8 IAS Officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (693.2 KiB, 545 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.08.2021 - 1st Common Mid Career Trg. Program (MCTP) for AIS & other Central Gp. 'A' services officers in the last week of Oct 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussorie (Ministries) (1.8 MiB, 932 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.08.2021 - 1st Common Mid Career Trg. Program (MCTP) for AIS & other Central Gp. 'A' services officers in last week of Oct 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussorie (State Govts.) (1.7 MiB, 907 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.08.2021 - 1st Common Mid Career Trg. Program (MCTP) for AIS & other Central Gp. 'A' services officers in last week of Oct 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussorie (All Cadre Authorities) (1.8 MiB, 896 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Extension of Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (J&K segment) for two years (507.7 KiB, 413 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to HP Cadre (458.7 KiB, 548 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (J&K segment) for two years (496.7 KiB, 408 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2021 - Extension of tenure of inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (J&K segment) for two years (508.0 KiB, 435 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.08.2021 - Fixation of seniority,allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Nagaland Cadre promoted to the IAS (493.1 KiB, 255 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.08.2021 - Confirmation of two IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (526.4 KiB, 363 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.08.2021 - Online Orientation Programme (13-14 & 16-17 Sep 2021) for Dirs. & DSs joining Central Sectt. under the CSS, at the ISTM, New Delhi (Nomination by 13.09.21) (2.5 MiB, 1,391 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.07.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2012 batch (Final) - reg. (1.2 MiB, 915 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to W.B. Cadre (435.2 KiB, 633 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Haryana Cadre (423.8 KiB, 804 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to MP Cadre (433.2 KiB, 1,134 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.07.2021 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Bihar Cadre) (444.4 KiB, 659 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Madhya Pradesh Cadre (480.7 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.07.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS officer to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) - Select List 2019 (502.5 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.07.2021 - Appointment of 9 SCS officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) - Select List 2019 (684.4 KiB, 718 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.07.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Himachal Pradesh Cadre promoted to the IAS (555.6 KiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.07.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to Telangana Cadre (439.8 KiB, 498 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2021 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Kerala Cadre) (469.1 KiB, 552 hits)

May – June 2021

  DoPT Notification dated 28.06.2021 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (443.5 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 21.06.2021 - 15th round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP for IAS Officers from 2-27 August 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussourie (6.3 MiB, 920 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.06.2021 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer to UT of J&K for three years (539.8 KiB, 1,166 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 16.06.2021-Extension of timelines for recording of PAR for the year 2020-21 in respect of AIS Officers - reg. (1.5 MiB, 4,365 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.06.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2016 batch (Final) - reg. (1.4 MiB, 748 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 11.06.2021 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2018 batch (Final) - reg. (1.3 MiB, 632 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.05.2021-Circular inviting nomination from IAS and Group 'A' Services for posts under CSS and for posts of CVOs for the year 2020-reg. (260.9 KiB, 2,279 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.05.2021 - Temp. exclusion of 200 posts of SO from CSS for 13 weeks for upgradation as Assistant Secretary to be appointed from IAS (679.4 KiB, 2,935 hits)

April 2021

  DoPT Letter dated 29.04.2021-Extension of timelines for generation, recording of PAR for the year 2020-21 in respect of AIS Officers by reporting/reviewing/accepting authorities (74.3 KiB, 3,468 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 13.04.2021 - Partial modification of the Order dated 07.04.2021 reg. fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Odisha Cadre promoted to the IAS (196.5 KiB, 775 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.04.2021 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Odisha Cadre promoted to the IAS (727.3 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.04.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of SCS Officer(s) of Kerala Cadre promoted to the IAS (599.6 KiB, 668 hits)

March 2021

  DoPT Notification dated 30.03.2021 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation tenure in respect of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (542.9 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.03.2021 - Confirmation in respect of 6 IAS Officers (2017 batch) (610.4 KiB, 388 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.03.2021 - Appointment of 19 SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (985.9 KiB, 829 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 25.03.2021 - Auto-forwarding of PARs from the assessment year 2021-21 - reg. (41.8 KiB, 548 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 25.03.2021 - Auto-forwarding of PARs from the assessment year 2021-21 - reg. (for Ministries/Departments) (52.4 KiB, 550 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.03.2021 - Appointments at the level of Secretary/Additional Secretary in the Government of India (206.0 KiB, 756 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.03.2021 - Extention of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (530.7 KiB, 421 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 23.03.2021 - Partial modification of Order dated 03.11.2020 reg. Select List of 2018 (SCS Category) - Maharashtra Cadre (222.8 KiB, 541 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.03.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Punjab Cadre promoted to the IAS (522.8 KiB, 473 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.03.2021 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation tenure in respect of one IAS Officer (to Tamil Nadu Cadre) (413.2 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Arunachal Pradesh Goa Mizoram UTs Cadre) (830.8 KiB, 482 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2021 - Appointment of 4 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (898.5 KiB, 498 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.03.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of Non-SCS Officer(s) of Gujarat Cadre promoted to the IAS (528.3 KiB, 376 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Chhattisgarh Cadre) (458.5 KiB, 417 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.03.2021 - Appointment of members of SCS of Goa to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 488 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.03.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Haryana Cadre) (461.6 KiB, 502 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.03.2021 - Fixation of allotment year/seniority in respect of SCS Officers of Meghalaya promoted to the IAS in Maghalaya Segment of Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre (485.9 KiB, 404 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.03.2021 - Appointment of 5 members of SCS of Meghalaya (select list of 2019) to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (460.7 KiB, 641 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.03.2021 - Confirmation of 9 IAS Officers (WB Cadre) w.e.f. 06.09.2019 (770.4 KiB, 377 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.03.2021-Confirmation in respect of 25 IAS Officers in different State cadres (2017 batch) (1.1 MiB, 434 hits)

February 2021

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Maharashtra Cadre) (574.5 KiB, 640 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (990.0 KiB, 532 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.02.2021 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) - Select List of 2018 (924.5 KiB, 550 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 16.02.2021 - Partial modification of Notification dated 09.02.2020 reg. select list year of Shri S.N. Dhivare as 2018 instead of 2015 (202.6 KiB, 448 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2021 - Confirmation of 24 IAS Officers (2017 batch) (875.5 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 10.02.2021 - Partial modification of Notification dated 25.09.2020 reg. batch of Dr. Masood Akhtar and Shri Anand Kumar Sharma (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (372.3 KiB, 552 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Gujarat Cadre) (462.7 KiB, 621 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.02.2021 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Nagaland Cadre) (539.8 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 10.02.2021 - Induction Training Programme (ITP) for SCS Officers promoted to the IAS from April 5 to May 14, 2021 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (2.4 MiB, 941 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2021-Confirmation in respect of 3 Officers in Chhattigarh Cadre (544.9 KiB, 468 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.02.2021-Nomination of IAS Officers for 77th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College (Extended date: 12.03.2021) (191.2 KiB, 425 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.02.2021 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (510.8 KiB, 440 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.02.2021 - Notional appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 514 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of two IAS Officers (to UT of J&K) (501.8 KiB, 475 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) (565.5 KiB, 626 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) -1 (485.3 KiB, 394 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) - 2 (536.6 KiB, 694 hits)

  UPSC Advertisement for online applications for lateral recruitment of Joint Secretary and Director level posts on contract basis (Last date- 22.03.2021) (As on UPSC website-08.02.2021) (209.8 KiB, 1,821 hits)

  Civil Services Examination, 2019 - Reserve List, Dated 04.01.2021 (As on PIB website) (138.0 KiB, 1,279 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2021-Confirmation in respect of 95 IAS Officers in different State cadres (2017 batch) (1.1 MiB, 524 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2021 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (981.9 KiB, 475 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.02.2021 - Nomination of IAS Officers for 77th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College, Wellington-Commencing from 07.06.2021 (by 03.02.2021) (1.1 MiB, 460 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 01.02.2021 - 17th Round of Phase-III mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme(MCTP) for 11 IAS Officers from 22 Feb to 19 Mar 2021 (766.6 KiB, 510 hits)

January 2021

  DoPT Order dated 23.01.2021 - Appointment of Special Secretaries/Secretaries to the Govt. of India (588.6 KiB, 1,158 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.01.2021 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (994.5 KiB, 550 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.01.2021 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) - Select Lists of 2016,2017,2018 and 2019 (1.4 MiB, 723 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.01.2021 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (446.3 KiB, 612 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.01.2021-Resumption of 122nd Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS Officers from 01.02.2021 to 12.02.2021 (2.2 MiB, 639 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.01.2021-Resumption of 122nd Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS Officers from 01.02.2021 to 12.02.2021 (2.2 MiB, 639 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.01.2021 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Haryana Cadre) (510.6 KiB, 615 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.01.2021 - Appointment of 7 SCS Officers to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (1,006.3 KiB, 710 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 06.01.2021-Online submission of the IPR for the year 2020 by IAS Officers through the Module designed for the purpose by 31.01.2021 (to CSs) (206.5 KiB, 566 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 06.01.2021 - Online submission of the IPR for the year 2020 by IAS Officers through the Module designed for the purpose by 31.01.2021 (to Secretaries) (288.1 KiB, 415 hits)

December 2020

  DoPT Notification dated 31.12.2020 - Confirmation of 7 IAS Officers (Jharkhand Cadre) w.e.f. 28.08.2019 (696.4 KiB, 505 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.12.2020 - Fixation of seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer(s) (Bihar Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 493 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Nagaland cadre) (421.6 KiB, 812 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2020 - Appointment of 25 SCS Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) - Select Lists of 2016 and 2017 (1.5 MiB, 795 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.12.2020 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Haryana Cadre) (451.4 KiB, 738 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.12.2020 – Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) – Select List of 2018 (1.0 MiB, 896 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 03.12.2020-17th round of Phase-III training of the MCTP, 2021 for IAS Officers from 22 Feb to 19 March 2021 at the LBSNAA, Mussourie (583.1 KiB, 1,508 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.12.2020 - Extension of inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to TN Cadre) (522.0 KiB, 825 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.12.2020 – Appointment of 7 SCS Officers to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) – Select List of 2019 (1.0 MiB, 911 hits)

November 2020

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Odisha cadre) (1.5 MiB, 670 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP cadre) (826.1 KiB, 587 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Bihar cadre) (424.1 KiB, 1,041 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) from Review Select Lists 2013 up to 2018 and 2019 (1.3 MiB, 851 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) (Select List 2019)-SCS category) (697.6 KiB, 539 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (TN Cadre) (Select List 2019)-SCS category) (498.3 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (Select List 2019)-SCS category) (805.8 KiB, 618 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 09.11.2020 in respect of Notification dated 06.11.2020 (426.8 KiB, 500 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer(s) (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (837.7 KiB, 501 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.11.2020 - Appointment of 18 SCS Officers to the IAS (MP Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (1.1 MiB, 558 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.11.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Maharashtra cadre) (548.9 KiB, 476 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.11.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.6 MiB, 515 hits)

October 2020

  DoPT Notification dated 22.10.2020 - Appointment of 14 SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (955.8 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.10.2020 - Re-appointment of the Civil Service Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) - Review Select Lists 2013 up to 2018 (1.7 MiB, 540 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 22.10.2020 - 61st NDC Course at National Defence College, New Delhi, commencing from Jan/Feb 2021 to Nov/Dec 2021 (Last date- 31.10.2020) (1.9 MiB, 602 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2020 - Appointment of 12 SCS Officers of to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) - Select List of 2019 (873.6 KiB, 600 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.10.2020 - Re-fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officer (Rajasthan Cadre) (813.6 KiB, 612 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.10.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of Non-SCS Officers promoted to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (959.5 KiB, 568 hits)

September 2020

  DoPT Order dated 30.09.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officers (Sikkim Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.09.2020 - Confirmation of 8 IAS Officers (Punjab Cadre) (583.4 KiB, 474 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.09.2020 - Confirmation of 15 IAS Officers (M.P. Cadre) (673.0 KiB, 479 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.09.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to AGMUT cadre) (457.4 KiB, 1,048 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.09.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers promoted to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (943.9 KiB, 591 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.09.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of SCS Officers promoted to the IAS (UP Cadre) (855.4 KiB, 576 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.09.2020 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officers (Select List of 2019) to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (491.3 KiB, 647 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.09.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Maharashtra cadre) (454.1 KiB, 574 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.09.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UT of J&K) for one year (545.8 KiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.09.2020 - Appointment of SCS Officer (Select List of 2018) to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (940.2 KiB, 759 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2020 - Appointment of 23 SCS Officers (Select List of 2018) to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (898.9 KiB, 1,449 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) for 2 years beyond 21.09.2020 (519.8 KiB, 726 hits)

August 2020

  DoPT Notification dated 28.08.2020 - Confirmation of 16 IAS Officers of 2016 Batch (894.4 KiB, 372 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.08.2020 - Appointment of 8 SCS Officers (Select List of 2019) to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (554.5 KiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 05.08.2020-Circulation of Check-List for forwarding disciplinary proceedings proposals/cases to DoPT against IAS Officers under Single Window System under OM dated 10.02.2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,876 hits)

  Final Result of Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2019 (04.08.2020) (As on PIB website) (210.0 KiB, 2,461 hits)

July 2020

  DoPT Notification dated 27.07.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to AP cadre) (654.8 KiB, 825 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 13.07.2020 - Further extension in timelines for recording of PAR for the year 2019-20 in respect of AIS Officers by the reporting/reviewing/accepting authority (794.8 KiB, 5,015 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.07.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to Karnataka cadre) (460.0 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.07.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (452.5 KiB, 979 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.07.2020 - Reversion of one officer from the IAS to the State Civil Service of Uttar Pradesh on his own request (337.4 KiB, 943 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.07.2020 - Fixation of Seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer (Assam Segment of Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 936 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Bihar Cadre) for 2 years beyond 02.07.2020 (784.3 KiB, 1,069 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) for one year beyond 04.07.2020 (811.7 KiB, 523 hits)

June 2020

  DoPT Order dated 30.06.2020 - Notional appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (968.4 KiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.06.2020 - Appointment,re-appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS for the Review Select Lists from 2007 to 2012 (Raj. Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 661 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.06.2020 - Premature repatriation of one IAS Officer to Jharkhand Cadre (417.4 KiB, 650 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.06.2020 - Fixation of seniority in respect of Non-SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (549.3 KiB, 459 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.06.2020 - Fixation of seniority in respect of SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (423.7 KiB, 541 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.06.2020 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (to MP Cadre) (452.6 KiB, 601 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.06.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh) (1.2 MiB, 778 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.06.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to AM Cadre) (472.3 KiB, 728 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.06.2020 - Inter-Transfer of one IAS Officer (to WB Cadre) (452.7 KiB, 647 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 10.06.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, IAS/IPS/IFoS Rules & Regulations & instructions thereunder (549.2 KiB, 8,929 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.06.2020 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the post of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments (1.7 MiB, 5,540 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.06.2020 - Appointment of 11 SCS Officers to the IAS (HP Cadre) (491.3 KiB, 681 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.06.2020 - Antedating appointment of 1 IAS Officer (AM Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 675 hits)

May 2020

  DoPT Notification dated 27.05.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Manipur Cadre) (822.5 KiB, 519 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.05.2020 - Extension of Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to MP Cadre) for 2 years beyond 01.06.2020 (512.3 KiB, 488 hits)

April 2020

  DoPT O.M. dated 30.04.2020-Nomination of officers from IAS & Group A Services for posts under CSS and for posts of CVO for the year 2019 (323.0 KiB, 945 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (399.8 KiB, 855 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (426.8 KiB, 799 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Punjab Cadre) (485.7 KiB, 824 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.04.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to Telangana Cadre) (552.4 KiB, 1,379 hits)

  DoPT O.O. dated 15.04.2020 - 14th Round of Phase-V MCTP for IAS Officers of 26-28 years seniority (held in abeyance) (216.3 KiB, 1,433 hits)

March 2020

  DoPT Letter dated 31.03.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, etc. made under the AIS Act, 1951 (Exclusion of lockdown period) (1.5 MiB, 12,354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.03.2020 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of one IAS Officer (to UP Cadre) (457.4 KiB, 1,054 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.03.2020 - Amendment to AIS (PAR) Rules 2007 (to Secretaries of Ministries) (46.3 KiB, 1,378 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.03.2020 - Amendment to AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 (to Chief Secretaries of States/UTs) (38.1 KiB, 1,371 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2020 - Inter-Cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (to TN Cadre) (519.3 KiB, 1,121 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 13.03.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Jt. Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 739 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.03.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Non-SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (WB Cadre) (926.7 KiB, 766 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.03.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS Officer promoted to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 800 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.03.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 497 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.03.2020 - Extension of Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (MH-2005) to Bihar Cadre (531.5 KiB, 495 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.03.2020 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment of IAS Officer (AP Cadre) (1,002.3 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.03.2020 - Appointment of 9 SCS Officers to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) for Select List of 2018 (487.9 KiB, 625 hits)

February 2020

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (AGMUT Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 579 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (994.4 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (983.8 KiB, 483 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.02.2020 - Inter-cadre transfer of one IAS Officer to AGMUT Cadre (462.3 KiB, 452 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 27.02.2020 - 14th Round of Phase-V Training of mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS Officers from 29.05.2020 to 12.06.2020 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (372.4 KiB, 987 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 26.02.2020-Fixation of senioirity of IAS Officer-Modification of Para 3.1 of Order dated 14.02.2020 (353.8 KiB, 486 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2020 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (437.3 KiB, 521 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.02.2020 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya) (435.6 KiB, 526 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.02.2020 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (454.9 KiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officer (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 558 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.02.2020 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) (950.8 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2020 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (477.7 KiB, 601 hits)

January 2020 

  DoPT Notification dated 28.01.2020 - Appointment of 8 SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (459.1 KiB, 652 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.01.2020 - Appointment of 4 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (511.1 KiB, 750 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.01.2020 - Appointment of 4 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (450.7 KiB, 709 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.01.2020 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Tripura Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 670 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.01.2020 - Appointment of 19 SCS Officers to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (550.5 KiB, 645 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.01.2020 - Appointment of one Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (505.9 KiB, 730 hits)

December 2019

  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2019 - Inter-Cadre Transfer of two IAS Officers (471.5 KiB, 786 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.12.2019 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2019-20 (Second list) (903.6 KiB, 900 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.12.2019 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (549.8 KiB, 754 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 20.12.2019 - 122nd Induction Training Programme for the officer promoted from the SCS into the IAS from 09.03.2010 to 19.04.2010 at LBSNAA Mussoorie (344.1 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (552.3 KiB, 925 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (548.6 KiB, 894 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (559.9 KiB, 818 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (544.5 KiB, 543 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (563.2 KiB, 553 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.12.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (504.9 KiB, 510 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.12.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers ( Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (926.0 KiB, 485 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 06.10.2020 - 47th Level-III training program (mandatory) from 12th to 29th October 2020 for PSs of CSSS (Replacement of some participants) (54.6 KiB, 745 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (477.5 KiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (474.5 KiB, 530 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.12.2019 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (Mizoram Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 569 hits)

 November 2019 

  DoPT Order dated 29.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 508 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.20 (555.7 KiB, 2,867 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.11.2019 - Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts under CSS and for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs & Other organizations by 31.01.2020 (State Govts.) (495.5 KiB, 2,834 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 21.11.2019 - Submission of Immovable Property Return by AIS Officers in the IPR Module for the year ending on 31.12.2019 by 31.01.2020 (176.7 KiB, 6,031 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (West Bengal Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 509 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Nagaland Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.11.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 717 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.11.2019 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 621 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.11.2019 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officer to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (978.4 KiB, 577 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 – Premature repatriation of 1 IAS Officer (on inter cadre posting) to Tamil Nadu Cadre (458.0 KiB, 543 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (509.2 KiB, 521 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (587.0 KiB, 445 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (568.6 KiB, 532 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (531.8 KiB, 412 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.11.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (815.7 KiB, 408 hits)

 October 2019 

  DoPT Order 24.10.2019 - Notional Appointment of 1 IAS Officer (J&K Cadre) (568.5 KiB, 491 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 524 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 915 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.10.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 535 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (684.4 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (620.1 KiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (600.9 KiB, 440 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.10.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (675.2 KiB, 708 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.10.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (478.5 KiB, 673 hits)

 September 2019 

  DoPT Notification dated 30.09.2019 - Appointment of 13 SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 959 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.09.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 811 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 11.09.2019 - 15th Round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP, 2019 for IAS officers is scheduled from 02nd December to 27th December, 2019 at the LBSNAA, Mussoorie (7.5 MiB, 1,723 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.09.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (489.7 KiB, 727 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (510.8 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (478.3 KiB, 643 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.09.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (477.0 KiB, 517 hits)

August, 2019

  DoPT Order dated 30.08.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Rajasthan Cadre) (1.6 MiB, 456 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.08.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 465 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.08.2019 - Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee IAS officers - regarding (1.2 MiB, 518 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.08.2019 - Inter Cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (480.6 KiB, 598 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.08.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 587 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.08.2019 - Inter Cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (490.7 KiB, 822 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (527.7 KiB, 611 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (459.9 KiB, 591 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.08.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 506 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (782.0 KiB, 539 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 14.08.2019 - 94th Foundation Course for IAS/IPS and Group ‘A’ service officers from 26.08.2019 to 06.12.2019 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (1.7 MiB, 28,601 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.08.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (561.2 KiB, 729 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (587.4 KiB, 738 hits)

July, 2019

  DoPT Order dated 30.07.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 616 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.07.2019 - Rescheduling of 14th round of Phase IV mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS Officers to 04.`11.2019-29.11.2019 (22.9 KiB, 815 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (472.0 KiB, 673 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.07.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 846 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (457.2 KiB, 717 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (470.1 KiB, 909 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (466.8 KiB, 695 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 12.07.2019 - Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners after implementation of seventh Central pay Commissions recommendations-anomaly in determining notional pay (702.3 KiB, 9,124 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.07.2019 - 14th round of Phase IV mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for lAS officers from 23rd September, 2019 to 18th October, 2019 (4 weeks) (239.6 KiB, 948 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.07.2019 – Appointment of Central Prabhari Officer in respect of Districts under Aspirational District Programme- changes- regarding (568.2 KiB, 1,562 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (539.4 KiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (521.2 KiB, 691 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (539.7 KiB, 549 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (538.2 KiB, 739 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 03.07.2019 – Induction Training Programme for SCS & other Officers inducted into the IAS from 04.11.2019 to 15.12.2019 at MGSIPA, Chandigarh (104.6 KiB, 1,088 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 03.07.2019-One week In-Service Training Programme for AIS Officers working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers for 2019-20 (1.1 MiB, 1,697 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 03.07.2019 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2019-20 (1.1 MiB, 1,742 hits)

June, 2019

  DoPT Order dated 26.06.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Haryana Cadre) (794.7 KiB, 528 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.06.2019 - Allocation of Ministries/Departments to IAS officers of 2017 batch as Assistant Secretaries on Central Deputation (233.1 KiB, 579 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 13.06.2019-1 Week In-service Trg. program for AIS officers working under the CSS and CSS/CSSS officers-inviting proposals for 2019-20 (792.7 KiB, 1,579 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.06.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (466.6 KiB, 672 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.06.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (806.8 KiB, 812 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.06.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (460.6 KiB, 787 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.06.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (473.9 KiB, 861 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 06.06.2019- 26th Joint Civil Military (JCM) Training Programme on National Security from August 04 to 09, 2019 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (850.4 KiB, 3,123 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.06.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (626.2 KiB, 683 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.06.2019 – Allotment of seniority in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) (910.6 KiB, 587 hits)

May, 2019

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 31.05.2019- Allotment of seniority of IAS Officers (Nagaland Cadre) (Partial modification of Order dated 29.05.2019) (235.7 KiB, 424 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.05.2019 - Appointment of 23 SCS Officers to the IAS (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (807.5 KiB, 584 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority=year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Nagaland Cadre) (857.0 KiB, 534 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Haryana Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 608 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Manipur Cadre) (766.6 KiB, 664 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.05.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (648.0 KiB, 614 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.05.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Telangana Cadre) (2.0 MiB, 613 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.05.2019 – Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 699 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 10.05.2019 - Induction training programme for SCS/Others Officers inducted into the IAS at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 08.07.19 to 18.08.19 (1.5 MiB, 1,056 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.05.2019 - Appointment of 3 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (624.8 KiB, 944 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.05.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 987 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.05.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (713.5 KiB, 683 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.05.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (855.2 KiB, 680 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.05.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (838.7 KiB, 648 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.05.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Telangana Cadre) (800.2 KiB, 1,320 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.05.2019 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (577.7 KiB, 702 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.05.2019 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (606.2 KiB, 654 hits)

April, 2019

  DoPT Notification dated 30.04.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (566.5 KiB, 584 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.04.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.04.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 666 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.04.2019 – Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (576.1 KiB, 742 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.04.2019 – Notional appointment of three SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (975.1 KiB, 769 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.04.2019 – Appointment/re-appointment of Civil Service Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (861.6 KiB, 763 hits)

 March, 2019

  DoPT Letter dated 20.03.2019 - Publication of the IAS Civil List, 2019 (as on 01.01.2019) - reg. (51.2 KiB, 818 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Bihar Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 623 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 15.03.2019 - The 13th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory MCTP for lAS officers (2019) is scheduled from 17th June to 05th July, 2019 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (324.7 KiB, 1,732 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officer (West Bengal Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 710 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (AGMUT Cadre) (503.8 KiB, 913 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.03.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Jharkhand Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 4,763 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.03.2019 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (481.6 KiB, 706 hits)

February, 2019

  DoPT Letter dated 28.02.2019 - Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations (98.3 KiB, 3,006 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.02.2019 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (541.0 KiB, 916 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.02.2019 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (535.1 KiB, 667 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2019 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (753.4 KiB, 1,097 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2019 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (536.0 KiB, 690 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2019 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer from Tamil Nadu Cadre to Maharashtra Cadre (918.5 KiB, 745 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.02.2019 - Appointment of 3 Non- SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (591.7 KiB, 575 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Punjab Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.02.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Tamil Nadu Cadre to AGMUT cadre) (939.8 KiB, 790 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Maharashtra cadre) (1.2 MiB, 767 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Rajasthan cadre) (1.1 MiB, 851 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Uttar Pradesh cadre) (1.1 MiB, 687 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Karnataka cadre) (1.2 MiB, 805 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Karnataka cadre) (1.2 MiB, 677 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.02.2019 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Rajasthan cadre) (927.7 KiB, 1,154 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2019 - Appointment of 1 SCS officer to the IAS (UP Cadre) (665.4 KiB, 664 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.02.2019 - Appointment of SCS Officers of the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (584.0 KiB, 591 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 530 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 07.02.2019 - Online filing of IPR by IAS officers in SPARROW platform for 2018 (as on 01.01.2019) (58.7 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 538 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.02.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Kerala Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 600 hits)

January, 2019

  DoPT corrigendum dated 31.01.2019 – Partial modification of order dated 21.12.2018 (470.3 KiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT corrigendum dated 31.01.2019 – Partial modification of order dated 08.02.2018 (411.7 KiB, 561 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Arunachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 557 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.01.2019 - Appointment of 2 IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (573.3 KiB, 654 hits)

  DoPT Addendum dated 24.01.2019 – Amendment to Notification dated 23.01.2019 (325.7 KiB, 556 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.01.2019 - Appointment of 7 IAS Officers (Punjab Cadre) (587.3 KiB, 652 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.01.2019 - Appointment of 13 IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) (684.7 KiB, 684 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 584 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.01.2019 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (Maharashtra Cadre) (919.7 KiB, 809 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 716 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.01.2019 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Uttar Pradesh Cadre to Haryana Cadre) (597.6 KiB, 1,056 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.01.2019 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 760 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.01.2019 - Appointment of 1 IAS Officer (Maharashtra Cadre) (508.0 KiB, 726 hits)

December, 2018

  DoPT Notification dated 24.12.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) (26.4 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.12.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 755 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.12.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Mizoram Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 770 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.12.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (644.1 KiB, 705 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.12.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (1.1 MiB, 742 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.12.2018 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (Consolidated List). (2.0 MiB, 9,060 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.12.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 614 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 04.12.2018 - Submission of immovable property return by the IAS officers online in the IPR Module for the year ending 31.12.2018 (Timeline:31.01.2019)(Central Govt.) (483.1 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 04.12.2018 - Submission of immovable property return by the IAS officers online in the IPR Module for the year ending 31.12.2018 (Timeline:31.01.2019)(State Govt.) (425.1 KiB, 583 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 04.12.2108 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (04.02.2019 to 08.02.2019) (485.1 KiB, 9,082 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 03.12.2018 - Allocation of cadres to the candidates allocated to Indian Administrative Service (IAS) on the basis of Civil Services Examination(CSE) - 2017 (3.4 MiB, 1,532 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.12.2018 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officer to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (615.1 KiB, 632 hits)

November, 2018

  DoPT Notification dated 27.11.2018 - Appointment of 5 SCS Officer to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (631.2 KiB, 640 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.11.2018 - Fixation of Seniority of 1 IAS Officer (Gujarat Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 517 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.11.2018 - Re-appointment of Civil Service Officer to the IAS (H.P. Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 738 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.11.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (2.0 MiB, 611 hits)

  Civil Service Examination 2017-Service Allocation List (As on DoPT website-21.11.2018) (1.4 MiB, 8,348 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.11.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (1.5 MiB, 614 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.11.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.11.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (877.5 KiB, 807 hits)

October, 2018

  DoPT Order dated 26.10.2018 – Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Odisha Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 720 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Manipur Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 805 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Mizoram Segment of Joint AGMUT Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 944 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 881 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.10.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (551.8 KiB, 739 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.10.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (500.3 KiB, 932 hits)

  DoPT Circular dated 11.10.2018 - Rescheduling of 14th Round of Phase III MCTP, 2018 for IAS officers to 19th November to 14th December, 2018-reg. (484.6 KiB, 1,190 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 642 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2018 - Appointment of 9 SCS Officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (359.9 KiB, 1,093 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Punjab Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.10.2018 - Inter Cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer. (870.8 KiB, 847 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.10.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (West Bengal Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 786 hits)

September, 2018

  DoPT Notification dated 28.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (593.0 KiB, 636 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer. (586.2 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (509.5 KiB, 1,227 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.09.2018 - Extension of Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS officer to AGMUT cadre (Delhi Segment) (511.3 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.09.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Meghalaya Cadre) (273.1 KiB, 645 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.09.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Mizoram Cadre) (239.6 KiB, 668 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.09.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.3 MiB, 749 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.09.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (499.2 KiB, 724 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.09.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (321.9 KiB, 655 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.09.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 756 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.09.2018 - Appointment of 3 SCS Officers to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (431.2 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.09.2018 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (292.5 KiB, 755 hits)

 August, 2018

  DoPT Notification dated 31.08.2018 - Appointment of 17 SCS Officers to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (406.5 KiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.08.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officers to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (583.3 KiB, 630 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.08.2018 - Appointment of 2 Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (516.7 KiB, 727 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.08.2018 - Appointment of 1 SCS Officer to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (525.5 KiB, 623 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.08.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 14.08.2018 - One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (First List) (644.1 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.08.2018 - Appointment of 1 IAS of Andhra Pradesh Cadre (1.2 MiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.08.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (189.7 KiB, 843 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.08.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (507.7 KiB, 1,062 hits)

July, 2018

  DoPT Order dated 30.07.2018 - Revision of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Rajasthan Cadre for the Select Lists of 1994-95 to 2000- regarding (1.3 MiB, 768 hits)

  Information Note dated 30.07.2018-Empanelment of 27 IAS Officers (2001 batch) for holding the posts of Jt. Secretary or equi.(As on DoPT website-31.07.2018) (274.9 KiB, 1,325 hits)

  Civil Service Examination 2017-Service Allocation List (As on DoPT website-31.07.2018) (547.3 KiB, 10,448 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.07.2018 - Revision of Seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Rajasthan Cadre for the Select Lists of 1994-95 to 2000 - regarding (1.7 MiB, 1,101 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 26.07.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Odisha Cadre) (323.6 KiB, 552 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.07.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (864.7 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 17.07.2018 - Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee IAS officers - regarding (1.4 MiB, 814 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.07.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (507.3 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.07.2018 - Appointment of 2 SCS Officers to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (730.7 KiB, 800 hits)

  DoPT Order 09.07.2018 - Fixation seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat cadre) (26.4 KiB, 696 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.07.2018 - Inter-cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (495.1 KiB, 884 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 06.07.2018 - Seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Jharkhand Cadre) (589.4 KiB, 1,066 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 03.07.2018 - The 13th round of Phase-IV training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2018) is scheduled from 24th September, 2018 to 19thOctober, 2018 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (2.8 MiB, 636 hits)

June, 2018

  DoPT Letter dated 29.06.2018 - Inclusion of photos of the IAS officers in online version of the Civil List 2018-regarding (1.2 MiB, 640 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.06.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (579.8 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.06.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer. (491.1 KiB, 834 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.06.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (500.0 KiB, 876 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.06.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (497.4 KiB, 855 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.06.2018 - Appointment of 1 Non-SCS officer to the IAS (584.3 KiB, 758 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.06.2018 - Posting of 176 Assistant Secretaries (IAS Officers of 2016 Batch) Different Ministries/Departments (1.9 MiB, 862 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 21.06.2018 - Partial Modification of the Order dated 01.03.2018 (199.6 KiB, 730 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.06.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (713.0 KiB, 699 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.06.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (451.8 KiB, 715 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.06.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (592.0 KiB, 756 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 13.06.2018 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in the Central Secretariat for a period of three months-terms and conditions of appointment regarding. (1.6 MiB, 781 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 11.06.2018 - Proposal to modify PAR Form I & II applicable for IAS officers under Appendix I Schedule 2 of AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 (1.8 MiB, 729 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 08.06.2018 - Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee IAS officers - regarding (784.5 KiB, 851 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.06.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Jharkhand Cadre) (1.7 MiB, 842 hits)

May, 2018

  DoPT Notification dated 31.05.2018 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (595.6 KiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.05.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (927.1 KiB, 934 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 17.05.2018 - Extension in service of Shri Bharat Bhushan Vyas, IAS (JK:1986) as Chief Secretary, Government of Government of Jammu & Kashmir - reg. (403.9 KiB, 843 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 17.05.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Madhya Pradesh Cadre) (715.4 KiB, 759 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.05.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (419.1 KiB, 936 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.05.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Rajasthan Cadre) (849.1 KiB, 960 hits)

April, 2018

  DoPT Notification dated 27.04.2018 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (552.5 KiB, 885 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.04.2018 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (549.2 KiB, 842 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.04.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (736.0 KiB, 1,076 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.04.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer. (514.5 KiB, 797 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.04.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (1.8 MiB, 779 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 18.04.2018 - Induction Training for State Civil Service & other officers who are inducted into the IAS (3.7 MiB, 802 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.04.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (80.4 KiB, 1,352 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.04.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (459.0 KiB, 1,261 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.04.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (West Bengal Cadre) (778.0 KiB, 855 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.04.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 1,096 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.04.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (421.2 KiB, 774 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.04.2018 - Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer. (459.2 KiB, 690 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.04.2018 - Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (504.4 KiB, 533 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.04.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Bihar Cadre) (2.1 MiB, 915 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.04.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (554.4 KiB, 848 hits)

 March, 2018

  DoPT Order dated 28.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS Officers (MP Cadre) (956.8 KiB, 668 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.03.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (629.8 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.03.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of one IAS Officer (530.6 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.03.2018 - Inter-Cadre transfer of one IAS Officer (399.6 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (605.5 KiB, 1,565 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 1,013 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.03.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (729.8 KiB, 788 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.03.2018 - Seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (256.3 KiB, 681 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 06.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Uttar Pradesh Cadre) (592.4 KiB, 653 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (1.4 MiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.03.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Kerala Cadre) (730.8 KiB, 663 hits)

 February, 2018 

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.02.2018 - Circular Inviting nominations of officers from IAS and Group 'A' Services for posts under CSS and for the posts of CVO for the year 2018 (44.6 KiB, 2,630 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.02.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (A.P. Cadre) (825.7 KiB, 973 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.02.2018 - Grant of leave to officers belonging to All India Services on completion of their tenures of Inter-cadre deputation - reg. (229.3 KiB, 790 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.02.2018 - Extension in service to Shri Anjani Kumar Singh IAS (BH:81), as Chief Secretary, Government of Bihar - reg. (50.7 KiB, 822 hits)

  DoPT Order 08.02.2018 - Fixation seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tamil Nadu cadre) (408.2 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Order 08.02.2018 - Fixation seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (West Bengal cadre) (449.4 KiB, 729 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Jammu and Kashmir cadre) (377.9 KiB, 854 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Maharashtra cadre) (253.9 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Chhattisgarh cadre ) (289.4 KiB, 807 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Karnataka cadre ) (26.4 KiB, 563 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Tripura cadre) (288.3 KiB, 661 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Nagaland cadre) (224.5 KiB, 609 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (518.3 KiB, 705 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (297.0 KiB, 685 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Manipur Cadre) (327.2 KiB, 722 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.02.2018 - Confirmation of 3 IAS Officers (56.4 KiB, 659 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.02.2018 - Confirmation of 2 IAS Officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (48.9 KiB, 869 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.02.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Gujarat Cadre) (502.4 KiB, 678 hits)

 January, 2018

  DoPT Order dated 31.01,2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (332.9 KiB, 639 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.01,2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Haryana Cadre) (265.3 KiB, 697 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Madhya Pradesh cadre) (398.4 KiB, 610 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Himachal Pradesh cadre) (202.4 KiB, 672 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officer (Uttar Pradesh cadre) (1.0 MiB, 714 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.01.2018 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officer to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (561.8 KiB, 1,206 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.01.2018 - Confirmation of 26 IAS Officers (Maharashtra Cadre) (85.8 KiB, 1,119 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Madhya Pradesh cadre for the select list of 2016 - reg. (123.2 KiB, 805 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (75.1 KiB, 688 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer. (80.2 KiB, 750 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (75.0 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.01.2018 - Inter-cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (72.6 KiB, 718 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.01.2018 -Fixation of Seniority 1 IAS Officer (UP Cadre) (1.0 MiB, 1,054 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 09.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Uttarakhand cadre (SCS category) for the select list of 2013 - regarding. (117.8 KiB, 866 hits)

  DoPT Order 09.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of promotee IAS officer viz Shri Arvind Pal Singh Sandhu for the select list of 2014 of Punjab cadre - reg. (115.2 KiB, 544 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of Maharashtra cadre (SCS category) for the Select List of 2016 - reg. (35.7 KiB, 562 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.01.2018 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers of odisha cadre (Non-SCS category) for the select list of 2016 - regarding. (128.3 KiB, 627 hits)

  DoPT Notification Dated 07.01.2018 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (MP Cadre) (74.4 KiB, 545 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 05.01.2018-13th round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP, 2018 for IAS officers from 09.04.2018 to 04.05.2018 at the LBSNAA, Mussoorie (15.5 MiB, 596 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.01.2018 - Inter-cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (56.3 KiB, 975 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 02.01.2018 - Filing of IPR-2018 by IAS officers. (85.3 KiB, 653 hits)

December, 2017 

  DoPT O.M. dated 29.12.2017 - Circular Inviting nominations of officers from IAS and Group 'A' Service for posts under CSS and for the posts of Chief Vigilance Officers for the year 2018 (50.5 KiB, 2,573 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2017 - Inter-cadre transfer of 1 IAS Officer (55.8 KiB, 1,541 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 27.12.2017 - Development of Software for inter cadre transfer/deputation and fixation of Seniority of promotee IAS officers - reg. (82.2 KiB, 648 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 26.12.2017 - Determination of number of vacancies in the promotion quota of IAS, both in SCS and Non SCS category in consultation with State Government (181.1 KiB, 599 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.12.2017 - Submission of Immovable Property Returns (IPRs) by IAS officers for the year 2017 (502.6 KiB, 605 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 22.12.2017 - Submission of Immovable Property Returns (IPRs) by IAS officers for the year 2017 (476.4 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.12.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of Promotee IAS Officers of Joint AGMUT cadre for the Select List of 2015 and 2016 - reg. (169.4 KiB, 709 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.12.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of Promotee IAS Officers (SCS category) of Joint Assam-Meghalaya cadre (Meghalaya Segment) for the Select List of 2016 - reg. (101.5 KiB, 608 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.12.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of Promotee IAS Officers (Non-SCS) of Rajasthan cadre for the Select List of 2016 - reg. (98.2 KiB, 589 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (72.1 KiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (76.4 KiB, 801 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.12.2017 - Appointment of SCS officers to the IAS (AGUMT Cadre) (90.1 KiB, 651 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.12.2017-Appointment of 2 SCS officers to the IAS (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) (85.3 KiB, 689 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 08.12.2017 - Expediting recording of PARs of IAS officers - reg. (416.1 KiB, 723 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 08.12.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Meghalaya segment of Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (124.7 KiB, 708 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.12.2017-FIxation of Seniority in respect of IAS Officer (Karnataka Cadre) (151.3 KiB, 773 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.12.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of officers (UP Cadre) (170.9 KiB, 771 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.12.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of officers (West Bengal Cadre) (150.1 KiB, 782 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2017-Appointment of SCS officer to the IAS (Joint Assam Meghalaya Cadre) (75.6 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Corregendium dated 04.12.2017 - Partial modification of DoPT Order dated 12th October, 2017 (36.8 KiB, 768 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.12.2017-Appointment of 17 SCS officers to the IAS (UP Cadre) (105.5 KiB, 1,095 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.12.2017-Appointment of SCS officers to the IAS (Joint AGMUT Cadre) (83.4 KiB, 689 hits)

 November, 2017

  DoPT Order dated 24.11.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS Officers (SCS) of Manipur cadre for the Select List of 2016 (97.3 KiB, 766 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.11.2017 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (65.6 KiB, 668 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.11.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (Kerala Cadre) (1.2 MiB, 1,095 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2017 - Inter cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) (80.9 KiB, 768 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 15.11.2017 - Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the IAS probationers of 2014 batch (Final) - Intimation regarding (2.3 MiB, 332 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 14.11.2017-One-week In-Service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS) officers under the CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers at TISS, Mumbai (Cancellation) (370.9 KiB, 3,507 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.11.2017-Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (67.1 KiB, 826 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.11.2017 - Confirmation of 30 IAS Officers (West Bengal Cadre) (115.9 KiB, 847 hits)

 October, 2017 

  DoPT Letter dated 31.10.2017 - Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the IAS probationers of 2015 batch (Provisional) - Intimation regarding (2.1 MiB, 989 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 31.10.2017 - Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the IAS probationers of 2013 batch (Final) - Intimation regarding (1.9 MiB, 929 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.10.2017 - Confirmation of 1 IAS Officers (Tripura Cadre) (46.0 KiB, 692 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.10.2017 - Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (55.3 KiB, 720 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.10.2017-Appointment of 10 SCS Officer of the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (87.8 KiB, 777 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.10.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of State Civil Service officers Odisha Cadre (137.2 KiB, 764 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.10.2017 - Extension of Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS Officer (63.8 KiB, 994 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (93.6 KiB, 809 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.10.2017 - Inter-cadre transfer of two IAS Officers (73.9 KiB, 975 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.10.2017 - Fixation of seniority of Non-SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (130.4 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.10.2017 - Confirmation of 13 IAS Officers (Punjab Cadre) (72.5 KiB, 809 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 17,10.2017-Guidelines regarding change of cadre of IAS Officers appointed against vacancies reserved for Physically Handicapped (PH) category (63.6 KiB, 800 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.10.2017 - Appointment of 9 SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (85.7 KiB, 806 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.10.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of Non-SCS officers to IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (103.5 KiB, 832 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.10.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (72.3 KiB, 881 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2017 - Confirmation of 11 IAS Officers (Chhattisharh Cadre) (66.6 KiB, 818 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2017 - Confirmation of 1 IAS Officer (Himachal Pradesh Cadre) (45.7 KiB, 779 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2017 - Confirmation of 12 IAS Officers (Punjab Cadre) (71.1 KiB, 813 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2017 - Extension of Inter Cadre deputation of 1 IAS Officer (56.8 KiB, 859 hits)

September, 2017

  DoPT Notification dated 29.09.2017-Confirmation of 4 IAS Officers of 2012 batch (77.6 KiB, 659 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.09.2017-Confirmation of 6 IAS Officers of 2014 batch (83.8 KiB, 692 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.09.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of officers appointed to IAS by promotion against SCS quota (H.P. Cadre) (158.8 KiB, 676 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.09.2017-Fixation of seniority of IAS officers appointed on promotion from SCS category (Punjab Cadre) (208.8 KiB, 667 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.09.2017-Fixation of seniority of IAS officers appointed on promotion from SCS category (Gujarat Cadre) (120.3 KiB, 598 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.09.2017 - Appointment of 1 officers of SCS to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (70.3 KiB, 627 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.09.2017 - एक आईएएस अधिकारी की अंतर-संवर्गीय प्रतिनियुक्ति (40.4 KiB, 337 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.09.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS officers appointed on promotion from SCS category (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (114.3 KiB, 703 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.09.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer of Bihar Cadre (46.0 KiB, 672 hits)

  DoPT Information Note dated 13.09.2017-Empanelment of 26 IAS Officers of 2000 batch for holding the post of JS/equi. (259.2 KiB, 747 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.09.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (102.7 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.09.2017 - Confirmation of 2 IAS Officers of 2014 batch (51.0 KiB, 683 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 06/08.09.2017-12th round of Phase-III training of the MCTP for IAS officers from 20.11.2017 to 15.12.2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (5.3 MiB, 634 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.09.2017 - Appointment of 4 SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (49.8 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.09.2017 - Appointment of two SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (59.0 KiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.09.2017 - Confirmation of 3 IAS Officers of 2014 batch(J&K Cadre) (56.9 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.09.2017-Appointment of SCS officer to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (70.2 KiB, 512 hits)

August, 2017

  DoPT Order dated 31.08.2017-Fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS officers promoted to the IAS (175.1 KiB, 894 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 31.08.2017-Appointment of Secretaries and Additional Secretaries to the Government of India (76.7 KiB, 592 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.08.2017-Fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS officers promoted to the IAS (168.3 KiB, 550 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.08.2017-Fixation of Seniority/year of allotment in respect of SCS officers promoted to the IAS (178.8 KiB, 517 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.08.2017-Seniorit/year of allotment in respect of SCS officer promoted to the IAS (350.1 KiB, 560 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.08.2017-Seniorit/year of allotment in respect of SCS officer promoted to the IAS (333.3 KiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.08.2017-Inter cadre transfer of 1 IAS officer (57.6 KiB, 2,986 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.08.2017-Seniority-year of allotment of IAS officers (UT segment of Joint AGMUT Cadre) (370.7 KiB, 628 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.08.2017-Appointment of SCS officer to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (107.4 KiB, 585 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 21.08.2017-Clarification relating to change in inter-se seniority in the event of cadre transfers-regarding (59.7 KiB, 543 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.08.2017-Appointment of SCS officers to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (76.5 KiB, 1,475 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2017-Appointment of NSCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (67.2 KiB, 570 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.08.2017-Inter Cadre Transfer of 1 IAS Officer (61.2 KiB, 606 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.08.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (HP Cadre) (93.9 KiB, 732 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.08.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (70.2 KiB, 638 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.08.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (TN Cadre) (119.1 KiB, 2,295 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.08.2017 - Confirmation of 8 IAS Officers of 2014 batch (61.8 KiB, 599 hits)

  DoPT Letted dated 04.08.2017-92nd Foundation Course for IAS/IPS and Group 'A' Service from 28.08.2017 to 08.12.2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (1.1 MiB, 2,168 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2017-Inter Cadre deputation of 1 IAS officer (575.4 KiB, 730 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.08.2017-Inter Cadre deputation of 1 IAS officer (582.2 KiB, 445 hits)

July, 2017 

  DoPT Notification dated 27.07.2017-Confirmation of 41 IAS Officers of 2014 batch (145.1 KiB, 808 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.07.2017-Fixation of Seniority/year of allotment of IAS officers promoted from SCS (145.6 KiB, 771 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.07.2017-Confirmation of members of SCS IAS officers of West Bengal Cadre (46.3 KiB, 597 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.07.2017-Appointment of Secretaries/Additional Secretaries to GOI (196.4 KiB, 884 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.07.2017-Appointment of Senior officers in the President's Secretariat (41.8 KiB, 499 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.07.2017-Confirmation of 101 IAS Officers (262.9 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.07.2017-Inter Cadre Deputation of IAS Officer (76.1 KiB, 808 hits)

  DoPT DO Letter dated 13.07.2017-11th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2017) from Sep. 25 to Oct. 13, 2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (8.4 MiB, 659 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.07.2017-Inter Cadre deputation of 1 IAS officer from Assam-Meghalaya cadre to Bihar cadre for 3 years (1.4 MiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.07.2017-Extension of Inter Cadre Deputation of 1 IAS officer (AGMUT Cadre) (955.4 KiB, 741 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.07.2017- Appointment of SCS Officers of Rajasthan to the IAS (107.3 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.07.2017-Confirmation of IAS officers of 2013 batch (54.5 KiB, 644 hits)

June, 2017

  DoPT O.M. dated 27.06.2017-Posting of IAS officers of 2015 Batch as Assistant Secretary in Ministries (1.4 MiB, 1,053 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.06.2017-Appointment of IAS officers at the level of Secretary/equivalent (113.2 KiB, 1,156 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.06.2017-In situ upgradation of the IAS Officers to the level of Special Secretary, as personal to them (45.4 KiB, 882 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 19.06.2017 - 1-week In-Service Training Program for IAS,IPS & IFoS working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers (States/UTs) (2.5 MiB, 2,510 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 19.06.2017-1-week In-Service Training Programme for IAS,IPS &IFoS working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers (Ministries) (2.3 MiB, 3,698 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 19.06.2017-One Week In-Service Training Programme calender for the year 2017-18 (2.5 MiB, 1,925 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.06.2017 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment of promotee IAS officers (MP Cadre) from SCS (1.8 MiB, 1,154 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.06.2017 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 (1.2 MiB, 1,328 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.06.2017 - Promotion of SCS Officers to IAS (MP Cadre) (104.7 KiB, 974 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.06.2017 - Fixation or seniority/allotment year in respect of IAS Officer promoted from SCS (Maharashtra Cadre) (131.2 KiB, 974 hits)

May, 2017

  DoPT Letter dated 25.05.2017-Recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission-bunching of stages in the revised pay structure-reg. (26.4 KiB, 1,596 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.05.2017 - Appointment of the SCS Officer to the IAS (Maharashtra) (71.7 KiB, 961 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.05.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (43.9 KiB, 892 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.05.2017-Confirmation of 3 IAS Officers (51.8 KiB, 959 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.05.2017-Appointment of Secretaries to the Government of India (61.0 KiB, 1,029 hits)

  DoPT Information Note dated 04.05.2017-Empanelment of IAS Officers as Secretary/Secretary equivalent (51.4 KiB, 1,226 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.05.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (43.2 KiB, 985 hits)

April, 2017

  DoPT Letter dated 26.04.2017-Induction Training for officers who are inducted into IAS-regarding additional nomination at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 03.07.2017 to 11.08.2017 (2.3 MiB, 691 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 17.04.2017-Induction Training for IAS Officers at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 03.07.2017 to 11.08.2017 (2.1 MiB, 994 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.04.2017-Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Maharashtra) (593.0 KiB, 986 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 07.04.2017-Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendation-reg (137.8 KiB, 1,034 hits)

March, 2017 

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated-31.03.2017-12th Round of Phase-IV Training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2017) from 5th June to 30th June, 2017 at LBSNAA (7.2 MiB, 1,079 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.03.2017- Confirmation of IAS Officers (66.7 KiB, 891 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 28.03.2017-Confirmation of Members, IAS of 2012 batch - Madhya Pradesh and Odisha (60.1 KiB, 844 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.03.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of promotee IAS officer (SCS category) of Select list of 2014 and 2015 of Sikkim cadre (169.7 KiB, 730 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.03.2017- Fixation of seniority of promotee IAS officers against Review Select Lists of 2007-A, 2008 and 2009 of Tripura cadre (187.0 KiB, 830 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 02.02.2017-Fixation of seniority,year of allotment of officers appointed to IAS (SCS category) (AGMUT Cadre) (120.6 KiB, 895 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 02.03.2017-Fixation of seniority officers appointed to the IAS from Non-SCS (Bihar Cadre) (111.5 KiB, 1,014 hits)

  DoPT notification dated 02.03.2017-Confirmation on 5 IAS officers (71.2 KiB, 919 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.03.2017-Inter Cadre of deputation of 1 IAS officers (56.9 KiB, 439 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.03.2017-Inter Cadre of deputation of 1 IAS officers (59.3 KiB, 867 hits)

February, 2017

  DoPT Notification dated 28.02.2017 - Confirmation of 14 IAS Officers (76.0 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.02.2017-Appointment of IAS officers (Bihar Cadre) from Non-SCS cateagary (843.0 KiB, 835 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.02.2017-Confirmation of 1 IAS Officer (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (47.9 KiB, 745 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 17.02.2017-Fixation of Seniority in respect of IAS officer from Non-SCS (Kerala Cadre) (93.4 KiB, 925 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2016 - Appointment of member of the Non-SCS of Odisha to the IAS (57.7 KiB, 787 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 14.02.2017 - Publication of the Civil List of the IAS officers for the year 2017 (as on 01.01.2017) (43.6 KiB, 950 hits)

Civil List

  DoPT Order dated 13.02.2017-Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS officer from SCS (MP) (103.3 KiB, 912 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.02.2017 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (2013 Batch) (58.4 KiB, 931 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.02.2017 - Appointment of 1 IAS Officer (Kerala Cadre) from Non-SCS cateagory (230.1 KiB, 976 hits)

January, 2017

  DoPT Order dated 31.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) from Non-SCS category (101.0 KiB, 1,020 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.01.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (924.9 KiB, 1,049 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority, year of allotment of IAS Officers (Karnataka Cadre) from Non-SCS category for the SL year 2014 (105.3 KiB, 911 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority, year of allotment of IAS Officers (Karnataka Cadre) from Non-SCS category (104.3 KiB, 970 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 25.01.2017 - Mid Career Training Programme Phase III for IAS officers from 10.04.2017 to 05.05.2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (4.0 MiB, 825 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Odisha Cadre) (215.3 KiB, 838 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority, year of allotment of IAS Officers (Odisha Cadre)-1 (135.0 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 16.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Odisha Cadre)-2 (131.9 KiB, 774 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.01.2017 - Appointment of Non-SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (1.1 MiB, 930 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.01.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officer to the IAS (M.P. Cadre) (67.2 KiB, 541 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.01.2017 - Appointment of SCS Officers to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (267.4 KiB, 656 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 13.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Kerala Cadre) (98.3 KiB, 587 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.01.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (42.2 KiB, 686 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (126.5 KiB, 700 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 09.01.2017-One Week In-service Training programme for Officers of AIS (IAS,IPS & IFoS), officers working under CSS, officers of CSS/CSSS - 2017-18 (1.1 MiB, 3,174 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.01.2017-Nominations for 43rd Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at IIPA, New Delhi from 3rd July, 2017 to April, 2018 (6.1 MiB, 2,618 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.01.2017 - Confirmation of one IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) (44.7 KiB, 735 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Assam-Meghalaya Jt. Cadre) (88.3 KiB, 722 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.01.2017 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Bihar Cadre) (69.7 KiB, 763 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 02.01.2017 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment of IAS Officers (Haryana Cadre) (105.5 KiB, 750 hits)


  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (2013 Batch) (156.9 KiB, 760 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Punjab) (166.1 KiB, 781 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 (Rajasthan) (332.9 KiB, 725 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.12.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 1955 (Rajasthan) (444.1 KiB, 758 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.12.2016 - Joint Secretary/equivalent level appointments (120.5 KiB, 2,241 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.12.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (68.0 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.12.2016 - Completion of writing of PARs of IAS officers for 2015-16 in SPARROW (82.4 KiB, 1,009 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.12.2016 - Confirmation of 87 IAS Officers of 2013 batch (280.1 KiB, 1,164 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.12.2016 - Confirmation of 20 IAS Officers (West Bengal Cadre) (83.6 KiB, 840 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 02.12.2016 - Fixation of seniority of officer (SCS) appointed to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (210.8 KiB, 745 hits)


  DoPT Order dated 24.11.2016 - Fixation of seniority of officers (Non-SCS) appointed to the IAS (Tamil Nadu) (116.7 KiB, 797 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.11.2016 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) (815.3 KiB, 933 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 21.11.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (SCS) to the IAS (U.P.) (123.8 KiB, 846 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.11.2016 - Appointment of 6 SCS Officers to the IAS (Haryana Cadre) (252.2 KiB, 771 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.11.2016-Induction Training for promotee IAS Officers from 16.01.2017 to 24.02.2016 at ATI, West Bengal-regarding (3.2 MiB, 743 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.11.2016 - Appointment of one SCS Officer to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (105.7 KiB, 707 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.11.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 (Chhattisgarh) (156.7 KiB, 692 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.11.2016 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 1955 (Chhattisgarh) (165.0 KiB, 665 hits)


  DoPT Notification dated 26.10.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Maharashtra: 2004) (65.4 KiB, 649 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.10.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh) (74.3 KiB, 684 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.10.2016 - Appointment,re-appointment of Officer (SCS) to the IAS (Tripura) (78.8 KiB, 702 hits)


  DoPT O.M. dated 29.09.2016-Appoinment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in Central Sectt. for 3 months-Fixation of pay-reg. (310.0 KiB, 838 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.09.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (SCS) to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (807.2 KiB, 854 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of Non-SCS Officer appointed to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (94.2 KiB, 792 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 27.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (94.6 KiB, 746 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of Non-SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Punjab Cadre) (90.3 KiB, 713 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (102.1 KiB, 849 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.09.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of SCS Officers appointed to the IAS (Tripura Cadre) (90.2 KiB, 552 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 26.09.2016-10th round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2016) to be held from 28.11.2016 to23.12.2016 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie-additional nomination (1.1 MiB, 627 hits)

  Minutes of the meeting held under the chairmanship of the Secy., DoPT, on 21.09.2016 to consider cases of inter-cadre deputation,transfer, etc. (98.3 KiB, 539 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.09.2016 - Partial modification of Notification dated 02.06.2016 (U.P. Cadre) (50.2 KiB, 512 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.09.2016 - 10th round of Phase-V of the mandatory MCTP for IAS Officers (2016) from 3 to 21 October, 2016 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (418.5 KiB, 524 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.09.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (81.4 KiB, 557 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 14.09.2016 - Mid Career Training Programme Phase III for IAS officers from 28.11.2016 to 23.12.2016 at LBSNAA Mussoorie (12.2 MiB, 555 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.09.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (SCS) to the IAS (Assam-Medhalayya Cadre) (60.4 KiB, 628 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.09.2016 - Partial amendment of the Notification dated 08.09.2016 regarding The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 2016 (219.9 KiB, 662 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.09.2016 - The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 2016 (3.7 MiB, 772 hits)

AUGUST, 2016

  DoPT Notification dated 31.08.2016 - Partial modification of Notification dated 14.01.2016-Appointment of Officers to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (56.0 KiB, 726 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.08.2016 - Appointment of one Officer (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (65.9 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.08.2016 - Appointment of 3 Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (64.4 KiB, 755 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Kerala Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (92.7 KiB, 726 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 23.08.2016 - Appointment of one Officer to the IAS (UP Cadre) from SCS (131.3 KiB, 791 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 19.08.2016-Digital Signature Certificate the form of eSign for authenticating the documents incl. PAR in SPARROW for IAS officers (89.2 KiB, 873 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) promoted from SCS (123.8 KiB, 658 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated August.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Manipur Cadre) (69.0 KiB, 857 hits)

  Minutes of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT, on 12.08.2016 to consider the cases of inter cadre deputation/transfer (As on DoPT website-16.08.2016) (186.8 KiB, 905 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Mah Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (111.3 KiB, 700 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Mah Cadre) promoted from SCS (121.1 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) promoted from SCS (96.5 KiB, 647 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Rajasthan Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (87.4 KiB, 597 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.08.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Bihar Cadre) promoted from SCS (95.2 KiB, 677 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.08.2016 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Secretaries/Spl. Secretaries or equi. in the Govt. of India (67.4 KiB, 985 hits)

JULY, 2016

  DoPT Order dated 28.07.2016 - Appointment of 15 IAS Officers as Secretaries in the Ministries/Departments (106.9 KiB, 996 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (66.5 KiB, 701 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 27.07.2016 - Confirmation of three IAS Officers (2012 Batch) (56.3 KiB, 806 hits)

  DoPT Corri. dated 25.07.2016 - Partial modification of the Order dated 18.04.2016 regarding fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (Mah Cadre) (34.7 KiB, 794 hits)

  Allocation of Cadres to Candidates allocated to IAS on the basis of CSE 2015 (As on DoPT website-25.7.2016) (628.7 KiB, 3,890 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 22.07.2016 - 10th round of Phase-V of the mandatory MCTP for IAS Officers (2016) from 3 to 21 October, 2016 at LBSNAA, Mussourie (2.3 MiB, 680 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 21.07.2016-Proposals/requests from private persons for sanction for prosecution of an IAS Officer serving in State/Central Govt. under the P.C. Act, 1988 (309.2 KiB, 1,968 hits)

  DoPT D.O. Letter dated 11.07.2016 - Induction Training Programme for IAS Officers inducted from SCS and other services (1.4 MiB, 888 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.07.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (MP Cadre) promoted from SCS (126.8 KiB, 909 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Mah. Cadre) (848.6 KiB, 1,328 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Mah. Cadre) (848.6 KiB, 843 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 06.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura Cadre) (815.8 KiB, 958 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (905.2 KiB, 891 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.07.2016 - Appointment of Officer (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Rajasthan Cadre) (900.7 KiB, 803 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.07.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (M.P. Cadre) (970.1 KiB, 899 hits)

JUNE, 2016

  DoPT Order dated 30.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (U.P. Cadre) promoted from SCS (100.6 KiB, 714 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 30.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (AP/Telangana) (137.2 KiB, 936 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 29.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (U.P. Cadre) promoted from SCS (175.0 KiB, 767 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.06.2016 - Fixation of senioirty in respect of IAS Officers (Non-SCS) - Govt. of West Bengal (95.4 KiB, 695 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (93.3 KiB, 687 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Jharkhand Cadre) promoted from SCS (97.7 KiB, 536 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 15.06.2016-Appointment of IAS Officers as Asstt. Secretary in Central Sectt. for a period of 3 months-Terms and conditions of apptt. regarding (1.7 MiB, 941 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.06.2016 - Confirmation of IAS Officers - MP and Haryana Cadres (57.8 KiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.06.2016 - Appointment of Officer (SCS) to the IAS (U.P. Cadre) (56.8 KiB, 815 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Tripura Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (78.0 KiB, 712 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) promoted from SCS (84.9 KiB, 775 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Meghalaya) promoted from Non-SCS (71.8 KiB, 633 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 02.06.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (U.P. Cadre) (96.3 KiB, 730 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Bihar Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (113.1 KiB, 690 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (M.P. Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (119.4 KiB, 607 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority,year of allotment in respect of IAS Officer (Odisha Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (85.2 KiB, 635 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 01.06.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) promoted from Non-SCS (92.5 KiB, 746 hits)

MAY, 2016

  DoPT Order dated 27.05.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) promoted from SCS (97.4 KiB, 651 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 20.05.2016-Category-wise and Insider & Outsider distribution of vacancies in IAS on the basis of CSE, 2015-reg. (134.4 KiB, 836 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.05.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (UP Cadre) (199.4 KiB, 730 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.05.2016 - The AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Annual Health Check-Up of IAS officers (365.2 KiB, 1,210 hits)

  DoPT DO letter dated 05.05.2016 - 11th round of Phase-IV training of mandatory MCTP for IAS officers from 27th June to 22nd July, 2016 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (5.3 MiB, 792 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.05.2016 - Amendments to the IAS (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 (103.1 KiB, 482 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.05.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Bihar Cadre) (78.4 KiB, 776 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.05.2016 - Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS and other Group 'A' services-Policy regarding (2.3 MiB, 1,495 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 03.05.2016 - Induction Training for 90 Officers inducted into IAS at ATI, West Bengal from 20.06.16 to 29.07.16 (2.8 MiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.05.2016 - Online filing of PAR by IAS officers - issue of instructions regarding DSC - regarding (80.5 KiB, 665 hits)

APRIL, 2016

  DoPT Notification dated 21.04.2016 - Appointment of Officer (Non-SCS) to the IAS (Kerala Cadre) (67.8 KiB, 663 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.04.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Mah. Cadre) promoted from SCS (1.7 MiB, 913 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.04.2016 - Appointment of Officer (Non-SCS) to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (69.0 KiB, 660 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 12.04.2016-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date-regarding (173.9 KiB, 6,019 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 11.04.2016 - Amendments to the Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and Limits for Exemption, etc. Rules, 2014 under Lokpal & Lokayktas Act (26.4 KiB, 11,768 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 12.04.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (77.6 KiB, 533 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 12.04.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (WB Cadre) promoted from SCS (171.1 KiB, 775 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.04.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) promoted from SCS (114.8 KiB, 766 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 05.04.2016 - Online filing of PAR by IAS officers - Issue of instructions regarding DSC -reg. (377.2 KiB, 875 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 04.04.2016-Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by IAS officers under Section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-regarding (486.7 KiB, 786 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.04.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (73.9 KiB, 746 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.04.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (82.6 KiB, 883 hits)

MARCH, 2016

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 31.03.2016 - Induction Training for Officers inducted into IAS from SCS and other services (26.04.16 to 03.06.16) (2.1 MiB, 663 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.03.2016 - Appointment of Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Mah Cadre) (128.2 KiB, 734 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.03.2016 - Confirmation of 18 IAS Officers of 2012 batch (90.8 KiB, 737 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (M.P. Cadre) (262.8 KiB, 853 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 14.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of Officer (SCS) in IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (147.6 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officer (SCS) in IAS (M.P. Cadre) (132.6 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.03.2016 - Appointment of 2 Officers (SCS) to the IAS (Nagaland Cadre) (59.7 KiB, 955 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 10.03.2016 - Partial amendment to the Notification dated 29.03.2004 reg. change in the date of birth-Member of IAS (Mah.) (38.7 KiB, 862 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 04.03.2016 - Fixation of senioirty/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (147.3 KiB, 802 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 03.03.2016 - Partial amendment to the Order dated 03.03.2016 (30.7 KiB, 595 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 03.03.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (147.4 KiB, 794 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 02.03.2016 - Partial amendment to Notification dated 19.01.2016 (38.4 KiB, 610 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 01.03.2016 - Induction Training for Officers inducted into IAS from SCS and other services (28.03.16 to 06.05.16) (2.1 MiB, 899 hits)


  DoPT Order dated 26.02.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Chhattisgarh Cadre) (178.3 KiB, 763 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.02.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of to the IAS (Gujarat Cadre) (61.8 KiB, 830 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 26.02.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura Cadre) (56.8 KiB, 731 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.02.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Bihar Cadre) (305.2 KiB, 656 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.02.2016 - Fixation of seniority/year of allotment in respect of Officers (SCS) in IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (95.8 KiB, 680 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 22.02.2016 - Publication of the Civil List of the IAS officers for the year 2016 (as on 01.01.2016) (41.0 KiB, 715 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.02.2016 - Appointment of members of the Non-SCS of Tamil Nadu to the IAS (Tamil Nadu Cadre) (68.1 KiB, 964 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.02.2016 - Fixation of senioirty,year of allotment in respect of Officer (Non-SCS) in IAS (Chattisgarh Cadre) (214.9 KiB, 850 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 15.02.2016 - Amendment to Notification dated 10.02.2015 reg. apptt. of members of SCS of Assam to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (41.1 KiB, 745 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.02.2016 - Appointment of 14 members of the SCS of Assam to the IAS (Assam-Meghalaya Cadre) (73.3 KiB, 836 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.02.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Karnataka to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (62.3 KiB, 1,150 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 05.02.2016 - Notional appointment of Shri Rabi Narayan Nanda to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (118.1 KiB, 897 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.02.2016 - Amendment in Rule 3(3)(ii) of the IAS (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 (198.4 KiB, 943 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Jharkhand to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (57.3 KiB, 666 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2016 - Appointment of 2 members of the Non-SCS of West Bengal to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (57.5 KiB, 640 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2016 - Appointment of 10 members of the SCS of West Bengal to the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) (71.6 KiB, 625 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 03.02.2016 - Appointment of members of the SCS of Jharkhand to the IAS (Jharkhand Cadre) (69.7 KiB, 554 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 03.02.2016 - AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958 - Guidelines for intensive review of records-Review Committees for IAS/IPS of AGMUT Cadre (54.6 KiB, 977 hits)


  DoPT Notification dated 22.01.2016 - Apptt. of 1 member of the SCS of Meghalaya to the IAS (Assam-Mehalaya Cadre) (65.0 KiB, 752 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 20.01.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officer promoted from SCS category Goa Segment (86.4 KiB, 676 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 20.01.2016 - Partial modification of order dated 28.12.2015-IAS (SCS category)-Rectificcation of Select Lists-Rajasthan (490.3 KiB, 896 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 20.01.2016 - Partial modification of order dated 27.10.2015-IAS (SCS category)-SLs of Joint AGMUT Cadre (151.6 KiB, 732 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Odisha to the IAS (Odisha Cadre) (57.7 KiB, 579 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2016 - Appointment of member of the Non-SCS of Odisha to the IAS (57.7 KiB, 675 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.01.2016 - Appointment of 1 member of the SCS of Mizoram to the IAS (AGMUT Cadre) (60.8 KiB, 657 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.01.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers promoted from SCS of Manipur-Select List 2014 (125.3 KiB, 572 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.01.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of IAS Officers promoted from SCS of Himachal Pradesh Cadre-Select List 2014 (123.7 KiB, 703 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.01.2016 - Fixation of seniority in respect of one IAS Officer promoted from SCS of Odisha Cadre-Select List 2013 (94.2 KiB, 654 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.01.2016-1-week In-Service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS) working under CSS and CSS/CSSS Officers at IIM, Indore (509.1 KiB, 11,757 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 13.01.2016 - Induction Training for Officers inducted into IAS from SCS (28.03.16 to 06.05.16) (1.2 MiB, 604 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.01.2016 - Confirmation of 15 IAS Officers (94.0 KiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.01.2016 - Appointment of 2 members of Non-SCS of Bihar to the IAS (62.8 KiB, 642 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 30.12.2015 - Appointment of 12 members of the SCS of Gujarat to the IAS (55.6 KiB, 822 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.12.2015 - Appointment of 1 member of the SCS of Chhattisgarh to the IAS (69.0 KiB, 689 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.12.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Jharkhand) (200.4 KiB, 946 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 29.12.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Jharkhand) (218.4 KiB, 634 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.12.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers to be held at Hyderabad from 15.02.2016 to 25.03.2016 (2.4 MiB, 979 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 28.12.2015 - Re-fixation of seniority year of allotment in respect of promotee IAS officers of Rajasthan Cadre (876.4 KiB, 655 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.12.2015 - Confirmation of two IAS Officers of 2008 batch (Gujarat Cadre) (46.3 KiB, 702 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.12.2015 - Appointment of members of the Non-SCS of M.P. Cadre to the IAS (63.6 KiB, 716 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.12.2015 - Appointment of members of the SCS of M.P. Cadre to the IAS (69.9 KiB, 617 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.12.2015 - Amendments to the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 (212.4 KiB, 3,013 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 18.12.2015 - Amendment to Seniority order dated 26.06.15 in respect of IAS Officers (Assam Cadre) fron SCS (25.5 KiB, 843 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 17.12.2015 - Nominations of IAS Officers for appointment on deputation to posts under the Central Staffing Scheme for 2016 (387.5 KiB, 3,934 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 16.12.2015 - Seniority order dated 19.05.2015 in respect of SCS Officers (TN Cadre) (52.2 KiB, 820 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.12.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers at the ATIs of West Bengal and Mysore from 01.02.2016 and 08.02.2016, respectively (6.9 MiB, 1,015 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.12.2015 - Appointment of 6 members of the SCS of Himachal Pradesh to the IAS (65.7 KiB, 922 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 11.12.2015 - Confirmation of 12 IAS Officers of 2012 Batch (AGMUT Cadre) (51.8 KiB, 887 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.12.2015 - Appointment of member of the SCS of U.P. Cadre to the IAS (56.8 KiB, 773 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.11.2015 - Appointment of members of the SCS of Odisha Cadre to the IAS (82.2 KiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 17.11.2015 - Fixation of pay of IAS officers inducted from SCS/Non-SCS officers on appointment to IAS-reg. (53.0 KiB, 582 hits)

  DOPT O.M. dated 17.11.2015 - Instruction regarding timely submission of proposals for initiating disciplinary proceedings against IAS Officers to cadre controlling authority by Ministries/Deptts. (56.4 KiB, 7,074 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 10.11.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (from SCS)-regarding additional nomination at ATI Mysore (1.0 MiB, 1,064 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 10.11.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (from SCS)-regarding additional nomination at IMG Kerala (1.3 MiB, 701 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.10.2015 - Appointment of members of the SCS of Rajasthan to the IAS (76.7 KiB, 599 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.10.2015 - Re-appointment/appointment of members of the SCS of Rajasthan to the IAS (62.6 KiB, 540 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.10.2015 - Appointment of 1 member of the SCS of West Bengal to the IAS (57.3 KiB, 697 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.10.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers-regarding changing the schedule of training at IMG Kerala to 09.11.2015 to 18.12.2015 (448.7 KiB, 426 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 15.10.2015 - Review of Promotion Guidelines for promotion of IAS Officers - clarifications - regarding (59.4 KiB, 463 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 11.10.2015-Declaration of Assets & Liabilities under sec.44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act-extension of last date for revised returns up to 15.04.2016 (579.4 KiB, 3,145 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 09.10.2015-Two-day programme titled 'RTI-Outlook for the Future' to be held on 16 & 17.10.2015-participation of Asstt. Secretaries (34.3 KiB, 421 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Odisha to the IAS (56.8 KiB, 477 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 09.10.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Uttar Pradesh to the IAS (135.6 KiB, 489 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 07.10.2015-Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in Central Sectt. for three months - Terms and conditions of appointment regarding (496.3 KiB, 520 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.10.2015-Apptt. of officers to the IAS on the basis of CSE 1013 between A.P. and Telangana (52.3 KiB, 539 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 22.09.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-28.09.15) (79.4 KiB, 545 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 24.09.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Uttar Pradesh to the IAS (77.6 KiB, 597 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 21.09.2015 - Addl. list of IAS Officers (promotees) for Induction training at IMG Kerala (2.11.15 to 11.12.15) & ATI West Bengal (23.11.15 to 2.1.16) (5.6 MiB, 588 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.09.2015-Apptt. of members of the SCS of Manipur to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura Cadre) (26.4 KiB, 491 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 16.09.2015 - Review of Promotion Guidelines for promotion of IAS Officers - Clarification regarding (46.8 KiB, 487 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 08.09.2015 - Posting of IAS Officers of 2013 Batch as Assistant Secretary in Ministries/Departments for three months (411.2 KiB, 543 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.09.2015 - 90th Foundation Course - regarding (71.0 KiB, 805 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 02.09.2015 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized 'A' Services in PB-3, PB-4 and HAG (45.0 KiB, 2,032 hits)

  IAS Cadre Allocation (CSE-2014) (As on DoPT website-01.09.2015) (5.2 MiB, 601 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 25.08.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Sikkim) (56.6 KiB, 650 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 25.08.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Sikkim) (62.0 KiB, 906 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 20.08.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (07.09.2015 to 16.10.2015) - Additional list of Officers (3.7 MiB, 551 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 20.08.2015 - Posting of 158 IAS Officers of 2013 Batch as Assistant Secretary in Ministries/Departments for three months (272.9 KiB, 868 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 13.08.2015 - Concurrence of vacancies at various grades of IAS under Rule 3(2)(ii) of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007-reg. (55.5 KiB, 767 hits)

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 11.08.2015 - Confirmation of 95 IAS Officers of 2012 batch (103.0 KiB, 1,447 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 10.08.2015 - Appointment of IAS Officers as Assistant Secretary in the Central Se3ctt. for 3 months-Terms and conditions reg. (136.5 KiB, 1,399 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 10.08.2015-Induction training of IAS Officers inducted from SCS at IMG Kerala during 7.9.2015 to 16.10.2015-Regarding additional nomination (2.3 MiB, 1,296 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.08.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officer (Non-SCS quota) (Jharkhand) (41.5 KiB, 1,121 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.08.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officer (SCS quota) (Sikkim) (42.2 KiB, 1,058 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 06.08.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officer (UT segment of AGMUT Cadre) (85.8 KiB, 1,118 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 05.08.2015 - Induction training of IAS Officers inducted from SCS and Non-SCS (6.5 MiB, 837 hits)

  Brief Note on posting of 2013 Batch IAS Officers in the Central Govt. after completion of Phase-II Trg. (As on DoPT website-3.8.15) (963.7 KiB, 977 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 31.07.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-03.08.15) (65.4 KiB, 811 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 03.08.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (17.08.2015 to 25.09.2015) (3.9 MiB, 789 hits)

  Brief Note on posting of 2013 Batch IAS Officers in the Central Govt. after completion of Phase-II Trg. (As on DoPT website-3.8.15) (963.7 KiB, 977 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 31.07.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-03.08.15) (65.4 KiB, 811 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 03.08.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (17.08.2015 to 25.09.2015) (3.9 MiB, 789 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (AGMUT Cadre) (3.8.15 to 11.9.15) (1.3 MiB, 747 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (TN) (3.8.15 to 11.9.15) (1.3 MiB, 907 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (WB) (3.8.15 to 11.9.15) (1.1 MiB, 643 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 28.07.2015 - Induction training for officers who are inducted into the IAS from State Civil Services of Gujarat (500.1 KiB, 630 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 25.07.2015 - Induction training of officers who have been inducted into the IAS from State Civil Services of West Bengal-regarding (881.3 KiB, 663 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 23.07.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (27.07.2015 to 04.09.2015) (5.1 MiB, 552 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.07.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 8 IAS Officers (SCS) of 2013 batch (WB Cadre) (55.2 KiB, 746 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 10.07.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers of Non-SCS category (Kerala Cadre) (48.1 KiB, 747 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 07.07.2015 - Confirmation of 12 IAS Officers of WB Cadre (40.1 KiB, 904 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secy., DoPT on 02.07.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation/transfer cases(As on DoPT website-07.07.15) (204.6 KiB, 991 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 02.07.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Arunachal Segment of AGMUT Cadre) (48.5 KiB, 862 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Assam Cadre) fron SCS (56.4 KiB, 859 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 26.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Tripura Cadre) fron Non-SCS (43.2 KiB, 953 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 4 IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) from SCS (46.4 KiB, 618 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) fron Non-SCS - I (46.4 KiB, 682 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 25.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers (Chhattisgarh Cadre) fron SCS (47.8 KiB, 656 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.06.2015-Apptt. of 8 members of the SCS of West Bengal to the IAS (WB Cadre) (38.9 KiB, 798 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.06.2015-Apptt. of 6 members of the Non-SCS of Karnataka to the IAS (Karnataka Cadre) (39.7 KiB, 2,165 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (M.P. Cadre) fron SCS quota (61.1 KiB, 1,428 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Tamil Nadu Cadre) fron Non-SCS quota (41.1 KiB, 1,521 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers (Jharkhand Cadre) fron Non-SCS quota (47.6 KiB, 1,453 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.06.2015-Apptt. of 1 member of the SCS of Sikkim to the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (37.3 KiB, 1,483 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 17.06.2015 - Induction training for promotee IAS Officers (5.3 MiB, 1,488 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 16.06.2015-9th Round of Phase-V MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (11 Oct to 6 Nov 2015) (3.4 MiB, 2,016 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 11.06.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Mizoram Segment of AGMUT Cadre) (40.7 KiB, 898 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 10.06.2015-Minutes of the Meeting by MOS (PP)/Secretary(P) with Principal Secretaries (P/GAD) of State Govts. held on 18.5.15-Reg. (412.8 KiB, 1,958 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 08.06.2015-Comments invited from IAS Officers and other stakeholders on the proposed 'Draft Policy Paper on Cadre Training Plan for IAS Officers' (2.1 MiB, 864 hits)

  Minutes of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DoPT on 28.05.2015 to consider cases of inter-cadre deputation/inter-cadre transfer of IAS Officers(As on DoPT website-2.6.15) (160.8 KiB, 793 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 25.05.2015 - JS level empanelment of 1999 batch of IAS(Initial) - Requesting all State Cadres to inform and invite representations (583.4 KiB, 1,221 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.05.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Telangana) (43.1 KiB, 819 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.05.2015-Apptt. of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Jharkhand to the IAS (Jharkhand) (35.6 KiB, 854 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.05.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Tamilnadu) (54.0 KiB, 799 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 18.05.2015 - Seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Nagaland) (72.8 KiB, 644 hits)

  Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DoPT on 13.05.2015 to consider inter-cadre deputation,transfer cases(As on DoPT website-19.5.15) (130.0 KiB, 886 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 30.04.2015 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (last date-15.10.2015) (State Govts.) (139.3 KiB, 2,085 hits)

  DoPT D.O. letter dated 30.04.2015 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (last date-15.10.2015) (151.6 KiB, 2,013 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 28.04.2015 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Annual Health Check - IAS Officers (25.4 KiB, 657 hits)

  Status of Cadre Transfer Proposals of IAS Officer (As on DoPT website-28.4.15) (268.9 KiB, 864 hits)

  Status of Inter-Cadre Deputation Proposals of IAS Officers (As on DoPT website-28.4.15) (240.5 KiB, 840 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 24.04.2015 - Fixation of seniority order in respect of IAS Officers (Maharashtra) against SCS quota (38.8 KiB, 586 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 22.04.2015-Revision of para 2.1 each of the Select Lists of 2009 and 2012 (SCS category)-Tamil Nadu (39.5 KiB, 766 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 22.04.2015-Revision of para 2.1 of the Select List of 2009 (Non-SCS category)-Tamil Nadu (21.0 KiB, 508 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 22.04.2015 - Re-fixation of seniority in respect of promotee IAS Officers (Nagaland) (50.3 KiB, 529 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 21.04.2015 - Mandatory online filing of PAR by IAS Officers from the year 2014-15 (43.8 KiB, 483 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 20.04.2015-Apptt. of 1 member of the Non-SCS of Tripura to the IAS (Manipur-Tripura) (23.5 KiB, 443 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 15.04.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 2 IAS Officers (Sikkim cadre) (33.2 KiB, 481 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.04.2015-Apptt. of 2 members of the SCS of Mizoram to the IAS (AGMUT cadre) (25.5 KiB, 459 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 10.04.2015-Apptt. of 1 member of the SCS of Rajasthan to the IAS (Raj.) (32.5 KiB, 646 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 07.04.2015 - Seniority order in respect of 1 IAS Officer (Punjab) (32.1 KiB, 693 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 07.04.2015 - Exemption from induction training to the officers inducted into IAS-regarding (21.3 KiB, 536 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 07.04.2015 - Proposed amendment in the duration of induction training to the officers inducted into IAS-regarding (21.6 KiB, 376 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.04.2015 - Appointment of 1 member of the SCS to the Joint AGMUT Cadre (Arunachal Pradesh Segment) of the IAS (26.5 KiB, 454 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 31.03.2015 - Allocation of IAS Officers born on the joint cadre of Manipur and Tripura (133.9 KiB, 671 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 30.03.2015-Training of officers promoted into IAS from SCS for 9th Round of Phase-III training of the MCTP, scheduled to be started from 1.6.15 (2.0 MiB, 1,213 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 23.03.2015 - Appointment of 2 members of the Non-SCS to the IAS (Jharkhand cadre) (23.6 KiB, 542 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Tripura Cadre) (74.6 KiB, 536 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Tripura-Manipur) (41.4 KiB, 491 hits)

  DoPT Order dated 19.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Gujarat Cadre) (49.3 KiB, 557 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2015 - Appointment of 7 members of the SCS to the IAS (Tamil Nadu cadre) (40.3 KiB, 627 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 18.03.2015 - Appointment of one member of the Non-SCS to the IAS (Tamil Nadu cadre) (34.4 KiB, 915 hits)

  DoPT O.M. dated 18.03.2015 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities-Formats to be used for filing returns under section 44 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (263.5 KiB, 3,862 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955 (98.1 KiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Appointment by Selection) Regulations, 1997 (34.2 KiB, 616 hits)


  DoPT Order dated 11.03.2015 - Fixation of seniority of IAS Officers (Punjab Cadre) (52.4 KiB, 745 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 10.03.2015-9th Round of Phase-III training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (1.6.15 to 17.7.15) (2.9 MiB, 464 hits)

  Notification dated 09.03.2015 - Confirmation of 2 members of the IAS of 2011 batch (33.2 KiB, 543 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 04.03.2015-10th Round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (6.4.15 to 22.5.15) (2.8 MiB, 537 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 04.03.2015 - Enrolment of eligible IAS Officers with LBSNAA for 10th Round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP (6.4.15 to 22.5.15) (3.6 MiB, 472 hits)

  Notification dated 03.03.2015 - Confirmation of 3 members of the IAS (Sikkim Cadre) (35.0 KiB, 562 hits)

  Notification dated 16.02.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 1955 (Maharashtra) (72.7 KiB, 580 hits)

  Letter dated 16.02.2015 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS Officers (54.9 KiB, 594 hits)

  Notification dated 16.02.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Maharashtra) (97.4 KiB, 715 hits)

  Notification dated 09.02.2015 - Confirmation of 2 members of the IAS (Maharashtra Cadre) (33.2 KiB, 545 hits)

  Letter dated 23.01.2015 - Filing of IPRs under Rule 16 of AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968 and Annual Returns of Assets and Liabilities by AIS Officers in compliance with 2014 Rules (359.4 KiB, 4,098 hits)

  O.M. dated 20.01.2015 - Concurrence of vacancies in various Grades of IAS - Adherence to Rules under IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (127.4 KiB, 560 hits)

  Notification dated 01.01.2015 - Appointment of 5 members of the SCS of H.P. to the IAS (Himachal Pradesh) (58.2 KiB, 575 hits)

  Notification dated 31.12.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (U.P.) (170.2 KiB, 651 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 29.12.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - AIS (State Govts.) (554.5 KiB, 1,815 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 29.12.2014 - Furnishing of information relating to assets and liabilities under Sec.44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - AIS (Ministries) (565.6 KiB, 1,694 hits)

  DOPT's Corrigendum - Allocation of AIS Officers borne on the undivided cadre of AP between separate cadres of AP and Telangana (29.12.2014) (50.7 KiB, 742 hits)

  DOPT's Notice - Comments on Increase in maximum age of induction of State Civil Service Officers into IAS, IPS or IFos (As on DOPT website-27.12.2014) (12.1 KiB, 1,147 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 26.12.2014-10th Round of Phase-IV training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (6.4.15 to 22.5.15) (6.4 MiB, 760 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 – Amendments to the Public Servants Furnishing of Information & Annual Returns of Assets & Liabilities Rules, 2014 (838.2 KiB, 3,770 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 - Amendments to the the Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2014 (1.1 MiB, 2,112 hits)

  Notification dated 26.12.2014 - Provisional Distribution of IAS officers between Andhra Pradesh & Telangana (1.9 MiB, 546 hits)

  O.M. dated 25.12.2014 - Declaration of Assets & Liabilities by public servants under Sec. 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-extension of last date for filing of revised returns (421.2 KiB, 3,274 hits)

  Letter dated 05.12.2014 - Proposed amendment in the training duration for the training of the IAS Officers under IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (Reminder) (27.5 KiB, 465 hits)

  Notification dated 04.12.2014 - Amendment to Rule 5(2) of the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (45.6 KiB, 583 hits)

  Order dated 04.12.2014 - Fixation of seniority of IAS officers appointed on promotion from SCS on the basis in the select list of 2013 (State of Odisha) (56.6 KiB, 618 hits)

  Cadre Allocation (IAS) Complete Cadre Allocation (CSE-2013) (As on DOPT website-25.11.2014) (620.1 KiB, 33,642 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.11.2014 - Inter-cadre deputation of IAS Officers-policy regarding (16.5 KiB, 474 hits)

  Letter dated 14.11.2014 - Proposed amendment in the training duration for the training of the IAS Officers under IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (40.4 KiB, 1,359 hits)

  Notification dated 13.10.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (State of Odisha) (88.2 KiB, 522 hits)

  Notification dated 13.10.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 2007 (State of Odisha) (89.4 KiB, 525 hits)

  Letter dated 12.11.2014 - Fixation of inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2012 batch (Provisional) - Intimation regarding (4.7 MiB, 1,736 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 10.11.2014 - Nominations of officers of the IAS for appointment to posts on Central Deputation during the year 2015 (350.0 KiB, 801 hits)

  Letter dated 21.10.2014 - Proposed amendment in IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 - regarding (43.9 KiB, 1,324 hits)

  Proposal to amend the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (As on DOPT website - 21.10.2014) (44.3 KiB, 1,562 hits)

  Notification dated 04.09.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (30.8 KiB, 627 hits)

  Notification dated 01.08.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS (West Bengal Cadre) in the IAS (35.3 KiB, 668 hits)

  O.M. dated 30.07.2014 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organised Group A Services in PB-3 and PB-4 - IAS Officers (56.8 KiB, 983 hits)

  Notification dated 18.07.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (A.P. - Telangana) (77.9 KiB, 652 hits)

  Notification dated 18.07.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (A.P. - Telangana) (85.8 KiB, 885 hits)

  Notification dated 17.07.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (49.8 KiB, 865 hits)

  Notification dated 11.07.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (65.5 KiB, 662 hits)

  Notification dated 23.06.2014 - Confirmation of members of the IAS of 2011 batch in the IAS (159.6 KiB, 768 hits)

  Letter dated 16.06.2014 - Creation of ex cadre posts by State Governments beyond the permissible limit - Violation of Rules of Indian Administrative Service (321.8 KiB, 652 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 09.06.2014 - 9th Round of the mandatory Phase-IV Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers at LBS National Academy (23 June to 14 Aug 2014)-Reminder (1.5 MiB, 767 hits)

  Notification dated 06.06.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (175.4 KiB, 588 hits)

  Notification dated 06.06.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (167.9 KiB, 712 hits)

  Notification dated 30.05.2014 - Allocation of IAS Officers borne on the cadre of A.P. to the State of Telangana cadre of IAS w.e.f. 2.6.2014 (76.1 KiB, 671 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 05.05.2014 - Inter-se seniority of the IAS probationers of 2010 batch (276.8 KiB, 904 hits)

  Letter dated 01.05.2014 - Extension of time line prescribed in schedule for completion of PAR appended to the PAR format (128.0 KiB, 564 hits)

  Notification dated 29.04.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (73.3 KiB, 660 hits)

  Notification dated 29.04.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (74.4 KiB, 595 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 22.04.2014 - 8th Round of the mandatory Phase-III Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers at LBS National Academy (18th June to 10th Oct., 2014) (4.1 MiB, 918 hits)

  Cadre Allocation (Indian Administrative Service) (CSE-2012) - As on DOPT website - 19.03.2014 (284.4 KiB, 12,224 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 07.03.2014 - One week In-Service training for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme in current block of year 2014-16 (States&UTs) (1.6 MiB, 829 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 07.03.2014 - One week In-Service training for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme in current block of year 2014-16 (1.5 MiB, 1,077 hits)

  D.O. Letter dated 06.03.2014 - 9th Round of the mandatory Phase-IV Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers at LBS National Academy (23 June to 14 Aug 2014) (1.4 MiB, 933 hits)

  Minutes of Meeting held on 21.2.2014 with Jt. Secretary (Admn.) of all Central Ministries, Deptts. to demonstrate the software for online filing of PAR (As on DOPT website) (244.2 KiB, 562 hits)

  Report of the Committee to Review the Content and Duration of Induction Training of IAS Officers (Feb, 2014) (1.2 MiB, 1,411 hits)

  Letter dated 21.02.2014 - The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS Officers (136.9 KiB, 714 hits)

  DOPT's Information Note dated 14.02.2014 – Empanelment of 61 IAS officers for appointment to JS or equivalent posts at the Centre (49.0 KiB, 688 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.02.2014 - Guidelines regarding change of cadre of IAS Officers appointed against vacancies reserved for Physically Handicapped (PH) category (77.4 KiB, 1,030 hits)

  O.M. dated 13.02.2014 - Circulation of Check-List for disciplinary cases against IAS Officers and initiation of Single Window System (251.1 KiB, 2,090 hits)

  Notification dated 28.01.2014 - Amendment to the Indian Administrative Service (cadre) Rules, 1954 (73.2 KiB, 1,644 hits)

  Revised Scheme in the method of induction of SCS/Non-SCS/SPS/SFoS officers to IAS/IPS/IFoS (Comments required by DOPT by 23.01.2014)(17.01.2014) (275.0 KiB, 2,004 hits)


  O.M. dated 26.11.2013 - Provision of an ad hoc allowance of Rs.5000 for purchase of books, stationery, etc. to the IAS participants of NDC Course at the NDA, New Delhi (672.8 KiB, 579 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.11.2013 - 1-week in-service training programme for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-14 (501.7 KiB, 704 hits)

  Letter dated 17.10.2013 - Notification regarding Indian Administrative Service (Commutation of Pensions) Amendment Regulations, 2013 (185.7 KiB, 710 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 25.09.2013 - IAS (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 - Amendment to para 2.1 of Order dated 06.07.2013 (34.5 KiB, 584 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Manipur-Tripura) (64.7 KiB, 620 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Manipur-Tripura)-I (71.0 KiB, 493 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Manipur-Tripura) (76.1 KiB, 672 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Manipur-Tripura)-I (80.1 KiB, 685 hits)

  Letter dated 22.08.2013 - Notification dated 12.07.2013 - Amendment to AIS (DCRB) Rules (449.8 KiB, 964 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.07.2013 - In-service training programmes for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for 2013-14 (222.4 KiB, 655 hits)

  Calendar for Mid-career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers – 2013-14 (DOPT) (14.0 KiB, 803 hits)

  DOPT's Information Note dated 05.07.2013 - Empanelment of IAS officers for appointment to JS or equivalent posts in the Centre (15.8 KiB, 524 hits)

  Order dated 28.06.2013 - Inter-se seniority of some IAS Officers (Haryana Cadre) (49.2 KiB, 603 hits)

  Order dated 27.06.2013 - Inter-se seniority of some IAS Officers (86.0 KiB, 585 hits)

  Letter dated 20.06.2013 - Retention of names on offer for Central Deputation under the Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013 (164.2 KiB, 951 hits)

  DOPT's Information Note dated 27.05.2013 - Empanelment of IAS officers for appointment to AS / AS equivalent posts in the Centre (77.3 KiB, 763 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 14.05.2013 - 7th round of Phase-V training of the Mandatory Mid Career Training Programme (2013) for IAS Officers (2013) (1.9 MiB, 793 hits)

  The Indian Administrative Service (Selection) Regulations, 2013 (191.8 KiB, 777 hits)

  The Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Induction) Regulations, 2013 (405.0 KiB, 1,521 hits)

  Letter dated 08.04.2013 - Phase III - Mid Career Training Programme (2013) for IAS Officers (2.0 MiB, 687 hits)

  Letter dated 20.02.2013 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Revised pro forma for annual health check up of IAS Officers and revised rates thereof (109.8 KiB, 915 hits)

  Letter dated 19.02.2013 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check up of IAS Officers (317.9 KiB, 863 hits)

  Notification dated 30.01.2013 - IAS (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2013 (131.5 KiB, 641 hits)

  Notification dated 30.01.2013 - IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2013 (131.4 KiB, 721 hits)

  Notification dated 28.12.2012 - IAS (Pay) Third Amendment Rules, 2012 (103.7 KiB, 645 hits)

  Notification dated 28.12.2012 - IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Third Amendment Regulations, 2012 (143.3 KiB, 720 hits)

*       *       *       *       * 

  Letter dated 07.11.2012 - Grant of advance increments to IAS Officers - regarding (68.8 KiB, 1,006 hits)

  Information Note dated 11.10.2012 - Empanelment of IAS officers of 1993 batch for appointment to JS or equivalent posts in the Centre (34.7 KiB, 674 hits)

  Notification dated 28.09.2012 - Appointment of members of State Civil Service of Chhattisgarh to the IAS (31.8 KiB, 606 hits)

  O.M. dated 31.07.2012 - In Service Training Programme for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2012-13 (2.0 MiB, 1,143 hits)

  Information Note dated 27.07.2012 - Empanelment of IAS officers of 1982 batch for appointment to Addl. Secy. and equivalent posts in the Centre (49.4 KiB, 719 hits)

  Letter dated 19.06.2012 - 6th round of Phase-III of Mandatory MTCP for IAS Officers (2.7.12 to 24.8.12) - Approval of the Competent Authority (27.3 KiB, 648 hits)

  Letter dated 15.06.2012 - 6th round of Phase-III of Mandatory MTCP for IAS Officers (2.7.12 to 24.8.12) - Approval of the Competent Authority (46.6 KiB, 684 hits)

  25.05.2012 - 1-week in-service training programmes for IAS Officers and officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme (9.8 KiB, 545 hits)

  Communication dated 22.05.2012 - ACC approval for appointments of IAS Officers to Addl. Secretary or equivalent posts in the Centre (30.5 KiB, 601 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.05.2012 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual medical check up for IAS officers (32.6 KiB, 917 hits)

  O.M. dated 09.05.2012 - Civil Services Examination, 2005 to 2009 (Reserve List) for recruitment to the IAS, IFS, IPS, CS Group A and B - Fixation of seniority (50.7 KiB, 921 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.05.2012 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organised Group A Services in PB-3 and PB-4 (59.2 KiB, 1,013 hits)

  Letter dated 19.04.2012 - 7th round of Phase-IV mandatory MCTP for IAS Officers (30.4.12 to 22.6.12) - Approval of Competent Authority for those who have exhausted all three chances (34.1 KiB, 628 hits)

  Notification dated 18.04.2012 - Amendment to Indian Administrative Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 (26.7 KiB, 737 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 04.04.2012-6th Round of Phase-III training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (2.7.12 to 24.8.12) (489.8 KiB, 785 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 04.04.2012-6th Round of Phase-V training of the MCTP for IAS Officers at LBS National Academy of Administration (1.10.12 to 2.11.12) (433.6 KiB, 873 hits)

  Letter dated 29.03.2012 - Revised standard terms and conditions for deputation of AIS officers to autonomous / other bodies and PSUs under IAS Rules and rules of IPS / IFS (92.2 KiB, 1,672 hits)

  Information Note dated 28.03.2012 - Empanelment of IAS officers for appointment to Secretary level posts in the Centre (15.2 KiB, 587 hits)

  Notification dated 01.03.2012 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (57.3 KiB, 691 hits)

  Letter dated 21.02.2012 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up for IAS officers (45.5 KiB, 880 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 01.02.2012 - Mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS Officers - Implementation of Pay Rules (2.7 MiB, 723 hits)

  Civil List of IAS Officers - Appendix A - Combined Gradation List of IAS Officers appointed on the result of annual competitive Exam. (As on 01.01.2014) (370.8 KiB, 2,338 hits)

  Letter dated 19.01.2012 - Nominations for 7th Round of Phase IV (2011) Mid Career Training Programme for IAS Officers (2012) during 30.4.2012-22.6.2012 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie (500.7 KiB, 650 hits)

  Letter dated 18.01.2012 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check-up of IAS officers (16.6 KiB, 713 hits)

  Letter dated 11.1.2012 - Consolidated Deputation Guidelines for AIS officers dated 28.11.2007 (12.2 KiB, 1,380 hits)

  Letter dated 11.01.2012 - Stepping up of pay of senior member of AIS vis-a-vis pay his junior in the cadre (14.3 KiB, 1,313 hits)

  Notification dated 24.11.2011 – Appointment of members of State Civil Service of Jt. AGMUT to the IAS (21.4 KiB, 635 hits)

  Notification dated 21.11.2011 - Appointment of members of Haryana State Civil Service to the IAS (28.5 KiB, 691 hits)

  Letter dated 11.11.2011 - Foundation Course of IAS probationers on the basis of CSE-2010 - Regarding (30.8 KiB, 615 hits)

  Notification dated 10.10.2011 - Promotion of 18 members of State Civil Service of Bihar to the IAS (47.6 KiB, 606 hits)

  Notification dated 19.08.2011 - Promotion of members of the State Civil Service of J&K to the IAS (44.3 KiB, 633 hits)

  Letter dated 16.08.2011 - Guidelines for processing resignation tendered by AIS officers (85.6 KiB, 1,145 hits)

CADRE ALLOCATION – IAS (Please click here)

  Information Note dated 09.08.2011 - Empanelment of IAS Officers for appointment to AS/ equivalent level posts in the Centre (56.0 KiB, 731 hits)

  O.M. dated 15.06.2011 - Cadre Allocation Policy for the AIS - IAS/IPS/IFS - Regarding (43.9 KiB, 1,097 hits)

  In-Service training for IAS Officers for the year 2011-2012 (23.5 KiB, 630 hits)

  Letter dated 30.05.2011 - 6th round of Phase-IV training of Mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS Officers (22.8.11 to 14.10.11) (570.4 KiB, 624 hits)

  PAR Rules - PAR Pro forma (615.1 KiB, 704 hits)

  Letter dated 18.05.2011 - 6th round of Phase-IV training of Mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS Officers (12.8.11 to 14.10.11) (531.5 KiB, 792 hits)

  Letter dated 16.05.2011 - Checklist for the proposals for grant of cadre clearance to AIS Officers for their foreign visit programmes - regarding (178.9 KiB, 1,557 hits)

  O.M. dated 16.05.2011 - Checklist for clearance in respect of Group ‘A’ officers working under Central Staffing Scheme, visiting abroad (184.8 KiB, 1,721 hits)

  Letter dated 12.05.2011 - Checklist for the proposals of foreign assignments of AIS Officers under Rule 6(2) (ii) of the AIS (Cadre) Rules, 1954 (132.2 KiB, 995 hits)

  Notification dated 03.05.2011 - Inter-cadre transfer of Shri Vidhya Bhushan, IAS to UP cadre (34.0 KiB, 625 hits)

  O.M. dated 21.04.2011 - Cadre Allocation Policy for the AIS – IAS/IPS/IFS - Regarding (129.2 KiB, 1,043 hits)

  Circular dated 04.04.2011 - Submission of Immovable Property Returns by IAS officers for the year 2010 (as on 1.1.2011)-Placing on the public domain regarding (114.0 KiB, 636 hits)

  O.M. dated 14.03.2011 - AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 - Annual medical check-up for IAS officers for 2011 (253.5 KiB, 686 hits)

  Notification dated 07.03.2011 - Premature repatriation of Shri Saurabh Jain, IAS, to his parent cadre (91.9 KiB, 544 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 07.03.2011 - Nominations for 5th Round of Phase IV (2011) Mid Career Training Programme for IAS Officers from 18.4.2011 to 10.6.2011 (238.5 KiB, 728 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 03.03.2011 - Nominations for 5th Round of Phase V (2011) Mid Career Training Programme for IAS Officers from 9.10.2011 to 11.11.2011 (375.2 KiB, 722 hits)

  Notification dated 24.02.2011 - Appointment of members of State Civil Service of Orissa to the IAS (136.3 KiB, 681 hits)

  Letter dated 21.02.2011 - Acceptance of recommendations of the 6th CPC relating to introduction of Child Care Leave (189.7 KiB, 1,736 hits)

  D.O. letter dated 14.02.2011 - Nominations for 5th Round of Phase III (2011) Mid Career Training Programme for IAS Officers commencing from 20.06.2011 to 12.08.2011 (524.6 KiB, 738 hits)

  Notification dated 01.02.2011 - Appointment of members of State Civil Service of HP to the IAS (33.3 KiB, 542 hits)

  Notification dated 20.01.2011 - Inter-cadre deputation of Shri Sanjay M. Kaul, IAS, to Gujarat cadre for three years (84.2 KiB, 585 hits)

  Empanelment guidelines for IAS & Group ‘A’ Services officers for holding JS or equi. posts under the CSS - representations against non-empanelment (uploaded on 6.1.11) (32.2 KiB, 668 hits)

  O.M. dated 04.01.2011 - Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Services in PB-3 and PB-4 (142.6 KiB, 678 hits)

IV. IAS Rules/Amendment Rules/Regulations

IAS Rules/Amendment Rules/Regulations

IAS (Cadre) Rules (New) * IAS Rules/Amendment Rules/Regulations

— IAS (Cadre) Rules (New)

  The IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954 (As on DoPT website-05.03.2022) (183.9 KiB, 406 hits)

— IAS Rules/Amendment Rules/Regulations

  DoPT Ntfn. dated 05.04.2024 - Amendment in the IAS (Probationers' Final Examination) Regulations, 1955 (123.7 KiB, 1,452 hits)

  DoPT Letter dated 31.03.2020-Counting of the limitation period for diverse purposes under various AIS Rules, etc. made under the AIS Act, 1951 (Exclusion of lockdown period) (1.5 MiB, 12,354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.03.2019 - IAS Punjab (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2019 (315.1 KiB, 251 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.03.2019 - IAS Punjab (Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2019 (335.2 KiB, 260 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2018 - IAS Haryana (Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2018 (357.7 KiB, 273 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2018 - IAS Haryana (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (326.9 KiB, 244 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2018 - IAS Haryana (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (352.1 KiB, 248 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 16.11.2018 - IAS Gujarat (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018 (319.6 KiB, 268 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 19.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Punjab cadre (72.1 KiB, 236 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 15.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Tamil Nadu cadre (76.4 KiB, 236 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 14.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - AGMUT Cadre (90.1 KiB, 241 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 13.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Andhra Pradesh Cadre (26.4 KiB, 226 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Joint Assam-Meghalaya Cadre (75.6 KiB, 354 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 04.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Uttar Pradesh Cadre (105.5 KiB, 223 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 01.12.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Joint AGMUT Cadre (83.4 KiB, 214 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.11.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Manipur Cadre (735.6 KiB, 496 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 22.11.2017 - IAS (Appointment by Promotion) - Sikkim Cadre (750.6 KiB, 287 hits)

  DoPT Corrigendum dated 09.09.2016 - Partial amendment of the Notification dated 08.09.2016 regarding The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 2016 (219.9 KiB, 662 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 08.09.2016 - The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 2016 (3.7 MiB, 772 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 05.05.2016 - Amendments to the IAS (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 (103.1 KiB, 482 hits)

  DoPT letter dated 04.02.2016 - Amendment in Rule 3(3)(ii) of the IAS (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 (198.4 KiB, 943 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 21.12.2015 - Amendments to the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 (212.4 KiB, 3,013 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955 (98.1 KiB, 711 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 17.03.2015 - Amendment to the IAS (Appointment by Selection) Regulations, 1997 (34.2 KiB, 616 hits)

  Notification dated 04.12.2014 - Amendment to Rule 5(2) of the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (45.6 KiB, 583 hits)

  Notification dated 13.10.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (State of Odisha) (88.2 KiB, 522 hits)

  Notification dated 13.10.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Rules, 2007 (State of Odisha) (89.4 KiB, 525 hits)

  Letter dated 14.11.2014 - Proposed amendment in the training duration for the training of the IAS Officers under IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (40.4 KiB, 1,359 hits)

  Letter dated 21.10.2014 - Proposed amendment in IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 - regarding (43.9 KiB, 1,324 hits)

  Proposal to amend the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (As on DOPT website - 21.10.2014) (44.3 KiB, 1,562 hits)

  Notification dated 06.06.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (175.4 KiB, 588 hits)

  Notification dated 06.06.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (167.9 KiB, 712 hits)

  Notification dated 29.04.2014 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (74.4 KiB, 595 hits)

  Notification dated 28.01.2014 - Amendment to the Indian Administrative Service (cadre) Rules, 1954 (73.2 KiB, 1,644 hits)

  Letter dated 17.10.2013 - Notification regarding Indian Administrative Service (Commutation of Pensions) Amendment Regulations, 2013 (185.7 KiB, 710 hits)

  Corrigendum dated 25.09.2013 - IAS (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 - Amendment to para 2.1 of Order dated 06.07.2013 (34.5 KiB, 584 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Manipur-Tripura) (64.7 KiB, 620 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007 (Manipur-Tripura)-I (71.0 KiB, 493 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Manipur-Tripura) (76.1 KiB, 672 hits)

  Notification dated 06.09.2013 - Amendment to the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (Manipur-Tripura)-I (80.1 KiB, 685 hits)

  Letter dated 22.08.2013 - Notification dated 12.07.2013 - Amendment to AIS (DCRB) Rules (449.8 KiB, 964 hits)

  The Indian Administrative Service (Selection) Regulations, 2013 (191.8 KiB, 777 hits)

  The Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Induction) Regulations, 2013 (405.0 KiB, 1,521 hits)

  Notification dated 30.01.2013 - IAS (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2013 (131.5 KiB, 641 hits)

  Notification dated 30.01.2013 - IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Amendment Regulations, 2013 (131.4 KiB, 721 hits)

  Notification dated 28.12.2012 - IAS (Pay) Third Amendment Rules, 2012 (103.7 KiB, 645 hits)

  Notification dated 28.12.2012 - IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Third Amendment Regulations, 2012 (143.3 KiB, 720 hits)

  Notification dated 18.04.2012 - Amendment to Indian Administrative Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987 (26.7 KiB, 737 hits)

  Notification dated 10.05.2011 - Amendment to the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 (30.1 KiB, 575 hits)

  Letter dated 06.10.2010 - IAS (Pay) 12th Amendment Rules 2010-IPS (Pay) 26th Amendment Rules 2010 & IFS (Pay) 5th Amendment Rules 2010-regarding (171.0 KiB, 789 hits)

  Notification dated 8.4.2010 - IAS (Pay) 4th Amendment Rules (101.9 KiB, 590 hits)

  DoPT Notification dated 25.02.2010 - IAS Pay 2nd Amendment Rules (40.1 KiB, 550 hits)

  IAS (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955 (82.9 KiB, 914 hits)

Note:-  The above information may not be construed as a legal advice and it is subject to the terms and conditions of Disclaimer of Dtf.in. If you have a complaint with respect to any content published in this website, it may kindly be brought to our notice for appropriate action to remove such content as early as possible or publish the latest/updated content/event, if any, at info[at]dtf.in.

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